| ver 4.99: |
| Fix issue with missing retries for BNEP connection setup. |
| Fix issue with not showing name if first EIR has no details. |
| Fix issue with running SDP discovery for LE devices. |
| Add support for GATT using 128-bit Bluetooth UUIDs. |
| Add support for retrieving key size information. |
| Add support for storing Long Term Keys. |
| Add support for Proximity Reporter API. |
| Add support for KeyboardDisplay IO capability. |
| Add support for version 1.0 of management API. |
| Add support for monitoring interface. |
| |
| ver 4.98: |
| Fix issue with adapter list upon initialization failure. |
| Fix issue with missing legacy property for Low Energy. |
| Fix issue with missing EIR information handling. |
| Fix issue with device address type tracking. |
| Fix issue with alert level characteristic. |
| Fix issue with headset shutdown handling. |
| Fix issue with Wiimote address handling. |
| Add support for advanced l2test options. |
| Add support for attribute protocol and multiple adapters. |
| |
| ver 4.97: |
| Update support for proximity profile. |
| Fix issue with SBC audio decoding quality. |
| Fix multiple issues with HFP support. |
| Fix multiple issues with A2DP support. |
| Fix multiple issues with AVDTP support. |
| Fix multiple issues with AVRCP support. |
| Add support for AVRCP meta-data transfer. |
| Add support for Bluetooth based thermometers. |
| |
| ver 4.96: |
| Fix issue with race condition in AVDTP stream start. |
| Fix issue with global adapter offline switching. |
| Fix issue with pairing and No Bonding devices. |
| Add support for Nintendo Wii Remote pairing. |
| |
| ver 4.95: |
| Fix issue with AVCTP replies with invalid PID. |
| Fix issue with AVRCP and unknown packet types. |
| Fix issue with AVRCP not using NOT_IMPLEMENTED correctly. |
| Fix issue with AVDTP discovery if all endpoints are in use. |
| Fix issue with invalid memory writes and media support. |
| Fix issue with not removing device alias and unbonding. |
| Fix issue with device disconnects and offline mode handling. |
| Add support for setting adapter name based on machine-info. |
| Add support for systemd service configuration. |
| |
| ver 4.94: |
| Fix issue with invalid read of memory in various modules. |
| Fix issue with buffer overflow when sending AVDTP commands. |
| Fix issue with response to vendor dependent AVRCP commands. |
| Fix issue with headset when not able to reply with ERROR. |
| Fix issue with crash when creating a device from storage. |
| Fix issue with handling non UTF-8 devices names. |
| Add support for improved discovery procedure. |
| |
| ver 4.93: |
| Fix issue with property type and Health Main channel. |
| Fix issue with crash when removing devices. |
| Add support for hid2hci and udev integration. |
| |
| ver 4.92: |
| Fix issue with handling of A2DP suspend response. |
| Fix issue with crashing when acquiring A2DP stream. |
| Fix issue with missing check for valid SCO before shutdown. |
| Fix issue with waiting for POLLERR when disconnecting SCO. |
| Fix issue with disconnect after primary service discovery. |
| Fix issue with attribute interface registration. |
| Add support for primary services over BR/EDR. |
| Add support for flushable packets of A2DP media. |
| |
| ver 4.91: |
| Fix issue with LMP version string and hciconfig. |
| Fix issue with missing discovery signal when scanning. |
| Fix issue with wrong state and canceling name resolving. |
| Fix issue with missing check during adapter initialization. |
| Fix issue with missing protocol not supported error and A2DP. |
| Fix issue with crash during driver unregistering and A2DP. |
| Fix issue with crash when receiving AVDTP close command. |
| Fix issue with remote SEP handling when A2DP codec changes. |
| Fix issue with SCO hangup handling and state changes. |
| Fix issue with security level and MCAP instances. |
| Fix issue with memory leak and HDP data channels. |
| Add support for discover characteristics by UUID to gatttool. |
| Add initial support for Out-of-Band association model. |
| Add initial support for SIM Access Profile. |
| |
| ver 4.90: |
| Fix issue with setting of global mode property. |
| Fix issue with handling of RequestSession responses. |
| Fix issue with TP_BNEP_CTRL_BV_01_C qualification test. |
| Fix issue with too short AVDTP request timeout. |
| Add support for SIM Access Profile manager. |
| Add support for new UUID utility functions. |
| Add support for attribute server notifications. |
| Add support for client characteristic configuration. |
| Update support for interactive GATT utility. |
| |
| ver 4.89: |
| Fix issue with name resolving when discovery is suspended. |
| Fix issue with parsing flags of advertising report. |
| Fix issue with SEP handling if interface is disabled. |
| Fix issue with device object creation on disconnect event. |
| Fix issue with indicators whenever the driver is initialized. |
| Fix issue with call indicator when parsing call info reply. |
| Fix issue with crash and allowed GATT MTU was too large. |
| Add support for SDP record of Primary GATT services. |
| Add support for interactive mode for GATT utility. |
| |
| ver 4.88: |
| Fix issue with HID channel reference count handling. |
| Fix issue with daemon exit on badly formatted AT+VTS. |
| Fix issue with crash while parsing of endpoint properties. |
| Fix issue with possible crash on AVDTP Suspend request timeout. |
| Fix issue with stopping inquiry before adapter is initialized. |
| Fix issue with creating device object when connection fails. |
| Fix issue with sending HCIDEVUP when adapter is already up. |
| Fix issue with handling bonding IO channel closing. |
| Fix agent cancellation in security mode 3 situations. |
| Update pairing code to support management interface. |
| |
| ver 4.87: |
| Fix issue with initialization when adapter is already up. |
| Fix issue with attribute server MTU and incoming connections. |
| Fix issue with duplicate characteristics after discovery. |
| |
| ver 4.86: |
| Revert wrong fix for SDP PDU size error response. |
| Fix various memory leaks in A2DP and AVDTP support. |
| Add Routing property to MediaTransport interface |
| Add proper tracking mechanism to NREC status. |
| Add READ_BLOB_REQUEST support to attribute server. |
| |
| ver 4.85: |
| Fix issue with event mask setting for older adapters. |
| Fix issue with device creation and pairing failures. |
| Add support for telephony support via oFono. |
| Add support for characteristic security level. |
| Update support for service registration. |
| |
| ver 4.84: |
| Fix issue with wrong parameters and device found signals. |
| Fix issue with leaking EIR data if RSSI does not change. |
| Fix issue with adapter initialization state. |
| Fix issue with closing of SDP server sockets. |
| |
| ver 4.83: |
| Fix issue with already connected HFP/HSP endpoints. |
| Fix missing reply when create device is canceled. |
| Fix memory leak within the attribute server. |
| Fix memory leak with unused extended inquiry name. |
| Fix setting paired state when device->authr is false. |
| Fix clearing authentication request for renewed keys. |
| Add support for storing link keys in runtime memory. |
| Update support for primary service discovery. |
| |
| ver 4.82: |
| Fix crash with mmap of files with multiples of page size. |
| Fix HFP response and hold (AT+BTRH) command response. |
| Fix device creation error response when powered off. |
| Fix device removal when connecting/browsing fails. |
| Add initial attribute permission implementation. |
| Add AVDTP SRC stream send buffer size verification. |
| Add support for setting link policy based on features. |
| |
| ver 4.81: |
| Fix issue with telephony driver initialization. |
| Fix issue with adapter services list initialization. |
| Fix crash after simultaneous authentication requests. |
| Add support for primary service search on device creation. |
| |
| ver 4.80: |
| Fix legacy link key storing for some buggy adapters. |
| Fix invalid memory access when EIR field length is zero. |
| Fix adapter initialization to wait for kernel HCI commands. |
| Fix initialization of adapters which are already up. |
| Fix possible race condition when initializing adapters. |
| Fix possible crashes when attempting to connect AVDTP. |
| Fix not aborting sink stream configuration on disconnect. |
| Fix not indicating disconnected state when connecting to AVDTP. |
| Fix not dropping AVDTP session when canceling stream setup. |
| Fix AVDTP abort not being send when the state is idle. |
| Fix regression with Low Energy and interleave discovery. |
| Add a new configuration option to disable Low Energy support. |
