blob: ae51733917d9a7fa3f8b4c966423f64e46b3ec47 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
use NetSNMP::manager::getValues qw(getValues);
use SNMP;
use DBI;
use Net::SMTP;
# Global defines
$hostname = 'localhost'; # Host that serves the mSQL Database
$dbname = 'snmp'; # mySQL Database name
$smtpserver = 'localhost';
$smtpfrom = 'Net-SNMP Manager <>'; # <=== CHANGE ME ========
$doit = 1;
$somehosts = 0;
sub usage {
print "$0 [-H host] [-u user] [-p password] [-l hostlist,...] [-v] [-h] [-n] [-d] [-m mib-to-load] <-m mibnode>\n";
exit 0;
while ($#ARGV > -1) {
$_ = shift @ARGV;
usage if (/-h/);
$hostname = shift if (/-H/);
if (/-l/) {
my $arg = shift;
my @a = split(/,/,$arg);
my $i;
$somehosts = 1;
foreach $i (@a) {
$dohost{$i} = 1;
$user = shift if (/-u/);
$pass = shift if (/-p/);
$verbose = 1 if (/-v/);
$delete = 1 if (/-d/);
$doit = 0 if (/-n/);
$tableexpr = shift if (/-t/);
if (/-m/) {
# load some mibs
# SNMP::loadModules(shift);
$ENV{'MIBS'} = shift;
if (/-M/) {
# add a mib directory to look in
$ENV{'MIBDIRS'} = shift;
# SNMP::addMibDirs(shift);
# Connect to the mSQL database with the appropriate driver
( $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=$dbname;host=$hostname", $user, $pass))
or die "\tConnect not ok: $DBI::errstr\n";
# delete history rows every so often.
my %count = getValues($dbh, 'setup', 'deletecount');
if (!defined($count{'max'})) {
# default is to delete history rows once an hour.
$dbh->do("insert into setup values('deletecount','max','6')");
$count{'max'} = 6;
if (!defined($count{'current'})) {
$dbh->do("insert into setup values('deletecount','current','0')");
} else {
if ($count{'max'} <= $count{'current'}) {
$count{'current'} = 0;
$deletehist = 1;
$dbh->do("update setup set valcol = $count{'current'} where lookup = 'deletecount' and varcol = 'current'");
# Get host records from database and process
$cursor = getcursor("SELECT distinct host FROM hosttables");
nexthost: while ( $hostrow = $cursor->fetchrow_hashref ) {
my $host = $hostrow->{'host'};
next if ($somehosts && !defined($dohost{$host}));
#set up the session
print STDERR " starting $host\n" if ($verbose);
my $x = $dbh->prepare("select groupname from hostgroups where host = '$host'");
my $y = $x->execute();
my $group = ${$x->fetchrow_hashref}{'groupname'};
my @args = ('authgroup','default');
print STDERR "$host...$y\n" if ($verbose);
if (defined($y) && "$y" ne "0E0") {
push @args,'authgroup',$group;
push @args,'authhost',$host;
print STDERR "$host: $group\n" if ($verbose);
print STDERR "authvals: ", join(", ", @args), "\n" if ($verbose);
my %authvals = getValues($dbh, @args);
if ($verbose) {
print STDERR "parms for $host:";
foreach my $i (keys(%authvals)) {
print STDERR "$i => $authvals{$i}, ";
print STDERR "\n";
my $sess = new SNMP::Session ( DestHost => $host,
UseSprintValue => 1,
%authvals );
print STDERR "Sess ($host): $sess, ref=" . ref($sess). "\n" if ($verbose);
if (ref ($sess) ne "SNMP::Session") {
# print STDERR "ack: \$sess not a SNMP::Session for $host ($!)\n";
next nexthost;
# get various bits of system information.
my $sysDescr = $sess->get('sysDescr.0');
my $sysId = SNMP::translateObj($sess->get('sysObjectID.0'));
my $versiontag = $sess->get('versionTag.0');
my $sysuptime = $sess->get('sysUpTime.0');
if ($sysDescr eq "" || $sysId eq "" || $versiontag eq "" ||
$sysuptime eq "") {
hosterror("$host","Problem collecting basic info");
$dbh->do("update hostgroups set sysObjectId = '$sysId', sysDescr = '$sysDescr', versionTag = '$versiontag', sysUpTime = '$sysuptime' where host = '$host'");
# translate the sysUpTime to a real number for future use:
my ($d,$h,$m,$s,$fs) = ($sysuptime =~ /^(\d+):(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)\.(\d+)$/);
$sysuptime = $fs + $s*100 + $m*100*60 + $h*100*60*60 + $d*100*60*60*24;
# get a list of tables we want to store
$cmd = "SELECT * FROM hosttables where (host = '$host')";
print STDERR " $cmd\n" if ($verbose);
( $tblh = $dbh->prepare( $cmd ) )
or warn "\nnot ok: $DBI::errstr\n";
( $tblh->execute )
or print( "\tnot ok: $DBI::errstr\n" );
while ( $tablelist = $tblh->fetchrow_hashref ) {
next if (defined($tableexpr) && $tablelist->{'tablename'} !~ /$tableexpr/);
print STDERR "starting table $tablelist->{'tablename'}\n" if ($verbose);
my $mib = $SNMP::MIB{SNMP::translateObj($tablelist->{'tablename'})};
if (!$mib) {
warn "mib node $tablelist->{'tablename'} doesn't exist";
my $children = get_children($mib);
