| This is a summary of the steps required to make a new release. Do not |
| attempt to run these manually - instead use the 'makerelease' |
| application and makerelease.xml file. Get 'makerelease' from the |
| makerelease SVN repository: |
| |
| svn co https://makerelease.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/makerelease/trunk/makerelease |
| cd makerelease |
| perl Makefile.PL |
| make |
| sudo make install |
| |
| Then to run it from a directory to release: |
| |
| makerelease -c NETSNMPTRUNK/dist/makerelease.xml |
| |
| It will prompt you for all needed information and tasks to be done. |
| |
| Don't *ever* release a second tar ball under the same name as the |
| first. It's much much much better to release another version |
| instead, since you don't have to figure out from the bug reports |
| that a user really grabbed the first snapshot instead of the |
| second when they complain about version "XXX" not working. |
| |
| ====== makerelease -n output showing makerelease documented steps ====== |
| |
| STEP: 1: Setup Steps |
| |
| This set of steps will do some preliminary "safety" checks to ensure the |
| local environment is ok and setup some important information. |
| |
| ===== Entering Step: 1 ===== |
| |
| STEP: 1.1: Setup Checck |
| |
| This should show the last version number published in this branch by |
| looking at the time line in the README file: |
| |
| Commands to execute: |
| |
| head -1 README |
| |
| STEP: 1.2: Pick a Version Number |
| |
| Please enter the version number to publish. Net-SNMP convention dictates |
| that this be a version number like 5.4 or 5.4.1. Pre-releases that occur |
| before a branch freezes should be appended with ".preN" like 5.4.1.pre2. |
| Release-candidates should be labeled ".rcN" like 5.4.1.rc1. |
| |
| Decide on a value for parameter 'VERSION' |
| |
| parameter: VERSION |
| |
| prompt: Enter the new version number: |
| |
| STEP: 1.3: Defining a second internal version string |
| |
| Internal perl code will be executed |
| |
| STEP: 1.4: Release Parameter Information |
| |
| Here is the configured information we'll be using: |
| |
| |
| VERSION with dashes: {VERSIONDASHES} |
| |
| Floating point VERSION: {VERSIONFLOAT} |
| |
| |
| STEP: 1.5: update |
| |
| We need to make sure your code is up to date and matches the latest |
| sources in this branch. |
| |
| Commands to execute: |
| |
| svn update |
| |
| STEP: 1.6: Check for changes |
| |
| This steps looks for outstanding files that have been modified. There |
| should be no outstanding modifications! If this step finds outstanding |
| modified files you need to check them in or revert them before |
| continuing! |
| |
| Commands to execute: |
| |
| svn -u status | egrep '^[^\?]' |
| |
| (Leaving Step: 1) |
| |
| STEP: 2: Source Code Setup |
| |
| This set of steps will modify various places within the source code tree |
| to bring it up to date with the new version number about to be published. |
| |
| ===== Entering Step: 2 ===== |
| |
| STEP: 2.1: Libtool / Library versioning setup |
| |
| These steps will modify the various files in the source tree that contain |
| the version number, show you the changes that will be made and then check |
| in the resulting changes if you approve of them. |
| |
| ===== Entering Step: 2.1 ===== |
| |
| STEP: 2.1.1: version:libtoolmanualedit |
| |
| You (may) need to edit Makefile.top to update the library version |
| numbering (usually just for the first pre-release of a given version). |
| See the comments in RELEASE-INSTRUCTIONS about LIBCURRENT, LIBAGE and |
| |