| Add iwmmxt optimization for SBC for ARM PXA series CPUs. |
| Update support for GATT Primary Service Discovery. |
| Update MCAP and HDP support. |
| |
| ver 4.79: |
| Fix issue with adapter initialization race condition. |
| Update new Bluetooth Management interface support. |
| |
| ver 4.78: |
| Fix various issues with AVDTP timer handling. |
| Fix various issues with handling of mode changes. |
| Fix issue with audio disconnect watch in connecting state. |
| Fix issue with handling call waiting indicators in telephony. |
| Fix issue with handling UUID parameter and RegisterEndpoint. |
| Add initial support for Bluetooth Management interface. |
| Add support for Application property to HealthChannel. |
| |
| ver 4.77: |
| Fix issue with device name and accessing already freed memory. |
| Fix issue with handling CHLD=0 command for handsfree. |
| Fix issue with manager properties and no adapters. |
| Fix issue with properties and broken service records. |
| Fix issue with A2DP playback and sample rate changes. |
| Update MCAP and HDP support. |
| |
| ver 4.76: |
| Fix issue in telephony driver with hanging up held call. |
| Fix issue in telephony driver with notifications when on hold. |
| Fix issue with blocking on setconf confirmation callback. |
| Fix issue with not always signaling new streams as sinks. |
| Fix issue with errors in case of endpoint request timeout. |
| Fix issue with HFP/HSP microphone and speaker gain values. |
| Add source if the device attempt to configure local sink stream. |
| Add PSM option for GATT/ATT over BR/EDR on gatttool. |
| Add support for GATT/ATT Attribute Write Request. |
| Update MCAP and HDP support. |
| |
| ver 4.75: |
| Fix use of uninitialized variable on legacy pairing. |
| Fix mismatch of attribute protocol opcode. |
| |
| ver 4.74: |
| Fix regression for Legacy Pairing. |
| Fix wrong PSM value for attribute protocol. |
| Fix issue with RSSI field in advertising reports. |
| Add support for Add BR/EDR and LE interleaved discovery. |
| Add support for GATT write characteristic value option. |
| Add support for specifying download address for AR300x. |
| |
| ver 4.73: |
| Fix problem with EIR data when setting the name. |
| Fix reading local name from command complete event. |
| Fix registering local endpoints with disabled socket interface. |
| Add support for more HCI operations using ops infrastructure. |
| Add support for GATT characteristic hierarchy. |
| Add support for GATT indications. |
| |
| ver 4.72: |
| Fix memory leak while connecting BTIO channels. |
| Fix crash with GStreamer plugin if SBC is not supported. |
| Fix issue with GATT server stop sending notifications. |
| Fix issue with GATT and dealing with the minimum MTU size. |
| Fix issue with file descriptor leak in GATT client. |
| Add support for UUID 128-bit handling in attribute client. |
| Add support for encoders/decoders for MTU Exchange. |
| Add support for the MTU Exchange procedure to the server. |
| Add support for a per channel MTU to the ATT server. |
| Add support for Characteristic interface. |
| Add support for new Media API and framework. |
| Add initial support for HDP plugin. |
| |
| ver 4.71: |
| Fix compilation when SBC support in not enabled. |
| Fix crash with RequestSession and application disconnects. |
| Fix memory leak and possible crash when removing audio device. |
| Fix issue with closing stream of locked sep when reconfiguring. |
| Fix issue where discovery could interfere with bonding. |
| Fix issue with Connected status when PS3 BD remote connects. |
| Fix issue with lifetime of fake input devices. |
| Add support for compile time option of oui.txt path. |
| Add support for printing IEEE1284 device ID for CUPS. |
| Add plugin for setting adapter class via DMI. |
| Add more features for attribute protocol and profile. |
| Add initial support for MCAP. |
| |
| ver 4.70: |
| Fix incoming call indication handling when in WAITING state. |
| Fix various SDP related qualification test case issues. |
| Fix logic to write EIR when SDP records are changed. |
| Fix UTF-8 validity check for remote names in EIR. |
| Add support for UUID-128 extended inquiry response. |
| Add service UUIDs from EIR to the DeviceFound signal. |
| Add fast connectable feature for Handsfree profile. |
| Add HCI command and event definitions for AMP support. |
| Add firmware download support for Qualcommh devices. |
| Add host level support for Atheros AR300x device. |
| Add initial support of ATT and GATT for basic rate. |
| |
| ver 4.69: |
| Fix issue with calling g_option_context_free() twice. |
| Fix inconsistencies with initial LE commands and events. |
| Add support for telephony ClearLastNumber method. |
| Add support for network server interface. |
| |
| ver 4.68: |
| Fix initialization of adapters in RAW mode. |
| Fix signal strength for HFP in Maemo's telephony support. |
| Add support for following the radio state via Maemo's MCE. |
| Add initial set of LE commands and events definitions. |
| Add mode option for L2CAP sockets to the BtIO API. |
| |
| ver 4.67: |
| Fix issue with authentication reply when bonding already completed. |
| Fix issue with not canceling authentication when bonding fails. |
| Fix issue with changed combination keys and temporary storage. |
| Fix issue with sdp_get_supp_feat library function. |
| Fix issue with missing unblock on device removal. |
| Fix issue with not waiting for mode change completion. |
| Add ARMv6 optimized version of analysis filter for SBC encoder. |
| |
| ver 4.66: |
| Fix regression with full debug enabling via SIGUSR2. |
| Fix redundant speaker/microphone gains being sent. |
| Fix not emitting PropertyChanged for SpeakerGain/MicrophoneGain. |
| Fix issue with storage usage when a record is not found in memory. |
| Fix issue with DiscoverServices not retrieving any records. |
| Fix audio profile disconnection order to match whitepaper. |
| Fix auto-accept confirmation when local agent has NoInputNoOutput. |
| Fix remote just-works SSP when MITM protection is required. |
| Fix performing dedicated bonding without MITM requirement. |
| Add support for storing debug link keys in runtime memory. |
| |
| ver 4.65: |
| Fix issues with general bonding being default setting now. |
| Fix driver removal upon device removal. |
| Add new "Blocked" property to device objects. |
| Add hciconfig support for blacklisting. |
| Add support for dynamic debug feature. |
| |
| ver 4.64: |
| Fix invalid memory access in headset_get_nrec function. |
| Fix issue with disconnect event on higher protocol layers. |
| Fix issue with list parsing in sdp_set_supp_features function. |
| Fix device object reference counting for SDP browse requests. |
| Add missing memory checks whenever memory is allocated for SDP. |
| Add support for exporting local services via D-Bus. |
| Add more L2CAP Enhanced Retransmission test options. |
| |
| ver 4.63: |
| Fix avdtp_abort not canceling pending requests. |
| Fix stale connection when abort gets rejected. |
| |
| ver 4.62: |
| Fix accidental symbol breakage with inquiry transmit power. |
| Fix using invalid data from previous headset connection. |
| Fix double free on AVDTP Abort response. |
| Fix possible crash while verifying AVDTP version. |
| Fix missing inuse flag when AVDTP stream is configured. |
| Add support for Bluetooth controller types. |
| |
| ver 4.61: |
| Fix issues with Read Inquiry Response Transmit Power Level. |
| Fix possible invalid read when removing a temporary device. |
| Fix mode restoration when remember_powered is false. |
| Fix conference call releasing in telephony-maemo. |
| Fix segmentation fault with authorization during headset disconnects. |
| Add support for handling unanswered AVDTP request on disconnect. |
| Add support for handling Inquiry Response Transmit Power Level. |
| Add support for caching of remote host features. |
| Add preliminary voice dialing support for HSP. |
| |
| ver 4.60: |
| Fix voice mailbox number reading from SIM. |
| Fix some races with D-Bus mainloop integration. |
| Add helpers for D-Bus signal watches. |
| |
| ver 4.59: |
| Add values for Bluetooth 4.0 specification. |
| Add SDP functions for HDP support. |
| Add test scripts for input and audio. |
| Fix missing close on BtIO create_io function. |
| Fix sending incorrect AVDTP commands after timeout occurs. |
| Fix timer removal when device disconnects unexpectedly. |
| Fix Extended Inquiry Response record for Device ID. |
| |
| ver 4.58: |
| Fix crash when adapter agent exists during authentication. |
| Fix CK-20W quirks for play and pause events. |
| |
| ver 4.57: |
