| BlueZ D-Bus Audio API description |
| ********************************* |
| |
| Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Marcel Holtmann <marcel@holtmann.org> |
| Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Johan Hedberg <johan.hedberg@nokia.com> |
| Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Brad Midgley <bmidgley@xmission.com> |
| |
| Audio hierarchy |
| =============== |
| |
| Service org.bluez |
| Interface org.bluez.Audio |
| Object path [variable prefix]/{hci0,hci1,...}/dev_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX |
| |
| This is a generic audio interface that abstracts the different audio profiles. |
| |
| Methods void Connect() |
| |
| Connect all supported audio profiles on the device. |
| |
| void Disconnect() |
| |
| Disconnect all audio profiles on the device |
| |
| dict GetProperties() |
| |
| Returns all properties for the interface. See the |
| properties section for available properties. |
| |
| Signals void PropertyChanged(string name, variant value) |
| |
| This signal indicates a changed value of the given |
| property. |
| |
| Properties string State |
| |
| Possible values: "disconnected", "connecting", |
| "connected" |
| |
| "disconnected" -> "connecting" |
| Either an incoming or outgoing connection |
| attempt ongoing. |
| |
| "connecting" -> "disconnected" |
| Connection attempt failed |
| |
| "connecting" -> "connected" |
| Successfully connected |
| |
| "connected" -> "disconnected" |
| Disconnected from the remote device |
| |
| Headset hierarchy |
| ================= |
| |
| Service org.bluez |
| Interface org.bluez.Headset |
| Object path [variable prefix]/{hci0,hci1,...}/dev_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX |
| |
| Methods void Connect() |
| |
| Connect to the HSP/HFP service on the remote device. |
| |
| void Disconnect() |
| |
| Disconnect from the HSP/HFP service on the remote |
| device. |
| |
| boolean IsConnected() {deprecated} |
| |
| Returns TRUE if there is a active connection to the |
| HSP/HFP connection on the remote device. |
| |
| void IndicateCall() |
| |
| Indicate an incoming call on the headset |
| connected to the stream. Will continue to |
| ring the headset about every 3 seconds. |
| |
| void CancelCall() |
| |
| Cancel the incoming call indication. |
| |
| void Play() {deprecated} |
| |
| Open the audio connection to the headset. |
| |
| void Stop() |
| |
| Close the audio connection. |
| |
| boolean IsPlaying() {deprecated} |
| |
| Returns true if an audio connection to the headset |
| is active. |
| |
| uint16 GetSpeakerGain() {deprecated} |
| |
| Returns the current speaker gain if available, |
| otherwise returns the error NotAvailable. |
| |
| uint16 GetMicrophoneGain() {deprecated} |
| |
| Returns the current microphone gain if available, |
| otherwise returns the error NotAvailable. |
| |
| void SetSpeakerGain(uint16 gain) {deprecated} |
| |
| Changes the current speaker gain if possible. |
| |
| void SetMicrophoneGain(uint16 gain) {deprecated} |
| |
| Changes the current speaker gain if possible. |
| |
| dict GetProperties() |
| |
| Returns all properties for the interface. See the |
| properties section for available properties. |
| |
| Possible Errors: org.bluez.Error.InvalidArguments |
| |
| void SetProperty(string name, variant value) |
| |
| Changes the value of the specified property. Only |
| properties that are listed a read-write are changeable. |
| On success this will emit a PropertyChanged signal. |
| |
| Possible Errors: org.bluez.Error.DoesNotExist |
| org.bluez.Error.InvalidArguments |
| |
| Signals void AnswerRequested() |
| |
| Sent when the answer button is pressed on the headset |
| |
| void Connected() {deprecated} |
| |
| Sent when the device has been connected to. |
| |
| void Disconnected() {deprecated} |
| |
| Sent when the device has been disconnected from. |
| |
| void Stopped() {deprecated} |
