blob: 992565450a1011a2532bec13897f3d92b05aeb54 [file] [log] [blame]
unless(grep /blib/, @INC) {
chdir 't' if -d 't';
@INC = '../lib' if -d '../lib';
eval "use Cwd qw(abs_path)";
$ENV{'SNMPCONFPATH'} = 'nopath';
$ENV{'MIBDIRS'} = '+' . abs_path("../../mibs");
use Test;
BEGIN { plan tests => 7 }
use SNMP;
use vars qw($agent_port $comm $agent_host);
require "t/";
my $junk_oid = ".";
my $oid = ".";
my $junk_name = 'fooDescr';
my $junk_host = '';
my $name = "gmarzot\";
$SNMP::debugging = 0;
$n = 15; # Number of tests to run
#print "1..$n\n";
if ($n == 0) { exit 0; }
# create list of varbinds for GETS, val field can be null or omitted
my $vars = new SNMP::VarList (
['sysDescr', '0', ''],
['sysObjectID', '0'],
['sysUpTime', '0'],
['sysContact', '0'],
['sysName', '0'],
['sysLocation', '0'],
['sysServices', '0'],
['ifNumber', '0'],
['ifDescr', '1'],
['ifSpeed', '1'],
['snmpInPkts', '0'],
['snmpInBadVersions', '0'],
['snmpInBadCommunityNames', '0'],
['snmpInBadCommunityUses', '0'],
['snmpInASNParseErrs', '0'],
['snmpEnableAuthenTraps', '0'],
# ['snmpSilentDrops', '0'],
# ['snmpProxyDrops', '0'],
# ['snmpTrapEnterprise', '2'],
# ['hrStorageType', '2'],
# ['hrSystemDate', '0'],
['sysORIndex', '1'],
['sysORID', '2'],
['sysORDescr', '3'],
['sysORUpTime', '4'],
# ['ifName', '1'],
['sysORLastChange', '0'],
['ipInHdrErrors', '0'],
['ipDefaultTTL', '0'],
['ipInHdrErrors', '0'],
# ['ipNetToMediaPhysAddress', '0'],
# ['ipAdEntAddr', '0'],
# ['snmpTrapOID', '0'],
# ['hrSystemNumUsers', '0'],
# ['hrFSLastFullBackupDate', '0'],
# ['ifPromiscuousMode', '0'],
######################### 1 #######################################
# Fire up a session.
my $s1 =
new SNMP::Session (DestHost=>$agent_host,Version=>1,Community=>$comm,RemotePort=>$agent_port);
####################### 2 ##########################################
# Set some value and see if the value is set properly.
$originalLocation = $s1->get('sysLocation.0');
$value = 'Router Management Labs';
$s1->set('sysLocation.0', $value);
$finalvalue = $s1->get('sysLocation.0');
ok($originalLocation ne $finalvalue);
#print STDERR "Error string = $s1->{ErrorStr}:$s1->{ErrorInd}\n";
#print("set value is: $finalvalue\n\n");
$s1->set('sysLocation.0', $originalLocation);
######################## 3 #######################################
# Now, reset that string with a non-string value.
# This will FAIL. :)
#$nonstrvalue = '.';
#$s1->set('sysLocation.0', $nonstrvalue);
#$finalvalue = $s1->get('sysLocation.0');
#if (($initialvalue cmp $finalvalue) != 0 ) {
# ok(1);
#print STDERR "Error string = $s1->{ErrorStr}:$s1->{ErrorInd}\n";
#print("set value is: $finalvalue\n\n");
#$s1->set('sysLocation.0', $originalLocation);
####################### 4 #####################################
# Test for an integer (READ-ONLY)
$originalservice = $s1->get('sysServices.0');
#print("services is: $originalservice\n");
$junk_service = "Nortel Networks";
$s1->set('sysServices.0', $junk_service);
$finalvalue = $s1->get('sysServices.0');
#print("services is: $finalvalue\n");
#print("Services is: $originalservice\n");
ok($originalservice eq $finalvalue);
#print STDERR "Error string = $s1->{ErrorStr}:$s1->{ErrorInd}\n";