| Fix unloading of drivers for uninitialized adapters. |
| Fix debug message to use requested and not opened SEID. |
| Fix codec selection for GStreamer plugin. |
| Fix deleting of SDP records during service updates. |
| Fix deleting of SDP records when a device is removed. |
| Fix handling when the SDP record is modified on remote device. |
| Fix potential buffer overflow by using snprintf instead of sprintf. |
| Fix const declarations for some storage function parameters. |
| |
| ver 4.56: |
| Add missing values from Bluetooth 3.0 specification. |
| Add proper tracking of device paired status. |
| Fix tracking of devices without permanently stored link key. |
| Fix issue with link key removal after connection failures. |
| Fix legacy pairing information based on remote host features. |
| Fix off-by-one issue with AVDTP capability parsing. |
| Fix AVRCP, AVCTP, AVDTP, A2DP and HFP version numbers. |
| Fix agent canceling before calling agent_destroy. |
| Fix service record parsing with an empty UUID list. |
| Fix various SDP related memory leaks. |
| |
| ver 4.55: |
| Add support for POSIX capabilities dropping. |
| Add special quirk for the Nokia CK-20W car kit. |
| Fix error code handling for AVDTP SetConfiguration response. |
| Fix updating out of range list when RSSI hasn't changed. |
| Fix various memory leaks and unnecessary error checks. |
| |
| ver 4.54: |
| Add introspection interface to output of introspection calls. |
| Fix stream handling when media transport disconnects prematurely. |
| Fix command timeout handling when there's no stream. |
| Fix headset_suspend_stream behavior for invalid states |
| Fix issue with AVDTP ABORTING state transition. |
| Fix issue with AVDTP suspend while closing. |
| |
| ver 4.53: |
| Fix issue with telephony connection state notifications. |
| Fix AVDTP stream leak for invalid media transport config. |
| Fix audio connection authorization handling with timeouts. |
| Fix race condition in authorizing audio connections. |
| Fix device authorized setting for AVRCP-only connections. |
| Fix duplicate attempts from device to connect signal channel. |
| |
| ver 4.52: |
| Add AVCTP support to test utility. |
| Fix AVDTP Abort when transport closes before response. |
| Fix authorization when the audio profiles are slow to connect. |
| Fix potential AVDTP reference leaks. |
| |
| ver 4.51: |
| Add utility for basic AVDTP testing. |
| Add support for configuring L2CAP FCS option. |
| Fix discovery mode for CUPS 1.4.x and later. |
| Fix global state tracking of audio service. |
| Fix last issues with the new build system. |
| |
| ver 4.50: |
| Fix issue with missing manual pages in distribution. |
| Fix issue with the configuration and state directories. |
| Fix issue with creating include directory. |
| Fix dependencies of include file generation. |
| |
| ver 4.49: |
| Add simple test program for basic GAP testing. |
| Add support for confirmation requests to agent example. |
| Add support for full non-recursive build. |
| Add five millisecond delay for Simple Pairing auto-accept. |
| Fix Class of Device setting when InitiallyPowered=false. |
| |
| ver 4.48: |
| Add library function for comparing UUID values. |
| Add support for creating all plugins as builtins. |
| Add support for async handling of service class changes. |
| Add support for source interface to audio IPC. |
| Fix device name settings when device is off or down. |
| Fix issue with enabled SCO server when not necessary. |
| Fix missing D-Bus access policy for CUPS backend. |
| Fix discovery results of CUPS backend. |
| Fix initialization handling of Maemo telephony. |
| |
| ver 4.47: |
| Add support for RFKILL unblock handling. |
| Add support for serial proxy configurations. |
| Add support for caching service class updates. |
| Fix issues with updating SDP service records. |
| Fix usage of limited discoverable mode. |
| Remove deprecated methods and signals for AudioSource. |
| |
| ver 4.46: |
| Add support for A2DP sink role. |
| Fix clearing svc_cache before the adapter is up. |
| Fix various pointer after free usages. |
| Fix various memory leaks. |
| |
| ver 4.45: |
| Fix UDEV_DATADIR fallback if pkg-config fails. |
| Fix adapter cleanup and setup prototypes. |
| Fix double-free with out-of-range devices. |
| Fix inband ring setting to be per-headset. |
| Fix handling of Maemo CSD startup. |
| |
| ver 4.44: |
| Add some missing manual pages. |
| Fix missing number prefix when installing udev rules. |
| Fix program prefix used in Bluetooth udev rules. |
| Fix three-way calling indicator order. |
| Fix downgrade/upgrade of callheld indicator. |
| Fix +CIEV sending when indicator value changes. |
| Fix signal handling for Maemo telephony driver. |
| Fix parsing issues with messages from Maemo CSD. |
| Fix issue with duplicate active calls. |
| |
| ver 4.43: |
| Add support for udev based on-demand startup. |
| Fix verbose error reporting of CUPS backend. |
| Fix various string length issues. |
| Fix issues with Maemo telephony driver. |
| Fix another device setup and temporary flag issue. |
| Fix and update example agent implementation. |
| |
| ver 4.42: |
| Add TI WL1271 to Texas Instruments chip list. |
| Add special udev mode to bluetoothd. |
| Fix regression when there is no agent registered. |
| Fix error return when bonding socket hang up. |
| Fix SCO server socket for HFP handsfree role. |
| Fix shutdown on SCO socket before closing. |
| Fix shutdown on A2DP audio stream channel before closing. |
| Fix issue with asserting on AVDTP reference count bugs. |
| Fix authorization denied issue with certain headsets. |
| Fix AVRCP UNITINFO and SUBUNIT INFO responses. |
| Fix discovery cancel issues in case SDP discovery fails. |
| |
| ver 4.41: |
| Fix pairing even if the ACL gets dropped before successful SDP. |
| Fix regression which caused device to be removed after pairing. |
| Fix HSP record fetching when remote device doesn't support it. |
| Fix SDP discovery canceling when clearing hs->pending. |
| Fix headset never connecting on the first attempt. |
| Fix headset state tracking if bt_search_service() fails. |
| Fix maximum headset connection count check. |
| Fix AVDTP Discover timeout handling. |
| Fix also UI_SET_KEYBIT for the new pause and play key codes. |
| |
| ver 4.40: |
| Add telephony driver for oFono telephony stack. |
| Add support for Dell specific HID proxy switching. |
| Add support for running hid2hci from udev. |
| Add mapping for AVRCP Play and Pause to dedicated key codes. |
| Fix AVRCP keycodes to better match existing X keymap support. |
| Fix various quoting issues within telephony support. |
| Fix memory allocation issue when generating PDUs for SDP. |
| Fix race condition on device removal. |
| Fix non-cancelable issue with CreateDevice method. |
| Fix non-working CancelDiscovery method call. |
| |
| ver 4.39: |
| Add workaround for dealing with unknown inquiry complete. |
| Fix discovering when using software scheduler. |
| Fix wrong NoInputNoOutput IO capability string. |
| Fix race condition with agent during pairing. |
| Fix agent cancellation for security mode 3 acceptor failure. |
| Fix temporary flag removal when device creation fails. |
| Fix hciattach to use ppoll instead of poll. |
| Fix service class update when adapter is down. |
| Fix service classes race condition during startup. |
| Fix release of audio client before freeing the device. |
| |
| ver 4.38: |
| Add support for builtin plugins. |
| Add framework for adapter operations. |
| Add constants for Enhanced Retransmission modes. |
| Fix HCI socket leak in device_remove_bonding. |
| Fix various format string issues. |
| Fix crashes with various free functions. |
| Fix issues with Headset and A2DP drivers to load again. |
| Fix sending AVRCP button released passthrough messages |
| Fix bug which prevent input devices to work after restart. |
| Fix issue with interpretation of UUID-128 as channel. |
| |
| ver 4.37: |
| Add version value for Bluetooth 3.0 devices. |
| Add additional L2CAP extended feature mask bits. |
| Add support for loading plugins in priority order. |
| Add support for more detailed usage of disconnect watches. |
| Add support for AVRCP volume control. |
| Add saturated clipping of SBC decoder output to 16-bit. |
| Fix potentially infinite recursion of adapter_up. |
| Fix SCO handling in the case of an incoming call. |
| Fix input service to use confirm callback. |
| Fix cleanup of temporary device entries from storage. |
| |
| ver 4.36: |
| Add proper tracking of AVCTP connect attempts. |
| Add support to channel pattern in Serial interface. |
