blob: 539915934b25c62190cd3a28662aa02ba3a2cde6 [file] [log] [blame]
*Copyright(c)2004,Cisco URP imburses and Network Information Center in Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications researches.
*All right reserved
*File Name:expErrorTable.h
*File Description: head file.
*Current Version:1.0
*Author:JianShun Tong
* This file was generated by mib2c and is intended for use as a mib module
* for the ucd-snmp snmpd agent.
* we may use header_complex from the header_complex module
struct expErrorTable_data {
unsigned long expErrorTime;
long expErrorIndex;
long expErrorCode;
oid *expErrorInstance;
size_t expErrorInstanceLen;
* function prototypes
void init_expErrorTable(void);
FindVarMethod var_expErrorTable;