blob: f641ab7077d9ac87327927a2a53508f66bd7e8d9 [file] [log] [blame]
# currently assumes gcc: (XXX: fix via configure tests)
DLFLAGS=-fPIC -shared
# use GNU vpath, if available, to only set a path for source and headers
# VPATH will pick up objects too, which is bad if you are sharing a
# source dir...
@GNU_vpath@ %.h $(srcdir)
@GNU_vpath@ %.c $(srcdir)
# fallback to regular VPATH for non-gnu...
@NON_GNU_VPATH@ $(srcdir)
# Need a special .c -> .o definition here to make sure we place the
# object files in the sub directory.
$(CC) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $<
OBJS = $(mib_module_list_o)
LOBJS = $(mib_module_list_lo)
SRCS = $(mib_module_list_c)
all: standardall $(LOBJS)