| |
| Sent when the audio connection is closed |
| |
| void Playing() {deprecated} |
| |
| Sent when the audio connection is opened |
| |
| void SpeakerGainChanged(uint16 gain) {deprecated} |
| |
| The speaker gain changed. |
| |
| void MicrophoneGainChanged(uint16 gain) {deprecated} |
| |
| The microphone gain changed. |
| |
| PropertyChanged(string name, variant value) |
| |
| This signal indicates a changed value of the given |
| property. |
| |
| properties string State [readonly] |
| |
| Possible values: "disconnected", "connecting", |
| "connected", "playing" |
| |
| "disconnected" -> "connecting" |
| Either an incoming or outgoing connection |
| attempt ongoing. |
| |
| "connecting" -> "disconnected" |
| Connection attempt failed |
| |
| "connecting" -> "connected" |
| Successfully connected |
| |
| "connected" -> "playing" |
| SCO audio connection successfully opened |
| |
| "playing" -> "connected" |
| SCO audio connection closed |
| |
| "connected" -> "disconnected" |
| "playing" -> "disconnected" |
| Disconnected from the remote device |
| |
| boolean Connected [readonly] |
| |
| Indicates if there is a active connection to the |
| HSP/HFP connection on the remote device. |
| |
| boolean Playing [readonly] |
| |
| Indicates if an audio connection to the headset |
| is active. |
| |
| uint16 SpeakerGain [readwrite] |
| |
| The speaker gain when available. |
| |
| uint16 MicrophoneGain [readwrite] |
| |
| The speaker gain when available. |
| |
| |
| AudioSink hierarchy |
| =================== |
| |
| Service org.bluez |
| Interface org.bluez.AudioSink |
| Object path [variable prefix]/{hci0,hci1,...}/dev_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX |
| |
| Methods void Connect() |
| |
| Connect and setup a stream to a A2DP sink on the |
| remote device. |
| |
| void Disconnect() |
| |
| Disconnect from the remote device. |
| |
| boolean IsConnected() {deprecated} |
| |
| Returns TRUE if a stream is setup to a A2DP sink on |
| the remote device. |
| |
| dict GetProperties() |
| |
| Returns all properties for the interface. See the |
| properties section for available properties. |
| |
| Possible Errors: org.bluez.Error.InvalidArguments |
| |
| Signals void Connected() {deprecated} |
| |
| Sent when a successful connection has been made to the |
| remote A2DP Sink |
| |
| void Disconnected() {deprecated} |
| |
| Sent when the device has been disconnected from. |
| |
| void Playing() {deprecated} |
| |
| Sent when a stream with remote device is started. |
| |
| void Stopped() {deprecated} |
| |
| Sent when a stream with remote device is suspended. |
| |
| PropertyChanged(string name, variant value) |
| |
| This signal indicates a changed value of the given |
| property. |
| |
| properties string State [readonly] |
| |
| Possible values: "disconnected", "connecting", |
| "connected", "playing" |
| |
| "disconnected" -> "connecting" |
| Either an incoming or outgoing connection |
| attempt ongoing. |
| |
| "connecting" -> "disconnected" |
| Connection attempt failed |
| |
| "connecting" -> "connected" |
| Successfully connected |
| |
| "connected" -> "playing" |
| Audio stream active |
| |
| "playing" -> "connected" |
| Audio stream suspended |
| |
| "connected" -> "disconnected" |
| "playing" -> "disconnected" |
| Disconnected from the remote device |
| |
| boolean Connected [readonly] |
| |
| Indicates if a stream is setup to a A2DP sink on |
| the remote device. |
| |
| boolean Playing [readonly] |
| |
| Indicates if a stream is active to a A2DP sink on |
| the remote device. |
| |
| AudioSource hierarchy |
| ===================== |
| |
| Service org.bluez |
| Interface org.bluez.AudioSource |
| Object path [variable prefix]/{hci0,hci1,...}/dev_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX |
| |
| Methods void Connect() |
| |
| Connect and setup a stream to a A2DP source on the |
| remote device. |
| |
| void Disconnect() |