################## 5 ######################
# Test for an integer (READ-WRITE)
# The snmpEnableAuthenTraps takes only two values - 1 and 2.
# If any other value is tried to be set, it doesn't set and
# retains the old value.
$originalTrap = $s1->get('snmpEnableAuthenTraps.0');
#print("trap is -- $originalTrap\n");
$junk_trap = "Nortel Networks";
$s1->set('snmpEnableAuthenTraps.0', $junk_trap);
$finalvalue = $s1->get('snmpEnableAuthenTraps.0');
#print("final trap is: $finalvalue\n");
ok($finalvalue ne $junk_trap);
# Should the error be 'Value out of range: SNMPERR_RANGE ?
#print STDERR "Error string = $s1->{ErrorStr}:$s1->{ErrorInd}\n";
################### 6 #######################
# Test for a TimeTicks (is this advisable? )
# Trying to set uptime which cannot be done (READ-ONLY).
#$time = $s1->get('sysUpTime.0');
#print("up time is : $time hundredths of a second\n");
#$junk_time = 12345;
#$s1->set('sysUpTime.0', $junk_time);
#$finalvalue = $s1->get('sysUpTime.0');
#print("final time is: $finalvalue hundredths of a second \n");
# Will the final value always be equal to the initial value?
# depends on how fast this piece of code executes?
#ok($finalvalue == $time);
#print STDERR "Error string = $s1->{ErrorStr}:$s1->{ErrorInd}\n";
################### 7 ######################
#Test for a Counter32 type.
#$Pkts = $s1->get('snmpInPkts.0');
#print(" pkts is : $Pkts\n");
#$junk_pkts = -1234;
#$s1->set('snmpInPkts.0', $junk_pkts);
#$finalPkts = $s1->get('snmpInPkts.0');
#print("now pkts is : $finalPkts\n");
#ok($finalPkts > $Pkts);
# Expecting genErr
#ok($s1->{ErrorStr} =~ /^\(gen/);
#print STDERR "pkts is = $s1->{ErrorStr}:$s1->{ErrorInd}\n";
################## 8 ##############################
# Set a non-accessible attribute
$s1->set('ipAddrEntry.1', 'MyEID');
# What should I expect - genErr or Bad variable type ?
# What gets checked first - type or accessibility?
# if type, then this is right..else, genErr is expected.
ok($s1->{ErrorStr} =~ /^Bad/ );
#print STDERR "Error string = $s1->{ErrorStr}:$s1->{ErrorInd}\n";
################# 12 ##########################
# Time stamp test - READ-ONLY
#$origtime = $s1->get('sysORLastChange.0');
#print("Time is: $origtime\n");
#print STDERR "Error string = $s1->{ErrorStr}:$s1->{ErrorInd}\n";
#$time = $s1->set('sysORLastChange.0', 12345);
#print("time stamp is : $time \n");
# Should get genErr.
#ok($time =~ /^genErr/);
#print STDERR "Error string = $s1->{ErrorStr}:$s1->{ErrorInd}\n";
############## 13 ############################
# OID test
my $oldoid = $s1->get("sysORID.1");
#print("OID is : $oldoid\n");
$junk_OID = ".";
$s1->set('sysORID.1', $junk_OID);
$newOID = $s1->get("sysORID.1");
#print("new oid is $newOID\n");
ok($oldoid eq $newOID);
#print STDERR "Error string = $s1->{ErrorStr}:$s1->{ErrorInd}\n";
################ 14 ##########################
# Try setting an unregistered OID.
$junk_data = 'hehehe';
$s1->set('ifmyData.0', $junk_data);
#print STDERR "Error string = $s1->{ErrorStr}:$s1->{ErrorInd}\n";
ok( $s1->{ErrorStr} =~ /^Unknown/ );