blob: 82c7f29b641be7f822a666884f2d8e9261d7ee60 [file] [log] [blame]
* table_container.c
* $Id$
#include <net-snmp/net-snmp-config.h>
#include <net-snmp/net-snmp-includes.h>
#include <net-snmp/agent/net-snmp-agent-includes.h>
#include <net-snmp/agent/table_container.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <net-snmp/agent/table.h>
#include <net-snmp/library/container.h>
#include <net-snmp/library/snmp_assert.h>
* snmp.h:#define SNMP_MSG_INTERNAL_SET_BEGIN -1
* snmp.h:#define SNMP_MSG_INTERNAL_SET_FREE 4
* snmp.h:#define SNMP_MSG_INTERNAL_SET_UNDO 5
* PRIVATE structure for holding important info for each table.
typedef struct container_table_data_s {
/** registration info for the table */
netsnmp_table_registration_info *tblreg_info;
/** container for the table rows */
netsnmp_container *table;
* mutex_type lock;
/* what type of key do we want? */
char key_type;
} container_table_data;
/** @defgroup table_container table_container
* Helps you implement a table when data can be found via a netsnmp_container.
* @ingroup table
* The table_container handler is used (automatically) in conjuntion
* with the @link table table@endlink handler.
* This handler will use the index information provided by
* the @link table @endlink handler to find the row needed to process
* the request.
* The container must use one of 3 key types. It is the sub-handler's
* responsibility to ensure that the container and key type match (unless
* neither is specified, in which case a default will be used.)
* The current key types are:
* The container should do comparisons based on a key that may be cast
* to a netsnmp index (netsnmp_index *). This index contains only the
* index portion of the OID, not the entire OID.
* The container should do comparisons based on a key that may be cast
* to a netsnmp variable list (netsnmp_variable_list *). This variable
* list will contain one varbind for each index component.
* While not yet implemented, future plans include passing the request
* varbind with the full OID to a container.
* If a key type is not specified at registration time, the default key type
* of TABLE_CONTAINER_KEY_NETSNMP_INDEX will be used. If a container is
* provided, or the handler name is aliased to a container type, the container
* must use a netsnmp index.
* If no container is provided, a lookup will be made based on the
* sub-handler's name, or if that isn't found, "table_container". The
* table_container key type will be netsnmp_index.
* The container must, at a minimum, implement find and find_next. If a NULL
* key is passed to the container, it must return the first item, if any.
* All containers provided by net-snmp fulfil this requirement.
* This handler will only register to process 'data lookup' modes. In
* traditional net-snmp modes, that is any GET-like mode (GET, GET-NEXT,
* GET-BULK) or the first phase of a SET (RESERVE1). In the new baby-steps
* mode, DATA_LOOKUP is it's own mode, and is a pre-cursor to other modes.
* When called, the handler will call the appropriate container method
* with the appropriate key type. If a row was not found, the result depends
* on the mode.
* GET Processing
* An exact match must be found. If one is not, the error NOSUCHINSTANCE
* is set.
* If no row is found, the column number will be increased (using any
* valid_columns structure that may have been provided), and the first row
* will be retrieved. If no first row is found, the processed flag will be
* set, so that the sub-handler can skip any processing related to the
* request. The agent will notice this unsatisfied request, and attempt to
* pass it to the next appropriate handler.
* If the hander did not register with the HANDLER_CAN_NOT_CREATE flag
* set in the registration modes, it is assumed that this is a row
* creation request and a NULL row is added to the request's data list.
* The sub-handler is responsbile for dealing with any row creation
* contraints and inserting any newly created rows into the container
* and the request's data list.
* If a row is found, it will be inserted into
* the request's data list. The sub-handler may retrieve it by calling
* netsnmp_container_table_extract_context(request); *
* This helper and it's API are still being tested and are subject to change.