| Fix A2DP sink crash if removing device while connecting. |
| Fix error handling if HFP indicators aren't initialized. |
| Fix segfault while handling an incoming SCO connection. |
| Fix Serial.Disconnect to abort connection attempt. |
| |
| ver 4.35: |
| Add support for Handsfree profile headset role. |
| Add additional checks for open SEIDs from clients. |
| Fix device removal while audio IPC client is connected. |
| Fix device removal when an authorization request is pending. |
| Fix incoming AVDTP connect while authorization in progress. |
| Fix disconnection timers for audio support. |
| Fix various potential NULL pointer deferences. |
| Fix callheld indicator value for multiple calls. |
| Fix voice number type usage. |
| Fix GDBus watch handling. |
| |
| ver 4.34: |
| Add support for version checks of plugins. |
| Add support for class property on adapter interface. |
| Add support for second SDP attempt after connection reset. |
| Add support for more detailed audio states. |
| Add support for HFP+A2DP auto connection feature. |
| Add support for new and improved audio IPC. |
| Add program for testing audio IPC interface. |
| Fix various AVDTP qualification related issues. |
| Fix broken SDP AttributeIdList parsing. |
| Fix invalid memory access of SDP URL handling. |
| Fix local class of device race conditions. |
| Fix issue with periodic inquiry on startup. |
| Fix missing temporary devices in some situations. |
| Fix SBC alignment issue for encoding with four subbands. |
| |
| ver 4.33: |
| Add Paired property to the DeviceFound signals. |
| Add support for Headset profile 1.2 version. |
| Fix broken network configuration when IPv6 is disabled. |
| Fix network regression that caused disconnection. |
| Fix SDP truncation of strings with NULL values. |
| Fix service discovery handling of CUPS helper. |
| |
| ver 4.32: |
| Fix broken SDP record handling. |
| Fix SDP data buffer parsing. |
| Fix more SDP memory leaks. |
| Fix read scan enable calls. |
| Fix A2DP stream handling. |
| |
| ver 4.31: |
| Add support for new BtIO helper library. |
| Fix AVDTP session close issue. |
| Fix SDP memory leaks. |
| Fix various uninitialized memory issues. |
| Fix duplicate signal emissions. |
| Fix property changes request handling. |
| Fix class of device storage handling. |
| |
| ver 4.30: |
| Add CID field to L2CAP socket address structure. |
| Fix reset of authentication requirements after bonding. |
| Fix storing of link keys when using dedicated bonding. |
| Fix storing of pre-Bluetooth 2.1 link keys. |
| Fix resetting trust settings on every reboot. |
| Fix handling of local name changes. |
| Fix memory leaks in hciconfig and hcitool |
| |
| ver 4.29: |
| Use AVRCP version 1.0 for now. |
| Decrease AVDTP idle timeout to one second. |
| Delay AVRCP connection when remote device connects A2DP. |
| Add workaround for AVDTP stream setup with broken headsets. |
| Add missing three-way calling feature bit for Handsfree. |
| Fix handsfree callheld indicator updating. |
| Fix parsing of all AT commands within the buffer. |
| Fix authentication replies when disconnected. |
| Fix handling of debug combination keys. |
| Fix handling of changed combination keys. |
| Fix handling of link keys when using no bonding. |
| Fix handling of invalid/unknown authentication requirements. |
| Fix closing of L2CAP raw socket used for dedicated bonding. |
| |
| ver 4.28: |
| Add AVDTP signal fragmentation support. |
| Add more SBC performance optimizations. |
| Add more SBC audio quality improvements. |
| Use native byte order for audio plugins. |
| Set the adapter alias only after checking the EIR data. |
| Fix auto-disconnect issue with explicit A2DP connections. |
| Fix invalid memory access of ALSA plugin. |
| Fix compilation with -Wsign-compare. |
| |
| ver 4.27: |
| Add more SBC optimization (MMX and ARM NEON). |
| Add BT_SECURITY and BT_DEFER_SETUP definitions. |
| Add support for deferred connection setup. |
| Add support for fragmentation of data packets. |
| Add option to trigger dedicated bonding. |
| Follow MITM requirements from remote device. |
| Require MITM for dedicated bonding if capabilities allow it. |
| Fix IO capabilities for non-pairing and pairing cases. |
| Fix no-bonding connections in non-bondable mode. |
| Fix new pairing detection with SSP. |
| Fix bonding with pre-2.1 devices and newer kernels. |
| Fix LIAC setting while toggling Pairable property. |
| Fix device creation for incoming security mode 3 connects. |
| Fix crash within A2DP with bogus pointer. |
| Fix issue with sdp_copy_record() function. |
| Fix crash with extract_des() if sdp_uuid_extract() fails. |
| |
| ver 4.26: |
| Use of constant shift in SBC quantization code. |
| Add possibility to analyze 4 blocks at once in encoder. |
| Fix correct handling of frame sizes in the encoder. |
| Fix for big endian problems in SBC codec. |
| Fix audio client socket to always be non-blocking. |
| Update telephony support for Maemo. |
| |
| ver 4.25: |
| Fix receiving data over the audio control socket. |
| Fix subbands selection for joint-stereo in SBC encoder. |
| Add new SBC analysis filter function. |
| |
| ver 4.24: |
| Fix signal emissions when removing adapters. |
| Fix missing adapter signals on exit. |
| Add support for bringing adapters down on exit. |
| Add support for RememberPowered option. |
| Add support for verbose compiler warnings. |
| Add more options to SBC encoder. |
| |
| ver 4.23: |
| Update audio IPC for better codec handling. |
| Fix bitstream optimization for SBC encoder. |
| Fix length header values of IPC messages. |
| Fix multiple coding style violations. |
| Fix FindDevice to handle temporary devices. |
| Add configuration option for DeviceID. |
| Add support for InitiallyPowered option. |
| Add missing signals for manager properties. |
| Add telephony support for Maemo. |
| |
| ver 4.22: |
| Add deny statements to D-Bus access policy. |
| Add support for LegacyPairing property. |
| Add support for global properties. |
| Add more commands to telephony testing script. |
| Add sender checks for serial and network interfaces. |
| Remove deprecated methods and signals from input interface. |
| Remove deprecated methods and signals from network interface. |
| Remove OffMode option and always use device down. |
| |
| ver 4.21: |
| Fix adapter initialization logic. |
| Fix adapter setup and start security manager early. |
| Fix usage issue with first_init variable. |
| |
| ver 4.20: |
| Cleanup session handling. |
| Cleanup mode setting handling. |
| Fix issue with concurrent audio clients. |
| Fix issue with HFP/HSP suspending. |
| Fix AT result code syntax handling. |
| Add Handsfree support for AT+NREC. |
| Add PairableTimeout adapter property. |
| |
| ver 4.19: |
| Fix installation of manual pages for old daemons. |
| Fix D-Bus signal emmissions for CreateDevice. |
| Fix issues with UUID probing. |
| Fix +BSRF syntax issue. |
| Add Pairable adapter property. |
| Add sdp_copy_record() library function. |
| |
| ver 4.18: |
| Fix release before close issue with RFCOMM TTYs. |
| Fix Connected property on input interface. |
| Fix DeviceFound signals during initial name resolving. |
| Fix service discovery handling. |
| Fix duplicate UUID detection. |
| Fix SBC gain mismatch and decoding handling. |
| Add more options to SBC encoder and decoder. |
| Add special any adapter object for service interface. |
| Add variable prefix to adapter and device object paths. |
| |
| ver 4.17: |
| Fix SBC encoder not writing last frame. |
| Fix missing timer for A2DP suspend. |
| Add more supported devices to hid2hci utility. |
| Add additional functionality to Handsfree support. |
| |
| ver 4.16: |
| Fix wrong parameter usage of watch callbacks. |
| Fix parameters for callback upon path removal. |
| Fix unloading of adapter drivers. |
| |
| ver 4.15: |
| Fix various A2DP state machine issues. |
| Fix some issues with the Handsfree error reporting. |
| Fix format string warnings with recent GCC versions. |
| Remove dependency on GModule. |
| |
| ver 4.14: |
| Fix types of property arrays. |
| Fix potential crash with input devices. |
| Fix PS3 BD remote input event generation. |
| Allow dynamic adapter driver registration. |
| Update udev rules. |
| |
| ver 4.13: |
| Fix service discovery and UUID handling. |
| Fix bonding issues with Simple Pairing. |
| Fix file descriptor misuse of SCO connections. |
| Fix various memory leaks in the device handling. |
| Fix AVCTP disconnect handling. |
| Fix GStreamer modes for MP3 encoding. |
| Add operator selection to Handsfree support. |
| |
| ver 4.12: |
| Fix crash with missing icon value. |
