blob: 815c8b473bdc4c7fd27f84eaeeb564b68186fddb [file] [log] [blame]
#include_next <linux/netdevice.h>
#include <linux/netdev_features.h>
#include <linux/version.h>
* This is declared implicitly in newer kernels by netdevice.h using
* this pointer in struct net_device, but declare it here anyway so
* pointers to it are accepted as function arguments without warning.
struct inet6_dev;
/* older kernels don't include this here, we need it */
#include <linux/ethtool.h>
#include <linux/rculist.h>
* new kernels include <net/netprio_cgroup.h> which
* has this ... and some drivers rely on it :-(
#include <linux/hardirq.h>
#define dev_change_net_namespace(a, b, c) (-EOPNOTSUPP)
static inline void SET_NETDEV_DEVTYPE(struct net_device *dev, void *type)
/* nothing */
typedef int netdev_tx_t;
* Older kernels do not have struct net_device_ops but what we can
* do is just define the data structure and use a caller to let us
* set the data structure's routines onto the old netdev, essentially
* doing it the old way. This avoids huge deltas on our backports.
struct net_device_ops {
int (*ndo_init)(struct net_device *dev);
void (*ndo_uninit)(struct net_device *dev);
int (*ndo_open)(struct net_device *dev);
int (*ndo_stop)(struct net_device *dev);
netdev_tx_t (*ndo_start_xmit) (struct sk_buff *skb,
struct net_device *dev);
u16 (*ndo_select_queue)(struct net_device *dev,
struct sk_buff *skb);
void (*ndo_change_rx_flags)(struct net_device *dev,
int flags);
void (*ndo_set_rx_mode)(struct net_device *dev);
void (*ndo_set_multicast_list)(struct net_device *dev);
int (*ndo_set_mac_address)(struct net_device *dev,
void *addr);
int (*ndo_validate_addr)(struct net_device *dev);
int (*ndo_do_ioctl)(struct net_device *dev,
struct ifreq *ifr, int cmd);
int (*ndo_set_config)(struct net_device *dev,
struct ifmap *map);
int (*ndo_change_mtu)(struct net_device *dev,
int new_mtu);
int (*ndo_neigh_setup)(struct net_device *dev,
struct neigh_parms *);
void (*ndo_tx_timeout) (struct net_device *dev);
struct net_device_stats* (*ndo_get_stats)(struct net_device *dev);
void (*ndo_vlan_rx_register)(struct net_device *dev,
struct vlan_group *grp);
void (*ndo_vlan_rx_add_vid)(struct net_device *dev,
unsigned short vid);
void (*ndo_vlan_rx_kill_vid)(struct net_device *dev,
unsigned short vid);
void (*ndo_poll_controller)(struct net_device *dev);
int (*ndo_set_vf_mac)(struct net_device *dev,
int queue, u8 *mac);
int (*ndo_set_vf_vlan)(struct net_device *dev,
int queue, u16 vlan, u8 qos);
int (*ndo_set_vf_tx_rate)(struct net_device *dev,
int vf, int rate);
#if defined(CONFIG_FCOE) || defined(CONFIG_FCOE_MODULE)
int (*ndo_fcoe_enable)(struct net_device *dev);
int (*ndo_fcoe_disable)(struct net_device *dev);
int (*ndo_fcoe_ddp_setup)(struct net_device *dev,
u16 xid,
struct scatterlist *sgl,
unsigned int sgc);
int (*ndo_fcoe_ddp_done)(struct net_device *dev,
u16 xid);
int (*ndo_fcoe_get_wwn)(struct net_device *dev,
u64 *wwn, int type);
static inline struct net_device_stats *dev_get_stats(struct net_device *dev)
return dev->get_stats(dev);
#define init_dummy_netdev LINUX_BACKPORT(init_dummy_netdev)
extern int init_dummy_netdev(struct net_device *dev);
#define napi_gro_receive(napi, skb) netif_receive_skb(skb)
#endif /* < 2.6.29 */
#define netdev_set_default_ethtool_ops LINUX_BACKPORT(netdev_set_default_ethtool_ops)