* @{
static int
_container_table_handler(netsnmp_mib_handler *handler,
netsnmp_handler_registration *reginfo,
netsnmp_agent_request_info *agtreq_info,
netsnmp_request_info *requests);
static void *
_find_next_row(netsnmp_container *c,
netsnmp_table_request_info *tblreq,
void * key);
* *
* *
* PUBLIC Registration functions *
* *
* *
/* ==================================
* Container Table API: Table maintenance
* ================================== */
container_table_data *
netsnmp_tcontainer_create_table( const char *name,
netsnmp_container *container, long flags )
container_table_data *table;
table = SNMP_MALLOC_TYPEDEF(container_table_data);
if (!table)
return NULL;
if (container)
table->table = container;
else {
table->table = netsnmp_container_find("table_container");
if (!table->table) {
return NULL;
if (flags)
table->key_type = (char)(flags & 0x03); /* Use lowest two bits */
if (!table->table->compare)
table->table->compare = netsnmp_compare_netsnmp_index;
if (!table->table->ncompare)
table->table->ncompare = netsnmp_ncompare_netsnmp_index;
return table;
netsnmp_tcontainer_delete_table( container_table_data *table )
if (!table)
if (table->table)
* The various standalone row operation routines
* (create/clone/copy/delete)
* will be specific to a particular table,
* so can't be implemented here.
netsnmp_tcontainer_add_row( container_table_data *table, netsnmp_index *row )
if (!table || !table->table || !row)
return -1;
CONTAINER_INSERT( table->table, row );
return 0;
netsnmp_index *
netsnmp_tcontainer_remove_row( container_table_data *table, netsnmp_index *row )
if (!table || !table->table || !row)
return NULL;
CONTAINER_REMOVE( table->table, row );
return NULL;
netsnmp_tcontainer_replace_row( container_table_data *table,
netsnmp_index *old_row, netsnmp_index *new_row )
if (!table || !table->table || !old_row || !new_row)
return -1;
netsnmp_tcontainer_remove_row( table, old_row );
netsnmp_tcontainer_add_row( table, new_row );
return 0;
/* netsnmp_tcontainer_remove_delete_row() will be table-specific too */
/* ==================================
* Container Table API: MIB maintenance
* ================================== */
/** returns a netsnmp_mib_handler object for the table_container helper */
netsnmp_mib_handler *
netsnmp_container_table_handler_get(netsnmp_table_registration_info *tabreg,
netsnmp_container *container, char key_type)
container_table_data *tad;
netsnmp_mib_handler *handler;
if (NULL == tabreg) {
snmp_log(LOG_ERR, "bad param in netsnmp_container_table_register\n");
return NULL;
tad = SNMP_MALLOC_TYPEDEF(container_table_data);
handler = netsnmp_create_handler("table_container",
if((NULL == tad) || (NULL == handler)) {
if(tad) free(tad); /* SNMP_FREE wasted on locals */
if(handler) free(handler); /* SNMP_FREE wasted on locals */
"malloc failure in netsnmp_container_table_register\n");
return NULL;
tad->tblreg_info = tabreg; /* we need it too, but it really is not ours */
tad->key_type = key_type;
if(NULL == container)
container = netsnmp_container_find("table_container");
tad->table = container;
if (NULL==container->compare)
container->compare = netsnmp_compare_netsnmp_index;
if (NULL==container->ncompare)
container->ncompare = netsnmp_ncompare_netsnmp_index;
handler->myvoid = (void*)tad;
handler->flags |= MIB_HANDLER_AUTO_NEXT;
return handler;
netsnmp_container_table_register(netsnmp_handler_registration *reginfo,
netsnmp_table_registration_info *tabreg,
netsnmp_container *container, char key_type )
netsnmp_mib_handler *handler;
if ((NULL == reginfo) || (NULL == reginfo->handler) || (NULL == tabreg)) {
snmp_log(LOG_ERR, "bad param in netsnmp_container_table_register\n");
if (NULL==container)
container = netsnmp_container_find(reginfo->handlerName);
handler = netsnmp_container_table_handler_get(tabreg, container, key_type);
netsnmp_inject_handler(reginfo, handler );
return netsnmp_register_table(reginfo, tabreg);
netsnmp_container_table_unregister(netsnmp_handler_registration *reginfo)
container_table_data *tad;
if (!reginfo)
tad = (container_table_data *)
netsnmp_find_handler_data_by_name(reginfo, "table_container");
if (tad) {
CONTAINER_FREE( tad->table );
tad->table = NULL;
reginfo->handler->myvoid = NULL;
return netsnmp_unregister_table( reginfo );
/** retrieve the container used by the table_container helper */
netsnmp_container_table_container_extract(netsnmp_request_info *request)
return (netsnmp_container *)
netsnmp_request_get_list_data(request, TABLE_CONTAINER_CONTAINER);
/** find the context data used by the table_container helper */
void *
netsnmp_container_table_row_extract(netsnmp_request_info *request)
* NOTE: this function must match in table_container.c and table_container.h.
