blob: 65bfa26f72c7631a130c1e1fd176b15f6d48050a [file] [log] [blame]
#include "talk/base/httpclient.h"
#include "talk/base/logging.h"
#include "talk/base/proxyinfo.h"
#include "talk/base/socketserver.h"
#include "talk/base/thread.h"
#include "talk/base/signalthread.h"
namespace talk_base {
// AsyncHttpRequest
// Performs an HTTP request on a background thread. Notifies on the foreground
// thread once the request is done (successfully or unsuccessfully).
class FirewallManager;
class MemoryStream;
class AsyncHttpRequest:
public SignalThread,
public sigslot::has_slots<> {
AsyncHttpRequest(const std::string &user_agent);
void set_proxy(const talk_base::ProxyInfo& proxy) {
proxy_ = proxy;
void set_firewall(talk_base::FirewallManager * firewall) {
firewall_ = firewall;
// The DNS name of the host to connect to.
const std::string& host() { return host_; }
void set_host(const std::string& host) { host_ = host; }
// The port to connect to on the target host.
int port() { return port_; }
void set_port(int port) { port_ = port; }
// Whether the request should use SSL.
bool secure() { return secure_; }
void set_secure(bool secure) { secure_ = secure; }
// Returns the redirect when redirection occurs
const std::string& response_redirect() { return response_redirect_; }
// Time to wait on the download, in ms. Default is 5000 (5s)
int timeout() { return timeout_; }
void set_timeout(int timeout) { timeout_ = timeout; }
// Fail redirects to allow analysis of redirect urls, etc.
bool fail_redirect() const { return fail_redirect_; }
void set_fail_redirect(bool fail_redirect) { fail_redirect_ = fail_redirect; }
HttpRequestData& request() { return client_.request(); }
HttpResponseData& response() { return client_.response(); }
// SignalThread Interface
virtual void DoWork();
talk_base::ProxyInfo proxy_;
talk_base::FirewallManager * firewall_;
std::string host_;
int port_;
bool secure_;
int timeout_;
bool fail_redirect_;
HttpClient client_;
std::string response_redirect_;
// HttpMonitor
class HttpMonitor : public sigslot::has_slots<> {
HttpMonitor(SocketServer *ss);
void reset() { complete_ = false; }
bool done() const { return complete_; }
int error() const { return err_; }
void Connect(talk_base::HttpClient* http);
void OnHttpClientComplete(talk_base::HttpClient * http, int err);
bool complete_;
int err_;
SocketServer *ss_;
// SslSocketFactory
class SslSocketFactory : public talk_base::SocketFactory {
SslSocketFactory(talk_base::SocketFactory * factory, const std::string &user_agent)
: factory_(factory), logging_level_(talk_base::LS_VERBOSE),
binary_mode_(false), agent_(user_agent) { }
void UseSSL(const char * hostname) { hostname_ = hostname; }
void DisableSSL() { hostname_.clear(); }
void SetProxy(const talk_base::ProxyInfo& proxy) { proxy_ = proxy; }
const talk_base::ProxyInfo& proxy() const { return proxy_; }
bool ignore_bad_cert() {return ignore_bad_cert_;}
void SetIgnoreBadCert(bool ignore) { ignore_bad_cert_ = ignore; }
void SetLogging(talk_base::LoggingSeverity level, const std::string& label,
bool binary_mode = false) {
logging_level_ = level;
logging_label_ = label;
binary_mode_ = binary_mode;
virtual talk_base::Socket * CreateSocket(int type);
virtual talk_base::AsyncSocket * CreateAsyncSocket(int type);
talk_base::SocketFactory * factory_;
talk_base::ProxyInfo proxy_;
std::string hostname_, logging_label_;
talk_base::LoggingSeverity logging_level_;
bool binary_mode_;
std::string agent_;
bool ignore_bad_cert_;
} // namespace talk_base_