blob: 3ea7c0bcf3080c996e514eb36111593af059782a [file] [log] [blame]
if (exists($ENV{'srcdir'})) {
push @INC, "$ENV{'srcdir'}/testing/fulltests/support";
} elsif (-d "fulltests/support") {
push @INC, "fulltests/support";
} elsif (-d "../support") {
push @INC, "../support";
use NetSNMPTest;
use Test;
use SNMP;
my $test = new NetSNMPTest(agentaddress => $agentaddress);
my $netsnmpcert = "$ENV{'srcdir'}/local/net-snmp-cert -I -C $test->{'dir'}";
system("$netsnmpcert gencert -I -t snmpd > /dev/null 2>&1");
system("$netsnmpcert gencert -I -t snmpapp --cn snmpapp > /dev/null 2>&1");
system("$netsnmpcert gencert -I -t perl --cn perl > /dev/null 2>&1");
my $fp = `$netsnmpcert showcerts --fingerprint --brief perl`;
print "# using local fp: $fp\n";
plan(tests => 2);
$test->config_agent("syscontact itworked");
$test->config_agent("rwuser -s tsm perl");
$test->config_agent("certSecName 100 snmpapp --cn");
$test->config_agent("certSecName 101 $fp --cn");
$test->DIE("failed to start the agent") if (!$test->start_agent(" -Dtls,ssl,tsm,cert:map"));
# now create a session to test things with
my $session = new SNMP::Session(DestHost => $test->{'agentaddress'},
TheirIdentity => 'snmpd',
OurIdentity => 'perl');
ok(ref($session), 'SNMP::Session', "created a session");
# GET test
if (ref($session) eq 'SNMP::Session') {
my $value = $session->get('sysContact.0');
ok($value, 'itworked');
# cleanup