blob: e616d4c7917fe2d8efc604fe970e53b34e6b5d3e [file] [log] [blame]
File: iTunesAPI.h
Contains: iTunes Plug-ins interfaces
Version: Technology: iTunes
Release: 1.1
Copyright: © 2001 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
Bugs?: For bug reports, consult the following page on
the World Wide Web:
#ifndef __ITUNESAPI__
#define __ITUNESAPI__
#include <Files.h>
#include <MacTypes.h>
#include <MacWindows.h>
#include <OSUtils.h>
#include <Quickdraw.h>
#include <Sound.h>
#pragma once
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#pragma options align=power
#pragma pack(push, 2)
#pragma pack(2)
enum {
kITCurrentPluginMajorMessageVersion = 10,
kITCurrentPluginMinorMessageVersion = 1
enum {
kTrackSupportsID3Tags = (1L << 0),
kTrackHasVariableBitRate = (1L << 1),
kTrackIsFolder = (1L << 2), /* Device tracks only. Information returned is for a folder */
kTrackIsLocked = (1L << 3), /* Device tracks only. Track cannot be deleted or renamed */
kTrackCanBeDownloaded = (1L << 4), /* Device tracks only. Track can be copied from device to desktop. */
kTrackIsHidden = (1L << 5) /* Device tracks only. Track should not be displayed in the device window. */
typedef OptionBits ITTrackAttributes;
enum {
These mask values are specified in ITTrackInfo.validFields
to indicate which fields contain valid data
kITTINameFieldMask = (1L << 0),
kITTIFileNameFieldMask = (1L << 1),
kITTIArtistFieldMask = (1L << 2),
kITTIAlbumFieldMask = (1L << 3),
kITTIGenreFieldMask = (1L << 4),
kITTIKindFieldMask = (1L << 5),
kITTITrackNumberFieldsMask = (1L << 6),
kITTIYearFieldMask = (1L << 7),
kITTISoundVolumeFieldMask = (1L << 8),
kITTICommentsFieldMask = (1L << 10),
kITTITotalTimeFieldMask = (1L << 11),
kITTIStartTimeFieldMask = (1L << 12),
kITTIStopTimeFieldMask = (1L << 13),
kITTISizeFieldMask = (1L << 14),
kITTIBitRateFieldMask = (1L << 15),
kITTISampleRateFieldMask = (1L << 16),
kITTIAttributesFieldMask = (1L << 17),
kITTIFileTypeFieldMask = (1L << 18),
kITTIDateFieldMask = (1L << 19)
typedef OptionBits ITTIFieldMask;
struct ITTrackInfo {
ITTIFieldMask validFields;
UInt32 reserved; /* Must be zero */
Str255 name;
Str255 fileName;
Str255 artist;
Str255 album;
Str255 genre;
Str255 kind;
UInt32 trackNumber;
UInt32 numTracks;
UInt16 year;
SInt16 soundVolumeAdjustment; /* Valid range is -255 to +255 */
Str255 unusedReserved1; /* Must be empty string */
Str255 comments;
UInt32 totalTimeInMS;
UInt32 startTimeInMS;
UInt32 stopTimeInMS;
UInt32 sizeInBytes;
UInt32 bitRate;
UInt32 sampleRateFixed;
OSType fileType;
UInt32 date;
UInt32 unusedReserved2; /* Must be zero */
ITTrackAttributes attributes;
ITTrackAttributes validAttributes; /* Mask indicating which attributes are applicable */
typedef struct ITTrackInfo ITTrackInfo;
enum {
kCurrentITStreamInfoVersion = 1
typedef FSSpec ITFileSpec;
struct ITFileLocation {
ITFileSpec spec;
FInfo fInfo;
typedef struct ITFileLocation ITFileLocation;
struct ITStreamInfo {
SInt32 version;
Str255 streamTitle;
Str255 streamURL;
Str255 streamMessage;
typedef struct ITStreamInfo ITStreamInfo;
enum {
/* messages sent to plugin main */
kPluginInitMessage = 'init',
kPluginCleanupMessage = 'clr ',
