blob: 912c5b3716db40ca3a9b9581a11cf206b26c8af6 [file] [log] [blame]
This file contains major changes in released revisions. Please read
the ChangeLog file for a more detailed listing of changes/bug fixes.
- the UCD-SNMP specific mib structure changed.
- many of the table oids have changed location and have been renamed.
- the SNMPv3 access control module was implemented in the agent.
Therefore, the "community" snmpd.conf parameter no longer
exists. See the snmpd.conf file for how to control access via
community names now.
- The header file #defines have changed. You may have to compile
third party applications with -DCMU_COMPATIBLE (like perl-SNMP <= V1.7).
- The parser is more strict about unlinked OIDs and end-of-comment
conditions. You may see problems in a few broken mibs that used
to parse ok with the older parser.
- dynamic library support: configure with --enable-shared.
- the beginnings of a Perl/Tk/SNMP mib browser: tkmib
- all applications support -R for random oid-name lookups.
- default mib list changes when you add or remove agent mib-groups.
- debugging in the agent can be turned on and off using snmpsets.
- a new mib module displays a list of all loaded mib modules.
- the internal structure of the agent's mib modules is now hierarchical.
- the agent looks for .conf files in both the lib/ and share/ directories.
- more improvements/options to snmptable.
- new vmstat module to report vmstat related information under linux.
- The code was run through purify for memory leaks and a few were found.
- snmptrap sends to the correct default port of 162 again.
- irix 6.2 support improved.
- openbsd.
- the host resources mib compiles on Solaris.
- "make install" installs the library and header files.
- compilation on many architectures (sunos for example).
- snmptrapd doesn't exit if v2party files don't exist.
- host resources works a bit better (ie, it compiles) under solaris.
Path changes:
- the default paths to the installed mibs and snmpd.conf file have
changed to /usr/local/share/snmp (set differently using --datadir).
- the default path of the snmpd and snmptrapd have changed to
/usr/local/sbin (set differently using --sbindir).
- basic SNMPV2c support.
- Not fully tested (feedback please!), and not RFC compliant.
- all apps require '-v 2c' for v2c and '-v 2p' for the older party code.
- basic host-resources mib support for linux, and hpux.
- All environment variables can be set with a preceding '+' for
indicating additions to the default values.
- mib modules cleaned up more and can be added and removed more easily.
- mib modules have a new macro for callbacks when reading a .conf file.
- apps command line interfaces have merged together for standardization.
- the libsnmp library no longer forces printing of errors.
- 2 new applications: snmpdelta and snmptable.
- the mib parser caches mib directory scans for speed improvements.
- snmptrapd is snmp-version multi-lingual.
- irix should be more complete.
- aix 4.1.5.
- fixes for hpux 10.20.
- linux 2.1.x support.
- library and apps supported under 32bit windows systems.
- too numerous to mention.
- Top level of the mib parser has been restructured
- no longer reads 'mib.txt'
- no longer reads everything (MIBS/MIBDIRS)
- reads import clauses to load other required modules
- new man page: mib_api.3
- The agent has been completely restructured (modularized) to
allow for easier extension via C code and requires no
modification of the ucd-snmp distributed source code to add in
new C coded mib modules. See the README file in the
agent/mibgroup subdirectory for details. Modules are added and/or
removed via configure options.
- agent can send traps to multiple trap destinations.
- configure can be run outside the default source directory.
- Optional modules: SMUX support to talk with a running gated.
- All configure prompted questions can be set on the command line instead.
- Memory leaks.
- code is now prototyped and many related bugs have been found.
(an ANSI compiler is still optional.)
- Many others.
- linux-2.*
- mips-sgi-irix6.3 (agent needs 2 mib-modules removed still)
- FAQ file!
- bug-report script!
- Agent can read .conf files from more places:
- SNMPCONFPATH enviornment variable.
- command line options: -c FILE and -C.
- Agent can send coldstart and authentication traps.
- All requests/patches/questions should go to
- snmp variables mib implemented.
- more udp, ip, ipNetToMedia tables implemented.
- Memory leaks.
- Many other system specific fixes.
- configure script updated to autoconf 2.12.
- Very ancient tk/tcl code.
- extensible mib moved to ucdavis enterprise mib: .
- PORTING file added.
- new configure switch: --without-root-access.
- BSDi, and possibly irix, and linux is not too far off.
- massive improvements for netbsd, freebsd, hpux.