| This script will commit the file for you after you're done. |
| |
| STEP: 2.1.2: version:commit |
| |
| We'll now commit the Makefile.top file if you've modified it. |
| |
| Commands to execute: |
| |
| svn commit -m "version update" Makefile.top |
| |
| (Leaving Step: 2.1) |
| |
| STEP: 2.2: Change The Version Number |
| |
| These steps will modify the various files in the source tree that contain |
| the version number, show you the changes that will be made and then check |
| in the resulting changes if you approve of them. |
| |
| ===== Entering Step: 2.2 ===== |
| |
| STEP: 2.2.1: Modify the source files |
| |
| We will now modify files through the code to replace the version number |
| with the newer one. |
| |
| Modifying files: |
| |
| replacing: 'VERSION = '(.*)'' with: 'VERSION = \'{VERSIONFLOAT}\'' |
| |
| |
| files: glob=ARRAY(0x8dc9064) |
| |
| perl/SNMP/SNMP.pm |
| |
| perl/agent/agent.pm |
| |
| perl/agent/Support/Support.pm |
| |
| perl/agent/default_store/default_store.pm |
| |
| perl/default_store/default_store.pm |
| |
| perl/OID/OID.pm |
| |
| perl/ASN/ASN.pm |
| |
| perl/AnyData_SNMP/Storage.pm |
| |
| perl/AnyData_SNMP/Format.pm |
| |
| perl/TrapReceiver/TrapReceiver.pm |
| |
| |
| |
| Modifying files: |
| |
| replacing: 'NetSnmpVersionInfo = "[\d\.]+"' with: 'NetSnmpVersionInfo = |
| "{VERSION}"' |
| |
| |
| files: glob=ARRAY(0x8dc8fd4) |
| |
| snmplib/snmp_version.c |
| |
| |
| |
| Modifying files: |
| |
| replacing: 'Version: [\.0-9a-zA-Z]+' with: 'Version: {VERSION}' |
| |
| |
| files: glob=ARRAY(0x8dc8f44) |
| |
| |
| FAQ |
| |
| dist/net-snmp.spec |
| |
| |
| |
| Modifying files: |
| |
| replacing: 'VERSION = [\.0-9a-zA-Z]+' with: 'VERSION = {VERSION}' |
| |
| |
| files: glob=ARRAY(0x8dc8ed4) |
| |
| dist/Makefile |
| |
| |
| |
| Modifying files: |
| |
| replacing: 'AC_INIT\(\[Net-SNMP\], \[([^\]]+)\]' with: |
| 'AC_INIT([Net-SNMP], [{VERSION}]' |
| |
| |
| files: glob=ARRAY(0x8dc8e64) |
| |
| configure.in |
| |
| |
| |
| Modifying files: |
| |
| replacing: 'NetSnmpVersionInfo = "[^"]+"' with: 'NetSnmpVersionInfo = |
| "{VERSION}"' |
| |
| |
| files: glob=ARRAY(0x8dc8df4) |
| |
| snmplib/snmp_version.c |
| |
| |
| |
| STEP: 2.2.2: Running autoconf to rebuild configure |
| |
| We modified configure.in, so we now need to run autoconf to rebuild |
| configure. |
| |
| XXX: in the future we should verify the correct autoconf version number |
| |
| Commands to execute: |
| |
| autoconf |
| |
| STEP: 2.2.3: Running svn diff to check changes |
| |
| Check the following changes for proper version number differences before |
| we commit the chances. |
| |
| Commands to execute: |
| |
| svn diff |
| |
| STEP: 2.2.4: Running svn commit to commit the changes |
| |
| Check the changes in the above diff and then we'll commit the results |
| here if they look ok. |
| |
| Commands to execute: |
| |
| svn commit -m "Version number update" |
| |
| (Leaving Step: 2.2) |
| |
| STEP: 2.3: docs:make |
| |
| This step will create manual pages from doxygen instrumented code files. |
| |
| Commands to execute: |
| |
| make docs |
| |
| make mancp |
| |
| STEP: 2.4: docs:update |
| |
| This will run svn status to figure out what files have changed since the |
| previous man page generation steps were done. After this step, we'll |
| commit all the modified files. |
| |
| You may find additional files (marked with a ?) that should be added to |
| the svn repository and you'll need to do this by hand before going on to |
| the next step. |
| |
| Note: based on a recent net-snmp-admin discussion, we're no longer going |
