blob: 02e7df0e6517e054b3e3c2c0de5c51274f8a93a2 [file] [log] [blame]
* tools.c
#include <config.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <winsock.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include "asn1.h"
#include "snmp_api.h"
#include "snmp_debug.h"
#include "snmp_debug.h"
#include "tools.h"
#include "mib.h"
#include "scapi.h"
* free_zero
* Parameters:
* *buf Pointer at bytes to free.
* size Number of bytes in buf.
free_zero(void *buf, size_t size)
if (buf) {
memset(buf, 0, size);
} /* end free_zero() */
* malloc_random
* Parameters:
* size Number of bytes to malloc() and fill with random bytes.
* Returns pointer to allocaed & set buffer on success, size contains
* number of random bytes filled.
* buf is NULL and *size set to KMT error value upon failure.
* (Degenerates to malloc_zero if HAVE_LIBKMT is not defined.)
u_char *
malloc_random(size_t *size)
u_char *buf = (u_char *) malloc_zero(*size);
#if defined(HAVE_LIBKMT) || defined(USE_INTERNAL_MD5)
if (buf) {
rval = sc_random(buf, size);
if (rval < 0) {
free_zero(buf, *size);
buf = NULL;
} else {
*size = rval;
return buf;
} /* end malloc_random() */
* malloc_zero
* Parameters:
* size Number of bytes to malloc().
* Returns pointer to allocaed & zeroed buffer on success.
u_char *
malloc_zero(size_t size)
u_char *buf = (u_char *) malloc(size);
if (buf) {
memset(buf, 0, size);
return buf;
} /* end malloc_zero() */
* memdup
* Parameters:
* to Pointer to allocate and copy memory to.
* from Pointer to copy memory from.
* size Size of the data to be copied.
* Returns
* SNMPERR_GENERR On failure.
memdup(u_char **to, const u_char *from, size_t size)
if (to == NULL)
if (from == NULL) {
*to = NULL;
if ((*to = (u_char *)malloc(size)) == NULL)
memcpy(*to, from, size);
} /* end memdup() */
* binary_to_hex
* Parameters:
* *input Binary data.
* len Length of binary data.
* **output NULL terminated string equivalent in hex.
* Returns:
* olen Length of output string not including NULL terminator.
* FIX Is there already one of these in the UCD SNMP codebase?
* The old one should be used, or this one should be moved to
* snmplib/snmp_api.c.
binary_to_hex(const u_char *input, size_t len, char **output)
u_int olen = (len * 2) + 1;
char *s = (char *) SNMP_MALLOC(olen),
*op = s;
const u_char *ip = input;
while (ip-input < (int)len) {
*op++ = VAL2HEX( (*ip >> 4) & 0xf );
*op++ = VAL2HEX( *ip & 0xf );
*op = '\0';
*output = s;
return olen;
} /* end binary_to_hex() */
* hex_to_binary2
* Parameters:
* *input Printable data in base16.
* len Length in bytes of data.
* **output Binary data equivalent to input.
* Returns:
* <len> Otherwise, Length of allocated string.
* Input of an odd length is right aligned.
* FIX Another version of "hex-to-binary" which takes odd length input
* strings. It also allocates the memory to hold the binary data.
* Should be integrated with the official hex_to_binary() function.
hex_to_binary2(const u_char *input, size_t len, char **output)
u_int olen = (len/2) + (len%2);
char *s = (char *) malloc_zero(olen),
*op = s;
const u_char *ip = input;
*output = NULL;
*op = 0;
if (len%2) {
if(!isxdigit(*ip)) goto hex_to_binary2_quit;
*op++ = HEX2VAL( *ip ); ip++;
while (ip-input < (int)len) {
if(!isxdigit(*ip)) goto hex_to_binary2_quit;
*op = HEX2VAL( *ip ) << 4; ip++;
if(!isxdigit(*ip)) goto hex_to_binary2_quit;
*op++ += HEX2VAL( *ip ); ip++;
*output = s;
return olen;
free_zero(s, olen);
return -1;
} /* end hex_to_binary2() */
* dump_chunk
* Parameters:
* *title (May be NULL.)
* *buf
* size
dump_chunk(const char *debugtoken, const char *title, const u_char *buf, int size)
u_int printunit = 64; /* XXX Make global. */
char chunk[SNMP_MAXBUF],
*s, *sp;
if ( title && (*title != '\0') ) {
DEBUGMSGTL((debugtoken, "%s\n", title));
memset(chunk, 0, SNMP_MAXBUF);
size = binary_to_hex(buf, size, &s);
sp = s;
while (size > 0)
if (size > (int)printunit) {
strncpy(chunk, sp, printunit);
chunk[printunit] = '\0';
DEBUGMSGTL((debugtoken, "\t%s\n", chunk));
} else {
DEBUGMSGTL((debugtoken, "\t%s\n", sp));
sp += printunit;
size -= printunit;
} /* end dump_chunk() */
* dump_snmpEngineID
* Parameters:
* *estring
* *estring_len
* Returns:
* Allocated memory pointing to a string of buflen char representing
* a printf'able form of the snmpEngineID.
* -OR- NULL on error.
* Translates the snmpEngineID TC into a printable string. From RFC 2271,
* Section 5 (pp. 36-37):
* First bit: 0 Bit string structured by means non-SNMPv3.
* 1 Structure described by SNMPv3 SnmpEngineID TC.
