core/device: Fix attempting to connect to random address over BR/EDR

BR/EDR don't have the concept of random addresses so the only option is
to over LE in that case.
diff --git a/src/device.c b/src/device.c
index fb766d1..b8556f1 100644
--- a/src/device.c
+++ b/src/device.c
@@ -1748,6 +1748,10 @@
 	else if (!dev->bredr_state.bonded && dev->le_state.bonded)
 		return dev->bdaddr_type;
+	/* If the address is private it can only be connected over LE */
+	if (device_address_is_private(dev))
+		return dev->bdaddr_type;
 	if (dev->bredr_seen) {
 		bredr_last = current - dev->bredr_seen;
 		if (bredr_last > SEEN_TRESHHOLD)