blob: 7d67ed041ef613e89e194bb9bbb89fa8685f714e [file] [log] [blame]
/* HEADER Testing copy_nword */
#define ASSERT1(cond) \
do { \
++__test_counter; \
if ((cond)) \
printf("ok %d\n", __test_counter); \
else { \
printf("not ok %d - %d: %s failed\n", \
__test_counter, __LINE__, #cond); \
} \
} while (0)
#define ASSERT2(cond, on_error) \
do { \
++__test_counter; \
if ((cond)) \
printf("ok %d\n", __test_counter); \
else { \
printf("not ok %d - %d: %s failed, ", \
__test_counter, __LINE__, #cond); \
printf on_error ; \
} \
} while (0)
/* A quoted string */
char input[] = "\"The red rose\"";
char output[sizeof(input)] = "";
char* run = copy_nword(input, output, sizeof(output));
ASSERT2(strcmp(output, "The red rose") == 0,
("output = >%s<\n", output));
ASSERT1(run == NULL);
/* Escaped quotes */
char input[] = "\\\"The red rose\\\"";
char output[sizeof(input)] = "";
char* run = copy_nword(input, output, sizeof(output));
ASSERT2(strcmp(output, "\"The") == 0, ("output = >%s<\n", output));
ASSERT2(run == input + 6,
("run = input + %" NETSNMP_PRIz "d\n", run - input));
run = copy_nword(run, output, sizeof(output));
ASSERT2(strcmp(output, "red") == 0, ("output = >%s<\n", output));
ASSERT2(run == input + 10,
("run = input + %" NETSNMP_PRIz "d\n", run - input));
run = copy_nword(run, output, sizeof(output));
ASSERT2(strcmp(output, "rose\"") == 0, ("output = >%s<\n", output));
ASSERT1(run == NULL);
/* Unterminated "-quote */
char input[] = "\"The";
char output[sizeof(input)] = "";
char* run = copy_nword(input, output, sizeof(output));
ASSERT2(strcmp(output, "The") == 0, ("output = >%s<\n", output));
ASSERT1(run == NULL);
/* Unterminated '-quote */
char input[] = "\'The";
char output[sizeof(input)] = "";
char* run = copy_nword(input, output, sizeof(output));
ASSERT2(strcmp(output, "The") == 0, ("output = >%s<\n", output));
ASSERT1(run == NULL);
/* Extract from NULL */
char output[10] = "";
char* run = NULL;
run = copy_nword(run, output, sizeof(output));
ASSERT1(run == NULL);
/* Extract to NULL */
char input[] = "The red rose";
char* output = NULL;
char* run = copy_nword(input, output, sizeof(output));
ASSERT1(run == NULL);
/* Long token */
char input[] = "\"Very long token that overflows the buffer\" foo";
char output[10] = "";
char* run = copy_nword(input, output, sizeof(output));
ASSERT2(strcmp(output, "Very long") == 0, ("output = >%s<\n", output));
ASSERT2(run == input + 44,
("run = input + %" NETSNMP_PRIz "d\n", run - input));
/* Quoted end of string / embedded \0 */
char input[] = "The\\\0red rose";
char output[sizeof(input)] = "";
char* run = copy_nword(input, output, sizeof(output));
ASSERT2(strcmp(output, "The\\") == 0, ("output = >%s<\n", output));
ASSERT1(run == NULL);
/* Empty string */
char input[] = "";
char output[sizeof(input) + 1] = "X";
char* run = copy_nword(input, output, sizeof(output));
ASSERT2(strcmp(output, "") == 0, ("output = >%s<\n", output));
ASSERT2(run == NULL, ("run = >%s<\n", run));
/* Whitespace string */
char input[] = " \t ";
char output[sizeof(input)] = "X";
char* run = copy_nword(input, output, sizeof(output));
ASSERT2(strcmp(output, "") == 0, ("output = >%s<\n", output));
ASSERT2(run == NULL, ("run = >%s<\n", run));
/* Quote, no whitespace after */
char input[] = "\"The\"red rose";
char output[sizeof(input)] = "";
char* run = copy_nword(input, output, sizeof(output));
ASSERT2(strcmp(output, "The") == 0, ("output = >%s<\n", output));
ASSERT2(run == input + 5,
("run = input + %" NETSNMP_PRIz "d\n", run - input));
/* Quote, no whitespace before */
char input[] = "The\"red\" rose";
char output[sizeof(input)] = "";
char* run = copy_nword(input, output, sizeof(output));
ASSERT2(strcmp(output, "The\"red\"") == 0, ("output = >%s<\n", output));
ASSERT2(run == input + 9,
("run = input + %" NETSNMP_PRIz "d\n", run - input));