blob: f3fb8fbe7fdb0286c2fb86cf4c390b57446310da [file] [log] [blame]
.TH "asn1 parsing and datatype manipulation routines." 3 "23 May 2010" "Version 5.4.3.pre1" "net-snmp" \" -*- nroff -*-
.ad l
asn1 parsing and datatype manipulation routines. \-
Note on.
.SS "Defines"
.in +1c
.ti -1c
.RI "#define \fBNULL\fP 0"
.ti -1c
.RI "#define \fBINT32_MAX\fP 2147483647"
.ti -1c
.RI "#define \fBINT32_MIN\fP (0 - INT32_MAX - 1)"
.ti -1c
.RI "#define \fBCHECK_OVERFLOW_S\fP(x, y)"
.ti -1c
.RI "#define \fBCHECK_OVERFLOW_U\fP(x, y)"
.in -1c
.SS "Functions"
.in +1c
.ti -1c
.RI "int \fBasn_check_packet\fP (u_char *pkt, size_t len)"
.ti -1c
.RI "u_char * \fBasn_parse_int\fP (u_char *data, size_t *datalength, u_char *type, long *intp, size_t intsize)"
.ti -1c
.RI "u_char * \fBasn_parse_unsigned_int\fP (u_char *data, size_t *datalength, u_char *type, u_long *intp, size_t intsize)"
.ti -1c
.RI "u_char * \fBasn_build_int\fP (u_char *data, size_t *datalength, u_char type, const long *intp, size_t intsize)"
.ti -1c
.RI "u_char * \fBasn_build_unsigned_int\fP (u_char *data, size_t *datalength, u_char type, const u_long *intp, size_t intsize)"
.ti -1c
.RI "u_char * \fBasn_parse_string\fP (u_char *data, size_t *datalength, u_char *type, u_char *str, size_t *strlength)"
.ti -1c
.RI "u_char * \fBasn_build_string\fP (u_char *data, size_t *datalength, u_char type, const u_char *str, size_t strlength)"
.ti -1c
.RI "u_char * \fBasn_parse_header\fP (u_char *data, size_t *datalength, u_char *type)"
.ti -1c
.RI "u_char * \fBasn_parse_sequence\fP (u_char *data, size_t *datalength, u_char *type, u_char expected_type, const char *estr)"
.ti -1c
.RI "u_char * \fBasn_build_header\fP (u_char *data, size_t *datalength, u_char type, size_t length)"
.ti -1c
.RI "u_char * \fBasn_build_sequence\fP (u_char *data, size_t *datalength, u_char type, size_t length)"
.ti -1c
.RI "u_char * \fBasn_parse_length\fP (u_char *data, u_long *length)"
.ti -1c
.RI "u_char * \fBasn_build_length\fP (u_char *data, size_t *datalength, size_t length)"
.ti -1c
.RI "u_char * \fBasn_parse_objid\fP (u_char *data, size_t *datalength, u_char *type, oid *objid, size_t *objidlength)"
.ti -1c
.RI "u_char * \fBasn_build_objid\fP (u_char *data, size_t *datalength, u_char type, oid *objid, size_t objidlength)"
.ti -1c
.RI "u_char * \fBasn_parse_null\fP (u_char *data, size_t *datalength, u_char *type)"
.ti -1c
.RI "u_char * \fBasn_build_null\fP (u_char *data, size_t *datalength, u_char type)"
.ti -1c
.RI "u_char * \fBasn_parse_bitstring\fP (u_char *data, size_t *datalength, u_char *type, u_char *str, size_t *strlength)"
.ti -1c
.RI "u_char * \fBasn_build_bitstring\fP (u_char *data, size_t *datalength, u_char type, const u_char *str, size_t strlength)"
.ti -1c
.RI "u_char * \fBasn_parse_unsigned_int64\fP (u_char *data, size_t *datalength, u_char *type, struct \fBcounter64\fP *cp, size_t countersize)"
.ti -1c
.RI "u_char * \fBasn_build_unsigned_int64\fP (u_char *data, size_t *datalength, u_char type, const struct \fBcounter64\fP *cp, size_t countersize)"
.ti -1c
.RI "int \fBasn_realloc\fP (u_char **pkt, size_t *pkt_len)"
.ti -1c
.RI "int \fBasn_realloc_rbuild_length\fP (u_char **pkt, size_t *pkt_len, size_t *offset, int r, size_t length)"
.ti -1c
.RI "int \fBasn_realloc_rbuild_header\fP (u_char **pkt, size_t *pkt_len, size_t *offset, int r, u_char type, size_t length)"
.ti -1c
.RI "int \fBasn_realloc_rbuild_int\fP (u_char **pkt, size_t *pkt_len, size_t *offset, int r, u_char type, const long *intp, size_t intsize)"
.ti -1c
.RI "int \fBasn_realloc_rbuild_string\fP (u_char **pkt, size_t *pkt_len, size_t *offset, int r, u_char type, const u_char *str, size_t strlength)"
.ti -1c
.RI "int \fBasn_realloc_rbuild_unsigned_int\fP (u_char **pkt, size_t *pkt_len, size_t *offset, int r, u_char type, const u_long *intp, size_t intsize)"
.ti -1c
.RI "int \fBasn_realloc_rbuild_sequence\fP (u_char **pkt, size_t *pkt_len, size_t *offset, int r, u_char type, size_t length)"
.ti -1c
.RI "int \fBasn_realloc_rbuild_objid\fP (u_char **pkt, size_t *pkt_len, size_t *offset, int r, u_char type, const oid *objid, size_t objidlength)"
.ti -1c
.RI "int \fBasn_realloc_rbuild_null\fP (u_char **pkt, size_t *pkt_len, size_t *offset, int r, u_char type)"
.ti -1c
.RI "int \fBasn_realloc_rbuild_bitstring\fP (u_char **pkt, size_t *pkt_len, size_t *offset, int r, u_char type, const u_char *str, size_t strlength)"
.ti -1c
.RI "int \fBasn_realloc_rbuild_unsigned_int64\fP (u_char **pkt, size_t *pkt_len, size_t *offset, int r, u_char type, const struct \fBcounter64\fP *cp, size_t countersize)"
.in -1c
.SH "Detailed Description"
Note on.
