blob: 506b8d434ed51ab3af9e88dd1d1554f3a1616a32 [file] [log] [blame]
# Portions of this file are subject to the following copyright. See
# the Net-SNMP's COPYING file for more details and other copyrights
# that may apply:
# Portions of this file are copyrighted by:
# Copyright © 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Use is subject to license terms specified in the COPYING file
# distributed with the Net-SNMP package.
# Makefile for snmplib
# use GNU vpath, if available, to only set a path for source and headers
# VPATH will pick up objects too, which is bad if you are sharing a
# source dir...
@GNU_vpath@ %.h $(srcdir)
@GNU_vpath@ %.c $(srcdir)
@GNU_vpath@ %.rc $(srcdir)
# fallback to regular VPATH for non-gnu...
@NON_GNU_VPATH@ $(srcdir)
# Things to install
# headers
net-snmp-includes.h \
config_api.h \
mib_api.h \
output_api.h \
pdu_api.h \
session_api.h \
snmpv3_api.h \
varbind_api.h \
types.h \
utilities.h \
version.h \
asn1.h \
callback.h \
cert_util.h \
container.h \
container_binary_array.h \
container_list_ssll.h \
container_iterator.h \
container_null.h \
factory.h \
data_list.h \
default_store.h \
dir_utils.h \
fd_event_manager.h \
file_utils.h \
int64.h \
keytools.h \
mib.h \
md5.h \
parse.h \
read_config.h \
scapi.h \
snmp.h \
snmp_alarm.h \
snmp_api.h \
large_fd_set.h \
snmp_assert.h \
snmp_client.h \
snmp_debug.h \
snmp_impl.h \
snmp_logging.h \
snmp_parse_args.h \
snmp_service.h \
snmp-tc.h \
snmpv3.h \
system.h \
text_utils.h \
tools.h \
transform_oids.h \
types.h \
getopt.h \
lcd_time.h \
mt_support.h \
oid.h \
oid_stash.h \
snmp_enum.h \
snmp_secmod.h \
ucd_compat.h \
vacm.h \
check_varbind.h \
snmp_transport.h \
winpipe.h \
winservice.h \
@transport_hdr_list@ \
callback.h \
default_store.h \
int64.h \
keytools.h \
mib.h \
parse.h \
read_config.h \
scapi.h \
snmp_alarm.h \
snmp_api.h \
large_fd_set.h \
snmp_client.h \
snmp_debug.h \
snmp.h \
snmp_impl.h \
snmp_logging.h \
snmp_parse_args.h \
snmp-tc.h \
snmpusm.h \
snmpv3.h \
snmp_vars.h \
struct.h \
system.h \
tools.h \
# libraries
# Things to build
# - for the feature checking / removal / minimialist support these
# must be listed such that code requiring a feature must be listed
# *before* the code implementing the feature.
CSRCS= snmp_client.c mib.c parse.c snmp_api.c snmp.c \
snmp_auth.c asn1.c md5.c snmp_parse_args.c \
system.c vacm.c int64.c read_config.c pkcs.c \
snmp_debug.c tools.c snmp_logging.c text_utils.c \
large_fd_set.c cert_util.c snmp_openssl.c \
snmpv3.c lcd_time.c keytools.c \
scapi.c callback.c default_store.c snmp_alarm.c \
data_list.c oid_stash.c fd_event_manager.c \
check_varbind.c \
mt_support.c snmp_enum.c snmp-tc.c snmp_service.c \
snprintf.c \
snmp_transport.c @transport_src_list@ \
snmp_secmod.c @security_src_list@ snmp_version.c \
container_null.c container_list_ssll.c container_iterator.c \
ucd_compat.c \
@other_src_list@ @crypto_files_c@ \
dir_utils.c file_utils.c \
container.c container_binary_array.c
OBJS= snmp_client.o mib.o parse.o snmp_api.o snmp.o \
snmp_auth.o asn1.o md5.o snmp_parse_args.o \
system.o vacm.o int64.o read_config.o pkcs.o \
snmp_debug.o tools.o snmp_logging.o text_utils.o \
large_fd_set.o cert_util.o snmp_openssl.o \
snmpv3.o lcd_time.o keytools.o \
scapi.o callback.o default_store.o snmp_alarm.o \
data_list.o oid_stash.o fd_event_manager.o \
check_varbind.o \
mt_support.o snmp_enum.o snmp-tc.o snmp_service.o \
snprintf.o \
snmp_transport.o @transport_obj_list@ \
snmp_secmod.o @security_obj_list@ snmp_version.o \
container_null.o container_list_ssll.o container_iterator.o \
ucd_compat.o \
@crypto_files_o@ @other_objs_list@ @LIBOBJS@ \
dir_utils.o file_utils.o \
container.o container_binary_array.o
LOBJS= snmp_client.lo mib.lo parse.lo snmp_api.lo snmp.lo \
snmp_auth.lo asn1.lo md5.lo snmp_parse_args.lo \
system.lo vacm.lo int64.lo read_config.lo pkcs.lo \
snmp_debug.lo tools.lo snmp_logging.lo text_utils.lo \
large_fd_set.lo cert_util.lo snmp_openssl.lo \
snmpv3.lo lcd_time.lo keytools.lo \
scapi.lo callback.lo default_store.lo snmp_alarm.lo \
data_list.lo oid_stash.lo fd_event_manager.lo \
check_varbind.lo \
mt_support.lo snmp_enum.lo snmp-tc.lo snmp_service.lo \
snprintf.lo \
snmp_transport.lo @transport_lobj_list@ \
snmp_secmod.lo @security_lobj_list@ snmp_version.lo \
container.lo container_binary_array.lo \
ucd_compat.lo \
@crypto_files_lo@ @other_lobjs_list@ @LTLIBOBJS@ \
dir_utils.lo file_utils.lo \
container_null.lo container_list_ssll.lo container_iterator.lo
FTOBJS= snmp_client.ft mib.ft parse.ft snmp_api.ft snmp.ft \
snmp_auth.ft asn1.ft md5.ft snmp_parse_args.ft \
system.ft vacm.ft int64.ft read_config.ft pkcs.ft \
snmp_debug.ft tools.ft snmp_logging.ft text_utils.ft \
snmpv3.ft lcd_time.ft keytools.ft \
scapi.ft callback.ft default_store.ft snmp_alarm.ft \
data_list.ft oid_stash.ft fd_event_manager.ft \
check_varbind.ft \
mt_support.ft snmp_enum.ft snmp-tc.ft snmp_service.ft \
snprintf.ft \
snmp_transport.ft @transport_ftobj_list@ \
snmp_secmod.ft @security_ftobj_list@ snmp_version.ft \
container.ft container_binary_array.ft \
ucd_compat.ft \
@other_ftobjs_list@ \
large_fd_set.ft cert_util.ft snmp_openssl.ft \
dir_utils.ft file_utils.ft \
container_null.ft container_list_ssll.ft container_iterator.ft
# just in case someone wants to remove libtool, change this to OBJS.
FEATUREFILE = $(top_builddir)/include/net-snmp/library/features.h
all: standardall
# how to build the libraries.
$(RANLIB) $@
$(RANLIB) $@
# internal test objects
parse: mib.o parse.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DTEST parse.c -o $@ \
`$(top_srcdir)/net-snmp-config --libs`