blob: 7787a2f0dd2bcad69d165fcb7f4bf46ea96b8e37 [file] [log] [blame]
## -*- c -*-
## Do the .h file
@open -@
*** Warning: only generating code for nodes of MIB type INTEGER
@open ${name}.h@
* Note: this file originally auto-generated by mib2c using
* $Id$
#ifndef $name.uc_H
#define $name.uc_H
/* function declarations */
void init_$name(void);
#endif /* $name.uc_H */
## Do the .c file
@open ${name}.c@
* Note: this file originally auto-generated by mib2c using
* $Id$
#include <net-snmp/net-snmp-config.h>
#include <net-snmp/net-snmp-includes.h>
#include <net-snmp/agent/net-snmp-agent-includes.h>
#include "${name}.h"
* The variables we want to tie the relevant OIDs to.
* The agent will handle all GET and (if applicable) SET requests
* to these variables automatically, changing the values as needed.
@foreach $i scalar@
@if !$i.needlength@
$i.decl $i = 0; /* XXX: set default value */
* Our initialization routine, called automatically by the agent
* (Note that the function name must match init_FILENAME())
netsnmp_handler_registration *reg;
netsnmp_watcher_info *winfo;
@foreach $i scalar@
@if !$i.needlength@
static oid ${i}_oid[] = { $i.commaoid };
* a debugging statement. Run the agent with -D$name to see
* the output of this debugging statement.
DEBUGMSGTL(("$name", "Initializing the $name module\n"));
* Register scalar watchers for each of the MIB objects.
* The ASN type and RO/RW status are taken from the MIB definition,
* but can be adjusted if needed.
* In most circumstances, the scalar watcher will handle all
* of the necessary processing. But the NULL parameter in the
* netsnmp_create_handler_registration() call can be used to
* supply a user-provided handler if necessary.
* This approach can also be used to handle Counter64, string-
* and OID-based watched scalars (although variable-sized writeable
* objects will need some more specialised initialisation).
@foreach $i scalar@
@if !$i.needlength@
"Initializing $i scalar integer. Default value = %d\n",
reg = netsnmp_create_handler_registration(
"$i", NULL,
${i}_oid, OID_LENGTH(${i}_oid),
@if $i.settable@
winfo = netsnmp_create_watcher_info(
&$i, sizeof($i.decl),
if (netsnmp_register_watched_scalar( reg, winfo ) < 0 ) {
snmp_log( LOG_ERR, "Failed to register watched $i" );
"Done initalizing $name module\n"));