Re-allocating reverse ASN.1 encoder functions. Synopsis:
u_char *buf = (u_char*)malloc(100);
size_t buf_len = 100, offset = 0;
long data = 12345;
int allow_realloc = 1;
if (asn_realloc_rbuild_int(&buf, &buf_len, &offset, allow_realloc,
type, &data, sizeof(long)) == 0) {
NOTE WELL: after calling one of these functions with allow_realloc non-zero, buf might have moved, buf_len might have grown and offset will have increased by the size of the encoded data. You should **NEVER** do something like this:
u_char *buf = (u_char *)malloc(100), *ptr;
size_t buf_len = 100, offset = 0;
long data1 = 1234, data2 = 5678;
int rc = 0, allow_realloc = 1;
rc = asn_realloc_rbuild_int(&buf, &buf_len, &offset, allow_realloc,
type, &data1, sizeof(long));
ptr = buf[buf_len - offset]; / * points at encoding of data1 * /
if (rc == 0) {
rc = asn_realloc_rbuild_int(&buf, &buf_len, &offset, allow_realloc,
type, &data2, sizeof(long));
make use of ptr here;
ptr is **INVALID** at this point. In general, you should store the offset value and compute pointers when you need them:
u_char *buf = (u_char *)malloc(100), *ptr;
size_t buf_len = 100, offset = 0, ptr_offset;
long data1 = 1234, data2 = 5678;
int rc = 0, allow_realloc = 1;
rc = asn_realloc_rbuild_int(&buf, &buf_len, &offset, allow_realloc,
type, &data1, sizeof(long));
ptr_offset = offset;
if (rc == 0) {
rc = asn_realloc_rbuild_int(&buf, &buf_len, &offset, allow_realloc,
type, &data2, sizeof(long));
ptr = buf + buf_len - ptr_offset
make use of ptr here;
Here, you can see that ptr will be a valid pointer even if the block of memory has been moved, as it may well have been. Plenty of examples of usage all over \fBasn1.c\fP, \fBsnmp_api.c\fP, \fBsnmpusm.c\fP.
The other thing you should **NEVER** do is to pass a pointer to a buffer on the stack as the first argument when allow_realloc is non-zero, unless you really know what you are doing and your machine/compiler allows you to free non-heap memory. There are rumours that such things exist, but many consider them no more than the wild tales of a fool.
Of course, you can pass allow_realloc as zero, to indicate that you do not wish the packet buffer to be reallocated for some reason; perhaps because it is on the stack. This may be useful to emulate the functionality of the old API:
u_char my_static_buffer[100], *cp = NULL;
size_t my_static_buffer_len = 100;
float my_pi = (float)22/(float)7;
cp = asn_rbuild_float(my_static_buffer, &my_static_buffer_len,
ASN_OPAQUE_FLOAT, &my_pi, sizeof(float));
if (cp == NULL) {
u_char my_static_buffer[100];
size_t my_static_buffer_len = 100, my_offset = 0;
float my_pi = (float)22/(float)7;
int rc = 0;
rc = asn_realloc_rbuild_float(&my_static_buffer, &my_static_buffer_len,
&my_offset, 0,
ASN_OPAQUE_FLOAT, &my_pi, sizeof(float));
if (rc == 0) {
.SH "Define Documentation"
.SS "#define CHECK_OVERFLOW_S(x, y)"\fBValue:\fP
do { int trunc = 0; \
if (x > INT32_MAX) { \
trunc = 1; \
x &= 0xffffffff; \
} else if (x < INT32_MIN) { \
trunc = 1; \
x = 0 - (x & 0xffffffff); \
} \
if (trunc) \
DEBUGMSG(('asn','truncating signed value to 32 bits (%d)\n',y)); \
} while(0)
Definition at line 214 of file asn1.c.
.SS "#define CHECK_OVERFLOW_U(x, y)"\fBValue:\fP
do { \
if (x > UINT32_MAX) { \
x &= 0xffffffff; \
DEBUGMSG(('asn','truncating unsigned value to 32 bits (%d)\n',y)); \
} \
} while(0)
Definition at line 226 of file asn1.c.
.SH "Author"
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