extern void netdev_set_default_ethtool_ops(struct net_device *dev,
const struct ethtool_ops *ops);
#define __dev_addr_sync LINUX_BACKPORT(__dev_addr_sync)
extern int __dev_addr_sync(struct dev_addr_list **to, int *to_count, struct dev_addr_list **from, int *from_count);
#define __dev_addr_unsync LINUX_BACKPORT(__dev_addr_unsync)
extern void __dev_addr_unsync(struct dev_addr_list **to, int *to_count, struct dev_addr_list **from, int *from_count);
#define netdev_attach_ops LINUX_BACKPORT(netdev_attach_ops)
void netdev_attach_ops(struct net_device *dev,
const struct net_device_ops *ops);
static inline int ndo_do_ioctl(struct net_device *dev,
struct ifreq *ifr,
int cmd)
if (dev->do_ioctl)
return dev->do_ioctl(dev, ifr, cmd);
/* XXX: this can probably just go upstream ! */
static inline void netdev_attach_ops(struct net_device *dev,
const struct net_device_ops *ops)
dev->netdev_ops = ops;
/* XXX: this can probably just go upstream! */
static inline int ndo_do_ioctl(struct net_device *dev,
struct ifreq *ifr,
int cmd)
if (dev->netdev_ops && dev->netdev_ops->ndo_do_ioctl)
return dev->netdev_ops->ndo_do_ioctl(dev, ifr, cmd);
* BQL was added as of v3.3 but some Linux distributions
* have backported BQL to their v3.2 kernels or older. To
* address this we assume that they also enabled CONFIG_BQL
* and test for that here and simply avoid adding the static
* inlines if it was defined
#ifndef CONFIG_BQL
static inline void netdev_tx_sent_queue(struct netdev_queue *dev_queue,
unsigned int bytes)
static inline void netdev_sent_queue(struct net_device *dev, unsigned int bytes)
static inline void netdev_tx_completed_queue(struct netdev_queue *dev_queue,
unsigned pkts, unsigned bytes)
static inline void netdev_completed_queue(struct net_device *dev,
unsigned pkts, unsigned bytes)
static inline void netdev_tx_reset_queue(struct netdev_queue *q)
static inline void netdev_reset_queue(struct net_device *dev_queue)
#endif /* CONFIG_BQL */
#endif /* < 3.3 */
* since commit 1c5cae815d19ffe02bdfda1260949ef2b1806171
* "net: call dev_alloc_name from register_netdevice" dev_alloc_name is
* called automatically. This is not implemented in older kernel
* versions so it will result in device wrong names.
static inline int register_netdevice_name(struct net_device *dev)
int err;
if (strchr(dev->name, '%')) {
err = dev_alloc_name(dev, dev->name);
if (err < 0)
return err;
return register_netdevice(dev);
#define register_netdevice(dev) register_netdevice_name(dev)
#define alloc_netdev_mqs(sizeof_priv, name, setup, txqs, rxqs) \
alloc_netdev_mq(sizeof_priv, name, setup, \
max_t(unsigned int, txqs, rxqs))
#define netdev_refcnt_read(a) atomic_read(&a->refcnt)
#define net_ns_type_operations LINUX_BACKPORT(net_ns_type_operations)
extern struct kobj_ns_type_operations net_ns_type_operations;
extern int netif_set_real_num_rx_queues(struct net_device *dev,
unsigned int rxq);
static inline int netif_set_real_num_rx_queues(struct net_device *dev,
unsigned int rxq)
return 0;
#endif /* < 2.6.37 */
* etherdevice.h requires netdev_hw_addr to not have been redefined,
* so while generally we shouldn't/wouldn't include unrelated header
* files here it's unavoidable. However, if we got included through
* it, then we let it sort out the netdev_hw_addr define so that it
* still gets the correct one later ...