| Fix error checks of HAL plugin. |
| Fix SCO server socket cleanup on exit. |
| Fix memory leaks from DBusPendingCall. |
| Fix handling of pending authorization requests. |
| Fix missing protocol UUIDs in record pattern. |
| |
| ver 4.11: |
| Change SCO server socket into a generic one. |
| Add test script for dummy telephony plugin. |
| Fix uninitialized reply of multiple GetProperties methods. |
| |
| ver 4.10: |
| Fix memory leaks with HAL messages. |
| Add more advanced handsfree features. |
| Add properties to audio, input and network interfaces. |
| Stop device discovery timer on device removal. |
| |
| ver 4.9: |
| Fix signals for Powered and Discoverable properties. |
| Fix handling of Alias and Icon properties. |
| Fix duplicate entries for service UUIDs. |
| |
| ver 4.8: |
| Fix retrieving of formfactor value. |
| Fix retrieving of local and remote extended features. |
| Fix potential NULL pointer dereference during pairing. |
| Fix crash with browsing due to a remotely initated pairing. |
| |
| ver 4.7: |
| Fix pairing and service discovery logic. |
| Fix crashes during suspend and resume. |
| Fix race condition within devdown mode. |
| Add RequestSession and ReleaseSession methods. |
| Add Powered and Discoverable properties. |
| Add Devices property and deprecate ListDevices. |
| Add workaround for a broken carkit from Nokia. |
| |
| ver 4.6: |
| Fix Device ID record handling. |
| Fix service browsing and storage. |
| Fix authentication and encryption for input devices. |
| Fix adapter name initialization. |
| |
| ver 4.5: |
| Fix initialization issue with new adapters. |
| Send HID authentication request without blocking. |
| Hide the verbose SDP debug behind SDP_DEBUG. |
| Add extra UUIDs for service discovery. |
| Add SCO server socket listener. |
| Add authorization support to service plugin. |
| |
| ver 4.4: |
| Add temporary fix for the CUPS compile issue. |
| Add service-api.txt to distribution. |
| Mention the variable prefix of an object path |
| |
| ver 4.3: |
| Add dummy driver for telephony support. |
| Add support for discovery sessions. |
| Add service plugin for external services. |
| Various cleanups. |
| |
| ver 4.2: |
| Avoid memory copies in A2DP write routine. |
| Fix broken logic with Simple Pairing check and old kernels. |
| Allow non-bondable and outgoing SDP without agent. |
| Only remove the bonding for non-temporary devices. |
| Cleanup various unnecessary includes. |
| Make more unexported functions static. |
| Add basic infrastructure for gtk-doc support. |
| |
| ver 4.1: |
| Add 30 seconds timeout to BNEP connection setup phase. |
| Avoid memory copies in A2DP write routine for ALSA. |
| Make sure to include compat/sdp.h in the distribution. |
| |
| ver 4.0: |
| Initial public release. |
| |
| ver 3.36: |
| Add init routines for TI BRF chips. |
| Add extra attributes to the serial port record. |
| Add example record for headset audio gateway record. |
| Use Handsfree version 0x0105 for the gateway role. |
| Fix SDP record registration with specific record handles. |
| Fix BCSP sent/receive handling. |
| Fix various includes for cross-compilation. |
| Allow link mode settings for outgoing connections. |
| Allow bonding during periodic inquiry. |
| |
| ver 3.35: |
| Add two additional company identifiers. |
| Add UUID-128 support for service discovery. |
| Fix usage of friendly names for service discovery. |
| Fix authorization when experiemental is disabled. |
| Fix uninitialized variable in passkey request handling. |
| Enable output of timestamps for l2test and rctest. |
| |
| ver 3.34: |
| Replace various SDP functions with safe versions. |
| Add additional length validation for incoming SDP packets. |
| Use safe function versions for SDP client handling. |
| Fix issue with RemoveDevice during discovery procedure. |
| Fix collect for non-persistent service records. |
| |
| ver 3.33: |
| Add functions for reading and writing the link policy settings. |
| Add definition for authentication requirements. |
| Add support for handling Simple Pairing. |
| Add Simple Pairing support to Agent interface. |
| Add ReleaseMode method to Adapter interface. |
| Add DiscoverServices method to Device interface. |
| Remove obsolete code and cleanup the repository. |
| Move over to use the libgdbus API. |
| Enable PIE by default if supported. |
| |
| ver 3.32: |
| Add OCF constants for synchronous flow control enabling. |
| Add support for switching HID proxy devices from Dell. |
| Add more Bluetooth client/server helper functions. |
| Add support for input service idle timeout option. |
| Fix BNEP reconnection handling. |
| Fix return value for snd_pcm_hw_params() calls. |
| Use upper-case addresses for object paths. |
| Remove HAL support helpers. |
| Remove inotify support. |
| Remove service daemon activation handling. |
| Remove uneeded D-Bus API extension. |
| |
| ver 3.31: |
| Create device object for all pairing cases. |
| Convert authorization to internal function calls. |
| Add initial support for Headset Audio Gateway role. |
| Add generic Bluetooth helper functions for GLib. |
| Fix endiannes handling of connection handles. |
| Don't optimize when debug is enabled. |
| |
| ver 3.30: |
| Convert audio service into a plugin. |
| Convert input service into a plugin. |
| Convert serial service into a plugin. |
| Convert network service into a plugin. |
| Emit old device signals when a property is changed. |
| Fix missing DiscoverDevices and CancelDiscovery methods. |
| Add another company identifier. |
| Add basic support for Bluetooth sessions. |
| Add avinfo utility for AVDTP/A2DP classification. |
| Remove build option for deprecated sdpd binary. |
| |
| ver 3.29: |
| Introduce new D-Bus based API. |
| Add more SBC optimizations. |
| Add support for PS3 remote devices. |
| Fix alignment trap in SDP server. |
| Fix memory leak in sdp_get_uuidseq_attr function. |
| |
| ver 3.28: |
| Add support for MCAP UUIDs. |
| Add support for role switch for audio service. |
| Add disconnect timer for audio service. |
| Add disconnect detection to ALSA plugin. |
| Add more SBC optimizations. |
| Fix alignment issue of SDP server. |
| Remove support for SDP parsing via expat. |
| |
| ver 3.27: |
| Update uinput.h with extra key definitions. |
| Add support for input connect/disconnect callbacks. |
| Add ifdefs around some baud rate definitions. |
| Add another company identifier. |
| Add proper HFP service level connection handling. |
| Add basic headset automatic disconnect support. |
| Add support for new SBC API. |
| Fix SBC decoder noise at high bitpools. |
| Use 32-bit multipliers for further SBC optimization. |
| Check for RFCOMM connection state in SCO connect callback. |
| Make use of parameters selected in ALSA plugin. |
| |
| ver 3.26: |
| Fix compilation issues with UCHAR_MAX, USHRT_MAX and UINT_MAX. |
| Improve handling of different audio transports. |
| Enable services by default and keep old daemons disabled. |
| |
| ver 3.25: |
| Add limited support for Handsfree profile. |
| Add limited support for MPEG12/MP3 codec. |
| Add basic support for UNITINFO and SUBUNITINFO. |
| Add more SBC optimizations. |
| Fix external service (un)registration. |
| Allow GetInfo and GetAddress to fail. |
| |
| ver 3.24: |
| Add definitions for MDP. |
| Add TCP connection support for serial proxy. |
| Add fix for Logitech HID proxy switching. |
| Add missing macros, MIN, MAX, ABS and CLAMP. |
| Add more SBC encoder optimizations. |
| Add initial mechanism to handle headset commands. |
| Fix connecting to handsfree profile headsets. |
| Use proper function for checking signal name. |
| |
| ver 3.23: |
| Fix remote name request handling bug. |
| Fix key search function to honor the mmap area size. |
| Fix Avahi integration of network service. |
| Add new plugin communication for audio service. |
| Enable basic AVRCP support by default. |
| More optimizations to the SBC library. |
| Create common error definitions. |
| |
| ver 3.22: |
| Add missing include file from audio service. |
| Add SBC conformance test utility. |
| Add basic uinput support for AVRCP. |
| Fix L2CAP socket leak in audio service. |
| Fix buffer usage in GStreamer plugin. |
| Fix remote name request event handling. |
| |
| ver 3.21: |
| Add constant for Bluetooth socket options level. |
| Add initial AVRCP support. |
| Add A2DP sink support to GStreamer plugin. |
| Fix interoperability with A2DP suspend. |
| Fix sign error in 8-subband encoder. |
| Fix handling of service classes length size. |
| Store Extended Inquiry Response data information. |
| Publish device id information through EIR. |
