blob: 03d486babadea0a2c8f0d66a8c1cc53b752ef026 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
#ifdef LINUX
#include "talk/base/linux.h"
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/utsname.h>
#include <cstdio>
#include "talk/base/stringencode.h"
namespace talk_base {
static const char kCpuInfoFile[] = "/proc/cpuinfo";
static const char kCpuMaxFreqFile[] =
ProcCpuInfo::ProcCpuInfo() {
ProcCpuInfo::~ProcCpuInfo() {
bool ProcCpuInfo::LoadFromSystem() {
ConfigParser procfs;
if (!procfs.Open(kCpuInfoFile))
return false;
return procfs.Parse(&cpu_info_);
bool ProcCpuInfo::GetNumCpus(int *num) {
if (cpu_info_.size() == 0)
return false;
*num = cpu_info_.size();
return true;
bool ProcCpuInfo::GetCpuStringValue(int cpu_id, const std::string& key,
std::string *result) {
if (cpu_id >= static_cast<int>(cpu_info_.size()))
return false;
ConfigParser::SimpleMap::iterator iter = cpu_info_[cpu_id].find(key);
if (iter == cpu_info_[cpu_id].end())
return false;
*result = iter->second;
return true;
bool ProcCpuInfo::GetCpuIntValue(int cpu_id, const std::string& key,
int *result) {
if (cpu_id >= static_cast<int>(cpu_info_.size())) {
return false;
ConfigParser::SimpleMap::iterator iter = cpu_info_[cpu_id].find(key);
if (iter == cpu_info_[cpu_id].end()) {
return false;
*result = atoi((iter->second).c_str());
return true;
ConfigParser::ConfigParser() {}
ConfigParser::~ConfigParser() {}
bool ConfigParser::Open(const std::string& filename) {
FileStream *fs = new FileStream();
if (!fs->Open(filename, "r"))
return false;
return true;
void ConfigParser::Attach(StreamInterface* stream) {
bool ConfigParser::Parse(MapVector *key_val_pairs) {
// Parses the file and places the found key-value pairs into key_val_pairs.
SimpleMap section;
while (ParseSection(&section)) {
return (!key_val_pairs->empty());
bool ConfigParser::ParseSection(SimpleMap *key_val_pair) {
// Parses the next section in the filestream and places the found key-value
// pairs into key_val_pair.
std::string key, value;
while (ParseLine(&key, &value)) {
(*key_val_pair)[key] = value;
return (!key_val_pair->empty());
bool ConfigParser::ParseLine(std::string *key, std::string *value) {
// Parses the next line in the filestream and places the found key-value
// pair into key and val.
std::string line;
if ((instream_->ReadLine(&line)) == EOF)
return false;
std::vector<std::string> tokens;
if (2 != split(line, ':', &tokens))
return false;
// Removes whitespace at the end of Key name
size_t pos = tokens[0].length() - 1;
while ((pos > 0) && isspace(tokens[0][pos]))
tokens[0].erase(pos + 1);
// Removes whitespace at the start of value
pos = 0;
while (pos < tokens[1].length() && isspace(tokens[1][pos]))
tokens[1].erase(0, pos);
*key = tokens[0];
*value = tokens[1];
return true;
static bool ExpectLineFromStream(FileStream *stream,
std::string *out) {
StreamResult res = stream->ReadLine(out);
if (res != SR_SUCCESS) {
if (res != SR_EOS) {
LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Error when reading from stream";
} else {
LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Incorrect number of lines in stream";
return false;
return true;
static void ExpectEofFromStream(FileStream *stream) {
std::string unused;
StreamResult res = stream->ReadLine(&unused);
if (res == SR_SUCCESS) {
LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Ignoring unexpected extra lines from stream";
} else if (res != SR_EOS) {
LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Error when checking for extra lines from stream";
// For caching the lsb_release output (reading it invokes a sub-process and
// hence is somewhat expensive).
static std::string lsb_release_string;
static CriticalSection lsb_release_string_critsec;
std::string ReadLinuxLsbRelease() {
CritScope cs(&lsb_release_string_critsec);
if (!lsb_release_string.empty()) {
// Have cached result from previous call.
return lsb_release_string;
// No cached result. Run lsb_release and parse output.
POpenStream lsb_release_output;
if (!lsb_release_output.Open("lsb_release -idrcs", "r")) {
LOG_ERR(LS_ERROR) << "Can't run lsb_release";
return lsb_release_string; // empty
// Read in the command's output and build the string.
std::ostringstream sstr;
std::string line;
int wait_status;
if (!ExpectLineFromStream(&lsb_release_output, &line)) {
return lsb_release_string; // empty
sstr << "DISTRIB_ID=" << line;
if (!ExpectLineFromStream(&lsb_release_output, &line)) {
return lsb_release_string; // empty
sstr << " DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION=\"" << line << '"';
if (!ExpectLineFromStream(&lsb_release_output, &line)) {
return lsb_release_string; // empty
sstr << " DISTRIB_RELEASE=" << line;
if (!ExpectLineFromStream(&lsb_release_output, &line)) {
return lsb_release_string; // empty
sstr << " DISTRIB_CODENAME=" << line;
// Should not be anything left.
wait_status = lsb_release_output.GetWaitStatus();
if (wait_status == -1 ||
!WIFEXITED(wait_status) ||
WEXITSTATUS(wait_status) != 0) {
LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Unexpected exit status from lsb_release";
lsb_release_string = sstr.str();
return lsb_release_string;
std::string ReadLinuxUname() {
struct utsname buf;
if (uname(&buf) < 0) {
LOG_ERR(LS_ERROR) << "Can't call uname()";
return std::string();
std::ostringstream sstr;
sstr << buf.sysname << " "
<< buf.release << " "
<< buf.version << " "
<< buf.machine;
return sstr.str();
int ReadCpuMaxFreq() {
FileStream fs;
std::string str;
if (!fs.Open(kCpuMaxFreqFile, "r") || SR_SUCCESS != fs.ReadLine(&str)) {
return -1;
return atoi(str.c_str());
} // namespace talk_base
#endif // LINUX