| to be adding the bazillions of man pages that doxygen generates by |
| default. Only important ones should be added. |
| |
| Commands to execute: |
| |
| svn -u status man |
| |
| STEP: 2.5: docs:manualaddnewman |
| |
| Update man/Makefile.in with details of any new man pages, and run 'svn |
| add' on them. |
| |
| I'll commit these changes for you after you're done. |
| |
| STEP: 2.6: docs:commit |
| |
| Commands to execute: |
| |
| svn commit -m "documentation update" man |
| |
| (Leaving Step: 2) |
| |
| STEP: 3: Testing Steps |
| |
| These steps will help you test the source code to ensure it passes some |
| simple "it works" tests. |
| |
| ===== Entering Step: 3 ===== |
| |
| STEP: 3.1: build:distclean |
| |
| First we need to clean the existing build tree and start from scratch. |
| |
| Commands to execute: |
| |
| make distclean |
| |
| STEP: 3.2: build:configure |
| |
| We need to run configure to set up the build tree. |
| |
| Commands to execute: |
| |
| ./configure --cache=config.cache --with-defaults |
| --with-mib-modules='host examples examples/example testhandler smux Rmon |
| disman/event-mib' --with-transports=IPX --enable-ipv6 |
| --enable-embedded-perl --enable-shared |
| |
| STEP: 3.3: build:make |
| |
| Then we need to build the code |
| |
| Commands to execute: |
| |
| make |
| |
| STEP: 3.4: build:test |
| |
| Now we run "make test" which should produce a perfect set up test |
| results. If not, this needs to be fixed or at least understood and |
| accepted as is for some other reason. |
| |
| Commands to execute: |
| |
| make test TESTOPTS=-n |
| |
| STEP: 3.5: code:checkcomments |
| |
| This command looks for source code oddities and policy violations. |
| |
| Commands to execute: |
| |
| make checks |
| |
| (Leaving Step: 3) |
| |
| STEP: 4: Release File Steps |
| |
| Certain files in the distribution and built on a per-release basis. |
| These steps will help set up these files. |
| |
| ===== Entering Step: 4 ===== |
| |
| STEP: 4.1: code:makedepend |
| |
| This step creates Makefile dependencies using the "distdepend" rule in |
| the top level Makefile. |
| |
| Commands to execute: |
| |
| make distdepend |
| |
| STEP: 4.2: code:commitdepend |
| |
| This step commits the dependency changes done in the previous step. |
| |
| Commands to execute: |
| |
| svn commit -m "make depend" `find . -name Makefile.depend` |
| |
| STEP: 4.3: changelog:svn2cl |
| |
| We need to extract the portions of the change logs committed to the |
| repository. |
| |
| Commands to execute: |
| |
| svn2cl -f ChangeLog.add --break-before-msg --stop-on-copy |
| |
| perl dist/changelogfix < ChangeLog.add > ChangeLog.reallyadd |
| |
| STEP: 4.4: changelog:manualedit |
| |
| You need to manually insert the *relevent* portions of |
| 'ChangeLog.reallyadd' into the ChangeLog file. I'll commit these changes |
| for you after you finish cutting out the proper changes. |
| |
| STEP: 4.5: changelog:commit |
| |
| Commands to execute: |
| |
| svn commit -m "version update" ChangeLog |
| |
| STEP: 4.6: docs:newnews |
| |
| Commands to execute: |
| |
| perl dist/extractnews -s ----- -e ----- ChangeLog |
| |
| STEP: 4.7: docs:newnews |
| |
| Commands to execute: |
| |
| perl dist/extractnews -c CHANGES.new2 -n NEWS.new2 ChangeLog.reallyadd |
| |
| STEP: 4.8: docs:README |
| |
| You need to manually insert the relevent portions of 'CHANGES.new' and |
| 'NEWS.new' into the CHANGES and NEWS file. (There are alternative |
| versions in 'CHANGES.new2' and 'NEWS.new2') You may wish to update the |
| README file as well. I'll commit these changes for you afterwards |
