blob: 0a88b3bfa3700fa6a77982cacc1ec46c735797b3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Build script for Net-SNMP and MSVC
# Written by Alex Burger -
# May 10th, 2009
use strict;
use File::Basename;
use File::Copy;
use File::Spec;
use Cwd 'abs_path';
print "------------------------------------------------------\n";
my $tar_command;
my $gzip_command;
for my $msysbindir (("C:\\msys\\1.0\\bin", "C:\\mingw\\msys\\1.0\\bin")) {
$tar_command = File::Spec->catfile($msysbindir, "tar.exe");
$gzip_command = File::Spec->catfile($msysbindir, "gzip.exe");
last if (-f $tar_command);
if (! (-f $tar_command)) {
die ("Could not find tar command");
else {
print "tar command: $tar_command\n";
if (! (-f $gzip_command)) {
die ("Could not find gzip command");
else {
print "gzip command: $gzip_command\n";
my $makensis;
for my $nsisdir (("C:\\Program Files\\NSIS", "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\NSIS")) {
$makensis = File::Spec->catfile($nsisdir, "makensis.exe");
last if (-f $makensis);
die("makensis.exe not found") if (!(-f $makensis));
my $openssldir = $ENV{TARGET_CPU} eq "x64" ? "C:\\OpenSSL-Win64" : "C:\\OpenSSL-Win32";
my $opensslincdir = $openssldir . "\\include";
my $openssllibdir = $openssldir . "\\lib\\VC";
my $version = "unknown";
my $version_for_perl = "unknown";
my $version_maj;
my $version_min;
my $version_rev;
my $installer_exe_version = 1;
my $openssl = "disabled";
my $b_ipv6 = "disabled";
my $b_winextdll = "disabled";
my $sdk = "disabled";
my $default_install_base = "c:/usr";
my $install_base = $default_install_base;
my $install = "enabled";
my $install_devel = "disabled";
my $perl = "disabled";
my $perl_install = "disabled";
my $logging = "enabled";
my $debug = "disabled";
my $configOpts = "";
my $cTmp = "";
my $linktype = "static";
my $option;
my $scriptdir = dirname(abs_path($0));
my $win32_dir = dirname($scriptdir);
my $top_dir = dirname($win32_dir);
my $perl_dir = File::Spec->catdir($top_dir, "perl");
print "\ntop_dir: $top_dir\n";
print "win32_dir: $win32_dir\n";
print "perl_dir: $perl_dir\n";
print "install base: $install_base\n\n";
chdir $win32_dir;
if ( -d "dist" ) { }
else {
print "\nPlease copy the win32/dist folder from trunk to $win32_dir/\n\n";
if (!(-d $ENV{MSVCDir}) && !(-d $ENV{VCINSTALLDIR}) && !defined($ENV{TARGET_CPU})) {
print "\nPlease run VCVARS32.BAT first to set up the Visual Studio build\n" .
if ( -d $install_base) {
print "\nPlease delete or rename the $install_base folder.\n\n";
my $system_netsnmpdll = "$ENV{WINDIR}\\system32\\netsnmp.dll";
if ( -f $system_netsnmpdll) {
print "\n$system_netsnmpdll should be renamed or deleted.\n\n";
print "Would you like me to delete it? (y/n?)";
$| = 1;
my $temp = <STDIN>;
chomp $temp;
if (lc($temp) eq "y" || lc($temp) eq "yes") {
unlink $system_netsnmpdll || die "Could not delete file $system_netsnmpdll\n";
else {
# Determine version from unix configure script
my $unix_configure_in = "../configure";
open (UNIX_CONFIGURE_IN, "<$unix_configure_in") || die "Can't Open $unix_configure_in\n";
if ($1 ne "") {
$version = $1;
# Determine version for Perl (4 characters with commas)
$version_for_perl = $version;
my $dotCount = ($version =~ tr/.//);
while ($dotCount < 3) {
$version_for_perl .= ".0";
$version_for_perl =~ s/\./,/g;
# Determine version for NSIS installer
my @version_array = split(/\./, $version);
$version =~ /.*?\..*?\.(.*)/;
$version_rev = $1 || 0;
$version_maj = $version_array[0] || 0;
$version_min = $version_array[1] || 0;
print "Net-SNMP version: $version\n";
print "Net-SNMP Perl version: $version_for_perl\n";
print "Net-SNMP version MAJ: $version_maj\n";
print "Net-SNMP version MIN1: $version_min\n";
print "Net-SNMP version MIN2: $version_rev\n\n";
#goto skip1;
# Common build options:
$b_ipv6 = "enabled";
$sdk = "enabled";
$default_install_base = "c:/usr";
