blob: 7a087e2a402e817438eb01755f2c1aef75182963 [file] [log] [blame]
* projectM-qt -- Qt4 based projectM GUI
* Copyright (C)2003-2004 projectM Team
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* See 'LICENSE.txt' included within this release
#include <QIcon>
#include <QXmlStreamReader>
#include <QtDebug>
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QDir>
#include <QMessageBox>
#include "qxmlplaylisthandler.hpp"
#include "qplaylistmodel.hpp"
#include <QMimeData>
QString QPlaylistModel::PRESET_MIME_TYPE("text/x-projectM-preset");
class XmlReadFunctor {
XmlReadFunctor(QPlaylistModel & model) : m_model(model) {}
inline void setPlaylistDesc(const QString & desc) {
inline void appendItem(const QString & url, const QString & name, int rating, int breedability) {
m_model.appendRow(url, name, rating, breedability);
QPlaylistModel & m_model;
class XmlWriteFunctor {
XmlWriteFunctor(QPlaylistModel & model) : m_model(model), m_index(0) {}
inline const QString & playlistDesc() const {
return m_model.playlistDesc();
inline bool nextItem(QString & name, QString & url, int & rating, int & breedability) {
if (m_index >= m_model.rowCount())
return false;
QModelIndex modelIndex = m_model.index(m_index, 0);
url =, QPlaylistModel::URLInfoRole).toString();
rating =, QPlaylistModel::RatingRole).toInt();
breedability =, QPlaylistModel::BreedabilityRole).toInt();
return true;
QPlaylistModel & m_model;
int m_index;
bool QPlaylistModel::softCutRatingsEnabled() const {
return m_projectM.settings().softCutRatingsEnabled;
QPlaylistModel::QPlaylistModel ( projectM & _projectM, QObject * parent ) :
QAbstractTableModel ( parent ), m_projectM ( _projectM )
void QPlaylistModel::updateItemHighlights()
if ( rowCount() == 0 )
emit ( dataChanged ( this->index ( 0,0 ), this->index ( rowCount()-1,columnCount()-1 ) ) );
bool QPlaylistModel::setData ( const QModelIndex & index, const QVariant & value, int role )
if ( role == QPlaylistModel::RatingRole )
m_projectM.changePresetRating(index.row(), value.toInt(), HARD_CUT_RATING_TYPE);
return true;
} else if (role == QPlaylistModel::BreedabilityRole) {
m_projectM.changePresetRating(index.row(), value.toInt(), SOFT_CUT_RATING_TYPE);
return true;
} else if (role == QPlaylistModel::NameRole) {
m_projectM.changePresetName(index.row(), value.toString().toStdString());
return true;
return QAbstractTableModel::setData ( index, value, role );
Qt::ItemFlags QPlaylistModel::flags(const QModelIndex &index) const
Qt::ItemFlags defaultFlags = QAbstractTableModel::flags(index);
if (index.isValid())
return Qt::ItemIsDragEnabled | Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled | defaultFlags;
return Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled | defaultFlags;
bool QPlaylistModel::dropMimeData(const QMimeData *data, Qt::DropAction action,
int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent)
if (!data->hasFormat(PRESET_MIME_TYPE))
return false;
if (action == Qt::IgnoreAction)
return true;
if (column > 0)
return false;
return true;
QVariant QPlaylistModel::ratingToIcon ( int rating ) const
switch ( rating )
case 1:
return QVariant ();
case 2:
return QVariant ( QIcon ( ":/images/icons/rating-1.png" ) );
case 3:
return QVariant ( QIcon ( ":/images/icons/rating-2.png" ) );
case 4:
return QVariant ( QIcon ( ":/images/icons/rating-3.png" ) );
case 5:
return QVariant ( QIcon ( ":/images/icons/rating-4.png" ) );
case 6:
return QVariant ( QIcon ( ":/images/icons/rating-5.png" ) );
if (rating <= 0)
return QVariant ();
return QVariant ( QIcon ( ":/images/icons/rating-5.png" ) );
