blob: 53b17fc9774d103814d4f2131dba16e96f774740 [file] [log] [blame]
.TH "table_row" 3 "30 Jun 2010" "Version 5.6.pre2" "net-snmp" \" -*- nroff -*-
.ad l
table_row \-
Helps you implement a table shared across two or more subagents, or otherwise split into individual row slices.
.SS "Functions"
.in +1c
.ti -1c
.RI "\fBnetsnmp_mib_handler\fP * \fBnetsnmp_table_row_handler_get\fP (void *row)"
.RI "\fIreturns a netsnmp_mib_handler object for the table_container helper \fP"
.ti -1c
.RI "int \fBnetsnmp_table_row_register\fP (\fBnetsnmp_handler_registration\fP *reginfo, \fBnetsnmp_table_registration_info\fP *tabreg, void *row, \fBnetsnmp_variable_list\fP *index)"
.ti -1c
.RI "void * \fBnetsnmp_table_row_extract\fP (\fBnetsnmp_request_info\fP *request)"
.RI "\fIreturn the row data structure supplied to the table_row helper \fP"
.in -1c
.SH "Detailed Description"
Helps you implement a table shared across two or more subagents, or otherwise split into individual row slices.
.SH "Function Documentation"
.SS "void* netsnmp_table_row_extract (\fBnetsnmp_request_info\fP * request)"
return the row data structure supplied to the table_row helper
Definition at line 158 of file table_row.c.
.SS "\fBnetsnmp_mib_handler\fP* netsnmp_table_row_handler_get (void * row)"
returns a netsnmp_mib_handler object for the table_container helper
Definition at line 75 of file table_row.c.
.SH "Author"
Generated automatically by Doxygen for net-snmp from the source code.