$install_base = $default_install_base;
$perl_install = "disabled";
$debug = "disabled";
$configOpts = "";
$cTmp = "";
$linktype = "dynamic";
# Build binary:
# winExtDLL = disabled
# SSL = enabled
$openssl = "enabled";
$b_winextdll = "disabled";
$perl = "enabled";
$install = "enabled";
$install_devel = "enabled";
chdir $win32_dir;
print "\nCleaning up $install_base/snmp/persist/\n";
unlink ("$install_base/snmp/persist/snmpd.conf");
unlink ("$install_base/snmp/persist/snmptrapd.conf");
# Build binary:
# winExtDLL = enabled
# SSL = enabled
$openssl = "enabled";
$b_winextdll = "enabled";
$perl = "disabled";
$install = "disabled";
$install_devel = "disabled";
chdir $win32_dir;
print "\nCopying snmpd.exe to snmpd-winExtDLL.exe\n";
copy("bin/release/snmpd.exe","$install_base/bin/snmpd-winExtDLL.exe") || die ("Could not copy snmpd.exe to snmpd-winExtDLL.exe: $?");
print "\nCleaning up $install_base/snmp/persist/\n";
unlink ("$install_base/snmp/persist/snmpd.conf");
unlink ("$install_base/snmp/persist/snmptrapd.conf");
print "Renaming $install_base/bin to $install_base/bin.ssl\n";
rename ("$install_base/bin","$install_base/bin.ssl") || die ("Could not rename folder: $?");
print "Renaming $install_base/lib to $install_base/lib.ssl\n";
rename ("$install_base/lib","$install_base/lib.ssl") || die ("Could not rename folder: $?");
print "Renaming $install_base/perl to $install_base/perl.ssl\n";
rename ("$install_base/perl","$install_base/perl.ssl") || die ("Could not rename folder: $?");
# Build binary:
# winExtDLL = disabled
# SSL = disabled
$openssl = "disabled";
$b_winextdll = "disabled";
$perl = "enabled";
$install = "enabled";
$install_devel = "enabled";
chdir $win32_dir;
print "\nCleaning up $install_base/snmp/persist/\n";
unlink ("$install_base/snmp/persist/snmpd.conf");
unlink ("$install_base/snmp/persist/snmptrapd.conf");
# Build binary:
# winExtDLL = enabled
# SSL = disabled
$openssl = "disabled";
$b_winextdll = "enabled";
$perl = "disabled";
$install = "disabled";
$install_devel = "disabled";
chdir $win32_dir;
print "\nCopying snmpd.exe to snmpd-winExtDLL.exe\n";
copy("bin/release/snmpd.exe","$install_base/bin/snmpd-winExtDLL.exe") || die ("Could not copy snmpd.exe to snmpd-winExtDLL.exe: $?");
print "\nCleaning up $install_base/snmp/persist/\n";
unlink ("$install_base/snmp/persist/snmpd.conf");
unlink ("$install_base/snmp/persist/snmptrapd.conf");
print "\n\nCopying dist files:\n";
print "===================\n\n";
mkdir ("$install_base/docs");
mkdir ("$install_base/temp");
chdir $top_dir;
copy("COPYING","$install_base/docs/") || die ("Could not copy file: $?");
copy('win32\dist\README.txt',"$install_base/") || die ("Could not copy file: $?");
copy('win32\dist\scripts\',"$install_base/bin/") || die ("Could not copy file: $?");
print "\n\nCopying NSIS installer files:\n";
print "=============================\n\n";
chdir $top_dir;
copy('win32\dist\installer\SetEnVar.nsi',"$install_base/") || die ("Could not copy file: $?");
copy('win32\dist\installer\net-snmp.nsi',"$install_base/net-snmp.nsi") || die ("Could not copy file: $?");
copy('win32\dist\installer\Add2Path.nsi',"$install_base/") || die ("Could not copy file: $?");
copy('win32\dist\installer\net-snmp-header1.bmp',"$install_base/") || die ("Could not copy file: $?");
open (TEMP, ">$install_base/registeragent.bat") || die ("Could not create file: $?");
close TEMP;
open (TEMP, ">$install_base/unregisteragent.bat") || die ("Could not create file: $?");
close TEMP;
open (TEMP, ">$install_base/registertrapd.bat") || die ("Could not create file: $?");
close TEMP;
open (TEMP, ">$install_base/unregistertrapd.bat") || die ("Could not create file: $?");
close TEMP;
open (TEMP, ">$install_base/etc/snmp/snmp.conf") || die ("Could not create file: $?");
close TEMP;
print "\n\nCopying documentation:\n";
print "=============================\n\n";
