blob: 5b56f1f13b30b33f039cbf05375cedc185fc2a0d [file] [log] [blame]
* Note: this file originally auto-generated by mib2c using
* version : 1.48 $ of : mfd-top.m2c,v $
* $Id$
/** \page MFD helper for snmpNotifyFilterTable
* \section intro Introduction
* Introductory text.
* standard Net-SNMP includes
#include <net-snmp/net-snmp-config.h>
#include <net-snmp/net-snmp-includes.h>
#include <net-snmp/agent/net-snmp-agent-includes.h>
* include our parent header
#include "snmpNotifyFilterTable.h"
#include <net-snmp/agent/mib_modules.h>
#include "snmpNotifyFilterTable_interface.h"
const oid snmpNotifyFilterTable_oid[] =
const int snmpNotifyFilterTable_oid_size =
snmpNotifyFilterTable_registration snmpNotifyFilterTable_user_context;
static snmpNotifyFilterTable_registration *snmpNotifyFilterTable_user_context_p;
void initialize_table_snmpNotifyFilterTable(void);
void shutdown_table_snmpNotifyFilterTable(void);
* Initializes the snmpNotifyFilterTable module
* TODO:300:o: Perform snmpNotifyFilterTable one-time module initialization.
* here we initialize all the tables we're planning on supporting
if (should_init("snmpNotifyFilterTable"))
} /* init_snmpNotifyFilterTable */
* Shut-down the snmpNotifyFilterTable module (agent is exiting)
if (should_init("snmpNotifyFilterTable"))
* Initialize the table snmpNotifyFilterTable
* (Define its contents and how it's structured)
u_long flags;
DEBUGMSGTL(("verbose:snmpNotifyFilterTable:initialize_table_snmpNotifyFilterTable", "called\n"));
* TODO:301:o: Perform snmpNotifyFilterTable one-time table initialization.
* TODO:302:o: |->Initialize snmpNotifyFilterTable user context
* if you'd like to pass in a pointer to some data for this
* table, allocate or set it up here.
* a netsnmp_data_list is a simple way to store void pointers. A simple
* string token is used to add, find or remove pointers.
snmpNotifyFilterTable_user_context_p =
netsnmp_create_data_list("snmpNotifyFilterTable", NULL, NULL);
* No support for any flags yet, but in the future you would
* set any flags here.
flags = 0;
* call interface initialization code
(snmpNotifyFilterTable_user_context_p, flags);
} /* initialize_table_snmpNotifyFilterTable */
* Shutdown the table snmpNotifyFilterTable
* call interface shutdown code
snmpNotifyFilterTable_user_context_p = NULL;
* extra context initialization (eg default values)
* @param rowreq_ctx : row request context
* @param user_init_ctx : void pointer for user (parameter to rowreq_ctx_allocate)
* @retval MFD_SUCCESS : no errors
* @retval MFD_ERROR : error (context allocate will fail)
snmpNotifyFilterTable_rowreq_ctx_init(snmpNotifyFilterTable_rowreq_ctx *
rowreq_ctx, void *user_init_ctx)
DEBUGMSGTL(("verbose:snmpNotifyFilterTable:snmpNotifyFilterTable_rowreq_ctx_init", "called\n"));
netsnmp_assert(NULL != rowreq_ctx);
* TODO:210:o: |-> Perform extra snmpNotifyFilterTable rowreq initialization. (eg DEFVALS)
* strings and oids are hard to handle automagically.
* so all we've got for you is a hint:
* memcpy(rowreq_ctx->data.snmpNotifyFilterMask, 0,
* len(0) * sizeof(snmpNotifyFilterMask[0]);
rowreq_ctx->data.snmpNotifyFilterType = SNMPNOTIFYFILTERTYPE_INCLUDED;
rowreq_ctx->data.snmpNotifyFilterStorageType = STORAGETYPE_NONVOLATILE;
} /* snmpNotifyFilterTable_rowreq_ctx_init */
* extra context cleanup
* @param rowreq_ctx
snmpNotifyFilterTable_rowreq_ctx_cleanup(snmpNotifyFilterTable_rowreq_ctx *
DEBUGMSGTL(("verbose:snmpNotifyFilterTable:snmpNotifyFilterTable_rowreq_ctx_cleanup", "called\n"));
netsnmp_assert(NULL != rowreq_ctx);
* TODO:211:o: |-> Perform extra snmpNotifyFilterTable rowreq cleanup.
} /* snmpNotifyFilterTable_rowreq_ctx_cleanup */
* the *_should_save routine is called to determine if a row
* should be stored persistently.
* Note that this is not a 'dirty' check (i.e. if a row has changed),
* but a check for volatile rows that should not be saved between
* restarts.
* @param rowreq_ctx
* @retval 1 if the row should be stored
* @retval 0 if the row should not be stored
(snmpNotifyFilterTable_rowreq_ctx * rowreq_ctx) {
return 0;
return 1; /* save the row */
* pre-request callback
* @param user_context
* @retval MFD_SUCCESS : success.
* @retval MFD_ERROR : other error
snmpNotifyFilterTable_pre_request(snmpNotifyFilterTable_registration *
DEBUGMSGTL(("verbose:snmpNotifyFilterTable:snmpNotifyFilterTable_pre_request", "called\n"));
* TODO:510:o: Perform snmpNotifyFilterTable pre-request actions.
} /* snmpNotifyFilterTable_pre_request */
* post-request callback
* Note:
* New rows have been inserted into the container, and
* deleted rows have been removed from the container and
* released.
* @param user_context
* @param rc : MFD_SUCCESS if all requests succeeded
* @retval MFD_SUCCESS : success.
* @retval MFD_ERROR : other error (ignored)
snmpNotifyFilterTable_post_request(snmpNotifyFilterTable_registration *
user_context, int rc)
DEBUGMSGTL(("verbose:snmpNotifyFilterTable:snmpNotifyFilterTable_post_request", "called\n"));
* TODO:511:o: Perform snmpNotifyFilterTable post-request actions.
* check to set if any rows were changed.
if (snmpNotifyFilterTable_dirty_get()) {
* check if request was successful. If so, this would be
* a good place to save data to its persistent store.
if (MFD_SUCCESS == rc) {
* notify library to save changed rows
snmpNotifyFilterTable_dirty_set(0); /* clear table dirty flag */
} /* snmpNotifyFilterTable_post_request */
*** Table snmpNotifyFilterTable
* SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB::snmpNotifyFilterTable is subid 3 of snmpNotifyObjects.
* Its status is Current.
* OID: ., length: 9
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* * TODO:200:r: Implement snmpNotifyFilterTable data context functions.
* set mib index(es)
* @param tbl_idx mib index structure
* @param snmpNotifyFilterProfileName_val_ptr
* @param snmpNotifyFilterProfileName_val_ptr_len
* @param snmpNotifyFilterSubtree_val_ptr
* @param snmpNotifyFilterSubtree_val_ptr_len
* @retval MFD_SUCCESS : success.