| Support higher baud rates for Ericcson based chips. |
| |
| ver 3.20: |
| Fix GStreamer plugin file type detection. |
| Fix potential infinite loop in inotify support. |
| Fix D-Bus signatures for dict handling. |
| Fix issues with service activation. |
| Fix SDP failure handling of audio service. |
| Fix various memory leaks in input service. |
| Add secure device creation method to input service. |
| Add service information methods to serial service. |
| Add config file support to network service. |
| Add scripting capability to network service. |
| Add special on-mode handling. |
| Add optimization for SBC encoder. |
| Add tweaks for D-Bus 1.1.x libraries. |
| Add support for inquiry transmit power level. |
| |
| ver 3.19: |
| Limit range of bitpool announced while in ACP side. |
| Use poll instead of usleep to wait for worker thread. |
| Use default event mask from the specification. |
| Add L2CAP mode constants. |
| Add HID proxy support for Logitech diNovo Edge dongle. |
| Add refresh option to re-request device names. |
| Show correct connection link type. |
| |
| ver 3.18: |
| Don't allocate memory for the Bluetooth base UUID. |
| Implement proper locking for headsets. |
| Fix various A2DP SEP locking issues. |
| Fix and cleanup audio stream handling. |
| Fix stream starting if suspend request is pending. |
| Fix A2DP and AVDTP endianess problems. |
| Add network timeout and retransmission support. |
| Add more detailed decoding of EIR elements. |
| |
| ver 3.17: |
| Fix supported commands bit calculation. |
| Fix crashes in audio and network services. |
| Check PAN source and destination roles. |
| Only export the needed symbols for the plugins. |
| |
| ver 3.16: |
| Update company identifier list. |
| Add support for headsets with SCO audio over HCI. |
| Add support for auto-create through ALSA plugin. |
| Add support for ALSA plugin parameters. |
| Add GStreamer plugin with SBC decoder and encoder. |
| Fix network service NAP, GN and PANU servers. |
| Set EIR information from SDP database. |
| |
| ver 3.15: |
| Add A2DP support to the audio service. |
| Add proxy support to the serial service. |
| Extract main service class for later use. |
| Set service classes value from SDP database. |
| |
| ver 3.14: |
| Add missing signals for the adapter interface. |
| Add definitions and functions for Simple Pairing. |
| Add basic commands for Simple Pairing. |
| Add correct Simple Pairing and EIR interaction. |
| Add missing properties for remote information. |
| Add EPoX endian quirk to the input service. |
| Fix HID descriptor import and storage functions. |
| Fix handling of adapters in raw mode. |
| Fix remote device listing methods. |
| |
| ver 3.13: |
| Fix some issues with the headset support. |
| Fix concurrent pending connection attempts. |
| Fix usage of devname instead of netdev. |
| Add identifier for Nokia SyncML records. |
| Add command for reading the CSR chip revision. |
| Add generic CSR radio test support. |
| Update HCI command table. |
| |
| ver 3.12: |
| Add missing HCI command text descriptions |
| Add missing HCI commands structures. |
| Add missing HCI event structures. |
| Add common bachk() function. |
| Add support for limited discovery mode. |
| Add support for setting of event mask. |
| Add GetRemoteServiceIdentifiers method. |
| Add skeleton for local D-Bus server. |
| Add headset gain control methods. |
| Fix various headset implementation issues. |
| Fix various serial port service issues. |
| Fix various input service issues. |
| Let CUPS plugin discover printers in range. |
| Improve the BCM2035 UART init routine. |
| Ignore connection events for non-ACL links. |
| |
| ver 3.11: |
| Update API documentation. |
| Minimize SDP root records and browse groups. |
| Use same decoder for text and URL strings. |
| Fix URL data size handling. |
| Fix SDP pattern extraction for XML. |
| Fix network connection persistent state. |
| Add network connection helper methods. |
| Add initial version of serial port support. |
| Add class of device tracking. |
| |
| ver 3.10.1: |
| Add option to disable installation of manual pages. |
| Fix input service encryption setup. |
| Fix serial service methods. |
| Fix network service connection handling. |
| Provide a simple init script. |
| |
| ver 3.10: |
| Add initial version of network service. |
| Add initial version of serial service. |
| Add initial version of input service. |
| Add initial version of audio service. |
| Add authorization framework. |
| Add integer based SBC library. |
| Add version code for Bluetooth 2.1 specification. |
| Add ESCO_LINK connection type constant. |
| Export sdp_uuid32_to_uuid128() function. |
| |
| ver 3.9: |
| Add RemoteDeviceDisconnectRequested signal. |
| Add updated service framework. |
| Add embedded GLib library. |
| Add support for using system GLib library. |
| Create internal SDP server library. |
| |
| ver 3.8: |
| Sort discovered devices list based on their RSSI. |
| Send DiscoverableTimeoutChanged signal. |
| Fix local and remote name validity checking. |
| Add ListRemoteDevices and ListRecentRemoteDevices methods. |
| Add basic integration of confirmation concept. |
| Add support for service record description via XML. |
| Add support for external commands to the RFCOMM utility. |
| Add experimental service and authorization API. |
| Add functions for registering binary records. |
| |
| ver 3.7: |
| Fix class of device handling. |
| Fix error replies with pairing and security mode 3. |
| Fix disconnect method for RFCOMM connections. |
| Add match pattern for service searches. |
| Add support for prioritized watches. |
| Add additional PDU length checks. |
| Fix CSRC value for partial responses. |
| |
| ver 3.6.1: |
| Fix IO channel race conditions. |
| Fix pairing issues on big endian systems. |
| Fix pairing issues with page timeout errors. |
| Fix pairing state for security mode 3 requests. |
| Switch to user as default security manager mode. |
| |
| ver 3.6: |
| Update D-Bus based RFCOMM interface support. |
| Use L2CAP raw sockets for HCI connection creation. |
| Add periodic discovery support to the D-Bus interface. |
| Add initial support for device names via EIR. |
| Add proper UTF-8 validation of device names. |
| Add support for the J-Three keyboard. |
| Fix issues with the asynchronous API for SDP. |
| |
| ver 3.5: |
| Fix and cleanup watch functionality. |
| Add support for periodic inquiry mode. |
| Add support for asynchronous SDP requests. |
| Add more request owner tracking. |
| Add asynchronous API for SDP. |
| Document pageto and discovto options. |
| |
| ver 3.4: |
| Improve error reporting for failed HCI commands. |
| Improve handling of CancelBonding. |
| Fixed bonding reply message when disconnected. |
| Fix UUID128 string lookup handling. |
| Fix malloc() versus bt_malloc() usage. |
| |
| ver 3.3: |
| Don't change inquiry mode for Bluetooth 1.1 adapters. |
| Add udev rules for Bluetooth serial PCMCIA cards. |
| Add Cancel and Release methods for passkey agents. |
| Add GetRemoteClass method. |
| Convert to using ppoll() and pselect(). |
| Initialize allocated memory to zero. |
| Remove bcm203x firmware loader. |
| Remove kernel specific timeouts. |
| Add additional private data field for SDP sessions. |
| Add host controller to host flow control defines. |
| Add host number of completed packets defines. |
| Initialize various memory to zero before usage. |
| |
| ver 3.2: |
| Only check for the low-level D-Bus library. |
| Update possible device minor classes. |
| Fix timeout for pending reply. |
| Add more Inquiry with RSSI quirks. |
| Sleep only 100 msecs for device detection. |
| Don't send BondingCreated on link key renewal. |
| Allow storing of all UTF-8 remote device names. |
| Create storage filenames with a generic function. |
| Fix handling of SDP strings. |
| Add adapter type for SDIO cards. |
| Add features bit for link supervision timeout. |
| |
| ver 3.1: |
| Add missing placeholders for feature bits. |
| Fix handling of raw mode devices. |
| Fix busy loop in UUID extraction routine. |
| Remove inquiry mode setting. |
| Remove auth and encrypt settings. |
| |
| ver 3.0: |
| Implement the new BlueZ D-Bus API. |
| Fix broken behavior with EVT_CMD_STATUS. |
| Add features bit for pause encryption. |
| Add additional EIR error code. |
| Add more company identifiers. |
| Add another Phonebook Access identifier. |
| Update sniff subrating data structures. |
| |
| ver 2.25: |
| Use %jx instead of %llx for uint64_t and int64_t. |
| Allow null-terminated text strings. |
| Add UUID for N-Gage games. |
| Add UUID for Apple Macintosh Attributes. |
| Add Apple attributes and iSync records. |