# create the table in our database if it doesn't exist.
setuptable($dbh, $tablelist->{tablename}, $delete);
if ($tablelist->{'keephistory'} > 0) {
setuptable($dbh, $tablelist->{tablename}, $delete, "hist");
$var =
new SNMP::Varbind([SNMP::translateObj($tablelist->{'tablename'})]);
my $void = SNMP::translateObj($tablelist->{'tablename'});
my $val = $sess->getnext($var);
print STDERR "init err: $sess->{'ErrorStr'}\n" if ($verbose);
if ($sess->{'ErrorStr'} =~ /Timeout/) {
print STDERR "$host timed out\n" if ($verbose);
next nexthost;
$initlabel = "";
print STDERR " starting $tablelist->{tablename}\n" if ($verbose);
my %tbl_ids;
while (1) {
my $varlabel = SNMP::Varbind::tag($var);
print STDERR "last $host " . SNMP::translateObj($varlabel) . ": $void\n" if ($verbose && SNMP::translateObj($varlabel) !~ /^$void/);
last if (SNMP::translateObj($varlabel) !~ /^$void/);
$varlabel = SNMP::translateObj(SNMP::Varbind::tag($var)) if ($varlabel =~ /^[\.0-9]+$/);
$initlabel = $varlabel if ($initlabel eq "");
my $val = $sess->getnext($var);
if ($sess->{'ErrorStr'} =~ /Timeout/) {
print STDERR "$host timed out\n" if ($verbose);
next nexthost;
last if ($sess->{'ErrorStr'});
my $id = SNMP::Varbind::iid($var);
print STDERR "$initlabel = $varlabel\n" if ($verbose);
last if ($varlabel ne $initlabel);
my %vals;
$tbl_ids{$id} = 1;
foreach $c (@$children) {
my $oid = $$c{'objectID'} . "." . $id;
my $newvar = new SNMP::Varbind([$oid]);
my $val = $sess->get($newvar);
my $label = SNMP::translateObj($$c{'objectID'});
$vals{$label} = $val;
my $cmd;
# check to see if the error previously existed and then
# delete the old entry.
my $olderr =
checkrowforerrors($tablelist->{'tablename'}, $host, $id);
$dbh->do("delete from $tablelist->{tablename} where ( host = '$host' and oidindex = '$id')");
$res = $dbh->do("select * from $tablelist->{'tablename'} where ( host = '$host' and oidindex = '$id')");
print STDERR " result: $res\n" if ($verbose);
if ($res ne "0E0") {
$cmd = "update $tablelist->{'tablename'} set ";
foreach $h (keys(%vals)) {
$cmd .= "$h = '$vals{$h}', ";
$cmd .= " updated = NULL where (host = '$host' and oidindex = '$id')";
} else {
$cmd = "insert into $tablelist->{'tablename'}(host, oidindex, " . join(", ",keys(%vals)) .
") values('$host', '$id', '" .
join("', '",values(%vals)). "')";
print STDERR " $cmd\n" if ($verbose);
or warn "\nnot ok: $cmd => $DBI::errstr\n" if ($doit);
if ($tablelist->{'keephistory'} > 0) {
$cmd = "insert into $tablelist->{'tablename'}hist (host, oidindex, sysUpTime, "
. join(", ",keys(%vals))
. ") values('$host', '$id', $sysuptime, '"
. join("', '",values(%vals)). "')";
print STDERR " $cmd\n" if ($verbose);
or warn "\nnot ok: $cmd -> $DBI::errstr\n" if ($doit);
my $newerr =
checkrowforerrors($tablelist->{'tablename'}, $host, $id);