* if you change one, change them both!
return netsnmp_request_get_list_data(request, TABLE_CONTAINER_ROW);
/** find the context data used by the table_container helper */
void *
netsnmp_container_table_extract_context(netsnmp_request_info *request)
* NOTE: this function must match in table_container.c and table_container.h.
* if you change one, change them both!
return netsnmp_request_get_list_data(request, TABLE_CONTAINER_ROW);
#endif /* inline */
/** inserts a newly created table_container entry into a request list */
netsnmp_container_table_row_insert(netsnmp_request_info *request,
netsnmp_index *row)
netsnmp_request_info *req;
netsnmp_table_request_info *table_info = NULL;
netsnmp_variable_list *this_index = NULL;
netsnmp_variable_list *that_index = NULL;
oid base_oid[] = {0, 0}; /* Make sure index OIDs are legal! */
oid this_oid[MAX_OID_LEN];
oid that_oid[MAX_OID_LEN];
size_t this_oid_len, that_oid_len;
if (!request)
* We'll add the new row information to any request
* structure with the same index values as the request
* passed in (which includes that one!).
* So construct an OID based on these index values.
table_info = netsnmp_extract_table_info(request);
this_index = table_info->indexes;
build_oid_noalloc(this_oid, MAX_OID_LEN, &this_oid_len,
base_oid, 2, this_index);
* We need to look through the whole of the request list
* (as received by the current handler), as there's no
* guarantee that this routine will be called by the first
* varbind that refers to this row.
* In particular, a RowStatus controlled row creation
* may easily occur later in the variable list.
* So first, we rewind to the head of the list....
for (req=request; req->prev; req=req->prev)
* ... and then start looking for matching indexes
* (by constructing OIDs from these index values)
for (; req; req=req->next) {
if (req->processed)
table_info = netsnmp_extract_table_info(req);
that_index = table_info->indexes;
build_oid_noalloc(that_oid, MAX_OID_LEN, &that_oid_len,
base_oid, 2, that_index);
* This request has the same index values,
* so add the newly-created row information.
if (snmp_oid_compare(this_oid, this_oid_len,
that_oid, that_oid_len) == 0) {
netsnmp_create_data_list(TABLE_CONTAINER_ROW, row, NULL));
/** removes a table_container entry from a request list */
netsnmp_container_table_row_remove(netsnmp_request_info *request,
netsnmp_index *row)
netsnmp_request_info *req;
netsnmp_table_request_info *table_info = NULL;
netsnmp_variable_list *this_index = NULL;
netsnmp_variable_list *that_index = NULL;
oid base_oid[] = {0, 0}; /* Make sure index OIDs are legal! */
oid this_oid[MAX_OID_LEN];
oid that_oid[MAX_OID_LEN];
size_t this_oid_len, that_oid_len;
if (!request)
* We'll add the new row information to any request
* structure with the same index values as the request
* passed in (which includes that one!).
* So construct an OID based on these index values.
table_info = netsnmp_extract_table_info(request);
this_index = table_info->indexes;
build_oid_noalloc(this_oid, MAX_OID_LEN, &this_oid_len,
base_oid, 2, this_index);
* We need to look through the whole of the request list
* (as received by the current handler), as there's no
* guarantee that this routine will be called by the first
* varbind that refers to this row.