| |
| STEP: 4.9: docs:commit |
| |
| Commands to execute: |
| |
| svn commit -m "version update" README NEWS CHANGES |
| |
| STEP: 4.10: release:update |
| |
| One more svn update and status to make sure nothing odd exists in your |
| source tree. Please check the results! |
| |
| Commands to execute: |
| |
| svn -u status |
| |
| (Leaving Step: 4) |
| |
| STEP: 5: Make the Release |
| |
| This is it! After this point it's much harder to turn back. If |
| everything is ok until this point and you're ready to actually stamp the |
| release in SVN and make release files, these steps will do that for you. |
| |
| ===== Entering Step: 5 ===== |
| |
| STEP: 5.1: release:tag |
| |
| This will actually svn copy the current checked out branch to the new tag |
| name. Specifically: |
| |
| svn copy {BRANCHPATH} .../tags/Ext-{VERSIONDASHES} |
| |
| Commands to execute: |
| |
| svn copy -m "{VERSION} release" {BRANCHPATH} |
| https://net-snmp.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/net-snmp/tags/Ext-{VERSIONDA |
| SHES} |
| |
| STEP: 5.2: release:makedist |
| |
| Commands to execute: |
| |
| svn export |
| https://net-snmp.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/net-snmp/tags/Ext-{VERSIONDA |
| SHES}/net-snmp net-snmp-{VERSION} |
| |
| STEP: 5.3: release:removefiles |
| |
| Commands to execute: |
| |
| net-snmp-{VERSION}/remove-files net-snmp-{VERSION} |
| |
| STEP: 5.4: release:makedist |
| |
| Commands to execute: |
| |
| star artype=ustar -c -z -f net-snmp-{VERSION}.tar.gz |
| net-snmp-{VERSION} |
| |
| STEP: 5.5: release:makezipclean |
| |
| Commands to execute: |
| |
| rm -f net-snmp-{VERSION}.zip |
| |
| STEP: 5.6: release:makezip |
| |
| Commands to execute: |
| |
| zip -r net-snmp-{VERSION}.zip net-snmp-{VERSION} |
| |
| STEP: 5.7: release:searching-gpg-keys |
| |
| Commands to execute: |
| |
| gpg --list-secret-keys net-snmp-admin |
| |
| STEP: 5.8: release:gpg |
| |
| Commands to execute: |
| |
| gpg -u 317F8F64 -a --detach-sign net-snmp-{VERSION}.tar.gz |
| |
| STEP: 5.9: release:gpg |
| |
| Commands to execute: |
| |
| gpg -u 317F8F64 -a --detach-sign net-snmp-{VERSION}.zip |
| |
| STEP: 5.10: Release File Test |
| |
| We'll also re-build the source and retest a few things to ensure the |
| packaged file can actually be built. |
| |
| ===== Entering Step: 5.10 ===== |
| |
| STEP: 5.10.1: posttest:untar |
| |
| Commands to execute: |
| |
| rm -rf net-snmp-{VERSION} |
| |
| STEP: 5.10.2: posttest:untar |
| |
| Commands to execute: |
| |
| tar xzf net-snmp-{VERSION}.tar.gz |
| |
| STEP: 5.10.3: posttest:configure |
| |
| Commands to execute: |
| |
| cd net-snmp-{VERSION} && ./configure --cache=config.cache |
| --with-defaults --with-mib-modules='host examples examples/example |
| testhandler smux Rmon disman/event-mib' --with-transports=IPX |
| --enable-ipv6 --enable-embedded-perl --enable-shared |
| |
| STEP: 5.10.4: posttest:make |
| |
| Commands to execute: |
| |
| cd net-snmp-{VERSION} && make |
| |
| STEP: 5.10.5: posttest:test |
| |
| Commands to execute: |
| |
| cd net-snmp-{VERSION} && make test |
| |
| (Leaving Step: 5.10) |
| |
| (Leaving Step: 5) |
| |
| STEP: 6: Release the results |
| |
| Now we'll publish the results to the SF server |
| |
| ===== Entering Step: 6 ===== |
| |
| STEP: 6.1: rsync the new files |
| |
| This will copy the results to the SF uploads directory in your account on |
| frs.sourceforge.net |
| |
| Commands to execute: |
| |
| rsync -v net-snmp-{VERSION}.tar.gz net-snmp-{VERSION}.tar.gz.asc |
| net-snmp-{VERSION}.zip net-snmp-{VERSION}.zip.asc |
