blob: c120f1b115697396b6b96a0219e65e2d7e607822 [file] [log] [blame]
# Useful shell utility functions.
# Atomically rewrite a file by writing to a temp file and then renaming it.
# Only rewrites the file if it's different from before. This helps avoid
# unnecessary flash churn.
atomic() {
local filename="$1" newval="$2"
if [ ! -e $filename ] || [ "$(cat $filename)" != "$newval" ]; then
rm -f $
echo "$@" >$
mv $ $filename
# Returns true if the system has wifi.
has_wifi() {
[ -f "/sys/class/net/$WIFI_IF/address" ] && runnable wl
# Returns true if the string $1 starts with the string $2.
startswith() {
[ "${1#$2}" != "$1" ]
# Returns true if the string $1 ends with the string $2.
endswith() {
[ "${1%$2}" != "$1" ]
# Returns true if the string $1 contains the string $2.
contains() {
[ -n "$1" ] && [ -z "${1##*$2*}" ]
# Checks if the string $1 is appears in file $2
filecontains() {
grep "$1" $2 >/dev/null
[ $? -eq 0 ]
export RC_PIPE=/tmp/rc_pipe
rc_pipe_init() {
if is-tv-box; then
[ -e $RC_PIPE ] && rm $RC_PIPE
mknod $RC_PIPE p
chown $RC_PIPE
chmod 620 $RC_PIPE # give sage write permissions
babysit 30 soft_rc -i $RC_PIPE 2>&1 | logos soft_rc &
rc_pipe_deinit() {
pkillwait -x soft_rc
rm -f $RC_PIPE
start_sagesrv() {
# Start up native streaming server
SAGESRV_UID=$(id -u video)
SAGESRV_GID=$(id -g video)
babysit 10 alivemonitor /tmp/sagesrvalive 80 10 120 /app/sage/sagesrv -l6 -m5 \
-U $SAGESRV_UID -G $SAGESRV_GID -f 2>&1 | logos z 0 20000000 &
stop_sagesrv() {
pkillwait -f '(babysit.*)(sagesrv)'
pkillwait -x 'sagesrv'
pkillwait -f '(alivemonitor.*)(sagesrv)'