QVariant QPlaylistModel::breedabilityToIcon( int rating ) const
switch ( rating )
case 1:
return QVariant ();
case 2:
return QVariant ( QIcon ( ":/images/icons/rating-1.png" ) );
case 3:
return QVariant ( QIcon ( ":/images/icons/rating-2.png" ) );
case 4:
return QVariant ( QIcon ( ":/images/icons/rating-3.png" ) );
case 5:
return QVariant ( QIcon ( ":/images/icons/rating-4.png" ) );
case 6:
return QVariant ( QIcon ( ":/images/icons/rating-5.png" ) );
if (rating <= 0)
return QVariant ();
return QVariant ( QIcon ( ":/images/icons/rating-5.png" ) );
QString QPlaylistModel::getSillyRatingToolTip(int rating) {
switch (rating) {
case 1:
return QString("Rather watch grass grow than watch this");
case 2:
return QString("A very poor preset");
case 3:
return QString("Tolerable");
case 4:
return QString("Pretty good");
case 5:
return QString("Trippy eye candy");
case 6:
return QString("Crafted by a psychotic deity");
if (rating <= 0 )
return QString("So bad it literally makes other presets bad!");
return QString("Better than projectM itself!");
QString QPlaylistModel::getBreedabilityToolTip(int rating) const {
switch (rating) {
case 1:
return QString("Hidious.");
case 2:
return QString("Ugly.");
case 3:
return QString("Doable.");
case 4:
return QString("Hot.");
case 5:
return QString("Preset Magnet.");
case 6:
return QString("Preset Whore.");
if (rating <= 0 )
return QString("Infertile.");
return QString("Diseased slut.");
QVariant QPlaylistModel::data ( const QModelIndex & index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole ) const
if (!index.isValid())
return QVariant();
unsigned int pos;
switch ( role )
case Qt::DisplayRole:
if ( index.column() == 0 )
return QVariant ( QString ( m_projectM.getPresetName ( index.row() ).c_str() ) );
else if (index.column() == 1)
return ratingToIcon ( m_projectM.getPresetRating(index.row(), HARD_CUT_RATING_TYPE) );
return ratingToIcon ( m_projectM.getPresetRating(index.row(), SOFT_CUT_RATING_TYPE) );
case Qt::ToolTipRole:
if ( index.column() == 0 )
return QVariant ( QString ( m_projectM.getPresetName ( index.row() ).c_str() ) );
else if (index.column() == 1)
return QString ( getSillyRatingToolTip(m_projectM.getPresetRating(index.row(), HARD_CUT_RATING_TYPE)));
else return getBreedabilityToolTip(m_projectM.getPresetRating(index.row(), SOFT_CUT_RATING_TYPE));
case Qt::DecorationRole:
if ( index.column() == 1 )
return ratingToIcon ( m_projectM.getPresetRating(index.row(), HARD_CUT_RATING_TYPE) );
else if (index.column() == 2)
return breedabilityToIcon ( m_projectM.getPresetRating(index.row(), SOFT_CUT_RATING_TYPE) );
return QVariant();
case QPlaylistModel::RatingRole:
return QVariant ( m_projectM.getPresetRating(index.row(), HARD_CUT_RATING_TYPE) );
case QPlaylistModel::BreedabilityRole:
return QVariant ( m_projectM.getPresetRating(index.row(), SOFT_CUT_RATING_TYPE) );
case Qt::BackgroundRole:
if (!m_projectM.selectedPresetIndex(pos))
return QVariant();
if (m_projectM.isPresetLocked() && ( index.row() == pos ) )
return Qt::red;
if (!m_projectM.isPresetLocked() && ( index.row() == pos ) )
return Qt::green;
return QVariant();
case QPlaylistModel::URLInfoRole:
return QVariant ( QString ( m_projectM.getPresetURL ( index.row() ).c_str() ) );
return QVariant();
QVariant QPlaylistModel::headerData ( int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role ) const
if ( orientation == Qt::Vertical )
return QAbstractTableModel::headerData ( section, orientation, role );
if ( ( section == 0 ) && ( role == Qt::DisplayRole ) )
return QString ( tr ( "Preset" ) );
/// @bug hack. this should be formalized like it is in libprojectM.
