blob: 01742914deeeb940fcbc8a20fed563ca9f27f243 [file] [log] [blame]
#error "Please include <net-snmp/net-snmp-config.h> before this file"
#include <net-snmp/types.h>
typedef struct netsnmp_index_s {
size_t len;
oid *oids;
} netsnmp_index;
typedef struct netsnmp_void_array_s {
size_t size;
void **array;
} netsnmp_void_array;
* references to various types
typedef struct netsnmp_ref_void {
void *val;
} netsnmp_ref_void;
typedef union {
u_long ul;
u_int ui;
u_short us;
u_char uc;
long sl;
int si;
short ss;
char sc;
char *cp;
void *vp;
} netsnmp_cvalue;
typedef struct netsnmp_ref_size_t_s {
size_t val;
} *netsnmp_ref_size_t;
* Structure for holding a set of file descriptors, similar to fd_set.
* This structure however can hold so-called large file descriptors
* (>= FD_SETSIZE or 1024) on Unix systems or more than FD_SETSIZE (64)
* sockets on Windows systems.
* It is safe to allocate this structure on the stack.
* This structure must be initialized by calling netsnmp_large_fd_set_init()
* and must be cleaned up via netsnmp_large_fd_set_cleanup(). If this last
* function is not called this may result in a memory leak.
* The members of this structure are:
* lfs_setsize: maximum set size.
* lsf_setptr: points to lfs_set if lfs_setsize <= FD_SETSIZE, and otherwise
* to dynamically allocated memory.
* lfs_set: file descriptor / socket set data if lfs_setsize <= FD_SETSIZE.
typedef struct netsnmp_large_fd_set_s {
unsigned lfs_setsize;
fd_set *lfs_setptr;
fd_set lfs_set;
} netsnmp_large_fd_set;