kPluginIdleMessage = 'idle'
enum {
/* PluginInitMessage.options */
kPluginWantsIdleMessages = (1L << 1), /* Send idle messages to plugin main */
kPluginWantsToBeLeftOpen = (1L << 2) /* Don't close this plugin just because */
/* it didn't register anyone */
enum {
/* iTunes API messages */
kPlayerRegisterVisualPluginMessage = 'rvis', /* Register a visual plugin */
kPlayerRegisterDevicePluginMessage = 'rdev', /* Register a device plugin */
/* Available for all plugins */
kPlayerIdleMessage = 'idle', /* Give iTunes some time */
kPlayerShowAboutMessage = 'abou', /* Show the about box. */
kPlayerOpenURLMessage = 'url ', /* Open a URL */
kPlayerSetPluginDataMessage = 'sprf', /* Set plugin preferences */
kPlayerGetPluginDataMessage = 'gprf', /* Get plugin preferences */
kPlayerSetPluginNamedDataMessage = 'snpr', /* Set plugin named preferenes */
kPlayerGetPluginNamedDataMessage = 'gnpr', /* Get plugin named preferenes */
kPlayerHandleMacOSEventMessage = 'evnt', /* Tell player to handle unhandled event */
kPlayerGetPluginFileSpecMessage = 'pspc', /* Get the location of the plugin executable */
/* Available for visual plugins */
kPlayerSetFullScreenMessage = 'sful', /* Set full screen mode */
kPlayerSetFullScreenOptionsMessage = 'sfop', /* Set full screen options */
/* Available for device plugins */
kPlayerSetDeviceSerialNumberMessage = 'dvsn', /* Set a serial number string for a device. Needed for per-device prefs */
kPlayerUnregisterPluginMessage = 'unrg' /* Unregister the plugin this comes from */
typedef OSStatus (*ITAppProcPtr)(void *appCookie, OSType message, struct PlayerMessageInfo *messageInfo);
Plugin main Messages
struct PluginInitMessage {
UInt32 majorVersion; /* Input */
UInt32 minorVersion; /* Input */
void * appCookie; /* Input */
ITAppProcPtr appProc; /* Input */
OptionBits options; /* Output, see above for values */
void * refCon; /* Output */
typedef struct PluginInitMessage PluginInitMessage;
struct PluginMessageInfo {
union {
PluginInitMessage initMessage;
} u;
typedef struct PluginMessageInfo PluginMessageInfo;
/* Plugin main entry point message handler */
typedef OSStatus (*PluginProcPtr)(OSType message, PluginMessageInfo *messageInfo, void *refCon);
/* Visual plugin message handler */
typedef OSStatus (*VisualPluginProcPtr)(OSType message, struct VisualPluginMessageInfo *messageInfo, void *refCon);
/* Device plugin message handler */
typedef OSStatus (*DevicePluginProcPtr)(OSType message, struct DevicePluginMessageInfo *messageInfo, void *refCon);
Callbacks to iTunes
enum {
/* PlayerRegisterVisualPluginMessage.options */
kVisualWantsIdleMessages = (1L << 3),
kVisualWantsConfigure = (1L << 5)
struct PlayerRegisterVisualPluginMessage {
/* Input from plugin */
Str63 name; /* Displayed in the Visual menu */
OptionBits options; /* See above */
OSType creator; /* Identifies the plugin */
NumVersion pluginVersion; /* Version number of the plugin */
VisualPluginProcPtr handler; /* Handler for the plugin's messages */
void * registerRefCon; /* RefCon for the plugin's handler */
UInt32 timeBetweenDataInMS; /* How often to call the plugin (0xFFFFFFFF = as often as possible) */