* Bytes 1-4: Enterprise ID. (High bit of first byte is ignored.)
* Byte 5: 0 (RESERVED by IANA.)
* 1 IPv4 address. ( 4 octets)
* 2 IPv6 address. ( 16 octets)
* 3 MAC address. ( 6 octets)
* 4 Locally defined text. (0-27 octets)
* 5 Locally defined octets. (0-27 octets)
* 6-127 (RESERVED for enterprise.)
* Bytes 6-32: (Determined by byte 5.)
* Non-printable characters are given in hex. Text is given in quotes.
* IP and MAC addresses are given in standard (UN*X) conventions. Sections
* are comma separated.
* esp, remaining_len and s trace the state of the constructed buffer.
* s will be defined if there is something to return, and it will point
* to the end of the constructed buffer.
* ASSUME "Text" means printable characters.
* XXX Must the snmpEngineID always have a minimum length of 12?
* (Cf. part 2 of the TC definition.)
* XXX Does not enforce upper-bound of 32 bytes.
* XXX Need a switch to decide whether to use DNS name instead of a simple
* IP address.
* FIX Use something other than sprint_hexstring which doesn't add
* trailing spaces and (sometimes embedded) newlines...
char *
dump_snmpEngineID(const u_char *estring, size_t *estring_len)
#define eb(b) ( *(esp+b) & 0xff )
gotviolation = 0,
slen = 0;
u_int remaining_len;
char buf[SNMP_MAXBUF],
*s = NULL,
const u_char *esp = estring;
struct in_addr iaddr;
* Sanity check.
if ( !estring || (*estring_len <= 0) ) {
QUITFUN(SNMPERR_GENERR, dump_snmpEngineID_quit);
remaining_len = *estring_len;
memset(buf, 0, SNMP_MAXBUF);
* Test first bit. Return immediately with a hex string, or
* begin by formatting the enterprise ID.
if ( !(*esp & 0x80) ) {
sprint_hexstring(buf, esp, remaining_len);
s = strchr(buf, '\0');
s -= 1;
goto dump_snmpEngineID_quit;
s = buf;
s += sprintf(s, "enterprise %d, ", ((*(esp+0)&0x7f) << 24) |
((*(esp+1)&0xff) << 16) |
((*(esp+2)&0xff) << 8) |
((*(esp+3)&0xff)) );
/* XXX Ick. */
if (remaining_len < 5) { /* XXX Violating string. */
goto dump_snmpEngineID_quit;
esp += 4; /* Incremented one more in the switch below. */
remaining_len -= 5;
* Act on the fifth byte.
switch ((int) *esp++) {
case 1: /* IPv4 address. */
if (remaining_len < 4) goto dump_snmpEngineID_violation;
memcpy(&iaddr.s_addr, esp, 4);
if ( !(t = inet_ntoa(iaddr)) ) goto dump_snmpEngineID_violation;
s += sprintf(s, "%s", t);
esp += 4;
remaining_len -= 4;
case 2: /* IPv6 address. */
if (remaining_len < 16) goto dump_snmpEngineID_violation;
s += sprintf( s,
"%02X%02X %02X%02X %02X%02X %02X%02X::"
"%02X%02X %02X%02X %02X%02X %02X%02X",
eb(0), eb(1), eb(2), eb(3),
eb(4), eb(5), eb(6), eb(7),
eb(8), eb(9), eb(10), eb(11),
eb(12), eb(13), eb(14), eb(15) );
esp += 16;
remaining_len -= 16;
case 3: /* MAC address. */
if (remaining_len < 6) goto dump_snmpEngineID_violation;
s += sprintf( s, "%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X",
eb(0), eb(1), eb(2), eb(3), eb(4), eb(5) );
esp += 6;
remaining_len -= 6;
case 4: /* Text. */
/* Doesn't exist on all (many) architectures */
/* s += snprintf(s, remaining_len+3, "\"%s\"", esp); */
s += sprintf(s, "\"%s\"", esp);
goto dump_snmpEngineID_quit;
break; /*NOTREACHED*/
case 5: /* Octets. */
sprint_hexstring(s, esp, remaining_len);
s = strchr(buf, '\0');
s -= 1;
goto dump_snmpEngineID_quit;
break; /*NOTREACHED*/
case 0: /* Violation of RESERVED,
* -OR- of expected length.
gotviolation = 1;
s += sprintf(s, "!!! ");
default: /* Unknown encoding. */
if ( !gotviolation ) {
s += sprintf(s, "??? ");
sprint_hexstring(s, esp, remaining_len);
s = strchr(buf, '\0');
s -= 1;
goto dump_snmpEngineID_quit;
} /* endswitch */
* Cases 1-3 (IP and MAC addresses) should not have trailing
* octets, but perhaps they do. Throw them in too. XXX
if (remaining_len > 0) {
s += sprintf(s, " (??? ");
sprint_hexstring(s, esp, remaining_len);
s = strchr(buf, '\0');
s -= 1;
s += sprintf(s, ")");
if (s) {
slen = s-buf+1;
s = SNMP_MALLOC(slen);
memcpy(s, buf, (slen)-1);
memset(buf, 0, SNMP_MAXBUF); /* XXX -- Overkill? XXX: Yes! */
return s;
#undef eb
} /* end dump_snmpEngineID() */
#endif /* SNMP_TESTING_CODE */