* @retval MFD_ERROR : other error.
* @remark
* This convenience function is useful for setting all the MIB index
* components with a single function call. It is assume that the C values
* have already been mapped from their native/rawformat to the MIB format.
snmpNotifyFilterTable_indexes_set_tbl_idx(snmpNotifyFilterTable_mib_index *
tbl_idx, char
oid *
DEBUGMSGTL(("verbose:snmpNotifyFilterTable:snmpNotifyFilterTable_indexes_set_tbl_idx", "called\n"));
* snmpNotifyFilterProfileName(1)/SnmpAdminString/ASN_OCTET_STR/char(char)//L/A/W/e/R/d/H
tbl_idx->snmpNotifyFilterProfileName_len = sizeof(tbl_idx->snmpNotifyFilterProfileName) / sizeof(tbl_idx->snmpNotifyFilterProfileName[0]); /* max length */
* make sure there is enough space for snmpNotifyFilterProfileName data
if ((NULL == tbl_idx->snmpNotifyFilterProfileName) ||
(tbl_idx->snmpNotifyFilterProfileName_len <
(snmpNotifyFilterProfileName_val_ptr_len))) {
snmp_log(LOG_ERR, "not enough space for value\n");
return MFD_ERROR;
tbl_idx->snmpNotifyFilterProfileName_len =
snmpNotifyFilterProfileName_val_ptr_len *
* snmpNotifyFilterSubtree(1)/OBJECTID/ASN_OBJECT_ID/oid(oid)//L/a/w/e/r/d/h
tbl_idx->snmpNotifyFilterSubtree_len = sizeof(tbl_idx->snmpNotifyFilterSubtree) / sizeof(tbl_idx->snmpNotifyFilterSubtree[0]); /* max length */
* make sure there is enough space for snmpNotifyFilterSubtree data
if ((NULL == tbl_idx->snmpNotifyFilterSubtree) ||
(tbl_idx->snmpNotifyFilterSubtree_len <
(snmpNotifyFilterSubtree_val_ptr_len))) {
snmp_log(LOG_ERR, "not enough space for value\n");
return MFD_ERROR;
tbl_idx->snmpNotifyFilterSubtree_len =
snmpNotifyFilterSubtree_val_ptr_len *
} /* snmpNotifyFilterTable_indexes_set_tbl_idx */
* @internal
* set row context indexes
* @param rowreq_ctx the row context that needs updated indexes
* @param snmpNotifyFilterProfileName_val_ptr
* @param snmpNotifyFilterProfileName_val_ptr_len
* @param snmpNotifyFilterSubtree_val_ptr
* @param snmpNotifyFilterSubtree_val_ptr_len
* @retval MFD_SUCCESS : success.
* @retval MFD_ERROR : other error.
* @remark
* This function sets the mib indexs, then updates the oid indexs
* from the mib index.
snmpNotifyFilterTable_indexes_set(snmpNotifyFilterTable_rowreq_ctx *
rowreq_ctx, char
oid * snmpNotifyFilterSubtree_val_ptr,
DEBUGMSGTL(("verbose:snmpNotifyFilterTable:snmpNotifyFilterTable_indexes_set", "called\n"));
return MFD_ERROR;
* convert mib index to oid index
rowreq_ctx->oid_idx.len = sizeof(rowreq_ctx->oid_tmp) / sizeof(oid);
if (0 != snmpNotifyFilterTable_index_to_oid(&rowreq_ctx->oid_idx,
&rowreq_ctx->tbl_idx)) {
return MFD_ERROR;
} /* snmpNotifyFilterTable_indexes_set */
* SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB::snmpNotifyFilterEntry.snmpNotifyFilterMask
* snmpNotifyFilterMask is subid 2 of snmpNotifyFilterEntry.
* Its status is Current, and its access level is Create.
* OID: .
* Description:
The bit mask which, in combination with the corresponding
instance of snmpNotifyFilterSubtree, defines a family of
subtrees which are included in or excluded from the
filter profile.
Each bit of this bit mask corresponds to a
sub-identifier of snmpNotifyFilterSubtree, with the
most significant bit of the i-th octet of this octet
string value (extended if necessary, see below)
corresponding to the (8*i - 7)-th sub-identifier, and
the least significant bit of the i-th octet of this
octet string corresponding to the (8*i)-th
sub-identifier, where i is in the range 1 through 16.
Each bit of this bit mask specifies whether or not
the corresponding sub-identifiers must match when
determining if an OBJECT IDENTIFIER matches this
family of filter subtrees; a '1' indicates that an
exact match must occur; a '0' indicates 'wild card',
i.e., any sub-identifier value matches.
Thus, the OBJECT IDENTIFIER X of an object instance
is contained in a family of filter subtrees if, for
each sub-identifier of the value of
snmpNotifyFilterSubtree, either:
the i-th bit of snmpNotifyFilterMask is 0, or
the i-th sub-identifier of X is equal to the i-th
sub-identifier of the value of
If the value of this bit mask is M bits long and
there are more than M sub-identifiers in the
corresponding instance of snmpNotifyFilterSubtree,
then the bit mask is extended with 1's to be the
required length.
Note that when the value of this object is the
zero-length string, this extension rule results in
a mask of all-1's being used (i.e., no 'wild card'),
and the family of filter subtrees is the one
subtree uniquely identified by the corresponding
instance of snmpNotifyFilterSubtree.
* Attributes:
* accessible 1 isscalar 0 enums 0 hasdefval 1
* readable 1 iscolumn 1 ranges 1 hashint 0
* settable 1
* defval: 0
* Ranges: 0 - 16;
* Its syntax is OCTETSTR (based on perltype OCTETSTR)
* The net-snmp type is ASN_OCTET_STR. The C type decl is char (char)
* This data type requires a length. (Max 16)
* Extract the current value of the snmpNotifyFilterMask data.
* Set a value using the data context for the row.
* @param rowreq_ctx
* Pointer to the row request context.
* @param snmpNotifyFilterMask_val_ptr_ptr
* Pointer to storage for a char variable
* @param snmpNotifyFilterMask_val_ptr_len_ptr
* Pointer to a size_t. On entry, it will contain the size (in bytes)
* pointed to by snmpNotifyFilterMask.
* On exit, this value should contain the data size (in bytes).
* @retval MFD_SUCCESS : success
* @retval MFD_SKIP : skip this node (no value for now)
* @retval MFD_ERROR : Any other error
* @note If you need more than (*snmpNotifyFilterMask_val_ptr_len_ptr) bytes of memory,
* allocate it using malloc() and update snmpNotifyFilterMask_val_ptr_ptr.
* <b>DO NOT</b> free the previous pointer.