| frs.sourceforge.net:uploads/ |
| |
| STEP: 6.2: Update the SF release web page |
| |
| Commands to execute: |
| |
| firefox |
| 'http://sourceforge.net/project/admin/editpackages.php?group_id=12694' |
| |
| (Leaving Step: 6) |
| |
| STEP: 7: |
| |
| Binaries: build rpms, .tar.gzs, etc. |
| |
| STEP: 8: Advertise it! |
| |
| ===== Entering Step: 8 ===== |
| |
| STEP: 8.1: |
| |
| Add a note to the source forge news system: |
| |
| http://sourceforge.net/news/submit.php?group_id=12694 |
| |
| Commands to execute: |
| |
| firefox 'http://sourceforge.net/news/submit.php?group_id=12694' |
| |
| STEP: 8.2: |
| |
| Send an announcement message to one of the following mailing lists based |
| on it's type: |
| |
| pre: net-snmp-coders@lists.sourceforge.net |
| |
| rc: net-snmp-users@lists.sourceforge.net |
| |
| final: net-snmp-announce@lists.sourceforge.net |
| |
| STEP: 8.3: |
| |
| Update the topic on the #Net-SNMP channel if this is a trunk based |
| release. |
| |
| STEP: 8.4: |
| |
| Update the freshmeat listing (Wes needs to do this): |
| |
| http://freshmeat.net/projects/net-snmp/ |
| |
| Commands to execute: |
| |
| firefox http://freshmeat.net/projects/net-snmp/ |
| |
| (Leaving Step: 8) |
| |
| STEP: 9: |
| |
| Advertise: NEWS upload to sf, publish on -announce, freshmeat, and the |
| GNU FSF directory (http://directory.fsf.org/project/net-snmp/)... (send |
| mail to bug-directory@gnu.org) |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| ====== BEGIN OBSOLETE (pre-makerelease) DOCUMENTATION ====== |
| |
| *************************************************************************** |
| |
| 1) Update the source tree to catch all recent commits, |
| and check that all local changes have been committed. |
| |
| $ svn -u status |
| $ svn update |
| |
| 2) Change the libtool version information in Makefile.top. |
| See MANUAL - STEP 1 later in these instructions. |
| 'makerelease' will commit this file automatically. |
| |
| 3) Configure the suite with as many modules as possible, |
| build and test it. The makerelease script will use |
| the options: |
| |
| $ ./configure '--with-mib-modules=host examples examples/example \ |
| testhandler smux Rmon disman/event-mib' \ |
| --with-transports=IPX --enable-ipv6 \ |
| --enable-embedded-perl --enable-shared |
| |
| Ideally this should be repeated on as many systems as possible |
| (including running "make install"). However the makerelease |
| script will only test things on the current box, and will not |
| try to install the software. |
| |
| |
| *************************************************************************** |
| |
| 4) Update the version number in the doxygen.conf file |
| (handled automatically by 'makerelease') and generate |
| the doxygen extracted manual pages. |
| |
| $ make docs |
| $ make mancp |
| |
| 'makerelease' will commit this file automatically. |
| Note that any new man pages should be added to Makefile.in. |
| This is *NOT* currently handled by the makerelease script. |
| |
| 5) Check the code for illegal constructs (e.g. C++ style comments |
| or GNU make specific constructs in Makefiles): |
| |
| $ make checks |
| |
| 6) Update Makefile dependencies: |
| |
| $ make distdepend |
| |
| 'makerelease' will commit these dependencies automatically. |
| |
| 7) Update the ChangeLog file with details of all (recent) changes |
| to the suite. See MANUAL - STEP 2 later in these instructions. |
| 'makerelease' will commit this file automatically. |
| |
| 8) Update the README, NEWS, and CHANGES files with details of |
| significant changes to the suite. See MANUAL - STEP 3 later |
