blob: 5ae65f03549d301dca8ef270a4dd8be3a951664d [file] [log] [blame]
* Template MIB group implementation - wombat.c
#include <config.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
/* mibincl.h contains all the snmp specific headers to define the
return types and various defines and structures. */
#include "mibincl.h"
#include "wombat.h"
* header_wombat routines are called to implement the final part of
* the oid search. The parent snmpd routines search the subtree
* structure, composed of the various entries in the wombat.h file,
* to identify the routine likely responsible for the given oid. vp
* points to the subtree element that contained pointers to the
* var_wombat routine, and name points to the actual request. The
* var_wombat routine is called with this info, and it calls
* header_wombat to either verify that the request is valid (in the
* case of a Get [exact == 1]), or turn the request into a valid
* request, if possible (in the case of Get Next [exact == 0]). When
* a valid request is found or generated, a pointer to the routine
* responsible for handling Set requests is filled in, in case that's
* what's really caused our invocation.
* The subtree structure only identifies Types. In the case of Get,
* we just check to see if the length is right and the request
* matches something we can answer to. If the oid is a table, we
* validate the index. This routine could be modified to deal with a
* single routine handling a sequence or other data structures, but
* you're probably reinventing the wheel if you do (the subtree
* structure should be used to reduce those cases down to a scalar or
* a table).
* In the case of Get Next, we have to deal with the fact that the
* incoming request is probably not going to match anything --- it
* can be too short or too long, or the index of a table might not
* match anything actually in the table.
* If the incoming request is too short, convert it to the first valid
* oid. If it's too long, match as far as possible, and then convert
* it to the next valid oid. */
* Kernel & interface information,
* and internal forward declarations
void calculate_wombat(void);
* Initialisation & common implementation functions
void init_wombat(void)
/* define the structure we're going to ask the agent to register our
information at */
struct variable2 wombat_variables[] = {
{ WOMBATUPTIME, ASN_TIMETICKS, RONLY, var_wombat, 1, {1}},
{ WOMBATCURRENT, ASN_COUNTER, RONLY, var_wombat, 1, {2}},
/* Define the OID pointer to the top of the mib tree that we're
registering underneath */
oid wombat_variables_oid[] = { 1,3,6,1,2,1,99 };
/* register ourselves with the agent to handle our mib tree */
REGISTER_MIB("wombat", wobmat_variables, variable2, wombat_variables_oid);
/* the auto_nlist routine automatically looks up an nlist symbol in
the kernel and returns the value. It does not have to be done in
the init_wombat() routine, but we've put it here for our
example. */
/* function which scans a given snmpd.conf line for information */
void wombat_parse_config(char *word,
char *line)
/* function which frees resources allocated by the .conf parser above
and resets all values to defaults. It called just before the agent
re-reads all the .conf files. */
void wombat_free_config (void)
#define MATCH_FAILED 1
vp IN - pointer to variable entry that points here
name IN/OUT - IN/name requested, OUT/name found
length IN/OUT - length of IN/OUT oid's
exact IN - TRUE if an exact match was requested
var_len OUT - length of variable or 0 if function returned
write_method OUT - pointer to function to set variable, otherwise 0
header_wombat(struct variable *vp,
oid *name,
int *length,
int exact,
int *var_len,
WriteMethod **write_method)
oid newname[MAX_NAME_LEN];
int result;
char c_oid[MAX_NAME_LEN];
if (snmp_get_do_debugging()) {
sprint_objid (c_oid, name, *length);
DEBUGMSGTL(("examples/wombat", "var_wombat: %s %d\n", c_oid, exact));
memcpy( (char *)newname,(char *)vp->name, (int)vp->namelen * sizeof(oid));
newname[WOMBAT_NAME_LENGTH] = 0;
result = snmp_oid_compare(name, *length, newname, (int)vp->namelen + 1);
if ((exact && (result != 0)) || (!exact && (result >= 0)))
memcpy( (char *)name,(char *)newname, ((int)vp->namelen + 1) * sizeof(oid));
*length = vp->namelen + 1;
*write_method = 0;
*var_len = sizeof(long); /* default to 'long' results */
* System specific implementation functions
u_char *
var_wombat(struct variable *vp,
oid *name,
int *length,
int exact,
int *var_len,
WriteMethod **write_method)
if (header_wombat(vp, name, length, exact, var_len, write_method) == MATCH_FAILED )
return NULL;
switch (vp->magic){
long_return = 1;
return (u_char *)&long_return;
return NULL;
* Internal implementation functions
void calculate_wombat(void)