* In particular, a RowStatus controlled row creation
* may easily occur later in the variable list.
* So first, we rewind to the head of the list....
for (req=request; req->prev; req=req->prev)
* ... and then start looking for matching indexes
* (by constructing OIDs from these index values)
for (; req; req=req->next) {
if (req->processed)
table_info = netsnmp_extract_table_info(req);
that_index = table_info->indexes;
build_oid_noalloc(that_oid, MAX_OID_LEN, &that_oid_len,
base_oid, 2, that_index);
* This request has the same index values,
* so add the newly-created row information.
if (snmp_oid_compare(this_oid, this_oid_len,
that_oid, that_oid_len) == 0) {
netsnmp_request_remove_list_data(req, TABLE_CONTAINER_ROW);
/** @cond */
* *
* *
* DATA LOOKUP functions *
* *
* *
_set_key( container_table_data * tad, netsnmp_request_info *request,
netsnmp_table_request_info *tblreq_info,
void **key, netsnmp_index *index )
index->oids = tblreq_info->index_oid;
index->len = tblreq_info->index_oid_len;
*key = index;
else if (TABLE_CONTAINER_KEY_VARBIND_INDEX == tad->key_type) {
*key = tblreq_info->indexes;
#if 0
else if (TABLE_CONTAINER_KEY_VARBIND_RAW == tad->key_type) {
*key = request->requestvb;
*key = NULL;
_data_lookup(netsnmp_handler_registration *reginfo,
netsnmp_agent_request_info *agtreq_info,
netsnmp_request_info *request, container_table_data * tad)
netsnmp_index *row = NULL;
netsnmp_table_request_info *tblreq_info;
netsnmp_variable_list *var;
netsnmp_index index;
void *key;
var = request->requestvb;
DEBUGIF("table_container") {
DEBUGMSGTL(("table_container", " data_lookup oid:"));
DEBUGMSGOID(("table_container", var->name, var->name_length));
DEBUGMSG(("table_container", "\n"));
* Get pointer to the table information for this request. This
* information was saved by table_helper_handler.
tblreq_info = netsnmp_extract_table_info(request);
/** the table_helper_handler should enforce column boundaries. */
netsnmp_assert((NULL != tblreq_info) &&
(tblreq_info->colnum <= tad->tblreg_info->max_column));
if ((agtreq_info->mode == MODE_GETNEXT) ||
(agtreq_info->mode == MODE_GETBULK)) {
* find the row. This will automatically move to the next
* column, if necessary.
_set_key( tad, request, tblreq_info, &key, &index );
row = (netsnmp_index*)_find_next_row(tad->table, tblreq_info, key);
if (row) {
* update indexes in tblreq_info (index & varbind),
* then update request varbind oid
tblreq_info->index_oid_len = row->len;
memcpy(tblreq_info->index_oid, row->oids,
row->len * sizeof(oid));
else if (TABLE_CONTAINER_KEY_VARBIND_INDEX == tad->key_type) {
/** xxx-rks: shouldn't tblreq_info->indexes be updated
before we call this?? */
if (TABLE_CONTAINER_KEY_VARBIND_RAW != tad->key_type) {
netsnmp_table_build_oid_from_index(reginfo, request,
else {
* no results found. Flag the request so lower handlers will
* ignore it, but it is not an error - getnext will move
* on to another handler to process this request.
netsnmp_set_request_error(agtreq_info, request, SNMP_ENDOFMIBVIEW);
DEBUGMSGTL(("table_container", "no row found\n"));
else {
_set_key( tad, request, tblreq_info, &key, &index );
row = (netsnmp_index*)CONTAINER_FIND(tad->table, key);
if (NULL == row) {
* not results found. For a get, that is an error
DEBUGMSGTL(("table_container", "no row found\n"));
if((agtreq_info->mode != MODE_SET_RESERVE1) || /* get */
(reginfo->modes & HANDLER_CAN_NOT_CREATE)) { /* no create */
netsnmp_set_request_error(agtreq_info, request,
} /** GET/SET */
* save the data and table in the request.