UInt32 numWaveformChannels; /* 0-2 waveforms requested */
UInt32 numSpectrumChannels; /* 0-2 spectrums requested */
SInt16 minWidth; /* Minimum resizeable width */
SInt16 minHeight; /* Minimum resizeable height */
SInt16 maxWidth; /* Maximum resizeable width */
SInt16 maxHeight; /* Maximum resizeable height */
UInt16 minFullScreenBitDepth; /* 0 = Any */
UInt16 maxFullScreenBitDepth; /* 0 = Any */
UInt16 windowAlignmentInBytes; /* Reserved (should be zero) */
typedef struct PlayerRegisterVisualPluginMessage PlayerRegisterVisualPluginMessage;
enum {
/* PlayerRegisterDevicePluginMessage.options */
kDeviceWantsIdleMessages = (1L << 0)
struct PlayerRegisterDevicePluginMessage {
/* Input from plugin */
Str63 name; /* Used internally. Not currently displayed */
OptionBits options; /* See above */
NumVersion pluginVersion; /* Version number of the plugin */
DevicePluginProcPtr handler; /* Handler for the plugin's messages */
void * registerRefCon; /* RefCon for the plugin's handler */
UInt32 reserved[2]; /* Must be zero */
typedef struct PlayerRegisterDevicePluginMessage PlayerRegisterDevicePluginMessage;
struct PlayerSetFullScreenMessage {
Boolean fullScreen;
typedef struct PlayerSetFullScreenMessage PlayerSetFullScreenMessage;
struct PlayerSetFullScreenOptionsMessage {
SInt16 minBitDepth; /* 0 = Any */
SInt16 maxBitDepth; /* 0 = Any */
SInt16 preferredBitDepth; /* 0 = Current */
SInt16 desiredWidth; /* Must be within minWidth & maxWidth */
SInt16 desiredHeight; /* Must be within minHeight & maxHeight */
typedef struct PlayerSetFullScreenOptionsMessage PlayerSetFullScreenOptionsMessage;
struct PlayerOpenURLMessage {
SInt8 * url;
UInt32 length;
typedef struct PlayerOpenURLMessage PlayerOpenURLMessage;
struct PlayerSetPluginDataMessage {
void * dataPtr; /* Input */
UInt32 dataSize; /* Input */
typedef struct PlayerSetPluginDataMessage PlayerSetPluginDataMessage;
struct PlayerGetPluginDataMessage {
void * dataPtr; /* Input */
UInt32 dataBufferSize; /* Input */
UInt32 dataSize; /* Output */
typedef struct PlayerGetPluginDataMessage PlayerGetPluginDataMessage;
struct PlayerSetPluginNamedDataMessage {
ConstStringPtr dataName; /* Input */
void * dataPtr; /* Input */
UInt32 dataSize; /* Input */
typedef struct PlayerSetPluginNamedDataMessage PlayerSetPluginNamedDataMessage;
struct PlayerGetPluginNamedDataMessage {
ConstStringPtr dataName; /* Input */
void * dataPtr; /* Input */
UInt32 dataBufferSize; /* Input */
UInt32 dataSize; /* Output */
typedef struct PlayerGetPluginNamedDataMessage PlayerGetPluginNamedDataMessage;
struct PlayerHandleMacOSEventMessage {
const EventRecord * theEvent; /* Input */
Boolean handled; /* Output */
typedef struct PlayerHandleMacOSEventMessage PlayerHandleMacOSEventMessage;
struct PlayerGetPluginFileSpecMessage {
FSSpec * fileSpec; /* Output */
typedef struct PlayerGetPluginFileSpecMessage PlayerGetPluginFileSpecMessage;
struct PlayerSetDeviceSerialNumberMessage {
ConstStringPtr serialNumber; /* Input */
typedef struct PlayerSetDeviceSerialNumberMessage PlayerSetDeviceSerialNumberMessage;
struct PlayerMessageInfo {
UInt32 messageMajorVersion; /* Should be kITCurrentPluginMajorMessageVersion */
