blob: 28400f57f3529a5b685aa1f789b0b11b1b703f8d [file] [log] [blame]
* DisMan Schedule MIB:
* Core implementation of the schedule handling behaviour
#include <net-snmp/net-snmp-config.h>
#include <net-snmp/net-snmp-includes.h>
#include <net-snmp/agent/net-snmp-agent-includes.h>
#include "disman/schedule/schedCore.h"
#include "utilities/iquery.h"
netsnmp_tdata *schedule_table;
* Initialize the container for the schedule table,
* regardless of which initialisation routine is called first.
DEBUGMSGTL(("disman:schedule:init", "init schedule container\n"));
if (!schedule_table) {
schedule_table = netsnmp_tdata_create_table("schedTable", 0);
"create schedule container(%p)\n", schedule_table));
/** Initializes the schedCore module */
* Create a table structure for the schedule table
* This will typically be registered by the schedTable module
DEBUGMSGTL(("disman:schedule:init", "Initializing core module\n"));
* Callback to invoke a scheduled action
static void
_sched_callback( unsigned int reg, void *magic )
struct schedTable_entry *entry = (struct schedTable_entry *)magic;
int ret;
netsnmp_variable_list assign;
if ( !entry ) {
DEBUGMSGTL(("disman:schedule:callback", "missing entry\n"));
entry->schedLastRun = time(NULL);
DEBUGMSGTL(( "disman:schedule:callback", "assignment "));
DEBUGMSGOID(("disman:schedule:callback", entry->schedVariable,
DEBUGMSG(( "disman:schedule:callback", " = %ld\n", entry->schedValue));
memset(&assign, 0, sizeof(netsnmp_variable_list));
snmp_set_var_objid(&assign, entry->schedVariable, entry->schedVariable_len);
snmp_set_var_typed_value(&assign, ASN_INTEGER,
(u_char *)&entry->schedValue,
ret = netsnmp_query_set( &assign, entry->session );
if ( ret != SNMP_ERR_NOERROR ) {
DEBUGMSGTL(( "disman:schedule:callback",
"assignment failed (%d)\n", ret));
entry->schedLastFailure = ret;
time ( &entry->schedLastFailed );
sched_nextTime( entry );
* Internal utility routines to help interpret
* calendar-based schedule bit strings
static char _masks[] = { /* 0xff, */ 0x7f, 0x3f, 0x1f,
0x0f, 0x07, 0x03, 0x01, 0x00 };
static char _bits[] = { 0x80, 0x40, 0x20, 0x10,
0x08, 0x04, 0x02, 0x01 };
* Are any of the bits set?
static int
_bit_allClear( char *pattern, int len ) {
int i;
for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
if ( pattern[i] != 0 )
return 0; /* At least one bit set */
return 1; /* All bits clear */
* Is a particular bit set?
static int
_bit_set( char *pattern, int bit ) {
int major, minor;
major = bit/8;
minor = bit%8;
if ( pattern[major] & _bits[minor] ) {
return 1; /* Specified bit is set */
return 0; /* Bit not set */
* What is the next bit set?
* (after a specified point)
static int
_bit_next( char *pattern, int current, size_t len ) {
char buf[ 8 ];
int major, minor, i, j;
/* Make a working copy of the bit pattern */
memset( buf, 0, 8 );
memcpy( buf, pattern, len );
* If we're looking for the first bit after some point,
* then clear all earlier bits from the working copy.
if ( current > -1 ) {
major = current/8;
minor = current%8;
for ( i=0; i<major; i++ )
buf[major] &= _masks[minor];
* Look for the first bit that's set
for ( i=0; i<len; i++ ) {
if ( buf[i] != 0 ) {
major = i*8;
for ( j=0; j<8; j++ ) {
if ( buf[i] & _bits[j] ) {
return major+j;
return -1; /* No next bit */
static int _daysPerMonth[] = { 31, 28, 31, 30,
31, 30, 31, 31,
30, 31, 30, 31, 29 };
static char _truncate[] = { 0xfe, 0xf0, 0xfe, 0xfc,
0xfe, 0xfc, 0xfe, 0xfe,
0xfc, 0xfe, 0xfc, 0xfe, 0xf8 };
* What is the next day with a relevant bit set?
* Merge the forward and reverse day bits into a single
* pattern relevant for this particular month,
* and apply the standard _bit_next() call.