- Massive parser improvements. (Niels Baggesen <>)
- configure script upgraded to autoconf 2.11.
- init_mib() now reads all files in PREFIX/lib/snmp/mibs as mibs.
- sysContact and sysLocation settable in snmpd.conf.
- TC information retained (from Joe Marzot).
- snmpset on a pass script works now.
- pass scripts more throughly tested and debugged.
- community 5 can be set now.
- Many others.
- FreeBSD 2.?
- snmptrap greatly improved! (Niels Baggesen <>)
- other small stuff.
- default logfile location moved to /var/log if exists, else /usr/adm.
- snmptrap man page. (Niels Baggesen <>)
- Pass thru extensibility added!
- snmpnetstat greatly improved (Niels Baggesen <>)
- improved solaris info caching (Dan A. Dickey <>)
Bug fixes:
- many fixes for solaris (Niels Baggesen <>
and "Dan A. Dickey" <>)
- greatly reduced memory usage by mib parser (Niels Baggesen)
- disk checks fixed for solaris and osf.
- improved Mib parsing from Mike Perik <>
- IMPORTS definition no longer required.
- SIZE syntax fixed.
- sedscript compiles correctly with Solaris's spro compiler.
- many more small ones.
- Upgraded to autoconf-2.10
Major solaris patches from Niels Baggesen <>. Thanks!
Other misc patches
Bug fixes.
- Two new operating systems supported: hppa1.1-hp-hpux10.01, *-netbsd1.1
- Two new ./configure options:
--enable-debugging: includes nlist and other warnings in log-file output.
--with-defaults: Assumes you want the defaults for all user prompts.
Bug fixes:
- make clean in man/ works.
- Fixed the mib.txt capitalization problem.
- Fixed a gcc cpp problem (added -x c to the command line options).
- Added NULL to the second gettimeofday argument.
- Upgraded to autoconf-2.9
- snmpcheck upgraded to perl5.002 and Tk-b10
- totally re-did the routing tables (required by hpux10.01).
- snmpV1 community names can be set in the configuration files now!
- new app: apps/snmptrap, as requested by many, many people.
- New man page (rough still): snmpd.conf.5.
- Returns new values for system.sysObjectID for each supported OS.
- Better OpenView support for changing the icons & etc. See ov/README.
Bug fixes.
- -p PORT -l LOGFILE now work as advertised.
- printed values of timeticks are no longer negative.
- Correctly finds the Solaris 2.5 kernel.
- the restart-agent mib entry now sets an 1 second alarm to
restart so it can return a proper snmp response first.
- Truncates existing logfiles.
- nlist warnings removed.
- more... (see the ChangeLog)
Bug fixes:
- 'make' should not call 'autoconf' and associates anymore.
- Fixed sun4 exit codes. Really.
- Changed config.h a bit to fix the mib.txt file's errors when
some mibs were not defined for usage.
- Updated configure to autoconf 2.7
Mainly a bug fix release:
- fixed another 32/64 bit problem: returned exit codes on alphas
were incorrect.
- many system errors (e.g., no mem) were causing the agent to
return error flags when it really was clueless.
- found a memory leak in the CMU routing table implementation.
- More configure cleanups, mostly for Solaris.
- snmp_open calls getservbyname only once now, at the request of Gary
Hayward <>. Mainly for Perl users.
New example file: EXAMPLE.conf file (created at build time).
local/snmpcheck has drastically improved, and now requires Tk-b8.
You can now mung with all sorts of numbers in config.h and the
mib.txt file will be mostly built from it if you change my defaults.
*** default location for .conf and mib.txt files moved to
.configure's --prefix location
Now using GNU's auto-conf for better portability
- prompts for important config.h information as well
Port to Sun4/Solaris 2.4
-h/--help and -v/--version flags added to snmpd
Compilation bug fix
Port to dec-alpha/OSF 3.1
- quite a few more CMU bugs found during port.
(docs/snmpd.1) Beginnings of documentation/man pages.
(local/snmpcheck) Many changes/improvements. Still very (usable) Beta.
(NEWS) Added this file!
2 Command line options added:
-l LOGFILE Outputs stderr/out to LOGFILE (overrides config.h def)
-L Do NOT write to a log file (overrides config.h)
New built in mib functions:
-- set to 'integer:1' to tell the agent to re-read the config file(s).
-- set to 'integer:1' to tell the agent to restart (exec and quits)
Bug fixes/more CMU clean up
Initial (public) Release