blob: d8b1721dd5266801507ab9205938d90bc824147a [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
open(O, ">FAQ.html");
# Load FAQ into memory
while(<>) {
push (@faqfile, $_);
my $current_line = 0;
my $version;
# Skip header up to table of contents
while($current_line <= $#faqfile) {
$_ = $faqfile[$current_line];
if (/Net-SNMP Version: (.*)/) {
$version = $1;
last if (/$TOCHEADER/);
print O '<p class="SectionTitle">
FAQ Maintainer: Dave Shield<br/>
Email: <a href=""></a><br/>
print O "Version: $version<br/>\n";
print O '<hr/>
<h2>Table of Contents</h2>
# Create table of contents
while($current_line <= $#faqfile) {
$_ = $faqfile[$current_line];
#Skip blank lines
if (/^\s*$/) {
# Remove white space at start of line
$_ =~ s/^ *//;
$x = $_;
# Remove white space at start of line
$x =~ s/^ *//g;
# Replace all non alpha characters with _
$x =~ s/[^a-zA-Z]/_/g;
# Save cleaned up line
$xlate{$_} = $x;
if ( /&/ ) { $_ =~ s/&/&amp;/g; }
if ( /</ ) { $_ =~ s/</&lt;/g; }
if ( />/ ) { $_ =~ s/>/&gt;/g; }
if (/^[ A-Z]+$/) {
# Section header (eg: GENERAL)
print O "</ul><b>$_</b><ul>\n";
} else {
# Question / answer - create link to it
if ($faqfile[$current_line+1] =~ /^ */) {
# Continuation of the question.
my $part2 = $faqfile[$current_line];
# Remove white space at start of line
$part2 =~ s/^ *//;
print O "<li> <a href=\"#$x\">$_ $part2</a></li>\n";
else {
print O "<li> <a href=\"#$x\">$_</a></li>\n";
print O "</ul><hr/><pre>\n";
# Print contents with targets defined
while($current_line <= $#faqfile) {
$_ = $faqfile[$current_line];
$y = $_;
if (defined($xlate{$y})) {
print O "<a name=\"$xlate{$y}\"></a>\n";
if ( /&/ ) { $_ =~ s/&/&amp;/g; }
if ( /</ ) { $_ =~ s/</&lt;/g; }
if ( />/ ) { $_ =~ s/>/&gt;/g; }
print O "$_\n";
print O '