* Then check this result against the day of the week bits.
static int
_bit_next_day( char *day_pattern, char weekday_pattern,
int day, int month, int year ) {
char buf[4];
union {
char buf2[4];
int int_val;
} rev;
int next_day, i;
struct tm tm_val;
/* Make a working copy of the forward day bits ... */
memset( buf, 0, 4 );
memcpy( buf, day_pattern, 4 );
/* ... and another (right-aligned) of the reverse day bits */
memset( rev.buf2, 0, 4 );
memcpy( rev.buf2, day_pattern+4, 4 );
rev.int_val >>= 2;
if ( buf[3] & 0x01 )
rev.buf2[0] |= 0x40;
if ( month == 3 || month == 5 ||
month == 8 || month == 10 )
rev.int_val >>= 1; /* April, June, September, November */
if ( month == 1 )
rev.int_val >>= 3; /* February */
if ( month == 12 )
rev.int_val >>= 2; /* February (leap year) */
/* Combine the two bit patterns, and truncate to the month end */
for ( i=0; i<4; i++ ) {
if ( rev.buf2[i] & 0x80 ) buf[3-i] |= 0x01;
if ( rev.buf2[i] & 0x40 ) buf[3-i] |= 0x02;
if ( rev.buf2[i] & 0x20 ) buf[3-i] |= 0x04;
if ( rev.buf2[i] & 0x10 ) buf[3-i] |= 0x08;
if ( rev.buf2[i] & 0x08 ) buf[3-i] |= 0x10;
if ( rev.buf2[i] & 0x04 ) buf[3-i] |= 0x20;
if ( rev.buf2[i] & 0x02 ) buf[3-i] |= 0x40;
if ( rev.buf2[i] & 0x01 ) buf[3-i] |= 0x80;
buf[3] &= _truncate[ month ];
next_day = day-1; /* tm_day is 1-based, not 0-based */
do {
next_day = _bit_next( buf, next_day, 4 );
if ( next_day < 0 )
return -1;
* Calculate the day of the week, and
* check this against the weekday pattern
memset( &tm_val, 0, sizeof(struct tm));
tm_val.tm_mday = next_day+1;
tm_val.tm_mon = month;
tm_val.tm_year = year;
mktime( &tm_val );
} while ( !_bit_set( &weekday_pattern, tm_val.tm_wday ));
return next_day+1; /* Convert back to 1-based list */
* determine the time for the next scheduled action of a given entry
sched_nextTime( struct schedTable_entry *entry )
time_t now;
struct tm now_tm, next_tm;
int rev_day, mon;
time( &now );
if ( !entry ) {
DEBUGMSGTL(("disman:schedule:time", "missing entry\n"));
if ( entry->schedCallbackID )
snmp_alarm_unregister( entry->schedCallbackID );
if (!(entry->flags & SCHEDULE_FLAG_ENABLED) ||
!(entry->flags & SCHEDULE_FLAG_ACTIVE)) {
DEBUGMSGTL(("disman:schedule:time", "inactive entry\n"));
switch ( entry->schedType ) {
if ( !entry->schedInterval ) {
DEBUGMSGTL(("disman:schedule:time", "periodic: no interval\n"));
if ( entry->schedLastRun ) {
entry->schedNextRun = entry->schedLastRun +
} else {
entry->schedNextRun = now + entry->schedInterval;
DEBUGMSGTL(("disman:schedule:time", "periodic: (%ld) %s",
if ( entry->schedLastRun ) {
DEBUGMSGTL(("disman:schedule:time", "one-shot: expired (%ld) %s",
/* Fallthrough */
DEBUGMSGTL(("disman:schedule:time", "one-shot: fallthrough\n"));
* Check for complete time specification
* If any of the five fields have no bits set,
* the entry can't possibly match any time.
