blob: b532a1f1304a25b73740c380472f1260abaadc20 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2011 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
# that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
# tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
# in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
# be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
''' Runs various WebRTC tests through
This script inherits the in Chrome, replacing its tests with
our own in WebRTC instead.
import optparse
import sys
import logging_utils
import chrome_tests
class WebRTCTests(chrome_tests.ChromeTests):
# WebRTC tests, similar functions for each tests as the Chrome tests in the
# parent class.
def TestSignalProcessing(self):
return self.SimpleTest("signal_processing", "signal_processing_unittests")
def TestResampler(self):
return self.SimpleTest("resampler", "resampler_unittests")
def TestVAD(self):
return self.SimpleTest("vad", "vad_unittests")
def TestCNG(self):
return self.SimpleTest("cng", "cng_unittests")
def TestG711(self):
return self.SimpleTest("g711", "g711_unittests")
def TestG722(self):
return self.SimpleTest("g722", "g722_unittests")
def TestPCM16B(self):
return self.SimpleTest("pcm16b", "pcm16b_unittests")
def TestNetEQ(self):
return self.SimpleTest("neteq", "neteq_unittests")
def TestAudioConferenceMixer(self):
return self.SimpleTest("audio_conference_mixer", "audio_conference_mixer_unittests")
def TestMediaFile(self):
return self.SimpleTest("media_file", "media_file_unittests")
def TestRTPRTCP(self):
return self.SimpleTest("rtp_rtcp", "rtp_rtcp_unittests")
def TestBWE(self):
return self.SimpleTest("test_bwe", "test_bwe")
def TestUDPTransport(self):
return self.SimpleTest("udp_transport", "udp_transport_unittests")
def TestWebRTCUtility(self):
return self.SimpleTest("webrtc_utility", "webrtc_utility_unittests")
def TestVP8(self):
return self.SimpleTest("vp8", "vp8_unittests")
def TestVideoCoding(self):
return self.SimpleTest("video_coding", "video_coding_unittests")
def TestVideoProcessing(self):
return self.SimpleTest("video_processing", "video_processing_unittests")
def TestSystemWrappers(self):
return self.SimpleTest("system_wrappers", "system_wrappers_unittests")
def TestTestSupport(self):
return self.SimpleTest("test_support", "test_support_unittests")
def _main(_):
parser = optparse.OptionParser("usage: %prog -b <dir> -t <test> "
"[-t <test> ...]")
parser.add_option("-b", "--build_dir",
help="the location of the compiler output")
parser.add_option("-t", "--test", action="append", default=[],
help="which test to run, supports test:gtest_filter format "
"as well.")
parser.add_option("", "--baseline", action="store_true", default=False,
help="generate baseline data instead of validating")
parser.add_option("", "--gtest_filter",
help="additional arguments to --gtest_filter")
parser.add_option("", "--gtest_repeat",
help="argument for --gtest_repeat")
parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", default=False,
help="verbose output - enable debug log messages")
parser.add_option("", "--tool", dest="valgrind_tool", default="memcheck",
help="specify a valgrind tool to run the tests under")
parser.add_option("", "--tool_flags", dest="valgrind_tool_flags", default="",
help="specify custom flags for the selected valgrind tool")
parser.add_option("", "--keep_logs", action="store_true", default=False,
help="store memory tool logs in the <tool>.logs directory "
"instead of /tmp.\nThis can be useful for tool "
"developers/maintainers.\nPlease note that the <tool>"
".logs directory will be clobbered on tool startup.")
options, args = parser.parse_args()
if options.verbose:
if not options.test:
parser.error("--test not specified")
if len(options.test) != 1 and options.gtest_filter:
parser.error("--gtest_filter and multiple tests don't make sense together")
for t in options.test:
tests = WebRTCTests(options, args, t)
ret = tests.Run()
if ret: return ret
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Overwrite the ChromeTests tests dictionary with our WebRTC tests.
# The cmdline option allows the user to pass any executable as parameter to
# the test script, which is useful when developing new tests that are not yet
# present in this script.
chrome_tests.ChromeTests._test_list = {
"cmdline": chrome_tests.ChromeTests.RunCmdLine,
"signal_processing": WebRTCTests.TestSignalProcessing,
"resampler": WebRTCTests.TestResampler,
"vad": WebRTCTests.TestVAD,
"cng": WebRTCTests.TestCNG,
"g711": WebRTCTests.TestG711,
"g722": WebRTCTests.TestG722,
"pcm16b": WebRTCTests.TestPCM16B,
"neteq": WebRTCTests.TestNetEQ,
"audio_conference_mixer": WebRTCTests.TestAudioConferenceMixer,
"media_file": WebRTCTests.TestMediaFile,
"rtp_rtcp": WebRTCTests.TestRTPRTCP,
"test_bwe": WebRTCTests.TestBWE,
"udp_transport": WebRTCTests.TestUDPTransport,
"webrtc_utility": WebRTCTests.TestWebRTCUtility,
"vp8": WebRTCTests.TestVP8,
"video_coding": WebRTCTests.TestVideoCoding,
"video_processing": WebRTCTests.TestVideoProcessing,
"system_wrappers": WebRTCTests.TestSystemWrappers,
"test_support": WebRTCTests.TestTestSupport,
ret = _main(sys.argv)