if ($newerr->{retval} != $olderr->{retval}) {
logerror($host, $newerr->{retval}, $newerr->{errfield},
} # snmp loop
# delete the data beyond the number of days requested.
if ($deletehist && $tablelist->{'keephistory'} > 0) {
$dbh->do("delete from $tablelist->{'tablename'}hist where (unix_timestamp() - unix_timestamp(updated)) > $tablelist->{'keephistory'}*24*60*60 and host = '$host'") or warn "\nnot ok: $DBI::errstr\n" if ($doit);
my $curs = getcursor("select oidindex from $tablelist->{tablename} where host = '$host'");
my $row;
while ($row = $curs->fetchrow_hashref) {
print STDERR " $row->{oidindex}\n" if ($verbose);
if (!defined($tbl_ids{$row->{oidindex}})) {
$dbh->do("delete from $tablelist->{tablename} where oidindex = '$row->{oidindex}'");
print STDERR "deleting: $host $tablelist->{tablename} $row->{oidindex}\n" if ($verbose);
print STDERR " done with $tablelist->{tablename}\n" if ($verbose);
} # table loop
if (isbadhost($host)) {
# let them out, they're no longer being bad.
print STDERR "deleting: delete from hosterrors where host = '$host'\n" if ($verbose);
$dbh->do("delete from hosterrors where host = '$host'");
mailusers("$host responding again", "$host responding again",
print STDERR " done with $host\n" if ($verbose);
} # host loop
# disconnect
# Subroutines
# setup a table in the database based on a MIB table.
sub setuptable {
my %conversions = qw(INTEGER integer INTEGER32 integer OCTETSTR varchar(254) COUNTER integer UINTEGER integer IPADDR varchar(254) OBJECTID varchar(254) GAGUE integer OPAQUE varchar(254) TICKS integer GAUGE integer);
# set up mib info
my ($dbh, $mibnode, $delete, $suffix) = @_;
my $mib = $SNMP::MIB{SNMP::translateObj($mibnode)};
my $children = get_children($mib);
my ($cmd, $j);
if ($delete) {
$cmd = "drop table if exists $mib->{label}";
print STDERR "cmd: $cmd\n" if ($verbose);
or warn "\nnot ok: $cmd -> $DBI::errstr\n" if ($doit);
} elsif (($ret = $dbh->do("show tables like '$mib->{label}$suffix'")) ne "0E0") {
# the table already exists
print STDERR "show tables like $mib->{label}$suffix: $ret\n" if($verbose);
print STDERR " creating table for $mibnode ($mib->{label}$suffix)\n" if ($verbose);
$cmd = "create table $mib->{label}$suffix (id integer auto_increment primary key, host varchar(32) not null, oidindex varchar(32) not null";
foreach $j (sort { $a->{'subID'} <=> $b->{'subID'} } @$children) {
if (!defined($conversions{$j->{type}})) {
print STDERR "no conversion for $j->{label} = ". $j->{type} . "!\n";
$cmd .= ", $j->{label} $conversions{$j->{type}}";
$cmd .= ", updated timestamp";
$cmd .= ", sysUpTime integer" if (defined($suffix));
$cmd .= ",key oidindex (oidindex), key host (host))";
print STDERR "cmd: $cmd\n" if ($verbose);
or warn "\nnot ok: $cmd -> $DBI::errstr\n" if ($doit);
sub getoncall {
my @groups = @_;
my $cur;
my $row;
my ($emails, @days, @hours, @two, $i);
my %dayscon = qw(Sun 0 Mon 1 Tue 2 Wed 3 Thu 4 Fri 5 Sat 6);
my @now = localtime(time());
my %people;
my $group;
foreach $group (@groups) {
$cur = getcursor("select * from oncall where groupname = '$group'");
row: while ( $row = $cur->fetchrow_hashref ) {
@days = split(/,/,$row->{'days'});
foreach $i (@days) {
@two = split(/-/,$i);
if ($row->{'days'} eq "*" ||
(defined($dayscon{$i}) && $dayscon{$i} == $now[6]) ||
(defined($dayscon{$two[0]}) && defined($dayscon{$two[1]}) &&
(($dayscon{$two[0]} <= $now[6] &&
$dayscon{$two[1]} >= $now[6]) ||
(($dayscon{$two[0]} > $dayscon{$two[1]}) &&
($dayscon{$two[0]} <= $now[6] ||
$dayscon{$two[1]} >= $now[6]))))) {
# we hit a valid day range
print STDERR " hit it $row->{'email'} $now[6]\t($i)\t$row->{'days'}\n"
if ($verbose);
$people{$row->{'email'}} = $row->{'email'};
} else {
print STDERR "not hit it $row->{'email'} $now[6]\t($i)\t$row->{'days'}\n"
if ($verbose);
return keys(%people);
sub getoncallforhost {
my $host = shift;
return getoncall(getgroupsforhost($host));
sub getcursor {
my $cmd = shift;
my $cursor;
print STDERR "cmd: $cmd\n" if ($verbose);
( $cursor = $dbh->prepare( $cmd ))
or die "\nnot ok: $DBI::errstr\n";
( $cursor->execute )
or print( "\tnot ok: $DBI::errstr\n" );
return $cursor;
my %expressions;
sub getexpr {
my $table = shift;
print "ref: ",ref($expressions{$table}),"\n" if ($verbose);
if (!defined($expressions{$table})) {
my $exprs = getcursor("SELECT * FROM errorexpressions where (tablename = '$table')");
while ( $expr = $exprs->fetchrow_hashref ) {
push @{$expressions{$table}{'expr'}},$expr->{expression};
push @{$expressions{$table}{'returnfield'}},$expr->{returnfield};