| in these instructions. |
| 'makerelease' will commit these files automatically. |
| |
| |
| *************************************************************************** |
| |
| 9) Make sure all changes are checked in: |
| |
| $ svn -u status |
| $ svn update |
| |
| [Note that this step is omitted when running "makerelease"] |
| |
| 10) Change the version number in various files |
| (README, FAQ, configure.in, net-snmp.spec and assorted Perl modules). |
| 'makerelease' will update and commit these files automatically. |
| |
| 11) Create a tag checkpoint for this release: |
| |
| $ svn copy /trunk /tags/Ext-5-x |
| or |
| $ svn copy /branches/V5-x-patches /tags/Ext-5-x-y |
| |
| 12) Construct the source packages: |
| |
| $ svn export /tags/Ext-5-x-y/net-snmp net-snmp-5.x.y |
| $ net-snmp-5.x.y/remove-files net-snmp-5.x.y |
| $ star artype=ustar -c -z -f net-snmp-5.x.y.tar.gz net-snmp-5.x.y |
| $ rm -f net-snmp-5.x.y.zip" |
| $ zip -r net-snmp-5.x.y.zip net-snmp-5.x.y" |
| |
| |
| 13) Sign (or checksum) the packages: |
| |
| Wes/Robert: |
| $ gpg -u net-snmp-admin -a --detach-sign net-snmp-5.x.y.tar.gz |
| $ gpg -u net-snmp-admin -a --detach-sign net-snmp-5.x.y.zip |
| Others: |
| $ md5sum net-snmp-5.x.y.tar.gz > net-snmp-5.x.y.tar.gz.md5 |
| $ md5sum net-snmp-5.x.y.zip > net-snmp-5.x.y.zip.md5 |
| |
| |
| *************************************************************************** |
| |
| 14) Unpack a clean copy of the tarball, configure, build and |
| test the release tarball. |
| |
| 15) Double-check that there are no outstanding changes that have |
| been missed from the CVS checkin: |
| |
| $ svn status |
| |
| Note: This is the last stage that is handled by the "makerelease" script |
| Everything following will need to be done manually. |
| |
| 15) Upload the packages (and signature files) to the SourceForge server: |
| |
| $ ncftpput upload.sf.net incoming net-snmp-5.x.y.tar.gz |
| $ ncftpput upload.sf.net incoming net-snmp-5.x.y.zip |
| * SF pages: "Admin" -> "File Releases" |
| * net-snmp: "Add Release" (or "Edit Release") |
| * Create (or choose) an appropriate release name |
| e.g. "5.x.y source code" (or "5.x.y pre-releases") |
| * "Edit This Release" |
| * Select the tarball and/or other relevant files |
| |
| 16) Announce the release on the appropriate list. |
| Pre-release announcements (and a call for testing) should be |
| sent to net-snmp-coders, release-candidates to net-snmp-users. |
| |
| Full releases should be announced on net-snmp-users, and as a |
| news item on the project home page - including the NEWS snippet |
| of significant changes since the last release. |
| |
| 17) Update the following htdocs files (in the main SVN trunk): |
| htdocs/download.html |
| htdocs/dev/schedule.html |
| |
| [Make sure you have permissions set up properly on the web |
| server so that files created become group-writable!!!] |
| |
| That concludes the process for pre-releases and release-candidates. |
| For full releases, wait a week to ensure that there are no major |
| problems, before continuing with the remaining steps. |
| |
| If there are known problems and another release is planned to |
| fix them, don't announce the broken version - wait for the updated |
| one instead. |
| |
| 18) Once this week has elapsed, submit an announement of the new |
| release to net-snmp-announce. This message will need to be |
| explicitly authorized via MailMan. |
| |
| Also update the IRC topic to include mention of this release. |
| |
| 19) For a release on the most recent development line, start bugging |
