blob: d10a62ec0e2159d4a3f47c631f9fa9cd6773bb1d [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
use DBI;
$hostname = 'localhost'; # Host that serves the mSQL Database
$dbname = 'snmp'; # mySQL Database name
$doit = 1;
sub usage {
print "$0 [-H host] [-u user] [-p password] [-v] [-h] [-n] [-g groupname] [-m machinename] TOKEN VALUE\n";
exit 0;
while ($#ARGV > -1 && $ARGV[0] =~ /^-/) {
$_ = shift @ARGV;
usage if (/-h/);
$hostname = shift if (/-H/);
$user = shift if (/-u/);
$pass = shift if (/-p/);
$group = shift if (/-g/);
$machine = shift if (/-m/);
$verbose = 1 if (/-v/);
$doit = 0 if (/-n/);
( $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=$dbname;host=$hostname", $user, $pass))
or die "\tConnect not ok: $DBI::errstr\n";
if (defined($machine)) {
$table = "authhost";
$group = $machine;
} else {
$table = "authgroup";
$group = "default" if (!defined($group));
$token = shift;
$value = shift;
while(defined($value)) {
if (DO("select * from $table where lookup = '$group' and varcol = '$token'") eq "0E0") {
DO("insert into $table(lookup, varcol, valcol) values('$group', '$token', '$value')");
} else {
DO("update $table set valcol = '$value' where lookup = '$group' and varcol = '$token'");
$token = shift;
$value = shift;
sub DO {
my $cmd = shift;
print $cmd,"\n" if ($verbose);
my $ret = $dbh->do($cmd) if ($doit);
print " returned: $ret\n" if ($verbose);
if ($DBI::errstr) {
print "db error ($ret): $DBI::errstr\n";
return $ret;