* The MFD helper will release the memory you allocate.
* @remark If you call this function yourself, you are responsible
* for checking if the pointer changed, and freeing any
* previously allocated memory. (Not necessary if you pass
* in a pointer to static memory, obviously.)
snmpNotifyFilterMask_get(snmpNotifyFilterTable_rowreq_ctx * rowreq_ctx,
char **snmpNotifyFilterMask_val_ptr_ptr,
size_t * snmpNotifyFilterMask_val_ptr_len_ptr)
/** we should have a non-NULL pointer and enough storage */
netsnmp_assert((NULL != snmpNotifyFilterMask_val_ptr_ptr)
&& (NULL != *snmpNotifyFilterMask_val_ptr_ptr));
netsnmp_assert(NULL != snmpNotifyFilterMask_val_ptr_len_ptr);
netsnmp_assert(NULL != rowreq_ctx);
* TODO:231:o: |-> Extract the current value of the snmpNotifyFilterMask data.
* copy (* snmpNotifyFilterMask_val_ptr_ptr ) data and (* snmpNotifyFilterMask_val_ptr_len_ptr ) from rowreq_ctx->data
* make sure there is enough space for snmpNotifyFilterMask data
if ((NULL == (*snmpNotifyFilterMask_val_ptr_ptr)) ||
((*snmpNotifyFilterMask_val_ptr_len_ptr) <
(rowreq_ctx->data.snmpNotifyFilterMask_len *
sizeof(rowreq_ctx->data.snmpNotifyFilterMask[0])))) {
* allocate space for snmpNotifyFilterMask data
(*snmpNotifyFilterMask_val_ptr_ptr) = (char*)
malloc(rowreq_ctx->data.snmpNotifyFilterMask_len *
if (NULL == (*snmpNotifyFilterMask_val_ptr_ptr)) {
snmp_log(LOG_ERR, "could not allocate memory\n");
return MFD_ERROR;
(*snmpNotifyFilterMask_val_ptr_len_ptr) =
rowreq_ctx->data.snmpNotifyFilterMask_len *
rowreq_ctx->data.snmpNotifyFilterMask_len *
} /* snmpNotifyFilterMask_get */
* SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB::snmpNotifyFilterEntry.snmpNotifyFilterType
* snmpNotifyFilterType is subid 3 of snmpNotifyFilterEntry.
* Its status is Current, and its access level is Create.
* OID: .
* Description:
This object indicates whether the family of filter subtrees
defined by this entry are included in or excluded from a
filter. A more detailed discussion of the use of this
object can be found in section 6. of [SNMP-APPL].
* Attributes:
* accessible 1 isscalar 0 enums 1 hasdefval 1
* readable 1 iscolumn 1 ranges 0 hashint 0
* settable 1
* defval: included
* Enum range: 2/8. Values: included(1), excluded(2)
* Its syntax is INTEGER (based on perltype INTEGER)
* The net-snmp type is ASN_INTEGER. The C type decl is long (u_long)
* Extract the current value of the snmpNotifyFilterType data.
* Set a value using the data context for the row.
* @param rowreq_ctx
* Pointer to the row request context.
* @param snmpNotifyFilterType_val_ptr
* Pointer to storage for a long variable
* @retval MFD_SUCCESS : success
* @retval MFD_SKIP : skip this node (no value for now)
* @retval MFD_ERROR : Any other error
snmpNotifyFilterType_get(snmpNotifyFilterTable_rowreq_ctx * rowreq_ctx,
u_long * snmpNotifyFilterType_val_ptr)
/** we should have a non-NULL pointer */
netsnmp_assert(NULL != snmpNotifyFilterType_val_ptr);
netsnmp_assert(NULL != rowreq_ctx);
* TODO:231:o: |-> Extract the current value of the snmpNotifyFilterType data.
* copy (* snmpNotifyFilterType_val_ptr ) from rowreq_ctx->data
(*snmpNotifyFilterType_val_ptr) =
} /* snmpNotifyFilterType_get */
* SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB::snmpNotifyFilterEntry.snmpNotifyFilterStorageType
* snmpNotifyFilterStorageType is subid 4 of snmpNotifyFilterEntry.
* Its status is Current, and its access level is Create.
* OID: .
* Description:
The storage type for this conceptual row.
Conceptual rows having the value 'permanent' need not
allow write-access to any columnar objects in the row.
* Attributes:
* accessible 1 isscalar 0 enums 1 hasdefval 1
* readable 1 iscolumn 1 ranges 0 hashint 0
* settable 1
* defval: nonVolatile
* Enum range: 4/8. Values: other(1), volatile(2), nonVolatile(3), permanent(4), readOnly(5)
* Its syntax is StorageType (based on perltype INTEGER)
* The net-snmp type is ASN_INTEGER. The C type decl is long (u_long)
* Extract the current value of the snmpNotifyFilterStorageType data.
* Set a value using the data context for the row.
* @param rowreq_ctx
* Pointer to the row request context.
* @param snmpNotifyFilterStorageType_val_ptr
* Pointer to storage for a long variable
* @retval MFD_SUCCESS : success
* @retval MFD_SKIP : skip this node (no value for now)
* @retval MFD_ERROR : Any other error
snmpNotifyFilterStorageType_get(snmpNotifyFilterTable_rowreq_ctx *
u_long *
/** we should have a non-NULL pointer */
netsnmp_assert(NULL != snmpNotifyFilterStorageType_val_ptr);
DEBUGMSGTL(("verbose:snmpNotifyFilterTable:snmpNotifyFilterStorageType_get", "called\n"));
netsnmp_assert(NULL != rowreq_ctx);
* TODO:231:o: |-> Extract the current value of the snmpNotifyFilterStorageType data.
* copy (* snmpNotifyFilterStorageType_val_ptr ) from rowreq_ctx->data
(*snmpNotifyFilterStorageType_val_ptr) =
} /* snmpNotifyFilterStorageType_get */
* SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB::snmpNotifyFilterEntry.snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus
* snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus is subid 5 of snmpNotifyFilterEntry.
* Its status is Current, and its access level is Create.
* OID: .
* Description:
The status of this conceptual row.
To create a row in this table, a manager must
set this object to either createAndGo(4) or
* Attributes:
* accessible 1 isscalar 0 enums 1 hasdefval 0
* readable 1 iscolumn 1 ranges 0 hashint 0
* settable 1
* Enum range: 3/8. Values: active(1), notInService(2), notReady(3), createAndGo(4), createAndWait(5), destroy(6)
* Its syntax is RowStatus (based on perltype INTEGER)
* The net-snmp type is ASN_INTEGER. The C type decl is long (u_long)
* Extract the current value of the snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus data.
* Set a value using the data context for the row.
* @param rowreq_ctx
* Pointer to the row request context.
