blob: 68bfaf5f2783245e39b30a8ccf7a2fd23d331295 [file] [log] [blame]
# Returns 0 (true) if this device's platform string indicates it
# is a Google Fiber Media Server, and 1 (false) otherwise. A GFMS
# has a hard drive and should act as a storage server.
# This might be extended later to include other model numbers.
# NOTE: Don't test for "! is-storage-box" to see if this device is a TV
# box. Someday there might be a storage box and a TV box combined, or
# something, or there may be some third kind of box that's for neither
# storage nor TV. Use "is-tv-box" instead for TV features.
. /etc/
read plat </etc/platform
if startswith "$plat" 'GFMS' || [ "$plat" = GFRG210 ]; then
exit 0
exit 1