| Add definitions for Apple Agent. |
| Add support for the Handsfree Audio Gateway service. |
| Add support for choosing a specific record handle. |
| Add support for dialup/telephone connections. |
| Add definitions for Apple Agent. |
| Add support for record handle on service registration. |
| |
| ver 2.24: |
| Fix display of SDP text and data strings. |
| Add support for device scan property. |
| Add support for additional access protocols. |
| Update the D-Bus policy configuration file. |
| |
| ver 2.23: |
| Update the new D-Bus interface. |
| Make dfutool ready for big endian architectures. |
| Add support for AVRCP specific service records. |
| Add support for writing complex BCCMD commands. |
| Add the new BCCMD interface utility. |
| Add MicroBCSP implementation from CSR. |
| Add constants and definitions for sniff subrating. |
| Add support for allocation of binary text elements. |
| Add HCI emulation tool. |
| Add fake HID support for old EPoX presenters. |
| Reject connections from unknown HID devices. |
| Fix service discovery deadlocks with Samsung D600 phones. |
| |
| ver 2.22: |
| Remove D-Bus 0.23 support. |
| Add initial version of the new D-Bus interface. |
| Add support for extended inquiry response commands. |
| Add support for the Logitech diNovo Media Desktop Laser. |
| Add compile time buffer checks (FORTIFY SOURCE). |
| Decode reserved LMP feature bits. |
| Fix errno overwrite problems. |
| Fix profile descriptor problem with Samsung phones. |
| |
| ver 2.21: |
| Move create_dirs() and create_file() into the textfile library. |
| Let textfile_put() also replace the last key value pair. |
| Fix memory leaks with textfile_get() usage. |
| Fix infinite loops and false positive matches. |
| Don't retrieve stored link keys for RAW devices. |
| Document the putkey and delkey commands. |
| Show supported commands also in clear text. |
| Support volatile changes of the BD_ADDR for CSR chips. |
| Add support for identification of supported commands. |
| Add missing OCF declarations for the security filter. |
| Add two new company identifiers. |
| |
| ver 2.20: |
| Add UUIDs for video distribution profile. |
| Add UUIDs for phonebook access profile. |
| Add attribute identifier for supported repositories. |
| Add definitions for extended inquiry response. |
| Add functions for extended inquiry response. |
| Add support for extended inquiry response. |
| Add support for HotSync service record. |
| Add support for ActiveSync service record. |
| Add ActiveSync networking support. |
| Fix D-Bus crashes with new API versions. |
| |
| ver 2.19: |
| Fix the GCC 4.0 warnings. |
| Fix the routing for dealing with raw devices. |
| Fix off by one memory allocation error. |
| Fix security problem with escape characters in device name. |
| Add per device service record functions. |
| Send D-Bus signals for inquiry results and remote name resolves. |
| Add support for device specific SDP records. |
| |
| ver 2.18: |
| Support D-Bus 0.23 and 0.33 API versions. |
| Support reading of complex BCCMD values. |
| Support minimum and maximum encryption key length. |
| Add support for reading and writing the inquiry scan type. |
| Add definitions for connection accept timeout and scan enable. |
| Add support for inquiry scan type. |
| Add tool for the CSR BCCMD interface. |
| Add first draft of the Audio/Video control utility. |
| Add disconnect timer support for the A2DP ALSA plugin. |
| Make SBC parameters configurable. |
| Replace non-printable characters in device names. |
| Remove hci_vhci.h header file. |
| Remove hci_uart.h header file. |
| |
| ver 2.17: |
| Set the storage directory through ${localstatedir}. |
| Add the textfile library for ASCII based file access. |
| Add support for return link keys event. |
| Add support for voice setting configuration. |
| Add support for page scan timeout configuration. |
| Add support for storing and deleting of stored link keys. |
| Add support for searching for services with UUID-128. |
| Add support for retrieving all possible service records. |
| Add support for a raw mode view of service records. |
| Add support for HID information caching in hidd. |
| Add support for authentication in pand and dund. |
| Add support for changing BD_ADDR of CSR chips. |
| Add pskey utility for changing CSR persistent storage values. |
| Add the firmware upgrade utility. |
| Add connection caching for the A2DP ALSA plugin. |
| Add functions for stored link keys. |
| Add definitions for PIN type and unit key. |
| Add SDP_WAIT_ON_CLOSE flag for sdp_connect(). |
| Include stdio.h in bluetooth.h header file. |
| Include sys/socket.h in the header files. |
| |
| ver 2.16: |
| Store link keys in ASCII based file format. |
| Support device name caching. |
| Support zero length data sizes in l2test. |
| Change default l2ping data size to 44 bytes. |
| Hide the server record and the public browse group root. |
| Read BD_ADDR if not set and if it is a raw device. |
| Add SDP language attributes. |
| Add support for browsing the L2CAP group. |
| Add support for stored pin codes for outgoing connections. |
| Add support for local commands and extended features. |
| Add support for reading CSR panic and fault codes. |
| Add config option for setting the inquiry mode. |
| Add OUI decoding support. |
| Use unlimited inquiry responses as default. |
| Use cached device names for PIN request. |
| Use the clock offset when getting the remote names. |
| Add function for reading local supported commands. |
| Add function for reading local extended features. |
| Add function for reading remote extended features. |
| Add function for getting the remote name with a clock offset. |
| Add function for extracting the OUI from a BD_ADDR. |
| Add inquiry info structure with RSSI and page scan mode. |
| Fix buffer allocation for features to string conversion. |
| Support inquiry with unlimited number of responses. |
| |
| ver 2.15: |
| Enable the RFCOMM service level security. |
| Add deprecated functions for reading the name. |
| Add command for reading the clock offset. |
| Add command for reading the clock. |
| Add function for reading the clock. |
| Add function for reading the local Bluetooth address. |
| Add function for reading the local supported features. |
| Don't configure raw devices. |
| Don't set inquiry scan or page scan on raw devices. |
| Don't show extended information for raw devices. |
| Support L2CAP signal sizes bigger than 2048 bytes. |
| Cleanup of the socket handling code of the test programs. |
| Use better way for unaligned access. |
| Remove sdp_internal.h and its usage. |
| |
| ver 2.14: |
| Make use of additional connection information. |
| Use library function for reading the RSSI. |
| Use library function for reading the link quality. |
| Use library function for reading the transmit power level. |
| Use library functions for the link supervision timeout. |
| Add tool for changing the device address. |
| Add function for reading the RSSI. |
| Add function for reading the link quality. |
| Add function for reading the transmit power level. |
| Add functions for the link supervision timeout. |
| Remove deprecated functions. |
| Update AM_PATH_BLUEZ macro. |
| |
| ver 2.13: |
| Use file permission 0600 for the link key file. |
| Add support for HID attribute descriptions. |
| Add support for Device ID attributes. |
| Add Device ID and HID attribute definitions. |
| Update the UUID constants and its translations. |
| Update L2CAP socket option definitions. |
| Update connection information definitions. |
| Various whitespace cleanups. |
| |
| ver 2.12: |
| Inherit the device specific options from the default. |
| Use --device for selecting the source device. |
| Add --nosdp option for devices with resource limitation. |
| Add support and parameter option for secure mode. |
| Add a lot of build ids and hardware revisions. |
| Add service classes and profile ids for WAP. |
| Add simple AM_PATH_BLUEZ macro. |
| Update UUID translation tables. |
| Correct kernel interface for CMTP and HIDP support. |
| |
| ver 2.11: |
| Initial support for the kernel security manager. |
| Various cleanups to avoid inclusion of kernel headers. |
| Fix output when the CUPS backend is called without arguments. |
| Fix problems with a 64 bit userland. |
| Use Bluetooth library functions if available. |
| Use standard numbering scheme of SDP record handles. |
| Use bit zero for vendor packets in the filter type bitmask. |
| Add SIM Access types for service discovery. |
| Add more audio/video profile translations. |
| Add another company identifier. |
| Add the missing HCI error codes. |
