blob: 78e50319f3d5214925e5da54068642dda1510cbc [file] [log] [blame]
#include "PresetFactory.hpp"
const std::string PresetFactory::IDLE_PRESET_PROTOCOL("idle");
PresetFactory::protocol (const std::string & url, std::string & path)
#ifdef __APPLE__
// NOTE: Brian changed this from url.find_first_of to url.find, since presumably we want to find the first occurence of
// :// and not the first occurence of any colon or forward slash. At least that fixed a bug in the Mac OS X build.
std::size_t pos = url.find("://");
std::size_t pos = url.find_first_of("://");
if (pos == std::string::npos)
return std::string();
else {
path = url.substr (pos + 3, url.length());
std::cout << "[PresetFactory] path is " << path << std::endl;
std::cout << "[PresetFactory] url is " << url << std::endl;
return url.substr (0, pos);