| |
| Disconnect from the remote device. |
| |
| dict GetProperties() |
| |
| Returns all properties for the interface. See the |
| properties section for available properties. |
| |
| Possible Errors: org.bluez.Error.InvalidArguments |
| |
| Signals PropertyChanged(string name, variant value) |
| |
| This signal indicates a changed value of the given |
| property. |
| |
| properties string State [readonly] |
| |
| Possible values: "disconnected", "connecting", |
| "connected", "playing" |
| |
| "disconnected" -> "connecting" |
| Either an incoming or outgoing connection |
| attempt ongoing. |
| |
| "connecting" -> "disconnected" |
| Connection attempt failed |
| |
| "connecting" -> "connected" |
| Successfully connected |
| |
| "connected" -> "playing" |
| Audio stream active |
| |
| "playing" -> "connected" |
| Audio stream suspended |
| |
| "connected" -> "disconnected" |
| "playing" -> "disconnected" |
| Disconnected from the remote device |
| |
| |
| HeadsetGateway hierarchy |
| ======================== |
| |
| Service org.bluez |
| Interface org.bluez.HeadsetGateway |
| Object path [variable prefix]/{hci0,hci1,...}/dev_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX |
| |
| This interface is available for remote devices which can function in the Audio |
| Gateway role of the HFP profiles. |
| |
| Methods void Connect() |
| |
| Connect to the AG service on the remote device. |
| |
| void Disconnect() |
| |
| Disconnect from the AG service on the remote device |
| |
| void AnswerCall() |
| |
| It has to called only after Ring signal received. |
| |
| void TerminateCall() |
| |
| Terminate call which is running or reject an incoming |
| call. This has nothing with any 3-way situation incl. |
| RaH. Just plain old PDH. |
| |
| void Call(string number) |
| |
| Dial a number 'number'. No number processing is done |
| thus if AG would reject to dial it don't blame me :) |
| |
| string GetOperatorName() |
| |
| Find out the name of the currently selected network |
| operator by AG. |
| |
| void SendDTMF(string digits) |
| |
| Will send each digit in the 'digits' sequentially. Would |
| send nothing if there is non-dtmf digit. |
| |
| string GetSubscriberNumber() |
| |
| Get the voicecall subscriber number of AG |
| |
| dict GetProperties() |
| |
| Returns all properties for the interface. See the |
| properties section for available properties. |
| |
| Signals void Ring(string number) |
| |
| Someone's calling from 'number'. |
| Caller number is provided as received from AG. |
| |
| void CallTerminated() |
| |
| Call failed to set up. It means that we tried to call |
| someone or someone tried to call us but call was not |
| accepted. |
| |
| void CallStarted() |
| |
| Call set up successfully. |
| |
| void CallEnded() |
| |
| Call was started and now ended. In contrast with |
| CallTerminated where call didn't started |
| |
| PropertyChanged(string name, variant value) |
| |
| This signal indicates a changed value of the given |
| property. |
| |
| properties boolean Connected [readonly] |
| |
| Indicates if there is an active connection to the |
| AG service on the remote device. |
| |
| uint16 RegistrationStatus [readonly] |
| |
| Service availability indicatior of AG, where: |
| 0 implies no service. No Home/Roam network available. |
| 1 implies presence of service. Home/Roam network |
| available. |
| |
| uint16 SignalStrength [readonly] |
| |
| Signal strength indicator of AG, the value ranges from |
| 0 to 5. |
| |
| uint16 RoamingStatus [readonly] |
| |
| Roaming status indicator of AG, where: |
| 0 means roaming is not active |
| 1 means a roaming is active |
| |
| uint16 BatteryCharge [readonly] |
| |
| Battery Charge indicator of AG, the value ranges from |
| 0 to 5. |
| |
| uint16 SpeakerGain [readonly] |
| |
| The speaker gain when available. |
| |
| uint16 MicrophoneGain [readonly] |
| |
| The speaker gain when available. |