if (ref($expressions{$table}) ne "HASH") {
# no expressions for this table.
$expressions{$table}{'expr'} = [];
$expressions{$table}{'returnfield'} = [];
return $expressions{$table};
sub checkrowforerrors {
my ($table, $host, $id) = @_;
my $error;
my $lastres = 0, $lastfield = '';
my $expressions = getexpr($table);
my $i;
for($i=0; $i <= $#{$expressions->{'expr'}}; $i++) {
if (!defined($expressions->{'prepared'}[$i])) {
$expressions->{'prepared'}[$i] = $dbh->prepare("select * from $table where $expressions->{'expr'}[$i] and host = ? and oidindex = ?")
or warn "\nnot ok: $DBI::errstr\n";
print STDERR "preparing select * from $table where $expressions->{'expr'}[$i] and host = ? and oidindex = ? ==> ",ref($expressions->{'prepared'}[$i]),"\n" if($verbose);
my $prepared = $expressions->{'prepared'}[$i];
print STDERR "x: ",ref($prepared),"\n" if($verbose);
$prepared->execute($host, $id) or warn "\nnot ok: $DBI::errstr\n";
while ( $error = $prepared->fetchrow_hashref ) {
print STDERR "$host: $expressions->{returnfield}[$i] = $error->{$expressions->{returnfield}[$i]}\n" if ($verbose);
return {'retval', 1,
'errfield', $expressions->{returnfield}[$i],
'errvalue', $error->{$expressions->{returnfield}[$i]}};
$lastres = $error->{$expressions->{returnfield}[$i]};
$lastfield = $expressions->{returnfield}[$i];
return {'retval', 0,
'errfield', $lastfield,
'errvalue', $lastres};
sub logerror {
my ($host, $err, $field, $result) = @_;
my $groups = getcursor("SELECT distinct groupname FROM hosttables where host = '$host'");
my ($group, $person);
my $msg = (($err) ? "error" : "normal");
my @people = getoncallforhost($host);
$msg = "$msg: $host";
$msg .= " $field = $result" if ($field || $result);
mailusers("SNMP: $msg: $host $field", "$msg\n", @people);
sub mailusers {
my $subject = shift;
my $msg = shift;
my @people = @_;
my $person;
my $smtpsock = Net::SMTP->new($smtpserver);
my $error = $smtpsock->recipient(@people);
if (!$error) {
print STDERR "failed to send mail to ",join(",",@people),"\n";
$subject =~ s/\n//;
$smtpsock->datasend("To: " . join(", ",@people) . "\n");
$smtpsock->datasend("From: $smtpfrom\n");
$smtpsock->datasend("Subject: $subject\n");
print STDERR "mailed ",join(",",@people)," with $msg, $subject ($!)\n" if ($verbose);
sub hosterror {
my $host = shift;
my $error = shift || "No response";
my $groups = getcursor("SELECT distinct groupname FROM hosttables where host = '$host'");
my ($group, $person);
my %mailed;
return if (isbadhost($host)); # only send out a message once.
$dbh->do("insert into hosterrors(host, errormsg) values('$host','$error');");
my @people = getoncallforhost($host);
mailusers("No Response from $host", "$host: $error", @people);
sub isbadhost {
my $host = shift;
my $hosterr = getcursor("SELECT distinct host FROM hosterrors where host = '$host'");
if ($hosterr->fetchrow_hashref) {
return 1;
return 0;
sub getgroupsforhost {
my $host = shift;
my @retgroups;
my $groups = getcursor("SELECT distinct groupname FROM hosttables where host = '$host'");
while( $group = $groups->fetchrow_hashref ) {
push @retgroups,$group->{'groupname'};
sub get_children {
my $mib = shift;
my $children = $$mib{'children'};
if (ref($children) ne "ARRAY") {
warn "$mib has no chlidren";
if ($#{$children} == 0 && $mib->{'label'} =~ /Table$/) {
# is a table, use entry?
$children = $children->[0]{'children'};
if (ref($children) ne "ARRAY") {
warn "$mib has no chlidren";
return $children;