blob: 3b778ea22730a144585789f6c336cc15b83d994e [file] [log] [blame]
# This is a snmptrapd handler script to convert snmp traps into email
# messages.
# Usage:
# Put a line like the following in your snmptrapd.conf file:
# traphandle TRAPOID|default /usr/local/bin/traptoemail [-f FROM] [-s SMTPSERVER]b ADDRESSES
# FROM defaults to "root"
# SMTPSERVER defaults to "localhost"
use Net::SMTP;
use Getopt::Std;
$opts{'s'} = "localhost";
$opts{'f'} = 'root@' . `hostname`;
getopts("hs:f:", \%opts);
if ($opts{'h'}) {
print "
traptoemail [-s smtpserver] [-f fromaddress] toaddress [...]
traptoemail shouldn't be called interatively by a user. It is
designed to be called as an snmptrapd extension via a \"traphandle\"
directive in the snmptrapd.conf file. See the snmptrapd.conf file for
-s smtpserver Sets the smtpserver for where to send the mail through.
-f fromaddress Sets the email address to be used on the From: line.
toaddress Where you want the email sent to.
die "no recepients to send mail to" if ($#ARGV < 0);
# process the trap:
$hostname = <STDIN>;
$ipaddress = <STDIN>;
$maxlen = 0;
while(<STDIN>) {
($oid, $value) = /([^\s]+)\s+(.*)/;
push @oids, $oid;
push @values, $value;
$maxlen = (length($oid) > $maxlen) ? length($oid) : $maxlen;
$maxlen = 60 if ($maxlen > 60);
$formatstr = "%" . $maxlen . "s %s\n";
die "illegal trap" if ($#oids < 1);
# send the message
$message = Net::SMTP->new($opts{'s'}) || die "can't talk to server $opts{'s'}\n";
$message->to(@ARGV) || die "failed to send to the recepients ",join(",",@ARGV),": $!";
$message->datasend("To: " . join(", ",@ARGV) . "\n");
$message->datasend("From: $opts{f}\n");
$message->datasend("Subject: trap received from $hostname: $varbinds[1]\n");
$message->datasend("Host: $hostname ($ipaddress)\n");
for($i = 0; $i <= $#oids; $i++) {
$message->datasend(sprintf($formatstr, $oids[$i], $values[$i]));