blob: 47ff97d9074c63184d3b3e63b28c443f890bb567 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "PFring.h"
#include <string.h>
/* ************************************* */
struct simple_stats {
u_int64_t num_pkts, num_bytes;
/* ************************************* */
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
char *device_name = (char*)"dna0";
PFring *ring;
int rc;
u_int16_t rule_id = 99;
u_int32_t num_pkts = 0;
char stats[32];
u_char pkt[1500];
struct pfring_pkthdr hdr;
bool add_rule = false;
if(argc != 2) {
printf("pf_test <device>\n");
} else
device_name = argv[1];
ring = new PFring(device_name, 128, 1);
printf("Succesfully open device %s\n", device_name);
else {
printf("Problems while opening device %s (pf_ring not loaded or perhaps you use quick mode and have already a socket bound to %s ?)\n",
device_name, device_name);
if(add_rule) {
filtering_rule the_rule;
ring->toggle_filtering_policy(false); /* Default to drop */
memset(&the_rule, 0, sizeof(the_rule));
the_rule.rule_id = rule_id;
the_rule.rule_action = forward_packet_and_stop_rule_evaluation;
the_rule.core_fields.proto = 1 /* icmp */;
the_rule.plugin_action.plugin_id = 1; /* Dummy plugin */
rc = ring->add_filtering_rule(&the_rule);
printf("Added filtering rule %d [rc=%d]\n", rule_id, rc);
while(true) {
hdr.len = 0;
if(ring->get_next_packet(&hdr, pkt, sizeof(pkt)) > 0) {
printf("Got %d bytes packet [tot: %u]\n", hdr.len, ++num_pkts);
if(add_rule) {
struct simple_stats *the_stats = (struct simple_stats*)stats;
u_int len = sizeof(stats);
rc = ring->get_filtering_rule_stats(rule_id, stats, &len);
if(rc == sizeof(struct simple_stats))
printf("Got stats for filtering rule %d [pkts=%u][bytes=%u]\n",
(unsigned int)the_stats->num_pkts,
(unsigned int)the_stats->num_bytes);
} else {
printf("Error while calling get_next_packet()\n");
delete ring;