blob: ee1b3649f9aa5ae3e6c4ce8e3d56e29f8a746df9 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <Copyright.h>
* FILENAME: $Workfile: mv_types.h $
* REVISION: $Revision: 3 $
* LAST UPDATE: $Modtime: 12/24/02 5:37p $
* This file defines common data types used on Host and NetGX sides.
#ifndef MV_TYPES_H
#define MV_TYPES_H
/* general */
#undef IN
#define IN
#undef OUT
#define OUT
#undef INOUT
#define INOUT
#ifndef NULL
#define NULL ((void*)0)
typedef void GT_VOID;
typedef char GT_8;
typedef short GT_16;
typedef long GT_32;
typedef unsigned char GT_U8;
typedef unsigned short GT_U16;
typedef unsigned long GT_U32;
typedef unsigned int GT_UINT;
typedef union {
GT_U8 c[8];
GT_U16 s[4];
GT_U32 l[2];
} GT_U64;
typedef enum {
typedef void (*GT_VOIDFUNCPTR) (void); /* ptr to function returning void */
typedef unsigned int (*GT_INTFUNCPTR) (void); /* ptr to function returning int */
/* module state */
typedef enum {
GT_STATE_NONE = 0, /* Uninitialized */
GT_STATE_IDLE, /* Initialized, but not started (or stopped) */
GT_STATE_ACTIVE /* Started */
typedef struct
/* This macro checks for a multicast mac address */
#define GT_IS_MULTICAST_MAC(mac) ((mac.arEther[0] & 0x1) == 1)
/* This macro checks for an broadcast mac address */
#define GT_IS_BROADCAST_MAC(mac) (((mac).arEther[0] == 0xFF) && ((mac).arEther[1] == 0xFF) && ((mac).arEther[2] == 0xFF) && ((mac).arEther[3] == 0xFF) && ((mac).arEther[4] == 0xFF) && ((mac).arEther[5] == 0xFF))
/* status / error codes */
typedef int GT_STATUS;
#define GT_ERROR (-1)
#define GT_OK (0x00) /* Operation succeeded */
#define GT_FAIL (0x01) /* Operation failed */
#define GT_BAD_VALUE (0x02) /* Illegal value (general) */
#define GT_BAD_PARAM (0x04) /* Illegal parameter in function called */
#define GT_NOT_FOUND (0x0B) /* Item not found */
#define GT_NO_MORE (0x0C) /* No more items found */
#define GT_NO_SUCH (0x0D) /* No such item */
#define GT_TIMEOUT (0x0E) /* Time Out */
#define GT_NOT_SUPPORTED (0x10) /* This request is not support */
#define GT_ALREADY_EXIST (0x1B) /* Tried to create existing item */
#define GT_BAD_CPU_PORT (0x20) /* Input CPU Port is not valid physical port number */
extern GT_U8 qdLong2Char(GT_U32 data);
extern GT_U8 qdShort2Char(GT_U16 data);
extern GT_U16 qdLong2Short(GT_U32 data);
#endif /* MV_TYPES_H */