blob: 97c41da8230152e68f8471f8aa48470f17efb634 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "dsp.h"
#include "signal_processing_library.h"
#include "dsp_helpfunctions.h"
/* Scratch usage:
Type Name size startpos endpos
WebRtc_Word16 pw16_corrVec 62 0 61
WebRtc_Word16 pw16_data_ds 124 0 123
WebRtc_Word32 pw32_corr 2*54 124 231
Total: 232
#define SCRATCH_pw16_corrVec 0
#define SCRATCH_pw16_data_ds 0
#define SCRATCH_pw32_corr 124
#define NETEQ_CORRELATOR_DSVECLEN 124 /* 124 = 60 + 10 + 54 */
WebRtc_Word16 WebRtcNetEQ_Correlator(DSPInst_t *inst,
#ifdef SCRATCH
WebRtc_Word16 *pw16_scratchPtr,
WebRtc_Word16 *pw16_data,
WebRtc_Word16 w16_dataLen,
WebRtc_Word16 *pw16_corrOut,
WebRtc_Word16 *pw16_corrScale)
WebRtc_Word16 w16_corrLen = 60;
#ifdef SCRATCH
WebRtc_Word16 *pw16_data_ds = pw16_scratchPtr + SCRATCH_pw16_corrVec;
WebRtc_Word32 *pw32_corr = (WebRtc_Word32*) (pw16_scratchPtr + SCRATCH_pw32_corr);
/* WebRtc_Word16 *pw16_corrVec = pw16_scratchPtr + SCRATCH_pw16_corrVec;*/
WebRtc_Word16 pw16_data_ds[NETEQ_CORRELATOR_DSVECLEN];
WebRtc_Word32 pw32_corr[54];
/* WebRtc_Word16 pw16_corrVec[4+54+4];*/
/* WebRtc_Word16 *pw16_corr=&pw16_corrVec[4];*/
WebRtc_Word16 w16_maxVal;
WebRtc_Word32 w32_maxVal;
WebRtc_Word16 w16_normVal;
WebRtc_Word16 w16_normVal2;
/* WebRtc_Word16 w16_corrUpsLen;*/
WebRtc_Word16 *pw16_B = NULL;
WebRtc_Word16 w16_Blen = 0;
WebRtc_Word16 w16_factor = 0;
/* Set constants depending on frequency used */
if (inst->fs == 8000)
w16_Blen = 3;
w16_factor = 2;
pw16_B = (WebRtc_Word16*) WebRtcNetEQ_kDownsample8kHzTbl;
else if (inst->fs==16000)
w16_Blen = 5;
w16_factor = 4;
pw16_B = (WebRtc_Word16*)WebRtcNetEQ_kDownsample16kHzTbl;
else if (inst->fs==32000)
w16_Blen = 7;
w16_factor = 8;
pw16_B = (WebRtc_Word16*)WebRtcNetEQ_kDownsample32kHzTbl;
else /* if inst->fs==48000 */
w16_Blen = 7;
w16_factor = 12;
pw16_B = (WebRtc_Word16*)WebRtcNetEQ_kDownsample48kHzTbl;
/* Downsample data in order to work on a 4 kHz sampled signal */
pw16_data + w16_dataLen - (NETEQ_CORRELATOR_DSVECLEN * w16_factor),
(WebRtc_Word16) (NETEQ_CORRELATOR_DSVECLEN * w16_factor), pw16_data_ds,
NETEQ_CORRELATOR_DSVECLEN, pw16_B, w16_Blen, w16_factor, (WebRtc_Word16) 0);
/* Normalize downsampled vector to using entire 16 bit */
w16_maxVal = WebRtcSpl_MaxAbsValueW16(pw16_data_ds, 124);
w16_normVal = 16 - WebRtcSpl_NormW32((WebRtc_Word32) w16_maxVal);
WebRtcSpl_VectorBitShiftW16(pw16_data_ds, NETEQ_CORRELATOR_DSVECLEN, pw16_data_ds,
/* Correlate from lag 10 to lag 60 (20..120 in NB and 40..240 in WB) */
pw32_corr, &pw16_data_ds[NETEQ_CORRELATOR_DSVECLEN - w16_corrLen],
&pw16_data_ds[NETEQ_CORRELATOR_DSVECLEN - w16_corrLen - 10], 60, 54,
6 /*maxValue... shifts*/, -1);
* Move data from w32 to w16 vector.
* Normalize downsampled vector to using all 14 bits
w32_maxVal = WebRtcSpl_MaxAbsValueW32(pw32_corr, 54);
w16_normVal2 = 18 - WebRtcSpl_NormW32(w32_maxVal);
w16_normVal2 = WEBRTC_SPL_MAX(w16_normVal2, 0);
WebRtcSpl_VectorBitShiftW32ToW16(pw16_corrOut, 54, pw32_corr, w16_normVal2);
/* Total scale factor (right shifts) of correlation value */
*pw16_corrScale = 2 * w16_normVal + 6 + w16_normVal2;
return (50 + 1);
#undef SCRATCH_pw16_corrVec
#undef SCRATCH_pw16_data_ds
#undef SCRATCH_pw32_corr