if (SNMP_ENDOFMIBVIEW != request->requestvb->type) {
if (NULL != row)
row, NULL));
tad->table, NULL));
* *
* *
* netsnmp_table_container_helper_handler() *
* *
* *
static int
_container_table_handler(netsnmp_mib_handler *handler,
netsnmp_handler_registration *reginfo,
netsnmp_agent_request_info *agtreq_info,
netsnmp_request_info *requests)
int oldmode, need_processing = 0;
container_table_data *tad;
/** sanity checks */
netsnmp_assert((NULL != handler) && (NULL != handler->myvoid));
netsnmp_assert((NULL != reginfo) && (NULL != agtreq_info));
DEBUGMSGTL(("table_container", "Mode %s, Got request:\n",
* First off, get our pointer from the handler. This
* lets us get to the table registration information we
* saved in get_table_container_handler(), as well as the
* container where the actual table data is stored.
tad = (container_table_data *)handler->myvoid;
* only do data lookup for first pass
* xxx-rks: this should really be handled up one level. we should
* be able to say what modes we want to be called for during table
* registration.
oldmode = agtreq_info->mode;
if(MODE_IS_GET(oldmode) || (MODE_SET_RESERVE1 == oldmode)) {
netsnmp_request_info *curr_request;
* Loop through each of the requests, and
* try to find the appropriate row from the container.
for (curr_request = requests; curr_request; curr_request = curr_request->next) {
* skip anything that doesn't need processing.
if (curr_request->processed != 0) {
DEBUGMSGTL(("table_container", "already processed\n"));
* find data for this request
_data_lookup(reginfo, agtreq_info, curr_request, tad);
} /** for ( ... requests ... ) */
* send GET instead of GETNEXT to sub-handlers
* xxx-rks: again, this should be handled further up.
if ((oldmode == MODE_GETNEXT) && (handler->next)) {
* tell agent handlder not to auto call next handler
* if we found rows to process, pretend to be a get request
* and call handler below us.
if(need_processing > 0) {
agtreq_info->mode = MODE_GET;
rc = netsnmp_call_next_handler(handler, reginfo, agtreq_info,
if (rc != SNMP_ERR_NOERROR) {
"next handler returned %d\n", rc));
agtreq_info->mode = oldmode; /* restore saved mode */
return rc;
/** @endcond */
/* ==================================
* Container Table API: Row operations
* ================================== */
static void *
_find_next_row(netsnmp_container *c,
netsnmp_table_request_info *tblreq,
void * key)
void *row = NULL;
if (!c || !tblreq || !tblreq->reg_info ) {
snmp_log(LOG_ERR,"_find_next_row param error\n");
return NULL;
* table helper should have made sure we aren't below our minimum column
netsnmp_assert(tblreq->colnum >= tblreq->reg_info->min_column);
* if no indexes then use first row.
if(tblreq->number_indexes == 0) {
} else {
if(NULL == key) {
netsnmp_index index;
index.oids = tblreq->index_oid;
index.len = tblreq->index_oid_len;
row = CONTAINER_NEXT(c, &index);
row = CONTAINER_NEXT(c, key);
* we don't have a row, but we might be at the end of a
* column, so try the next column.
if (NULL == row) {
* don't set tblreq next_col unless we know there is one,
* so we don't mess up table handler sparse table processing.
oid next_col = netsnmp_table_next_column(tblreq);
if (0 != next_col) {
tblreq->colnum = next_col;
return row;
* deprecated, backwards compatability only
* expected impact to remove: none
* - used between helpers, shouldn't have been used by end users
* replacement: none
* - never should have been a public method in the first place
netsnmp_index *
netsnmp_table_index_find_next_row(netsnmp_container *c,
netsnmp_table_request_info *tblreq)
return (netsnmp_index*)_find_next_row(c, tblreq, NULL );
/* ==================================
* Container Table API: Index operations
* ================================== */
/** @} */