if ( _bit_allClear( entry->schedMinute, 8 ) ||
_bit_allClear( entry->schedHour, 3 ) ||
_bit_allClear( entry->schedDay, 4+4 ) ||
_bit_allClear( entry->schedMonth, 2 ) ||
_bit_allClear(&entry->schedWeekDay, 1 )) {
DEBUGMSGTL(("disman:schedule:time", "calendar: incomplete spec\n"));
* Calculate the next run time:
* If the current Month, Day & Hour bits are set
* calculate the next specified minute
* If this fails (or the current Hour bit is not set)
* use the first specified minute,
* and calculate the next specified hour
* If this fails (or the current Day bit is not set)
* use the first specified minute and hour
* and calculate the next specified day (in this month)
* If this fails (or the current Month bit is not set)
* use the first specified minute and hour
* calculate the next specified month, and
* the first specified day (in that month)
localtime_r( &now, &now_tm );
localtime_r( &now, &next_tm );
if ( _bit_set( entry->schedMonth, now_tm.tm_mon )) {
next_tm.tm_mon = now_tm.tm_mon;
rev_day = _daysPerMonth[ now_tm.tm_mon ] - now_tm.tm_mday;
if ( _bit_set( &entry->schedWeekDay, now_tm.tm_wday ) &&
(_bit_set( entry->schedDay, now_tm.tm_mday-1 ) ||
_bit_set( entry->schedDay, 31+rev_day ))) {
next_tm.tm_mday = now_tm.tm_mday;
if ( _bit_set( entry->schedHour, now_tm.tm_hour )) {
next_tm.tm_hour = now_tm.tm_hour;
/* XXX - Check Fall timechange */
next_tm.tm_min = _bit_next( entry->schedMinute,
now_tm.tm_min, 8 );
} else {
next_tm.tm_min = -1;
if ( next_tm.tm_min == -1 ) {
next_tm.tm_min = _bit_next( entry->schedMinute, -1, 8 );
next_tm.tm_hour = _bit_next( entry->schedHour,
now_tm.tm_hour, 3 );
} else {
next_tm.tm_hour = -1;
if ( next_tm.tm_hour == -1 ) {
next_tm.tm_min = _bit_next( entry->schedMinute, -1, 8 );
next_tm.tm_hour = _bit_next( entry->schedHour, -1, 3 );
/* Handle leap years */
mon = now_tm.tm_mon;
if ( mon == 1 && (now_tm.tm_year%4 == 0) )
mon = 12;
next_tm.tm_mday = _bit_next_day( entry->schedDay,
mon, now_tm.tm_year );
} else {
next_tm.tm_min = _bit_next( entry->schedMinute, -1, 2 );
next_tm.tm_hour = _bit_next( entry->schedHour, -1, 3 );
next_tm.tm_mday = -1;
next_tm.tm_mon = now_tm.tm_mon;
while ( next_tm.tm_mday == -1 ) {
next_tm.tm_mon = _bit_next( entry->schedMonth,
next_tm.tm_mon, 2 );
if ( next_tm.tm_mon == -1 ) {
next_tm.tm_mon = _bit_next( entry->schedMonth,
-1, 2 );
/* Handle leap years */
mon = next_tm.tm_mon;
if ( mon == 1 && (next_tm.tm_year%4 == 0) )
mon = 12;
next_tm.tm_mday = _bit_next_day( entry->schedDay,
-1, mon, next_tm.tm_year );
/* XXX - catch infinite loop */
/* XXX - Check for Spring timechange */
* 'next_tm' now contains the time for the next scheduled run
entry->schedNextRun = mktime( &next_tm );
DEBUGMSGTL(("disman:schedule:time", "calendar: (%ld) %s",
DEBUGMSGTL(("disman:schedule:time", "unknown type (%ld)\n",
entry->schedCallbackID = snmp_alarm_register(
entry->schedNextRun - now,
0, _sched_callback, entry );
sched_nextRowTime( netsnmp_tdata_row *row )
sched_nextTime((struct schedTable_entry *) row->data );
* create a new row in the table
netsnmp_tdata_row *
schedTable_createEntry(const char *schedOwner, const char *schedName)
struct schedTable_entry *entry;
netsnmp_tdata_row *row;
DEBUGMSGTL(("disman:schedule:entry", "creating entry (%s, %s)\n",
schedOwner, schedName));
entry = SNMP_MALLOC_TYPEDEF(struct schedTable_entry);
if (!entry)
return NULL;
row = netsnmp_tdata_create_row();
if (!row) {
return NULL;
row->data = entry;
* Set the indexing for this entry, both in the row
* data structure, and in the table_data helper.
if (schedOwner) {
memcpy(entry->schedOwner, schedOwner, strlen(schedOwner));
netsnmp_tdata_row_add_index(row, ASN_OCTET_STR,
entry->schedOwner, strlen(schedOwner));
netsnmp_tdata_row_add_index(row, ASN_OCTET_STR, "", 0 );
memcpy( entry->schedName, schedName, strlen(schedName));
netsnmp_tdata_row_add_index(row, ASN_OCTET_STR,
entry->schedName, strlen(schedName));
* Set the (non-zero) default values in the row data structure.
entry->schedType = SCHED_TYPE_PERIODIC;
entry->schedVariable_len = 2; /* .0.0 */
netsnmp_tdata_add_row(schedule_table, row);
return row;
* remove a row from the table
schedTable_removeEntry(netsnmp_tdata_row *row)
struct schedTable_entry *entry;
if (!row || !row->data) {
DEBUGMSGTL(("disman:schedule:entry", "remove: missing entry\n"));
return; /* Nothing to remove */
entry = (struct schedTable_entry *)
netsnmp_tdata_remove_and_delete_row(schedule_table, row);
if (entry) {
DEBUGMSGTL(("disman:schedule:entry", "remove entry (%s, %s)\n",
entry->schedOwner, entry->schedName));