blob: 765cc443349bd5514be73e92595681c42663261f [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef SNMP_DEBUG_H
#define SNMP_DEBUG_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* snmp_debug.h:
* - prototypes for snmp debugging routines.
* - easy to use macros to wrap around the functions. This also provides
* the ability to remove debugging code easily from the applications at
* compile time.
* These functions should not be used, if at all possible. Instead, use
* the macros below.
#if !defined(__GNUC__) || __GNUC__ < 2 || (__GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ < 8)
void debugmsg(const char *token, const char *format, ...);
void debugmsgtoken(const char *token, const char *format,
void debug_combo_nc(const char *token, const char *format,
void debugmsg(const char *token, const char *format, ...)
__attribute__ ((__format__ (__printf__, 2, 3)));
void debugmsgtoken(const char *token, const char *format,
__attribute__ ((__format__ (__printf__, 2, 3)));
void debug_combo_nc(const char *token, const char *format,
__attribute__ ((__format__ (__printf__, 2, 3)));
void debugmsg_oid(const char *token, const oid * theoid,
size_t len);
void debugmsg_suboid(const char *token, const oid * theoid,
size_t len);
void debugmsg_var(const char *token,
netsnmp_variable_list * var);
void debugmsg_oidrange(const char *token,
const oid * theoid, size_t len,
size_t var_subid, oid range_ubound);
void debugmsg_hex(const char *token, u_char * thedata,
size_t len);
void debugmsg_hextli(const char *token, u_char * thedata,
size_t len);
void debug_indent_add(int amount);
int debug_indent_get(void);
* What is said above is true for this function as well. Further this
* function is deprecated and only provided for backwards compatibility.
* Please use "%*s", debug_indent_get(), "" if you used this one before.
const char *debug_indent(void);
* Use these macros instead of the functions above to allow them to be
* re-defined at compile time to NOP for speed optimization.
* They need to be called enclosing all the arguments in a single set of ()s.
* Example:
* DEBUGMSGTL(("token", "debugging of something %s related\n", "snmp"));
* Usage:
* All of the functions take a "token" argument that helps determine when
* the output in question should be printed. See the snmpcmd.1 manual page
* on the -D flag to turn on/off output for a given token on the command line.
* DEBUGMSG((token, format, ...)): equivalent to printf(format, ...)
* (if "token" debugging output
* is requested by the user)
* DEBUGMSGT((token, format, ...)): equivalent to DEBUGMSG, but prints
* "token: " at the beginning of the
* line for you.
* DEBUGTRACE Insert this token anywhere you want
* tracing output displayed when the
* "trace" debugging token is selected.
* DEBUGMSGL((token, format, ...)): equivalent to DEBUGMSG, but includes
* DEBUGTRACE debugging line just before
* yours.
* DEBUGMSGTL((token, format, ...)): Same as DEBUGMSGL and DEBUGMSGT
* combined.
* Important:
* It is considered best if you use DEBUGMSGTL() everywhere possible, as it
* gives the nicest format output and provides tracing support just before
* every debugging statement output.
* To print multiple pieces to a single line in one call, use:
* DEBUGMSGTL(("token", "line part 1"));
* DEBUGMSG (("token", " and part 2\n"));
* to get:
* token: line part 1 and part 2
* as debugging output.
* Each of these macros also have a version with a suffix of '_NC'. The
* NC suffix stands for 'No Check', which means that no check will be
* performed to see if debug is enabled or if the token has been turned
* on. These NC versions are intended for use within a DEBUG_IF {} block,
* where the debug/token check has already been performed.
#ifndef NETSNMP_NO_DEBUGGING /* make sure we're wanted */
* define two macros : one macro with, one without,
* a test if debugging is enabled.
* Generally, use the macro with _DBG_IF_
/******************* Start private macros ************************/
#define _DBG_IF_ snmp_get_do_debugging()
#define DEBUGIF(x) if (_DBG_IF_ && debug_is_token_registered(x) == SNMPERR_SUCCESS)
#define __DBGMSGT(x) debugmsgtoken x, debugmsg x
#define __DBGMSG_NC(x) debugmsg x
#define __DBGMSGT_NC(x) debug_combo_nc x
#define __DBGMSGL_NC(x) __DBGTRACE; debugmsg x
#define __DBGMSGTL_NC(x) __DBGTRACE; debug_combo_nc x
#define __DBGTRACE __DBGMSGT(("trace","%s(): %s, %d:\n",\
#define __DBGTRACE __DBGMSGT(("trace"," %s, %d:\n", __FILE__,__LINE__))
#define __DBGMSGL(x) __DBGTRACE, debugmsg x