* @param snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus_val_ptr
* Pointer to storage for a long variable
* @retval MFD_SUCCESS : success
* @retval MFD_SKIP : skip this node (no value for now)
* @retval MFD_ERROR : Any other error
snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus_get(snmpNotifyFilterTable_rowreq_ctx *
u_long * snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus_val_ptr)
/** we should have a non-NULL pointer */
netsnmp_assert(NULL != snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus_val_ptr);
(*snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus_val_ptr) =
} /* snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus_get */
/** @} */
*** Table snmpNotifyFilterTable
* SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB::snmpNotifyFilterTable is subid 3 of snmpNotifyObjects.
* Its status is Current.
* OID: ., length: 9
* NOTE: if you update this chart, please update the versions in
* local/mib2c-conf.d/parent-set.m2i
* agent/mibgroup/helpers/baby_steps.c
* while you're at it.
* Baby Steps Flow Chart (2004.06.05) *
* *
* +--------------+ +================+ U = unconditional path *
* |optional state| ||required state|| S = path for success *
* +--------------+ +================+ E = path for error *
* +--------------+
* | pre |
* | request |
* +--------------+
* | U
* +-------------+ +==============+
* | row |f|<-------|| object ||
* | create |1| E || lookup ||
* +-------------+ +==============+
* E | | S | S
* | +------------------>|
* | +==============+
* | E || check ||
* |<---------------|| values ||
* | +==============+
* | | S
* | +==============+
* | +<-------|| undo ||
* | | E || setup ||
* | | +==============+
* | | | S
* | | +==============+
* | | || set ||-------------------------->+
* | | || value || E |
* | | +==============+ |
* | | | S |
* | | +--------------+ |
* | | | check |-------------------------->|
* | | | consistency | E |
* | | +--------------+ |
* | | | S |
* | | +==============+ +==============+ |
* | | || commit ||-------->|| undo || |
* | | || || E || commit || |
* | | +==============+ +==============+ |
* | | | S U |<--------+
* | | +--------------+ +==============+
* | | | irreversible | || undo ||
* | | | commit | || set ||
* | | +--------------+ +==============+
* | | | U U |
* | +-------------->|<------------------------+
* | +==============+
* | || undo ||
* | || cleanup ||
* | +==============+
* +---------------------->| U
* |
* (err && f1)------------------->+
* | |
* +--------------+ +--------------+
* | post |<--------| row |
* | request | U | release |
* +--------------+ +--------------+
* Setup up context with information needed to undo a set request.
* This function will be called before the individual node undo setup
* functions are called. If you need to do any undo setup that is not
* related to a specific column, you can do it here.
* Note that the undo context has been allocated with
* snmpNotifyFilterTable_allocate_data(), but may need extra
* initialization similar to what you may have done in
* snmpNotifyFilterTable_rowreq_ctx_init().
* Note that an individual node's undo_setup function will only be called
* if that node is being set to a new value.
* If there is any setup specific to a particular column (e.g. allocating
* memory for a string), you should do that setup in the node's undo_setup
* function, so it won't be done unless it is necessary.
* @param rowreq_ctx
* Pointer to the table context (snmpNotifyFilterTable_rowreq_ctx)
* @retval MFD_SUCCESS : success
* @retval MFD_ERROR : error. set will fail.
snmpNotifyFilterTable_undo_setup(snmpNotifyFilterTable_rowreq_ctx *
int rc = MFD_SUCCESS;
DEBUGMSGTL(("verbose:snmpNotifyFilterTable:snmpNotifyFilterTable_undo_setup", "called\n"));
/** we should have a non-NULL pointer */
netsnmp_assert(NULL != rowreq_ctx);
* TODO:451:M: |-> Setup snmpNotifyFilterTable undo.
* set up snmpNotifyFilterTable undo information, in preparation for a set.
* Undo storage is in (* snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus_val_ptr )*
return rc;
} /* snmpNotifyFilterTable_undo_setup */
* Undo a set request.
* This function will be called before the individual node undo
* functions are called. If you need to do any undo that is not
* related to a specific column, you can do it here.
* Note that an individual node's undo function will only be called
* if that node is being set to a new value.
* If there is anything specific to a particular column (e.g. releasing
* memory for a string), you should do that setup in the node's undo
* function, so it won't be done unless it is necessary.
* @param rowreq_ctx
* Pointer to the table context (snmpNotifyFilterTable_rowreq_ctx)
* @retval MFD_SUCCESS : success
* @retval MFD_ERROR : error. set will fail.
snmpNotifyFilterTable_undo(snmpNotifyFilterTable_rowreq_ctx * rowreq_ctx)
int rc = MFD_SUCCESS;
/** we should have a non-NULL pointer */
netsnmp_assert(NULL != rowreq_ctx);
* TODO:451:M: |-> snmpNotifyFilterTable undo.
* snmpNotifyFilterTable undo information, in response to a failed set.
* Undo storage is in (* snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus_val_ptr )*
return rc;
} /* snmpNotifyFilterTable_undo_setup */
* Cleanup up context undo information.
* This function will be called after set/commit processing. If you
* allocated any resources in undo_setup, this is the place to release
* those resources.
* This function is called regardless of the success or failure of the set
* request. If you need to perform different steps for cleanup depending
* on success or failure, you can add a flag to the rowreq_ctx.
* @param rowreq_ctx
* Pointer to the table context (snmpNotifyFilterTable_rowreq_ctx)
* @retval MFD_SUCCESS : success
* @retval MFD_ERROR : error
snmpNotifyFilterTable_undo_cleanup(snmpNotifyFilterTable_rowreq_ctx *
int rc = MFD_SUCCESS;
DEBUGMSGTL(("verbose:snmpNotifyFilterTable:snmpNotifyFilterTable_undo_cleanup", "called\n"));
/** we should have a non-NULL pointer */
netsnmp_assert(NULL != rowreq_ctx);
* TODO:452:M: |-> Cleanup snmpNotifyFilterTable undo.
* Undo storage is in (* snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus_val_ptr )*
return rc;
} /* snmpNotifyFilterTable_undo_cleanup */
* commit new values.
* At this point, you should have done everything you can to ensure that
* this commit will not fail.
* Should you need different behavior depending on which columns were
* set, rowreq_ctx->column_set_flags will indicate which writeable columns were
* set. The definitions for the COLUMN_*_FLAG bits can be found in
* snmpNotifyFilterTable.h.
* A new row will have the MFD_ROW_CREATED bit set in rowreq_flags.
* @param rowreq_ctx
* Pointer to the users context.
