blob: 7b76fc31a2b1000ec4b6a9415881c28454680ccb [file] [log] [blame]
"""Updates hit log and periodically fetches top requested hosts.
Loads previousy saved top requested hosts. Reads DNS queries
through socket and updates hit log dictionary with most recent
hit time and hit count for each host. Periodically sorts hosts
in hit log by number of hits, fetches a predetermined number of
the top requested hosts, and saves fetched hosts.
import argparse
from datetime import datetime
import json
import os
import socket
import dns.resolver
hit_log = {}
last_fetch = datetime.min
TOP_N = 50
FETCH_INTERVAL = 60 # seconds
UDP_SERVER_PATH = '/tmp/dns_query_log_socket'
HOSTS_JSON_PATH = '/config/cache_warming_hosts.json'
def save_hosts(log):
"""Saves predetermined number of top requested hosts in json file.
Stores dictionary with host key and tuple value containing most recent hit
time and hit count.
log: Dictionary of top requested hosts with host key and tuple value
containing most recent hit time and hit count.
d = os.path.dirname(HOSTS_JSON_PATH)
if not os.path.exists(d):
with open(HOSTS_JSON_PATH, 'w') as hosts_json:
json.dump(log, hosts_json)
def load_hosts():
"""Loads hosts stored in json file.
Loads dictionary with host key and tuple value containing most recent hit
time and hit count as hit_log if it exists.
if os.path.isfile(HOSTS_JSON_PATH):
with open(HOSTS_JSON_PATH, 'r') as hosts_json:
global hit_log
hit_log = json.load(hosts_json)
def process_query(qry):
"""Processes DNS query and updates hit log.
Parses DNS query and updates requested host's hit count and
most recent hit time in hit log.
qry: String representing a DNS query of the format
'[Unix time] [host name]'.
time, _, host = qry.partition(' ')
if host in hit_log:
hit_log[host] = (hit_log[host][0] + 1, time)
hit_log[host] = (1, time)
def hit_log_subset(hosts):
"""Makes a subset of hit log containing selected hosts.
hosts: List of hosts to be included in the subset of hit log.
Dictionary of selected hosts with host key and tuple value
containing most recent hit time and hit count.
return {k: hit_log[k] for k in hosts}
def fetch(hosts, port, server):
"""Fetches hosts and saves subset of hit log containing fetched hosts.
Only fetches predetermined number of top requested hosts. If fetch
fails, host is removed from hit log and saved hosts list.
hosts: List of hosts to be fetched sorted by number of hits
in descending order.
port: Port to which to send queries (default is 53).
server: Alternate nameservers to query (default is None).
my_resolver = dns.resolver.Resolver()
my_resolver.port = port
if server is not None:
my_resolver.nameservers = server
if len(hosts) > TOP_N:
hosts = hosts[:TOP_N]
for host in hosts:
del hit_log[host]
def sort_hit_log():
"""Sorts hosts in hit log by number of hits.
A list of hosts sorted by number of hits in descending order.
return sorted(hit_log, key=hit_log.get, reverse=True)
def warm_cache():
"""Warms cache with predetermined number of most requested hosts.
Sorts hosts in hit log by hit count, fetches predetermined
number of top requested hosts, updates last fetch time.
sorted_hosts = sort_hit_log()
fetch(sorted_hosts, args.port, args.server)
global last_fetch
last_fetch =
def set_args():
"""Sets arguments for script.
List of arguments containing port and server.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-p', '--port', nargs='?', default=53, type=int,
help='port to which to send queries (default is 53).')
parser.add_argument('-s', '--server', nargs='*', type=str,
help='alternate nameservers to query (default is None).')
return parser.parse_args()
if __name__ == '__main__':
args = set_args()
server_address = UDP_SERVER_PATH
except OSError:
if os.path.exists(server_address):
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
os.chmod(server_address, 0o777)
while 1:
diff = - last_fetch
if diff.total_seconds() > 60:
data = sock.recv(128)