#define __DBGMSGTL(x) __DBGTRACE, debugmsgtoken x, debugmsg x
#define __DBGMSGOID(x) debugmsg_oid x
#define __DBGMSGSUBOID(x) debugmsg_suboid x
#define __DBGMSGVAR(x) debugmsg_var x
#define __DBGMSGOIDRANGE(x) debugmsg_oidrange x
#define __DBGMSGHEX(x) debugmsg_hex x
#define __DBGMSGHEXTLI(x) debugmsg_hextli x
#define __DBGINDENT() debug_indent_get()
#define __DBGINDENTADD(x) debug_indent_add(x)
#define __DBGINDENTMORE() debug_indent_add(2)
#define __DBGINDENTLESS() debug_indent_add(-2)
#define __DBGPRINTINDENT(token) __DBGMSGTL((token, "%*s", __DBGINDENT(), ""))
#define __DBGDUMPHEADER(token,x) \
__DBGPRINTINDENT("dumph_" token); \
debugmsg("dumph_" token,x); \
if (debug_is_token_registered("dumpx" token) == SNMPERR_SUCCESS || \
debug_is_token_registered("dumpv" token) == SNMPERR_SUCCESS || \
(debug_is_token_registered("dumpx_" token) != SNMPERR_SUCCESS && \
debug_is_token_registered("dumpv_" token) != SNMPERR_SUCCESS)) { \
debugmsg("dumph_" token,"\n"); \
} else { \
debugmsg("dumph_" token," "); \
} \
#define __DBGDUMPSECTION(token,x) \
__DBGPRINTINDENT("dumph_" token); \
debugmsg("dumph_" token,"%s\n",x);\
#define __DBGDUMPSETUP(token,buf,len) \
debugmsg("dumpx" token, "dumpx_%s:%*s", token, __DBGINDENT(), ""); \
__DBGMSGHEX(("dumpx_" token,buf,len)); \
if (debug_is_token_registered("dumpv" token) == SNMPERR_SUCCESS || \
debug_is_token_registered("dumpv_" token) != SNMPERR_SUCCESS) { \
debugmsg("dumpx_" token,"\n"); \
} else { \
debugmsg("dumpx_" token," "); \
} \
debugmsg("dumpv" token, "dumpv_%s:%*s", token, __DBGINDENT(), "");
/******************* End private macros ************************/
/********************Start public macros ************************/
#define DEBUGMSG(x) do {if (_DBG_IF_) {debugmsg x;} }while(0)
#define DEBUGMSGT(x) do {if (_DBG_IF_) {__DBGMSGT(x);} }while(0)
#define DEBUGTRACE do {if (_DBG_IF_) {__DBGTRACE;} }while(0)
#define DEBUGMSGL(x) do {if (_DBG_IF_) {__DBGMSGL(x);} }while(0)
#define DEBUGMSGTL(x) do {if (_DBG_IF_) {__DBGMSGTL(x);} }while(0)
#define DEBUGMSGOID(x) do {if (_DBG_IF_) {__DBGMSGOID(x);} }while(0)
#define DEBUGMSGSUBOID(x) do {if (_DBG_IF_) {__DBGMSGSUBOID(x);} }while(0)
#define DEBUGMSGVAR(x) do {if (_DBG_IF_) {__DBGMSGVAR(x);} }while(0)
#define DEBUGMSGOIDRANGE(x) do {if (_DBG_IF_) {__DBGMSGOIDRANGE(x);} }while(0)
#define DEBUGMSGHEX(x) do {if (_DBG_IF_) {__DBGMSGHEX(x);} }while(0)
#define DEBUGMSGHEXTLI(x) do {if (_DBG_IF_) {__DBGMSGHEXTLI(x);} }while(0)
#define DEBUGINDENTADD(x) do {if (_DBG_IF_) {__DBGINDENTADD(x);} }while(0)
#define DEBUGINDENTMORE() do {if (_DBG_IF_) {__DBGINDENTMORE();} }while(0)
#define DEBUGINDENTLESS() do {if (_DBG_IF_) {__DBGINDENTLESS();} }while(0)
#define DEBUGPRINTINDENT(token) \
do {if (_DBG_IF_) {__DBGPRINTINDENT(token);} }while(0)
#define DEBUGDUMPHEADER(token,x) \
do {if (_DBG_IF_) {__DBGDUMPHEADER(token,x);} }while(0)
#define DEBUGDUMPSECTION(token,x) \
do {if (_DBG_IF_) {__DBGDUMPSECTION(token,x);} }while(0)
#define DEBUGDUMPSETUP(token,buf,len) \
do {if (_DBG_IF_) {__DBGDUMPSETUP(token,buf,len);} }while(0)
#define DEBUGMSG_NC(x) do { __DBGMSG_NC(x); }while(0)
#define DEBUGMSGT_NC(x) do { __DBGMSGT_NC(x); }while(0)
#else /* NETSNMP_NO_DEBUGGING := enable streamlining of the code */
#define DEBUGMSG(x)
#define DEBUGMSGT(x)
#define DEBUGMSGL(x)
#define DEBUGMSGTL(x)
#define DEBUGMSGOID(x)
#define DEBUGMSGVAR(x)
#define DEBUGMSGHEX(x)
#define DEBUGIF(x) if(0)
#define DEBUGDUMP(t,b,l,p)
#define DEBUGDUMPHEADER(token,x)
#define DEBUGDUMPSECTION(token,x)
#define DEBUGDUMPSETUP(token, buf, len)
#define DEBUGMSG_NC(x)
#define DEBUGMSGT_NC(x)
#define MAX_DEBUG_TOKENS 256
#define DEBUG_ALWAYS_TOKEN "all"
* setup routines:
* debug_register_tokens(char *): registers a list of tokens to
* print debugging output for.
* debug_is_token_registered(char *): returns SNMPERR_SUCCESS or SNMPERR_GENERR
* if a token has been registered or
* not (and debugging output is "on").
* snmp_debug_init(void): registers .conf handlers.
void debug_register_tokens(char *tokens);
int debug_is_token_registered(const char *token);
void snmp_debug_init(void);
void snmp_set_do_debugging(int);
int snmp_get_do_debugging(void);
* internal:
* You probably shouldn't be using this information unless the word
* "expert" applies to you. I know it looks tempting.
typedef struct netsnmp_token_descr_s {
char *token_name;
char enabled;
} netsnmp_token_descr;
NETSNMP_IMPORT int debug_num_tokens;
NETSNMP_IMPORT netsnmp_token_descr dbg_tokens[MAX_DEBUG_TOKENS];
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* SNMP_DEBUG_H */