| Add RFCOMM socket options. |
| Add definition for the SECURE link mode. |
| Add functions for reading and writing the inquiry mode. |
| Add functions for AFH related settings and information. |
| Add version identifier for the Bluetooth 2.0 specification. |
| Add a master option to the hidd. |
| Add support for changing the link key of a connection. |
| Add support for requesting encryption on keyboards. |
| Add support for revision information of Digianswer devices. |
| Add support for the Zoom, IBM and TDK PCMCIA cards. |
| Add checks for the OpenOBEX and the ALSA libraries. |
| Add experimental mRouter support. |
| |
| ver 2.10: |
| Use a define for the configuration directory. |
| Fix string initialization for flags translation. |
| Fix and extend the unaligned access macros. |
| Make compiling with debug information optional. |
| Don't override CFLAGS from configure. |
| Check for usb_get_busses() and usb_interrupt_read(). |
| Add optional support for compiling with PIE. |
| Make installation of the init scripts optional. |
| Make compiling with debug information optional. |
| Don't override CFLAGS from configure. |
| |
| ver 2.9: |
| Retry SDP connect if busy in the CUPS backend. |
| Use packet type and allow role switch in hcitool. |
| Use the functions from the USB library for hid2hci. |
| Add Broadcom firmware loader. |
| Add EPoX endian quirk for buggy keyboards. |
| Add L2CAP info type and info result definitions. |
| Add value for L2CAP_CONF_RFC_MODE. |
| Change RSSI value to signed instead of unsigned. |
| Allow UUID32 values as protocol identifiers. |
| Update the autoconf/automake scripts. |
| |
| ver 2.8: |
| Use LIBS and LDADD instead of LDFLAGS. |
| Use HIDP subclass field for HID boot protocol. |
| Set olen before calling getsockopt() in pand. |
| Restore signals for dev-up script. |
| Add PID file support for pand. |
| Add size parameter to expand_name() in hcid. |
| Add support for audio source and audio sink SDP records. |
| Add support for HID virtual cable unplug. |
| Add support for AmbiCom BT2000C card. |
| Add defines and UUID's for audio/video profiles. |
| Add AVDTP protocol identifier. |
| Add HIDP subclass field. |
| Add PKGConfig support. |
| Fix the event code of inquiry with RSSI. |
| Remove dummy SDP library. |
| |
| ver 2.7: |
| Fix display of decoded LMP features. |
| Update company identifiers. |
| Add AFH related types. |
| Add first bits from EDR prototyping specification. |
| Add support for inquiry with RSSI. |
| Add HCRP related SDP functions. |
| Add HIDP header file. |
| Add support for getting the AFH channel map. |
| Add support for AFH mode. |
| Add support for inquiry mode. |
| Add Bluetooth backend for CUPS. |
| Add the hid2hci utility. |
| Add the hidd utility. |
| Add the pand utility. |
| Add the dund utility. |
| More endian bug fixes. |
| Give udev some time to create the RFCOMM device nodes. |
| Release the TTY if no device node is found. |
| New startup script for the Bluetooth subsystem. |
| Update to the autoconf stuff. |
| |
| ver 2.6: |
| Change default prefix to /usr. |
| Add manpages for hcid and hcid.conf. |
| Add the sdpd server daemon. |
| Add the sdptool utility. |
| Add the ciptool utility. |
| Add new company identifiers. |
| Add BNEP and CMTP header files. |
| Add the SDP library. |
| Use R2 for default value of pscan_rep_mode. |
| |
| ver 2.5: |
| Add decoding of Bluetooth 1.2 features. |
| Add link manager version parameter for Bluetooth 1.2. |
| Add new company identifiers. |
| Add D-Bus support for PIN request. |
| Support for transmit power level. |
| Support for park, sniff and hold mode. |
| Support for role switch. |
| Support for reading the clock offset. |
| Support for requesting authentication. |
| Support for setting connection encryption. |
| Show revision information for Broadcom devices. |
| Replace unprintable characters in device name. |
| Use R1 for default value of pscan_rep_mode. |
| Fix some 64-bit problems. |
| Fix some endian problems. |
| Report an error on PIN helper failure. |
| Update bluepin script for GTK2. |
| |
| ver 2.4: |
| Increase number of inquiry responses. |
| Support for transmit power level. |
| Display all 8 bytes of the features. |
| Add support for reading and writing of IAC. |
| Correct decoding class of device. |
| Use Ericsson revision command for ST Microelectronics devices. |
| Display AVM firmware version with 'revision' command. |
| New code for CSR specific revision information. |
| Support for ST Microelectronics specific initialization. |
| Support for 3Com card version 3.0. |
| Support for TDK, IBM and Socket cards. |
| Support for initial baud rate. |
| Update man pages. |
| Fixes for some memory leaks. |
| |
| ver 2.3: |
| Added const qualifiers to appropriate function arguments. |
| Minor fixes. |
| CSR firmware version is now displayed by 'revision' command. |
| Voice command is working properly on big endian machines. |
| Added support for Texas Bluetooth modules. |
| Added support for high UART baud rates on Ericsson modules. |
| BCSP initialization fixes. |
| Support for role switch command (hcitool). |
| RFCOMM config file parser fixes. |
| Update man pages. |
| Removed GLib dependency. |
| |
| ver 2.2: |
| Updated RFCOMM header file. |
| Additional HCI command and event defines. |
| Support for voice settings (hciconfig). |
| Minor hcitool fixes. |
| Improved configure script. |
| Added Headset testing tool. |
| Updated man pages. |
| RPM package. |
| |
| ver 2.1.1: |
| Resurrect hci_remote_name. |
| |
| ver 2.1: |
| Added hci_{read, write}_class_of_dev(). |
| Added hci_{read, write}_current_iac_lap(). |
| Added hci_write_local_name(). |
| Added RFCOMM header file. |
| Minor fixes. |
| Improved BCSP initialization (hciattach). |
| Support for displaying link quality (hcitool). |
| Support for changing link supervision timeout (hcitool). |
| New RFCOMM TTY configuration tool (rfcomm). |
| Minor fixes and updates. |
| |
| ver 2.0: |
| Additional company IDs. |
| BCSP initialization (hciattach). |
| Minor hciconfig fixes. |
| |
| ver 2.0-pr13: |
| Support for multiple pairing modes. |
| Link key database handling fixes. |
| |
| ver 2.0-pre12: |
| Removed max link key limit. Keys never expire. |
| Link key database is always updated. Reread PIN on SIGHUP (hcid). |
| Bluetooth script starts SDPd, if installed. |
| Other minor fixes. |
| |
| ver 2.0-pre11: |
| Improved link key management and more verbose logging (hcid). |
| Fixed scan command (hcitool). |
| |
| ver 2.0-pre10: |
| Fix hci_inquiry function to return errors and accept user buffers. |
| New functions hci_devba, hci_devid, hci_for_each_dev and hci_get_route. |
| Additional company IDs. |
| Makefile and other minor fixes. |
| Support for reading RSSI, remote name and changing |
| connection type (hcitool). |
| Device initialization fixes (hcid). |
| Other minor fixes and improvements. |
| Build environment cleanup and fixes. |
| |
| ver 2.0-pre9: |
| Improved bluepin. Working X authentication. |
| Improved hcitool. New flexible cmd syntax, additional commands. |
| Human readable display of the device features. |
| LMP features to string translation support. |
| Additional HCI command and event defines. |
| Extended hci_filter API. |
| |
| ver 2.0-pre8: |
| Additional HCI ioctls and defines. |
| All strings and buffers are allocated dynamically. |
| ba2str, str2ba automatically swap bdaddress. |
| Additional hciconfig commands. Support for ACL and SCO MTU ioctls. |
| Support for Inventel and COM1 UART based devices. |
| Minor hcitool fixes. |
| Improved l2test. New L2CAP test modes. |
| Minor fixes and cleanup. |
| |
| ver 2.0-pre7: |
| Bluetooth libraries and header files is now a separate package. |
| New build environment uses automake and libtool. |
| Massive header files cleanup. |
| Bluetooth utilities is now a separate package. |
| New build environment uses automake. |
| Moved all config files and security data to /etc/bluetooth. |
| Various cleanups. |
| |
| ver 2.0-pre6: |
| API cleanup and additions. |
| Improved hcitool. |
| l2test minor output fixes. |
| hciattach opt to display list of supported devices. |
| |
| ver 2.0-pre4: |
| HCI filter enhancements. |
| |
| ver 2.0-pre3: |
| Cleanup. |
| |
| ver 2.0-pre2: |
| Additional HCI library functions. |
| Improved CSR baud rate initialization. |
| PCMCIA scripts fixes and enhancements. |
| Documentation update. |
| |
| ver 2.0-pre1: |
| New UART initialization utility. |
| Hot plugging support for UART based PCMCIA devices. |
| SCO testing utility. |
| New authentication utility (bluepin). |
| Minor fixes and improvements. |