blob: 9cee61dd46062c6f83bf453e1af094615d821646 [file] [log] [blame]
This is what I had to do to get it to work for me. Your mileage may vary.
If this doesn't work for you, or you have fixes for any problems listed,
please post to <>. Thanks!
- Test 44 (Perl AgentX Subagent) fails.
- There are 2 issues here. One is the perl can't find the
net-snmp shared libraries, because they aren't installed yet.
Setting DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH helps here, but one link error
/usr/bin/perl Undefined symbols: _boot_DynaLoader
Unless you need a perl based AgentX subagent, you can ignore
this error.
- nlist doesn't support icmpstat
- disable the icmp module during configure by specifying
"--with-out-mib-modules=mibII/icmp", or at startup by adding
"-I -icmp" to the snmpd command line.
- 10.4.7 (Universal) and Leopard with 5.4 sources:
[Supplied by Chris Jalbert]
- build using gcc 4.0 (see below) and configure using:
--with-persistent-directory=/var/db/net-snmp \
--with-defaults \
--without-rpm \
--with-mib-modules="host ucd-snmp/diskio" \
--with-out-mib-modules="mibII/icmp host/hr_swrun" \
--disable-static \
The first line sets up persistent storage in the OS X standard location.
The third line is necessary because RPM is not properly disabled.
The fourth line includes those modules appear to build properly and
mostly work. The next line is necessary because those sub-modules
do not build.
I disable static libraries because we don't use them.
The final line is necessary because /dev/kmem was removed in
the Intel / Universal builds of the OS, and I believe the APIs will
be removed in Leopard.
This line is the most critical for proper building on OS X.
- 10.3.x and earlier
- Some older versions of Apple's cpp doesn't like configure.
- run 'gcc_select' to see what version you are using, and
'gcc_select -l' to list available versions. I've had success with
3.3, selected by running (as root) 'gcc_select 3.3'. (Note: this was
on Panther, 10.3.2)
- Some older versions of net-snmp as installed by Apple contains
bad flags in net-snmp-config.
- build your own version, and install over Apple's version. The
configure flags you need for the same configuration:
configure --prefix=/usr --mandir=/usr/share/man
--infodir=/usr/share/info --with-libwrap --with-defaults
--prefix=/usr --with-persistent-directory=/var/db/ucd-snmp