UInt32 messageMinorVersion; /* Should be kITCurrentPluginMinorMessageVersion */
UInt32 messageInfoSize; /* Should be sizeof(PlayerMessageInfo) */
union {
PlayerRegisterVisualPluginMessage registerVisualPluginMessage;
PlayerRegisterDevicePluginMessage registerDevicePluginMessage;
PlayerOpenURLMessage openURLMessage;
PlayerSetPluginDataMessage setPluginDataMessage;
PlayerGetPluginDataMessage getPluginDataMessage;
PlayerSetPluginNamedDataMessage setPluginNamedDataMessage;
PlayerGetPluginNamedDataMessage getPluginNamedDataMessage;
PlayerHandleMacOSEventMessage handleMacOSEventMessage;
PlayerGetPluginFileSpecMessage getPluginFileSpecMessage;
PlayerSetFullScreenMessage setFullScreenMessage;
PlayerSetFullScreenOptionsMessage setFullScreenOptionsMessage;
PlayerSetDeviceSerialNumberMessage setDeviceSerialNumberMessage;
} u;
typedef struct PlayerMessageInfo PlayerMessageInfo;
extern OSStatus ITCallApplication (void *appCookie, ITAppProcPtr appProc, OSType message, PlayerMessageInfo *messageInfo);
extern void SetNumVersion (NumVersion *numVersion, UInt8 majorRev, UInt8 minorAndBugRev, UInt8 stage, UInt8 nonRelRev);
/* for use from plugin main */
extern OSStatus PlayerRegisterVisualPlugin (void *appCookie, ITAppProcPtr appProc, PlayerMessageInfo *messageInfo);
extern OSStatus PlayerRegisterDevicePlugin (void *appCookie, ITAppProcPtr appProc, PlayerMessageInfo *messageInfo);
/* For all plugins */
extern OSStatus PlayerIdle (void *appCookie, ITAppProcPtr appProc);
extern void PlayerShowAbout (void *appCookie, ITAppProcPtr appProc);
extern void PlayerOpenURL (void *appCookie, ITAppProcPtr appProc, SInt8 *string, UInt32 length);
extern OSStatus PlayerGetPluginData (void *appCookie, ITAppProcPtr appProc, void *dataPtr, UInt32 dataBufferSize, UInt32 *dataSize);
extern OSStatus PlayerSetPluginData (void *appCookie, ITAppProcPtr appProc, void *dataPtr, UInt32 dataSize);
extern OSStatus PlayerGetPluginNamedData (void *appCookie, ITAppProcPtr appProc, ConstStringPtr dataName, void *dataPtr, UInt32 dataBufferSize, UInt32 *dataSize);
extern OSStatus PlayerSetPluginNamedData (void *appCookie, ITAppProcPtr appProc, ConstStringPtr dataName, void *dataPtr, UInt32 dataSize);
extern OSStatus PlayerHandleMacOSEvent (void *appCookie, ITAppProcPtr appProc, const EventRecord *theEvent, Boolean *eventHandled);
extern OSStatus PlayerGetPluginFileSpec (void *appCookie, ITAppProcPtr appProc, FSSpec *pluginFileSpec);
/* For visual plugins */
extern OSStatus PlayerSetFullScreen (void *appCookie, ITAppProcPtr appProc, Boolean fullScreen);
extern OSStatus PlayerSetFullScreenOptions (void *appCookie, ITAppProcPtr appProc, SInt16 minBitDepth, SInt16 maxBitDepth, SInt16 preferredBitDepth, SInt16 desiredWidth, SInt16 desiredHeight);
/* For device plugins */
extern OSStatus PlayerSetDeviceSerialNumber (void *appCookie, ITAppProcPtr appProc, ConstStringPtr serialNumber);
extern OSStatus PlayerUnregisterPlugin (void *appCookie, ITAppProcPtr appProc, PlayerMessageInfo *messageInfo);
#pragma options align=reset
#pragma pack(pop)
#pragma pack()
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __ITUNESAPI__ */