* @retval MFD_SUCCESS : success
* @retval MFD_ERROR : error
snmpNotifyFilterTable_commit(snmpNotifyFilterTable_rowreq_ctx * rowreq_ctx)
int rc = MFD_SUCCESS;
DEBUGMSGTL(("verbose:snmpNotifyFilterTable:snmpNotifyFilterTable_commit", "called\n"));
/** we should have a non-NULL pointer */
netsnmp_assert(NULL != rowreq_ctx);
* commit snmpNotifyFilterTable data
* if we successfully commited this row, set the dirty flag.
rowreq_ctx->rowreq_flags |= MFD_ROW_DIRTY;
return rc;
} /* snmpNotifyFilterTable_commit */
* undo commit new values.
* Should you need different behavior depending on which columns were
* set, rowreq_ctx->column_set_flags will indicate which writeable columns were
* set. The definitions for the COLUMN_*_FLAG bits can be found in
* snmpNotifyFilterTable.h.
* A new row will have the MFD_ROW_CREATED bit set in rowreq_flags.
* @param rowreq_ctx
* Pointer to the users context.
* @retval MFD_SUCCESS : success
* @retval MFD_ERROR : error
snmpNotifyFilterTable_undo_commit(snmpNotifyFilterTable_rowreq_ctx *
int rc = MFD_SUCCESS;
DEBUGMSGTL(("verbose:snmpNotifyFilterTable:snmpNotifyFilterTable_undo_commit", "called\n"));
/** we should have a non-NULL pointer */
netsnmp_assert(NULL != rowreq_ctx);
* TODO:485:M: |-> Undo snmpNotifyFilterTable commit.
* check the column's flag in rowreq_ctx->column_set_flags to see
* if it was set during commit, then undo it.
* eg: if (rowreq_ctx->column_set_flags & COLUMN__FLAG) {}
* if we successfully un-commited this row, clear the dirty flag.
if (MFD_SUCCESS == rc) {
rowreq_ctx->rowreq_flags &= ~MFD_ROW_DIRTY;
return rc;
} /* snmpNotifyFilterTable_undo_commit */
* TODO:440:M: Implement snmpNotifyFilterTable node value checks.
* TODO:450:M: Implement snmpNotifyFilterTable undo functions.
* TODO:460:M: Implement snmpNotifyFilterTable set functions.
* TODO:480:M: Implement snmpNotifyFilterTable commit functions.
* SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB::snmpNotifyFilterEntry.snmpNotifyFilterMask
* snmpNotifyFilterMask is subid 2 of snmpNotifyFilterEntry.
* Its status is Current, and its access level is Create.
* OID: .
* Description:
The bit mask which, in combination with the corresponding
instance of snmpNotifyFilterSubtree, defines a family of
subtrees which are included in or excluded from the
filter profile.
Each bit of this bit mask corresponds to a
sub-identifier of snmpNotifyFilterSubtree, with the
most significant bit of the i-th octet of this octet
string value (extended if necessary, see below)
corresponding to the (8*i - 7)-th sub-identifier, and
the least significant bit of the i-th octet of this
octet string corresponding to the (8*i)-th
sub-identifier, where i is in the range 1 through 16.
Each bit of this bit mask specifies whether or not
the corresponding sub-identifiers must match when
determining if an OBJECT IDENTIFIER matches this
family of filter subtrees; a '1' indicates that an
exact match must occur; a '0' indicates 'wild card',
i.e., any sub-identifier value matches.
Thus, the OBJECT IDENTIFIER X of an object instance
is contained in a family of filter subtrees if, for
each sub-identifier of the value of
snmpNotifyFilterSubtree, either:
the i-th bit of snmpNotifyFilterMask is 0, or
the i-th sub-identifier of X is equal to the i-th
sub-identifier of the value of
If the value of this bit mask is M bits long and
there are more than M sub-identifiers in the
corresponding instance of snmpNotifyFilterSubtree,
then the bit mask is extended with 1's to be the
required length.
Note that when the value of this object is the
zero-length string, this extension rule results in
a mask of all-1's being used (i.e., no 'wild card'),
and the family of filter subtrees is the one
subtree uniquely identified by the corresponding
instance of snmpNotifyFilterSubtree.
* Attributes:
* accessible 1 isscalar 0 enums 0 hasdefval 1
* readable 1 iscolumn 1 ranges 1 hashint 0
* settable 1
* defval: 0
* Ranges: 0 - 16;
* Its syntax is OCTETSTR (based on perltype OCTETSTR)
* The net-snmp type is ASN_OCTET_STR. The C type decl is char (char)
* This data type requires a length. (Max 16)
* Check that the proposed new value is potentially valid.
* @param rowreq_ctx
* Pointer to the row request context.
* @param snmpNotifyFilterMask_val_ptr
* A char containing the new value.
* @param snmpNotifyFilterMask_val_ptr_len
* The size (in bytes) of the data pointed to by snmpNotifyFilterMask_val_ptr
* @retval MFD_SUCCESS : incoming value is legal
* @retval MFD_NOT_VALID_NOW : incoming value is not valid now
* @retval MFD_NOT_VALID_EVER : incoming value is never valid
* This is the place to check for requirements that are not
* expressed in the mib syntax (for example, a requirement that
* is detailed in the description for an object).
* You should check that the requested change between the undo value and the
* new value is legal (ie, the transistion from one value to another
* is legal).
* This check is only to determine if the new value
* is \b potentially valid. This is the first check of many, and
* is one of the simplest ones.
* this is not the place to do any checks for values
* which depend on some other value in the mib. Those
* types of checks should be done in the
* snmpNotifyFilterTable_check_dependencies() function.
* The following checks have already been done for you:
* The syntax is ASN_OCTET_STR
* The length is < sizeof(rowreq_ctx->data.snmpNotifyFilterMask).
* The length is in (one of) the range set(s): 0 - 16
* If there a no other checks you need to do, simply return MFD_SUCCESS.
snmpNotifyFilterMask_check_value(snmpNotifyFilterTable_rowreq_ctx *
char *snmpNotifyFilterMask_val_ptr,
size_t snmpNotifyFilterMask_val_ptr_len)
DEBUGMSGTL(("verbose:snmpNotifyFilterTable:snmpNotifyFilterMask_check_value", "called\n"));
/** should never get a NULL pointer */
netsnmp_assert(NULL != rowreq_ctx);
netsnmp_assert(NULL != snmpNotifyFilterMask_val_ptr);
* TODO:441:o: |-> Check for valid snmpNotifyFilterMask value.
return MFD_SUCCESS; /* snmpNotifyFilterMask value not illegal */
} /* snmpNotifyFilterMask_check_value */
* Save old value information
* @param rowreq_ctx
* Pointer to the table context (snmpNotifyFilterTable_rowreq_ctx)
* @retval MFD_SUCCESS : success
* @retval MFD_ERROR : error. set will fail.
* This function will be called after the table level undo setup function
* snmpNotifyFilterTable_undo_setup has been called.
* this function will only be called if a new value is set for this column.
