blob: 0f671d0aa63cfb4f70773c507d1ffed567ce2ca9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Note: this file originally auto-generated by mib2c using
* version : 14170 $ of $
* $Id:$
* standard Net-SNMP includes
#include <net-snmp/net-snmp-config.h>
#include <net-snmp/net-snmp-includes.h>
#include <net-snmp/agent/net-snmp-agent-includes.h>
* include our parent header
#include "etherStatsTable.h"
#include "etherStatsTable_data_access.h"
#if defined(linux)
#include "ioctl_imp_common.h"
/** @ingroup interface
* @addtogroup data_access data_access: Routines to access data
* These routines are used to locate the data used to satisfy
* requests.
* @{
*** Table etherStatsTable
* RMON-MIB::etherStatsTable is subid 1 of statistics.
* Its status is Current.
* OID: ., length: 9
* initialization for etherStatsTable data access
* This function is called during startup to allow you to
* allocate any resources you need for the data table.
* @param etherStatsTable_reg
* Pointer to etherStatsTable_registration
* @retval MFD_SUCCESS : success.
* @retval MFD_ERROR : unrecoverable error.
etherStatsTable_init_data(etherStatsTable_registration *
* TODO:303:o: Initialize etherStatsTable data.
} /* etherStatsTable_init_data */
* container overview
* container initialization
* @param container_ptr_ptr A pointer to a container pointer. If you
* create a custom container, use this parameter to return it
* to the MFD helper. If set to NULL, the MFD helper will
* allocate a container for you.
* @param cache A pointer to a cache structure. You can set the timeout
* and other cache flags using this pointer.
* This function is called at startup to allow you to customize certain
* aspects of the access method. For the most part, it is for advanced
* users. The default code should suffice for most cases. If no custom
* container is allocated, the MFD code will create one for your.
* This is also the place to set up cache behavior. The default, to
* simply set the cache timeout, will work well with the default
* container. If you are using a custom container, you may want to
* look at the cache helper documentation to see if there are any
* flags you want to set.
* @remark
* This would also be a good place to do any initialization needed
* for you data source. For example, opening a connection to another
* process that will supply the data, opening a database, etc.
etherStatsTable_container_init(netsnmp_container ** container_ptr_ptr,
netsnmp_cache * cache)
if (NULL == container_ptr_ptr) {
"bad container param to etherStatsTable_container_init\n");
* For advanced users, you can use a custom container. If you
* do not create one, one will be created for you.
*container_ptr_ptr = NULL;
if (NULL == cache) {
"bad cache param to etherStatsTable_container_init\n");
* TODO:345:A: Set up etherStatsTable cache properties.
* Also for advanced users, you can set parameters for the
* cache. Do not change the magic pointer, as it is used
* by the MFD helper. To completely disable caching, set
* cache->enabled to 0.
cache->timeout = ETHERSTATSTABLE_CACHE_TIMEOUT; /* seconds */
} /* etherStatsTable_container_init */
* container shutdown
* @param container_ptr A pointer to the container.
* This function is called at shutdown to allow you to customize certain
* aspects of the access method. For the most part, it is for advanced
* users. The default code should suffice for most cases.
* This function is called before etherStatsTable_container_free().
* @remark
* This would also be a good place to do any cleanup needed
* for you data source. For example, closing a connection to another
* process that supplied the data, closing a database, etc.
etherStatsTable_container_shutdown(netsnmp_container * container_ptr)
DEBUGMSGTL(("verbose:etherStatsTable:etherStatsTable_container_shutdown", "called\n"));
if (NULL == container_ptr) {
"bad params to etherStatsTable_container_shutdown\n");
} /* etherStatsTable_container_shutdown */
* load initial data
* TODO:350:M: Implement etherStatsTable data load
* This function will also be called by the cache helper to load
* the container again (after the container free function has been
* called to free the previous contents).
* @param container container to which items should be inserted
* @retval MFD_SUCCESS : success.
* @retval MFD_RESOURCE_UNAVAILABLE : Can't access data source
* @retval MFD_ERROR : other error.
* This function is called to load the index(es) (and data, optionally)
* for the every row in the data set.
