blob: ca6e62884059bee8eefff91999bb0e022cac0752 [file] [log] [blame]
# Test SNMP perl Module
%conversions = qw(INTEGER integer OCTETSTR varchar(254) COUNTER integer UINTEGER integer IPADDR varchar(254) OBJECTID varchar(254) GAGUE integer OPAQUE varchar(254) TICKS integer);
use SNMP;
use DBI;
# Global defines
$hostname = 'localhost'; # Host that serves the mSQL Database
$dbname = 'snmp'; # mySQL Database name
$doit = 1;
sub usage {
print "$0 [-H host] [-u user] [-p password] [-v] [-h] [-n] [-d] <-m mibnode>\n";
exit 0;
while ($#ARGV > -1) {
$_ = shift @ARGV;
usage if (/-h/);
$hostname = shift if (/-H/);
$mibnode = shift if (/-m/);
$user = shift if (/-u/);
$pass = shift if (/-p/);
$verbose = 1 if (/-v/);
$delete = 1 if (/-d/);
$doit = 0 if (/-n/);
die "You must specify a mib node (-m node)" if (!defined($mibnode));
# Connect to the mSQL database with the appropriate driver
( $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=$dbname;host=$hostname", $user, $pass))
or die "\tConnect not ok: $DBI::errstr\n";
# Get host records from database and process
# set up mib info
my $mib = $SNMP::MIB{SNMP::translateObj($mibnode)};
my $children = $$mib{'children'};
die "$mib has no chlidren" if (ref($children) ne "ARRAY");
if ($delete) {
$cmd = "drop table if exists $mib->{label}";
print "cmd: $cmd\n" if ($verbose);
or die "\nnot ok: $DBI::errstr\n" if ($doit);
$cmd = "create table $mib->{label} (id integer auto_increment primary key, host varchar(16), oidindex varchar(254)";
foreach $j (@$children) {
$cmd .= ", $j->{label} $conversions{$j->{type}}";
$cmd .= ", updated timestamp)";
print "cmd: $cmd\n" if ($verbose);
or die "\nnot ok: $DBI::errstr\n" if ($doit);