| Wes to update the freshmeat, Free Software Directory and |
| Wikipedia entries. |
| |
| 20) For a release on the most recent development line, update the |
| 'htdocs/page-top.html' file (in the main SVN trunk) to reference |
| the latest version. |
| |
| Update the following files with any changes: |
| |
| htdocs/docs/readmefiles/NEWS |
| htdocs/docs/readmefiles/CHANGES |
| htdocs/docs/readmefiles/README* |
| htdocs/COPYING |
| |
| [Make sure you have permissions set up properly on the web |
| server so that files created become group-writable!!!] |
| |
| |
| 21) For a major new-feature release (i.e. 5.x), create the patches |
| branch: |
| |
| $ svn copy /tags/Ext-5-x /branches/V5-x-patches |
| |
| and update the SVN main trunk with a new version number: |
| |
| $ local/Version-Munge.pl -v 5.(x+1).dev -M -P -C |
| |
| The 1 week delay (and continued code freeze) is to to ensure that |
| developer effort is concentrated on immediate problems following |
| the release. Any major problems should hopefully come to light |
| during this period, so after a week it should be safe to create |
| the patches branch and officially end the code freeze on MAIN. |
| |
| 22) Update the official patches tracker set: |
| |
| - any patches for this new release tarball should be given |
| priority 9 |
| - all patches for the previous release on this line should |
| be marked at priority 5 |
| - all patches for earlier releases on this line should |
| be marked at priority 1, and closed |
| |
| If a line has been designated closed, then all official |
| patches for that line should be marked as closed as well. |
| |
| 23) Hide the pre-release repository from the File Releases |
| admin pages. |
| |
| 24) Clean up the 'dist' dir of the relevant V5-x-patches branch. |
| Only leave the following files: |
| |
| changelogfix cvsshow cvsup extractnews makerelease |
| net-snmp.spec snmpd-init.d snmptrapd-init.d |
| |
| Note that any files removed should also be deleted from |
| SVN repository. |
| |
| |
| *************************************************************************** |
| |
| 0) Always REMOVE ALL PREVIOUS INSTALLS FIRST, then do a make install |
| from the tar-ball extracted sources and *THEN* rebuild all |
| binaries again. This ensures that everything (especially perl |
| modules) are properly linked against the right libraries. |
| |
| 1) always build releases from a tarball, not from SVN. |
| |
| 2) Add mib modules that are common. Basically, add: |
| |
| host -- where supported. |
| disman/event-mib |
| smux |
| |
| 3) use --with-defaults --with-syscontact="Unknown" |
| --with-syslocation="Unknown" |
| |
| 4) when running make install, do it like: |
| |
| $ make install prefix=/some/path/to/home/ARCH/usr/local \ |
| exec_prefix=/some/path/to/home/ARCH/usr/local |
| |
| 5) Tar it up: |
| |
| $ cd /some/path/to/home/ARCH |
| $ tar czf net-snmp-5.0.3-ARCH.tar.gz usr/local |
| |
| 6) upload and release, like you did for the source code but with a |
| different package name for binaries (5.0.3 binaries). |
| |
| 7) RPMs [do this in main line even if its for a patch branch]: |
| $ cd dist |
| $ cp ../net-snmp-5.0.8.tar.gz rpm/SOURCES |
| $ make RELEASE=1 |
| |
| This should put multiple binary rpm files in: |
| dist/rpm/RPMS/i386/ |
| And one source RPM in: |
| dist/rpm/SRPMS/ |
| |
| *** These files need to be renamed to include the OS version. |
| |
| EG: ...i386.rpm needs to become ...fc5.i386.rpm |
| |
| 8) Remove (or hide) binaries from older releases of the same line, |
| where you have submitted a newer binary for the same architecture. |