* If there is any setup specific to a particular column (e.g. allocating
* memory for a string), you should do that setup in this function, so it
* won't be done unless it is necessary.
snmpNotifyFilterMask_undo_setup(snmpNotifyFilterTable_rowreq_ctx *
DEBUGMSGTL(("verbose:snmpNotifyFilterTable:snmpNotifyFilterMask_undo_setup", "called\n"));
/** should never get a NULL pointer */
netsnmp_assert(NULL != rowreq_ctx);
* TODO:455:o: |-> Setup snmpNotifyFilterMask undo.
* copy snmpNotifyFilterMask and snmpNotifyFilterMask_len data
* set rowreq_ctx->undo->snmpNotifyFilterMask from rowreq_ctx->data.snmpNotifyFilterMask
(rowreq_ctx->data.snmpNotifyFilterMask_len *
rowreq_ctx->undo->snmpNotifyFilterMask_len =
} /* snmpNotifyFilterMask_undo_setup */
* Set the new value.
* @param rowreq_ctx
* Pointer to the users context. You should know how to
* manipulate the value from this object.
* @param snmpNotifyFilterMask_val_ptr
* A char containing the new value.
* @param snmpNotifyFilterMask_val_ptr_len
* The size (in bytes) of the data pointed to by snmpNotifyFilterMask_val_ptr
snmpNotifyFilterMask_set(snmpNotifyFilterTable_rowreq_ctx * rowreq_ctx,
char *snmpNotifyFilterMask_val_ptr,
size_t snmpNotifyFilterMask_val_ptr_len)
/** should never get a NULL pointer */
netsnmp_assert(NULL != rowreq_ctx);
netsnmp_assert(NULL != snmpNotifyFilterMask_val_ptr);
* TODO:461:M: |-> Set snmpNotifyFilterMask value.
* set snmpNotifyFilterMask value in rowreq_ctx->data
snmpNotifyFilterMask_val_ptr, snmpNotifyFilterMask_val_ptr_len);
/** convert bytes to number of char */
rowreq_ctx->data.snmpNotifyFilterMask_len =
snmpNotifyFilterMask_val_ptr_len /
} /* snmpNotifyFilterMask_set */
* undo the previous set.
* @param rowreq_ctx
* Pointer to the users context.
snmpNotifyFilterMask_undo(snmpNotifyFilterTable_rowreq_ctx * rowreq_ctx)
netsnmp_assert(NULL != rowreq_ctx);
* TODO:456:o: |-> Clean up snmpNotifyFilterMask undo.
* copy snmpNotifyFilterMask and snmpNotifyFilterMask_len data
* set rowreq_ctx->data.snmpNotifyFilterMask from rowreq_ctx->undo->snmpNotifyFilterMask
(rowreq_ctx->undo->snmpNotifyFilterMask_len *
rowreq_ctx->data.snmpNotifyFilterMask_len =
} /* snmpNotifyFilterMask_undo */
* SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB::snmpNotifyFilterEntry.snmpNotifyFilterType
* snmpNotifyFilterType is subid 3 of snmpNotifyFilterEntry.
* Its status is Current, and its access level is Create.
* OID: .
* Description:
This object indicates whether the family of filter subtrees
defined by this entry are included in or excluded from a
filter. A more detailed discussion of the use of this
object can be found in section 6. of [SNMP-APPL].
* Attributes:
* accessible 1 isscalar 0 enums 1 hasdefval 1
* readable 1 iscolumn 1 ranges 0 hashint 0
* settable 1
* defval: included
* Enum range: 2/8. Values: included(1), excluded(2)
* Its syntax is INTEGER (based on perltype INTEGER)
* The net-snmp type is ASN_INTEGER. The C type decl is long (u_long)
* Check that the proposed new value is potentially valid.
* @param rowreq_ctx
* Pointer to the row request context.
* @param snmpNotifyFilterType_val
* A long containing the new value.
* @retval MFD_SUCCESS : incoming value is legal
* @retval MFD_NOT_VALID_NOW : incoming value is not valid now
* @retval MFD_NOT_VALID_EVER : incoming value is never valid
* This is the place to check for requirements that are not
* expressed in the mib syntax (for example, a requirement that
* is detailed in the description for an object).
* You should check that the requested change between the undo value and the
* new value is legal (ie, the transistion from one value to another
* is legal).
* This check is only to determine if the new value
* is \b potentially valid. This is the first check of many, and
* is one of the simplest ones.
* this is not the place to do any checks for values
* which depend on some other value in the mib. Those
* types of checks should be done in the
* snmpNotifyFilterTable_check_dependencies() function.
* The following checks have already been done for you:
* The syntax is ASN_INTEGER
* The value is one of included(1), excluded(2)
* If there a no other checks you need to do, simply return MFD_SUCCESS.
snmpNotifyFilterType_check_value(snmpNotifyFilterTable_rowreq_ctx *
u_long snmpNotifyFilterType_val)
DEBUGMSGTL(("verbose:snmpNotifyFilterTable:snmpNotifyFilterType_check_value", "called\n"));
/** should never get a NULL pointer */
netsnmp_assert(NULL != rowreq_ctx);
* TODO:441:o: |-> Check for valid snmpNotifyFilterType value.
return MFD_SUCCESS; /* snmpNotifyFilterType value not illegal */
} /* snmpNotifyFilterType_check_value */
* Save old value information
* @param rowreq_ctx
* Pointer to the table context (snmpNotifyFilterTable_rowreq_ctx)
* @retval MFD_SUCCESS : success
* @retval MFD_ERROR : error. set will fail.
* This function will be called after the table level undo setup function
* snmpNotifyFilterTable_undo_setup has been called.
* this function will only be called if a new value is set for this column.
* If there is any setup specific to a particular column (e.g. allocating
* memory for a string), you should do that setup in this function, so it
* won't be done unless it is necessary.
snmpNotifyFilterType_undo_setup(snmpNotifyFilterTable_rowreq_ctx *
DEBUGMSGTL(("verbose:snmpNotifyFilterTable:snmpNotifyFilterType_undo_setup", "called\n"));
/** should never get a NULL pointer */
netsnmp_assert(NULL != rowreq_ctx);
* TODO:455:o: |-> Setup snmpNotifyFilterType undo.
* copy snmpNotifyFilterType data
* set rowreq_ctx->undo->snmpNotifyFilterType from rowreq_ctx->data.snmpNotifyFilterType
rowreq_ctx->undo->snmpNotifyFilterType =
} /* snmpNotifyFilterType_undo_setup */
* Set the new value.
* @param rowreq_ctx
* Pointer to the users context. You should know how to
* manipulate the value from this object.
* @param snmpNotifyFilterType_val
* A long containing the new value.
snmpNotifyFilterType_set(snmpNotifyFilterTable_rowreq_ctx * rowreq_ctx,
u_long snmpNotifyFilterType_val)
/** should never get a NULL pointer */
netsnmp_assert(NULL != rowreq_ctx);
* TODO:461:M: |-> Set snmpNotifyFilterType value.