* @remark
* While loading the data, the only important thing is the indexes.
* If access to your data is cheap/fast (e.g. you have a pointer to a
* structure in memory), it would make sense to update the data here.
* If, however, the accessing the data invovles more work (e.g. parsing
* some other existing data, or peforming calculations to derive the data),
* then you can limit yourself to setting the indexes and saving any
* information you will need later. Then use the saved information in
* etherStatsTable_row_prep() for populating data.
* @note
* If you need consistency between rows (like you want statistics
* for each row to be from the same time frame), you should set all
* data here.
etherStatsTable_container_load(netsnmp_container * container)
etherStatsTable_rowreq_ctx *rowreq_ctx;
size_t count = 0;
* TODO:352:M: | |-> set indexes in new etherStatsTable rowreq context.
* data context will be set from the param (unless NULL,
* in which case a new data context will be allocated)
* temporary storage for index values
* etherStatsIndex(1)/INTEGER32/ASN_INTEGER/long(long)//l/A/w/e/R/d/h
long etherStatsIndex;
int fd;
int rc = 0, retval = 0;
#if defined(linux)
struct ifname *list_head = NULL, *p = NULL;
* create socket for ioctls
fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
if(fd < 0) {
snmp_log(LOG_ERR, "could not create socket\n");
return -2;
* get the interface names of the devices present in the system, in case of failure retval suggests the reson for failure
* and list_head contains null
#if defined(linux)
list_head = etherstats_interface_name_list_get (list_head, &retval);
if (!list_head) {
snmp_log (LOG_ERR, "access:etherStatsTable, error getting the interface names present in the system\n");
DEBUGMSGTL(("access:etherStatsTable", "error getting the interface names present in the system"));
return MFD_ERROR;
* Walk over the list of interface names present in the system and retreive the statistics
for (p = list_head; p; p = p->ifn_next) {
DEBUGMSGTL(("access:etherStatsTable", "processing '%s'\n", p->name));
* get index via ioctl.
etherStatsIndex = (long) etherstats_interface_ioctl_ifindex_get(-1, p->name);
* get the etherstats contents populated, if the device is not an ethernet device
* the operation will not be supported and an error message will be logged
rowreq_ctx = etherStatsTable_allocate_rowreq_ctx(NULL);
if (NULL == rowreq_ctx) {
snmp_log(LOG_ERR, "memory allocation failed\n");
etherStatsTable_indexes_set(rowreq_ctx, etherStatsIndex)) {
"error setting index while loading "
"etherStatsTable data.\n");
* TODO:352:r: | |-> populate etherStatsTable data context.
* Populate data context here. (optionally, delay until row prep)
* non-TRANSIENT data: no need to copy. set pointer to data
memset (&rowreq_ctx->data, 0, sizeof (rowreq_ctx->data));
rc = interface_ioctl_etherstats_get (rowreq_ctx, fd, p->name);
if (rc < 0) {
DEBUGMSGTL(("access:etherStatsTable", "error getting the statistics for interface |%s| "
"etherStatsTable data, operation might not be supported\n", p->name));
* insert into table container
rc = CONTAINER_INSERT(container, rowreq_ctx);
if (rc < 0) {
DEBUGMSGTL(("access:etherStatsTable", "error inserting |%s| ", p->name));
* free the interface names list
if ( (etherstats_interface_name_list_free(list_head)) < 0) {
snmp_log(LOG_ERR, "access:etherStatsTable, error freeing the interface name list \n");
DEBUGMSGTL(("access:etherStatsTable", "error freeing the interface name list\n"));
return MFD_ERROR;
"inserted %d records\n", count));
/* etherStatsTable_container_load */
* container clean up
* @param container container with all current items
* This optional callback is called prior to all
* item's being removed from the container. If you
* need to do any processing before that, do it here.
* @note
* The MFD helper will take care of releasing all the row contexts.
etherStatsTable_container_free(netsnmp_container * container)
* TODO:380:M: Free etherStatsTable container data.
} /* etherStatsTable_container_free */
* prepare row for processing.
* When the agent has located the row for a request, this function is
* called to prepare the row for processing. If you fully populated
* the data context during the index setup phase, you may not need to
* do anything.