| Once the last binary for a particular release version has been |
| removed, hide that repository. |
| |
| |
| *************************************************************************** |
| *************************************************************************** |
| |
| Changing the libtool version information in Makefile.top. |
| |
| - If any interfaces/structures have been removed or changed since the |
| last update, increment current (+5), and set age and revision to 0. |
| Stop! |
| |
| - If any interfaces have been added since the last public release, |
| then increment current and age, and set revision to 0. |
| Stop! |
| |
| - If the source code has changed at all since the last update, |
| then increment revision (c:r:a becomes c:r+1:a). |
| |
| Note: maintenance releases (eg 5.2.x) should never have changes |
| that would require current to be incremented. |
| |
| The check-api-changes script in the dist directory will construct a |
| diff of all headers, which can be useful for determining if anything |
| needs bumping. |
| |
| Update these variables now, so that when you run |
| make in a second to test things you can spot libtool yelling |
| about improper numbering before you make the release and not |
| after you've uploaded the tar ball :-/ |
| |
| |
| *************************************************************************** |
| |
| Changing the libtool version information in Makefile.top. |
| Updating the ChangeLog file |
| |
| - The ChangeLog entries are extracted (normally automatically) |
| using the command: |
| |
| $ svn2cl -f ChangeLog.add --break-before-msg --stop-on-copy |
| |
| If you don't have svn2cl installed, you can try and find a |
| suitable binary package for your architecture, or you can |
| get it directly from |
| http://ch.tudelft.nl/~arthur/svn2cl |
| You may need to rename the script from 'svn2cl.sh' to 'svn2cl' |
| |
| - In either case, they are fixed up (automatically) using: |
| |
| $ perl dist/changelogfix < ChangeLog.add > ChangeLog.reallyadd |
| or |
| $ perl dist/changelogfix V5-{N}-patches < ChangeLog.add > ChangeLog.reallyadd |
| |
| - The manual processing step is to insert the appropriate portion |
| of the file 'ChangeLog.reallyadd' into 'ChangeLog'. You can |
| usually find the point where the previous release started in |
| the file by searching for "version tag". |
| |
| - Please keep the line of dashes at the top of the file, as this |
| makes it easier to copy during the next release. |
| |
| - If using emacs, switch from changelog-mode to text-mode. |
| |
| - Check in the new ChangeLog: |
| |
| $ svn commit -m "update for release X" ChangeLog |
| |
| This is done automatically by "makerelease" |
| |
| |
| *************************************************************************** |
| |
| Updating README, NEWS, and CHANGES files |
| |
| [ This information has been moved to: |
| |
| http://www.net-snmp.org/wiki/index.php/Commit_message_auto-extraction_formats |
| |
| ] |
| |
| However, leaving some examples here for quick referral: |
| |
| SVN commit messages that generate auto-NEWS and auto-CHANGES |
| extractions should be formatted like the following examples: |
| |
| NEWS: snmpd: I did something really cool to the agent |
| CHANGES: snmptrapd: fixed something minor in snmptrapd |
| NEWS: perl: PATCH: 123,456: Applied patches 123 and 456 to support perl6 |
| CHANGES: BUG: 13: Fixed bug 13 & secured the world at large against hackers |
| NEWS: perl: PATCH: 123: from Robert: did something |
| NEWS: perl: PATCH: 123: from "Robert Story": did something else |