* set snmpNotifyFilterType value in rowreq_ctx->data
rowreq_ctx->data.snmpNotifyFilterType = snmpNotifyFilterType_val;
} /* snmpNotifyFilterType_set */
* undo the previous set.
* @param rowreq_ctx
* Pointer to the users context.
snmpNotifyFilterType_undo(snmpNotifyFilterTable_rowreq_ctx * rowreq_ctx)
netsnmp_assert(NULL != rowreq_ctx);
* TODO:456:o: |-> Clean up snmpNotifyFilterType undo.
* copy snmpNotifyFilterType data
* set rowreq_ctx->data.snmpNotifyFilterType from rowreq_ctx->undo->snmpNotifyFilterType
rowreq_ctx->data.snmpNotifyFilterType =
} /* snmpNotifyFilterType_undo */
* SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB::snmpNotifyFilterEntry.snmpNotifyFilterStorageType
* snmpNotifyFilterStorageType is subid 4 of snmpNotifyFilterEntry.
* Its status is Current, and its access level is Create.
* OID: .
* Description:
The storage type for this conceptual row.
Conceptual rows having the value 'permanent' need not
allow write-access to any columnar objects in the row.
* Attributes:
* accessible 1 isscalar 0 enums 1 hasdefval 1
* readable 1 iscolumn 1 ranges 0 hashint 0
* settable 1
* defval: nonVolatile
* Enum range: 4/8. Values: other(1), volatile(2), nonVolatile(3), permanent(4), readOnly(5)
* Its syntax is StorageType (based on perltype INTEGER)
* The net-snmp type is ASN_INTEGER. The C type decl is long (u_long)
* Check that the proposed new value is potentially valid.
* @param rowreq_ctx
* Pointer to the row request context.
* @param snmpNotifyFilterStorageType_val
* A long containing the new value.
* @retval MFD_SUCCESS : incoming value is legal
* @retval MFD_NOT_VALID_NOW : incoming value is not valid now
* @retval MFD_NOT_VALID_EVER : incoming value is never valid
* This is the place to check for requirements that are not
* expressed in the mib syntax (for example, a requirement that
* is detailed in the description for an object).
* You should check that the requested change between the undo value and the
* new value is legal (ie, the transistion from one value to another
* is legal).
* This check is only to determine if the new value
* is \b potentially valid. This is the first check of many, and
* is one of the simplest ones.
* this is not the place to do any checks for values
* which depend on some other value in the mib. Those
* types of checks should be done in the
* snmpNotifyFilterTable_check_dependencies() function.
* The following checks have already been done for you:
* The syntax is ASN_INTEGER
* The value is one of other(1), volatile(2), nonVolatile(3), permanent(4), readOnly(5)
* If there a no other checks you need to do, simply return MFD_SUCCESS.
snmpNotifyFilterStorageType_check_value(snmpNotifyFilterTable_rowreq_ctx *
DEBUGMSGTL(("verbose:snmpNotifyFilterTable:snmpNotifyFilterStorageType_check_value", "called\n"));
/** should never get a NULL pointer */
netsnmp_assert(NULL != rowreq_ctx);
* TODO:441:o: |-> Check for valid snmpNotifyFilterStorageType value.
return MFD_SUCCESS; /* snmpNotifyFilterStorageType value not illegal */
} /* snmpNotifyFilterStorageType_check_value */
* Save old value information
* @param rowreq_ctx
* Pointer to the table context (snmpNotifyFilterTable_rowreq_ctx)
* @retval MFD_SUCCESS : success
* @retval MFD_ERROR : error. set will fail.
* This function will be called after the table level undo setup function
* snmpNotifyFilterTable_undo_setup has been called.
* this function will only be called if a new value is set for this column.
* If there is any setup specific to a particular column (e.g. allocating
* memory for a string), you should do that setup in this function, so it
* won't be done unless it is necessary.
snmpNotifyFilterStorageType_undo_setup(snmpNotifyFilterTable_rowreq_ctx *
DEBUGMSGTL(("verbose:snmpNotifyFilterTable:snmpNotifyFilterStorageType_undo_setup", "called\n"));
/** should never get a NULL pointer */
netsnmp_assert(NULL != rowreq_ctx);
* TODO:455:o: |-> Setup snmpNotifyFilterStorageType undo.
* copy snmpNotifyFilterStorageType data
* set rowreq_ctx->undo->snmpNotifyFilterStorageType from rowreq_ctx->data.snmpNotifyFilterStorageType
rowreq_ctx->undo->snmpNotifyFilterStorageType =
} /* snmpNotifyFilterStorageType_undo_setup */
* Set the new value.
* @param rowreq_ctx
* Pointer to the users context. You should know how to
* manipulate the value from this object.
* @param snmpNotifyFilterStorageType_val
* A long containing the new value.
snmpNotifyFilterStorageType_set(snmpNotifyFilterTable_rowreq_ctx *
u_long snmpNotifyFilterStorageType_val)
DEBUGMSGTL(("verbose:snmpNotifyFilterTable:snmpNotifyFilterStorageType_set", "called\n"));
/** should never get a NULL pointer */
netsnmp_assert(NULL != rowreq_ctx);
* TODO:461:M: |-> Set snmpNotifyFilterStorageType value.
* set snmpNotifyFilterStorageType value in rowreq_ctx->data
rowreq_ctx->data.snmpNotifyFilterStorageType =
} /* snmpNotifyFilterStorageType_set */
* undo the previous set.
* @param rowreq_ctx
* Pointer to the users context.
snmpNotifyFilterStorageType_undo(snmpNotifyFilterTable_rowreq_ctx *
DEBUGMSGTL(("verbose:snmpNotifyFilterTable:snmpNotifyFilterStorageType_undo", "called\n"));
netsnmp_assert(NULL != rowreq_ctx);
* TODO:456:o: |-> Clean up snmpNotifyFilterStorageType undo.
* copy snmpNotifyFilterStorageType data
* set rowreq_ctx->data.snmpNotifyFilterStorageType from rowreq_ctx->undo->snmpNotifyFilterStorageType
rowreq_ctx->data.snmpNotifyFilterStorageType =
} /* snmpNotifyFilterStorageType_undo */
* SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB::snmpNotifyFilterEntry.snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus
* snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus is subid 5 of snmpNotifyFilterEntry.
* Its status is Current, and its access level is Create.
* OID: .
* Description:
The status of this conceptual row.
To create a row in this table, a manager must
set this object to either createAndGo(4) or
* Attributes:
* accessible 1 isscalar 0 enums 1 hasdefval 0
* readable 1 iscolumn 1 ranges 0 hashint 0
* settable 1
* Enum range: 3/8. Values: active(1), notInService(2), notReady(3), createAndGo(4), createAndWait(5), destroy(6)
* Its syntax is RowStatus (based on perltype INTEGER)
* The net-snmp type is ASN_INTEGER. The C type decl is long (u_long)
* Check that the proposed new value is potentially valid.