* @param rowreq_ctx pointer to a context.
* @retval MFD_SUCCESS : success.
* @retval MFD_ERROR : other error.
etherStatsTable_row_prep(etherStatsTable_rowreq_ctx * rowreq_ctx)
netsnmp_assert(NULL != rowreq_ctx);
* TODO:390:o: Prepare row for request.
* If populating row data was delayed, this is the place to
* fill in the row for this request.
} /* etherStatsTable_row_prep */
* TODO:420:r: Implement etherStatsTable index validation.
* RMON-MIB::etherStatsEntry.etherStatsIndex
* etherStatsIndex is subid 1 of etherStatsEntry.
* Its status is Current, and its access level is ReadOnly.
* OID: .
* Description:
The value of this object uniquely identifies this
etherStats entry.
* Attributes:
* accessible 1 isscalar 0 enums 0 hasdefval 0
* readable 1 iscolumn 1 ranges 1 hashint 0
* settable 0
* Ranges: 1 - 65535;
* Its syntax is INTEGER32 (based on perltype INTEGER32)
* The net-snmp type is ASN_INTEGER. The C type decl is long (long)
* check validity of etherStatsIndex index portion
* @retval MFD_SUCCESS : the incoming value is legal
* @retval MFD_ERROR : the incoming value is NOT legal
* @note this is not the place to do any checks for the sanity
* of multiple indexes. Those types of checks should be done in the
* etherStatsTable_validate_index() function.
* @note Also keep in mind that if the index refers to a row in this or
* some other table, you can't check for that row here to make
* decisions, since that row might not be created yet, but may
* be created during the processing this request. If you have
* such checks, they should be done in the check_dependencies
* function, because any new/deleted/changed rows should be
* available then.
* The following checks have already been done for you:
* The value is in (one of) the range set(s): 1 - 65535
* If there a no other checks you need to do, simply return MFD_SUCCESS.
etherStatsIndex_check_index(etherStatsTable_rowreq_ctx * rowreq_ctx)
netsnmp_assert(NULL != rowreq_ctx);
* TODO:426:M: |-> Check etherStatsTable index etherStatsIndex.
* check that index value in the table context is legal.
* (rowreq_ctx->tbl_index.etherStatsIndex)
return MFD_SUCCESS; /* etherStatsIndex index ok */
} /* etherStatsIndex_check_index */
* verify specified index is valid.
* This check is independent of whether or not the values specified for
* the columns of the new row are valid. Column values and row consistency
* will be checked later. At this point, only the index values should be
* checked.
* All of the individual index validation functions have been called, so this
* is the place to make sure they are valid as a whole when combined. If
* you only have one index, then you probably don't need to do anything else
* here.
* @note Keep in mind that if the indexes refer to a row in this or
* some other table, you can't check for that row here to make
* decisions, since that row might not be created yet, but may
* be created during the processing this request. If you have
* such checks, they should be done in the check_dependencies
* function, because any new/deleted/changed rows should be
* available then.
* @param etherStatsTable_reg
* Pointer to the user registration data
* @param etherStatsTable_rowreq_ctx
* Pointer to the users context.
* @retval MFD_SUCCESS : success
* @retval MFD_CANNOT_CREATE_NOW : index not valid right now
* @retval MFD_CANNOT_CREATE_EVER : index never valid
etherStatsTable_validate_index(etherStatsTable_registration *
etherStatsTable_rowreq_ctx * rowreq_ctx)
int rc = MFD_SUCCESS;
/** we should have a non-NULL pointer */
netsnmp_assert(NULL != rowreq_ctx);
* TODO:430:M: |-> Validate potential etherStatsTable index.
if (1) {
snmp_log(LOG_WARNING, "invalid index for a new row in the "
"etherStatsTable table.\n");
* determine failure type.
* If the index could not ever be created, return MFD_NOT_EVER
* If the index can not be created under the present circumstances
* (even though it could be created under other circumstances),
* return MFD_NOT_NOW.
if (0) {
} else {
return rc;
} /* etherStatsTable_validate_index */
/** @} */