blob: 4bf3feabd312425217ea7185325b92586f052219 [file] [log] [blame]
# example ifconfig command
alias ifconfig {
printf "%-10sinet addr: %-15s Mask: %-10s\n %s %s RUNNING:%s MTU:%d\n RX packets: %d errors: %d dropped: %d\n TX packets: %d errors: %d dropped: %d\n RX bytes:%d TX bytes: %d\n\n" select ifDescr, ipAdEntAddr, ipAdEntNetMask, ifAdminStatus, ifType, ifOperStatus, ifMtu, ifInUcastPkts, ifInErrors, ifInDiscards, ifOutUcastPkts, ifOutErrors, ifOutDiscards, ifInOctets, ifOutOctets, ifIndex, ipAdEntIfIndex from ifTable, ipAddrTable where ifIndex = ipAdEntIfIndex
# select ipAdEntAddr, ifDescr, ifIndex, ipAdEntIfIndex from ifTable, ipAddrTable where ifIndex = ipAdEntIfIndex
# equivelant to netstat -an
alias netstatan {
printf "Active Intenet connections (servers and established)\n"
printf "Proto LocalAddress Foreign Address State\n"
printf "tcp %-15s:%-5s %-15s:%-5s%-10s\n" select tcpConnLocalAddress, tcpConnLocalPort, tcpConnRemAddress, tcpConnRemPort, tcpConnState from tcpConnTable;
printf "udp %-15s:%-5s %-10s\n" select udpLocalAddress, udpLocalPort from udpTable;
# equivelent to netstat -rn
alias netstatrn {
printf "Kernel IP Routing Table\n"
printf "Destination Gateway Genmask Type Iface\n"
printf "%-15s %-15s %-15s %-8s %s\n" select ipRouteDest, ipRouteNextHop, ipRouteMask, ipRouteType, ifDescr, ifIndex, ipRouteIfIndex from ifTable, ipRouteTable where ifIndex = ipRouteIfIndex
alias ps {
printf "%6d %1d %s %40.40s\n" select hrSWRunIndex, hrSWRunType, hrSWRunName, hrSWRunParameters from hrSWRunTable
# printf "%6d %1d %6d %s %40.40s\n" select hrSWRunIndex, hrSWRunType, hrSWRunPerfMem, hrSWRunName, hrSWRunParameters from hrSWRunTable
alias ps_grep {
printf "%6d %1d %s %40.40s\n" select hrSWRunIndex, hrSWRunType, hrSWRunName, hrSWRunParameters from hrSWRunTable where hrSWRunName like '%\1%'
alias df {
printf "Filesystem Size Used\n"
printf "%-20s %8d %8d\n" select hrStorageDescr, hrStorageSize, hrStorageUsed from hrStorageTable