* @param rowreq_ctx
* Pointer to the row request context.
* @param snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus_val
* A long containing the new value.
* @retval MFD_SUCCESS : incoming value is legal
* @retval MFD_NOT_VALID_NOW : incoming value is not valid now
* @retval MFD_NOT_VALID_EVER : incoming value is never valid
* This is the place to check for requirements that are not
* expressed in the mib syntax (for example, a requirement that
* is detailed in the description for an object).
* You should check that the requested change between the undo value and the
* new value is legal (ie, the transistion from one value to another
* is legal).
* This check is only to determine if the new value
* is \b potentially valid. This is the first check of many, and
* is one of the simplest ones.
* this is not the place to do any checks for values
* which depend on some other value in the mib. Those
* types of checks should be done in the
* snmpNotifyFilterTable_check_dependencies() function.
* The following checks have already been done for you:
* The syntax is ASN_INTEGER
* The value is one of active(1), notInService(2), notReady(3), createAndGo(4), createAndWait(5), destroy(6)
* If there a no other checks you need to do, simply return MFD_SUCCESS.
snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus_check_value(snmpNotifyFilterTable_rowreq_ctx *
u_long snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus_val)
DEBUGMSGTL(("verbose:snmpNotifyFilterTable:snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus_check_value", "called\n"));
/** should never get a NULL pointer */
netsnmp_assert(NULL != rowreq_ctx);
* TODO:441:o: |-> Check for valid snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus value.
return MFD_SUCCESS; /* snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus value not illegal */
} /* snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus_check_value */
* Save old value information
* @param rowreq_ctx
* Pointer to the table context (snmpNotifyFilterTable_rowreq_ctx)
* @retval MFD_SUCCESS : success
* @retval MFD_ERROR : error. set will fail.
* This function will be called after the table level undo setup function
* snmpNotifyFilterTable_undo_setup has been called.
* this function will only be called if a new value is set for this column.
* If there is any setup specific to a particular column (e.g. allocating
* memory for a string), you should do that setup in this function, so it
* won't be done unless it is necessary.
snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus_undo_setup(snmpNotifyFilterTable_rowreq_ctx *
DEBUGMSGTL(("verbose:snmpNotifyFilterTable:snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus_undo_setup", "called\n"));
/** should never get a NULL pointer */
netsnmp_assert(NULL != rowreq_ctx);
* TODO:455:o: |-> Setup snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus undo.
* copy snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus data
* set rowreq_ctx->undo->snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus from rowreq_ctx->data.snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus
rowreq_ctx->undo->snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus =
} /* snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus_undo_setup */
* Set the new value.
* @param rowreq_ctx
* Pointer to the users context. You should know how to
* manipulate the value from this object.
* @param snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus_val
* A long containing the new value.
snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus_set(snmpNotifyFilterTable_rowreq_ctx *
u_long snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus_val)
DEBUGMSGTL(("verbose:snmpNotifyFilterTable:snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus_set", "called\n"));
/** should never get a NULL pointer */
netsnmp_assert(NULL != rowreq_ctx);
* TODO:461:M: |-> Set snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus value.
* set snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus value in rowreq_ctx->data
rowreq_ctx->data.snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus =
} /* snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus_set */
* undo the previous set.
* @param rowreq_ctx
* Pointer to the users context.
snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus_undo(snmpNotifyFilterTable_rowreq_ctx *
DEBUGMSGTL(("verbose:snmpNotifyFilterTable:snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus_undo", "called\n"));
netsnmp_assert(NULL != rowreq_ctx);
* TODO:456:o: |-> Clean up snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus undo.
* copy snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus data
* set rowreq_ctx->data.snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus from rowreq_ctx->undo->snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus
rowreq_ctx->data.snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus =
} /* snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus_undo */
* check dependencies
* This is useful for for tables which have dependencies between columns
* (or rows, or tables). For example, two columns allocating a percentage
* of something add up 100%.
* Should you need different behavior depending on which columns were
* set, rowreq_ctx->column_set_flags will indicate which writeable columns were
* set. The definitions for the COLUMN_*_FLAG bits can be found in
* snmpNotifyFilterTable.h.
* A new row will have the MFD_ROW_CREATED bit set in rowreq_flags.
* @retval MFD_SUCCESS all the changes to the row are legal
* @retval MFD_ERROR one or more changes are not legal
* (see README-table-snmpNotifyFilterTable if you don't have dependencies)
snmpNotifyFilterTable_check_dependencies(snmpNotifyFilterTable_rowreq_ctx *
int rc = MFD_SUCCESS;
DEBUGMSGTL(("internal:snmpNotifyFilterTable:snmpNotifyFilterTable_check_dependencies", "called\n"));
netsnmp_assert(NULL != rowreq_ctx);
* TODO:470:o: Check snmpNotifyFilterTable row dependencies.
* check that all new value are legal and consistent with each other
* check for valid StorageType transition (old, new)
rc = check_storage_transition(rowreq_ctx->undo->
if (MFD_SUCCESS != rc)
return rc;
* check RowStatus dependencies
if (rowreq_ctx->
* check for valid RowStatus transition (old, new)
* (Note: move transition check to
* to catch errors earlier)
rc = check_rowstatus_transition(rowreq_ctx->undo->
if (MFD_SUCCESS != rc)
return rc;
* row creation requirements
if (rowreq_ctx->rowreq_flags & MFD_ROW_CREATED) {
rowreq_ctx->data.snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus) {
rowreq_ctx->rowreq_flags |= MFD_ROW_DELETED;
rowreq_ctx->data.snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus) {
if ((rowreq_ctx->
column_set_flags &
"required columns missing (0x%0x != 0x%0x)\n",
rowreq_ctx->data.snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus =
} /* row creation */
else {
* row change requirements
* don't allow a destroy if any other value was changed, since
* that might call data access routines with bad info.
* you may or may not require the row be notInService before it
* can be destroyed.
rowreq_ctx->data.snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus) {
if (rowreq_ctx->
column_set_flags &
"destroy must be only varbind for row\n"));
rowreq_ctx->rowreq_flags |= MFD_ROW_DELETED;
} /* row destroy */
} /* row change */
} else {
* must have row status to create a row
if (rowreq_ctx->rowreq_flags & MFD_ROW_CREATED) {
"must use RowStatus to create rows\n"));
} /* row status not set */
if (MFD_SUCCESS != rc)
return rc;
return rc;
} /* snmpNotifyFilterTable_check_dependencies */
/** @} */
/** @{ */