blob: 2757a78592bfe6a314aede55a7e1c7eb9667b8f5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
// This sub-API supports the following functionalities:
// - Creating and deleting VideoEngine instances.
// - Creating and deleting channels.
// - Connect a video channel with a corresponding voice channel for audio/video
// synchronization.
// - Start and stop sending and receiving.
#include "common_types.h"
namespace webrtc {
class VoiceEngine;
// Class used for all callbacks from ViEBase.
class WEBRTC_DLLEXPORT ViEBaseObserver {
// This method will be called periodically if the average system CPU usage
// exceeds 75%.
virtual void PerformanceAlarm(const unsigned int cpu_load) = 0;
virtual ~ViEBaseObserver() {}
class WEBRTC_DLLEXPORT VideoEngine {
// Creates a VideoEngine object, which can then be used to acquire sub‐APIs.
static VideoEngine* Create();
// Deletes a VideoEngine instance.
static bool Delete(VideoEngine*& video_engine);
// Specifies the amount and type of trace information, which will be created
// by the VideoEngine.
static int SetTraceFilter(const unsigned int filter);
// Sets the name of the trace file and enables non‐encrypted trace messages.
static int SetTraceFile(const char* file_nameUTF8,
const bool add_file_counter = false);
// Installs the TraceCallback implementation to ensure that the VideoEngine
// user receives callbacks for generated trace messages.
static int SetTraceCallback(TraceCallback* callback);
// Android specific.
// Provides VideoEngine with pointers to objects supplied by the Java
// applications JNI interface.
static int SetAndroidObjects(void* java_vm, void* java_context);
VideoEngine() {}
virtual ~VideoEngine() {}
// Factory for the ViEBase sub‐API and increases an internal reference
// counter if successful. Returns NULL if the API is not supported or if
// construction fails.
static ViEBase* GetInterface(VideoEngine* video_engine);
// Releases the ViEBase sub-API and decreases an internal reference counter.
// Returns the new reference count. This value should be zero
// for all sub-API:s before the VideoEngine object can be safely deleted.
virtual int Release() = 0;
// Initiates all common parts of the VideoEngine.
virtual int Init() = 0;
// Connects a VideoEngine instance to a VoiceEngine instance for audio video
// synchronization.
virtual int SetVoiceEngine(VoiceEngine* voice_engine) = 0;
// Creates a new channel, either with a new encoder instance or by sharing
// encoder instance with an already created channel.
virtual int CreateChannel(int& video_channel) = 0;
virtual int CreateChannel(int& video_channel, int original_channel) = 0;
// Deletes an existing channel and releases the utilized resources.
virtual int DeleteChannel(const int video_channel) = 0;
// Specifies the VoiceEngine and VideoEngine channel pair to use for
// audio/video synchronization.
virtual int ConnectAudioChannel(const int video_channel,
const int audio_channel) = 0;
// Disconnects a previously paired VideoEngine and VoiceEngine channel pair.
virtual int DisconnectAudioChannel(const int video_channel) = 0;
// Starts sending packets to an already specified IP address and port number
// for a specified channel.
virtual int StartSend(const int video_channel) = 0;
// Stops packets from being sent for a specified channel.
virtual int StopSend(const int video_channel) = 0;
// Prepares VideoEngine for receiving packets on the specified channel.
virtual int StartReceive(const int video_channel) = 0;
// Stops receiving incoming RTP and RTCP packets on the specified channel.
virtual int StopReceive(const int video_channel) = 0;
// Registers an instance of a user implementation of the ViEBase
// observer.
virtual int RegisterObserver(ViEBaseObserver& observer) = 0;
// Removes an already registered instance of ViEBaseObserver.
virtual int DeregisterObserver() = 0;
// Retrieves the version information for VideoEngine and its components.
virtual int GetVersion(char version[1024]) = 0;
// Returns the last VideoEngine error code.
virtual int LastError() = 0;
ViEBase() {}
virtual ~ViEBase() {}
} // namespace webrtc