# To do: replace the two lines below with commands that build the .chm file.
open out, ">$install_base/docs/net-snmp.chm";
close out;
print "\n\nBuilding installer:\n";
print "=============================\n\n";
my $suffix = $ENV{LIB} =~ /\\x64|\\amd64/ ? "x64" : "x86";
if (system("\"$makensis\" /DPRODUCT_MAJ_VERSION=\"$version_maj\" /DPRODUCT_MIN_VERSION=\"$version_min\" /DPRODUCT_REVISION=\"$version_rev\" /DPRODUCT_EXE_VERSION=\"$installer_exe_version\" /DINSTALLER_PLATFORM=\"$suffix\" \"$install_base/net-snmp.nsi\"") != 0) {
die("Building installer failed");
print "\n=======\n";
print "Done!!!\n";
print "=======\n\n";
sub build {
print "\n\nBuilding with options:\n";
print "======================\n\n";
print "1. OpenSSL support: " . $openssl. "\n";
print "2. Platform SDK support: " . $sdk . "\n";
print "\n";
print "3. Install path: " . $install_base . "\n";
print "4. Install after build: " . $install . "\n";
print "\n";
print "5. Perl modules: " . $perl . "\n";
print "6. Install perl modules: " . $perl_install . "\n";
print "\n";
print "7. Quiet build (logged): " . $logging . "\n";
print "8. Debug mode: " . $debug . "\n";
print "\n";
print "9. IPv6 transports (requires SDK): " . $b_ipv6 . "\n";
print "10. winExtDLL agent (requires SDK): " . $b_winextdll . "\n";
print "\n";
print "11. Link type: " . $linktype . "\n";
print "\n";
print "12. Install development files " . $install_devel . "\n";
$cTmp = ($openssl eq "enabled" ? "--with-ssl" : "" );
$configOpts = "$cTmp";
$cTmp = ($sdk eq "enabled" ? "--with-sdk" : "" );
$configOpts = "$configOpts $cTmp";
$cTmp = ($b_ipv6 eq "enabled" ? "--with-ipv6" : "" );
$configOpts = "$configOpts $cTmp";
$cTmp = ($b_winextdll eq "enabled" ? "--with-winextdll" : "" );
$configOpts = "$configOpts $cTmp";
$cTmp = ($debug eq "enabled" ? "--config=debug" : "--config=release" );
$configOpts = "$configOpts $cTmp";
# Set environment variables
# Set to not search for non-existent ".dep" files
$ENV{INCLUDE} .= ";$opensslincdir";
$ENV{LIB} .= ";$openssllibdir";
# Set PATH environment variable so Perl make tests can locate the DLL
$ENV{PATH} = File::Spec->catdir($top_dir, "bin", $debug eq "enabled" ? "debug" : "release") . ";$ENV{PATH}";
# Set MIBDIRS environment variable so Perl make tests can locate the mibs
my $temp_mibdir = File::Spec->catdir($top_dir, "mibs");
$temp_mibdir =~ s/\\/\//g;
# Set SNMPCONFPATH environment variable so Perl conf.t test can locate
# the configuration files.
# See the note about environment variables in the Win32 section of
# perl/SNMP/README for details on why this is needed.
print "\nBuilding...\n";
print "\nCreating *.out log files.\n\n";
#print "Deleting old log files...\n";
#system("del *.out > NUL: 2>&1");
# Delete net-snmp-config.h from main include folder just in case it was created by a Cygwin or MinGW build
system("del ..\\include\\net-snmp\\net-snmp-config.h > NUL: 2>&1");
print "Running Configure...\n";
system("perl Configure $configOpts --linktype=$linktype --prefix=\"$install_base\" > configure.out 2>&1") == 0 || die "Build error (see configure.out)";
print "Cleaning...\n";
system("nmake /nologo clean > clean.out 2>&1") == 0 || die "Build error (see clean.out)";
print "Building main package...\n";
system("nmake /nologo > make.out 2>&1") == 0 || die "Build error (see make.out)";
if ($perl eq "enabled") {
if ($linktype eq "static") {
print "Running Configure for DLL...\n";
system("perl Configure $configOpts --linktype=dynamic --prefix=\"$install_base\" > perlconfigure.out 2>&1") == 0 || die "Build error (see perlconfigure.out)";
print "Cleaning libraries...\n";
system("nmake /nologo libs_clean >> clean.out 2>&1") == 0 || die "Build error (see clean.out)";
print "Building DLL libraries...\n";
system("nmake /nologo libs > dll.out 2>&1") == 0 || die "Build error (see dll.out)";
print "Cleaning Perl....\n";
system("nmake /nologo perl_clean >> clean.out 2>&1"); # If already cleaned, Makefile is gone so don't worry about errors!