if ( ( section == 1 ) && ( role == Qt::DisplayRole ))
if (columnCount() == 2)
return QString ( tr ( "Rating" ) );
return QString ( tr ( "Hard Rating" ) );
if ( ( section == 2 ) && ( role == Qt::DisplayRole ) )
return QString ( tr ( "Soft Rating" ) );
return QAbstractTableModel::headerData ( section, orientation, role );
int QPlaylistModel::rowCount ( const QModelIndex & parent ) const
return m_projectM.getPlaylistSize();
int QPlaylistModel::columnCount ( const QModelIndex & parent ) const
if ( rowCount() > 0 )
return softCutRatingsEnabled() ? 3 : 2;
return 0;
void QPlaylistModel::appendRow ( const QString & presetURL, const QString & presetName, int rating, int breedability )
RatingList ratings;
beginInsertRows ( QModelIndex(), rowCount(), rowCount() );
m_projectM.addPresetURL ( presetURL.toStdString(), presetName.toStdString(), ratings);
void QPlaylistModel::insertRow (int index, const QString & presetURL, const QString & presetName, int rating, int breedability) {
RatingList ratings;
beginInsertRows ( QModelIndex(), index, index);
m_projectM.insertPresetURL (index, presetURL.toStdString(), presetName.toStdString(), ratings);
bool QPlaylistModel::removeRows ( int row, int count, const QModelIndex & parent) {
beginRemoveRows ( QModelIndex(), row, count);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
m_projectM.removePreset (row );
return true;
bool QPlaylistModel::removeRow ( int index, const QModelIndex & parent)
beginRemoveRows ( QModelIndex(), index, index );
m_projectM.removePreset ( index );
return true;
void QPlaylistModel::clear()
m_playlistName = "";
m_playlistDesc = "";
void QPlaylistModel::clearItems()
beginRemoveRows ( QModelIndex(), 0, rowCount()-1 );
bool QPlaylistModel::writePlaylist ( const QString & file ) {
QFile qfile(file);
if (! {
QMessageBox::warning (0, "Playlist Save Error", QString("There was a problem trying to save the playlist \"%1\". You may not have permission to modify this file.").arg(file));
return false;
XmlWriteFunctor writeFunctor(*this);
QXmlPlaylistHandler::writePlaylist(&qfile, writeFunctor);
return true;
bool QPlaylistModel::readPlaylist ( const QString & file )
if (QFileInfo(file).isDir()) {
if (!QDir(file).isReadable()) {
QMessageBox::warning (0, "Playlist Directory Error", QString(tr("There was a problem trying to open the playlist directory \"%1\". The directory doesn't exist or you may not have permission to open it. ")).arg(file));
return false;
foreach (QFileInfo info, QDir(file).entryInfoList()) {
if (info.fileName().toLower().endsWith(".prjm") || info.fileName().toLower().endsWith(".milk") || info.fileName().toLower().endsWith(".so"))
appendRow(info.absoluteFilePath(), info.fileName(), 3,3);
return true;
QFile qfile(file);
if (! {
QMessageBox::warning (0, "Playlist File Error", QString(tr("There was a problem trying to open the playlist \"%1\". The file may no longer exist or you may not have permission to read the file.")).arg(file));
return false;
XmlReadFunctor readFunctor(*this);
if (QXmlPlaylistHandler::readPlaylist(&qfile, readFunctor) != QXmlStreamReader::NoError) {
QMessageBox::warning ( 0, "Playlist Parse Error", QString(tr("There was a problem trying to parse the playlist \"%1\". Some of your playlist items may have loaded correctly, but don't expect miracles.")).arg(file));
return true;
void QPlaylistModel::notifyDataChanged(unsigned int ind)
QModelIndex modelIndex = index (ind, 1);
emit ( dataChanged ( modelIndex, modelIndex));