blob: bce94c9a90b39f479acb6d8e4f25dd3ce15719bf [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
use strict;
use Text::Wrap;
my %output;
my $text;
my %stash;
use Getopt::Long;
my %opts = (
c => '',
n => '',
['s|start-regexp=s','A regexp to look for in files to start converting at'],
['e|end-regexp=s','A regexp to look for in files to end converting at'],
['c|changes-file=s','A file to save CHANGES entries to'],
['n|news-file=s','A file to save NEWS entries to'],
['d|debug-line=s', 'Debugging output for lines matching STRING'],
['GUI:otherargs_text','Input files to parse'],
my $maybecontinue = 0;
my $lasttext = "";
my $lastfile;
my $lastcomponent;
foreach my $argv (@ARGV) {
open(I, $argv);
if ($opts{'s'}) {
while (<I>) {
last if (/$opts{'s'}/o);
while (<I>) {
my ($file, $component, $patbug, $nums, $text);
last if ($opts{'e'} && /$opts{e}/o);
print STDERR "here: $_" if ($opts{'d'} && /$opts{'d'}/o);
# don't use this:
# FILE: BUGS: 123,456: text
($file, $patbug, $nums, $text) =
print STDERR " 1:$file, $component, $patbug, $nums, $text\n" if ($opts{'d'} && /$opts{'d'}/o);
# or this:
# FILE: component - text
($file, $component, $text) =
/(NEWS|CHANGES):\s*(\w+)\s*-+\s*(.*)/ if (!$file);
print STDERR " 2:$file, $component, $patbug, $nums, $text\n" if ($opts{'d'} && /$opts{'d'}/o);
# what you should use:
# FILE: component: BUGS: 123,456: text
# or
# FILE: component: PATCH: 123,456: from someone text
# FILE: component: PATCH: 123,456: from "someone long" text
($file, $component, $patbug, $nums, $text) =
/(NEWS|CHANGES):\s*([^:]+):\s*-*\s*\[*(BUG|PATCH)(?:ES|S):*\s*([\d,\s*]*)\]*:*\s*-*\s*(?:from ["'][^"]+["']|from \w+|):*\s*(.*)/ if (!$file);
print STDERR " 3:$file, $component, $patbug, $nums, $text\n" if ($opts{'d'} && /$opts{'d'}/o);
# or at least:
# FILE: component: text
($file, $component, $text) =
/(NEWS|CHANGES):\s*([^:]+):\s*-*\s*(.*)/ if (!$file);
print STDERR " 4:$file, $component, $patbug, $nums, $text\n" if ($opts{'d'} && /$opts{'d'}/o);
# component left out
# FILE: [BUGS: 123,456]: text
($file, $patbug, $nums, $text) =
/(NEWS|CHANGES):\s*\[*(BUG|PATCH)*(?:ES|S|):*\s*([\d,\s*]*)\]*:*\s*-*\s*(.*)/ if (!$file);
print STDERR " 5:$file, $component, $patbug, $nums, $text\n" if ($opts{'d'} && /$opts{'d'}/o);
if ($opts{'d'} && /$opts{'d'}/o) {
my $bogus = 1; # breakable point
if (!$file && $maybecontinue) {
if (/^\s*(.+)$/) {
$text = $1;
$file = $lastfile;
$component = $lastcomponent;
# we're going to re-add these
pop @{$output{$opts{'c'}}{$component}};
pop @{$output{$opts{'n'}}{$component}} if ($file eq 'NEWS');
} else {
$maybecontinue = 0;
$lasttext = "";
} elsif (!$file) {
next if (exists($stash{$text}));
$stash{$text} = 1;
$component = "unspecified" if (!$component);
if ($patbug) {
$lasttext .= " [$patbug $nums]: $text";
} else {
$lasttext .= " $text";
$lasttext =~ s/^ //; # get rid of leading spaces
$lasttext =~ s/^([a-z])/uc($1)/e; # capitalize the first letter
$text = wrap(" - "," ","$lasttext") . "\n";
# Assist with displaying categories in a sensible order
# snmplib first
# snmpd/snmp{apps}
# various other
# O/S specific (relies on upper case)
$component =~ s/^snmplib/00snmplib/;
$component =~ s/^snmp/0snmp/;
$component =~ s/^agent/0snmpd/; # Merge "agent" into "snmpd"
$component =~ s/^([A-Z])/zz\1/;
print STDERR " t:$file, $component, $patbug, $nums, $text\n" if ($opts{'d'} && /$opts{'d'}/o);
push @{$output{$opts{'c'}}{$component}}, $text;
push @{$output{$opts{'n'}}{$component}}, $text if ($file eq 'NEWS');
$lastfile = $file;
$lastcomponent = $component;
$maybecontinue = 1;
# save the news and changes to appropriate files
foreach my $f ($opts{'c'}, $opts{'n'}) {
my $cat2;
foreach my $cat (sort (keys(%{$output{$f}}))) {
($cat2 = $cat) =~ s/^00?|^zz//;
print O " $cat2:\n";
print O sort @{$output{$f}{$cat}};
print O "\n";
# getopt long gui portability code
sub LocalGetOptions {
if (eval {require Getopt::GUI::Long;}) {
import Getopt::GUI::Long;
Getopt::GUI::Long::Configure(qw(display_help no_ignore_case));
return GetOptions(@_);
} else {
require Getopt::Long;
Getopt::Long::Configure(qw(auto_help no_ignore_case));
import Getopt::Long;
sub LocalOptionsMap {
my ($st, $cb, @opts) = ((ref($_[0]) eq 'HASH')
? (1, 1, $_[0]) : (0, 2));
for (my $i = $st; $i <= $#_; $i += $cb) {
if ($_[$i]) {
next if (ref($_[$i]) eq 'ARRAY' && $_[$i][0] =~ /^GUI:/);
push @opts, ((ref($_[$i]) eq 'ARRAY') ? $_[$i][0] : $_[$i]);
push @opts, $_[$i+1] if ($cb == 2);
return @opts;