print "Building Perl modules...\n";
system("nmake /nologo perl > perlmake.out 2>&1") == 0 || die "Build error (see perlmake.out)";
# print "Testing Perl modules...\n";
# system("nmake /nologo perl_test > perltest.out 2>&1"); # Don't die if all the tests don't pass..
if ($perl_install eq "enabled") {
print "Installing Perl modules...\n";
system("nmake /nologo perl_install > perlinstall.out 2>&1") == 0 || die "Build error (see perlinstall.out)";
print "\nSee perltest.out for Perl test results\n";
print "\n";
if ($install eq "enabled") {
print "Installing main package...\n";
system("nmake /nologo install > install.out 2>&1") == 0 || die "Build error (see install.out)";
else {
print "Type nmake install to install the package to $install_base\n";
if ($install_devel eq "enabled") {
print "Installing development files...\n";
system("nmake /nologo install_devel > install_devel.out 2>&1") == 0 || die "Build error (see install_devel.out)";
else {
print "Type nmake install_devel to install the development files to $install_base\n";
if ($perl_install eq "disabled" && $perl eq "enabled") {
print "Type nmake perl_install to install the Perl modules\n";
print "\nDone!\n";
} # sub build
sub create_perl_package {
print "\n\nCreating Perl package:\n";
print "========================\n\n";
chdir $perl_dir || die ("Could not enter Perl directory: $perl_dir");
system("nmake ppd > perlpackage.out 2>&1") == 0 || die "Build error (see perlpackage.out)";
#rename("Bundle-NetSNMP.ppd","NetSNMP.ppd") || die "Could not rename Bundle-NetSNMP.ppd to NetSNMP.ppd";
my $file_out = "NetSNMP.ppd";
my $file_in = "Bundle-NetSNMP.ppd";
open (FILE_OUT, ">$file_out") || die "Can't Open $file_out\n";
open (FILE_IN, "<$file_in") || die "Can't Open $file_in\n";
print "creating $file_out\n";
while (<FILE_IN>)
s/^<SOFTPKG NAME.*/<SOFTPKG NAME="NetSNMP" VERSION="$version_for_perl">/;
s/.*?<TITLE>.*/ <TITLE>Net-SNMP<\/TITLE>/;
s/.*?<ABSTRACT>.*/ <ABSTRACT>Object Oriented Interface to Net-SNMP<\/ABSTRACT>/;
s/.*?<CODEBASE.*/ <CODEBASE HREF="x86\/NetSNMP.tar.gz" \/>/;
print FILE_OUT $_ . "\n";
close FILE_IN;
close FILE_OUT;
print "Compressing Perl modules\n";
unlink "NetSNMP.tar";
unlink "NetSNMP.tar.gz";
unlink "perl-tar.out";
unlink "perl-gzip.out";
print " Creating Perl tar file\n";
if (system("\"$tar_command\" cvf NetSNMP.tar blib > perl-tar.out 2>&1")) { die ("Could not create tar file. See perl-tar.out"); }
print " Compressing Perl tar file\n";
if (system("\"$gzip_command\" --best NetSNMP.tar > perl-gzip.out 2>&1")) { die ("Could not compress tar file with gzip. See perl-gzip.out"); }
# Remove chdir..
chdir $perl_dir || die ("Could not enter Perl directory: $perl_dir");
mkdir ("$install_base/perl");
mkdir ("$install_base/perl/x86");
copy("NetSNMP.ppd","$install_base/perl/") || die ("Could not copy file: $?");
copy("NetSNMP.tar.gz","$install_base/perl/x86/") || die ("Could not copy file: $?");
} # sub create_perl_package
sub check_dir_exists {
my $dir = shift;
if (! -d $dir) {
die "Directory $dir is missing\n";