#include <linux/etherdevice.h>
#define netif_set_real_num_tx_queues LINUX_BACKPORT(netif_set_real_num_tx_queues)
extern int netif_set_real_num_tx_queues(struct net_device *dev,
unsigned int txq);
#define netdev_mc_count(dev) ((dev)->mc_count)
#define netdev_mc_empty(dev) (netdev_mc_count(dev) == 0)
/* mask netdev_for_each_mc_addr as RHEL6 backports this */
#ifndef netdev_for_each_mc_addr
#define netdev_for_each_mc_addr(mclist, dev) \
for (mclist = dev->mc_list; mclist; mclist = mclist->next)
#ifndef netdev_name
#define netdev_name(__dev) \
((__dev->reg_state != NETREG_REGISTERED) ? \
"(unregistered net_device)" : __dev->name)
#define netdev_printk(level, netdev, format, args...) \
dev_printk(level, (netdev)->dev.parent, \
"%s: " format, \
netdev_name(netdev), ##args)
#define netdev_emerg(dev, format, args...) \
netdev_printk(KERN_EMERG, dev, format, ##args)
#define netdev_alert(dev, format, args...) \
netdev_printk(KERN_ALERT, dev, format, ##args)
#define netdev_crit(dev, format, args...) \
netdev_printk(KERN_CRIT, dev, format, ##args)
#define netdev_err(dev, format, args...) \
netdev_printk(KERN_ERR, dev, format, ##args)
#define netdev_warn(dev, format, args...) \
netdev_printk(KERN_WARNING, dev, format, ##args)
#define netdev_notice(dev, format, args...) \
netdev_printk(KERN_NOTICE, dev, format, ##args)
#define netdev_info(dev, format, args...) \
netdev_printk(KERN_INFO, dev, format, ##args)
/* mask netdev_dbg as RHEL6 backports this */
#if !defined(netdev_dbg)
#if defined(DEBUG)
#define netdev_dbg(__dev, format, args...) \
netdev_printk(KERN_DEBUG, __dev, format, ##args)
#define netdev_dbg(__dev, format, args...) \
do { \
dynamic_dev_dbg((__dev)->dev.parent, "%s: " format, \
netdev_name(__dev), ##args); \
} while (0)
#define netdev_dbg(__dev, format, args...) \
({ \
if (0) \
netdev_printk(KERN_DEBUG, __dev, format, ##args); \
0; \
/* mask netdev_vdbg as RHEL6 backports this */
#if !defined(netdev_dbg)
#if defined(VERBOSE_DEBUG)
#define netdev_vdbg netdev_dbg
#define netdev_vdbg(dev, format, args...) \
({ \
if (0) \
netdev_printk(KERN_DEBUG, dev, format, ##args); \
0; \
* netdev_WARN() acts like dev_printk(), but with the key difference
* of using a WARN/WARN_ON to get the message out, including the
* file/line information and a backtrace.
#define netdev_WARN(dev, format, args...) \
WARN(1, "netdevice: %s\n" format, netdev_name(dev), ##args);
/* netif printk helpers, similar to netdev_printk */
#define netif_printk(priv, type, level, dev, fmt, args...) \
do { \
if (netif_msg_##type(priv)) \
netdev_printk(level, (dev), fmt, ##args); \
} while (0)
#define netif_emerg(priv, type, dev, fmt, args...) \
netif_printk(priv, type, KERN_EMERG, dev, fmt, ##args)
#define netif_alert(priv, type, dev, fmt, args...) \
netif_printk(priv, type, KERN_ALERT, dev, fmt, ##args)
#define netif_crit(priv, type, dev, fmt, args...) \
netif_printk(priv, type, KERN_CRIT, dev, fmt, ##args)
#define netif_err(priv, type, dev, fmt, args...) \
netif_printk(priv, type, KERN_ERR, dev, fmt, ##args)
#define netif_warn(priv, type, dev, fmt, args...) \
netif_printk(priv, type, KERN_WARNING, dev, fmt, ##args)
#define netif_notice(priv, type, dev, fmt, args...) \
netif_printk(priv, type, KERN_NOTICE, dev, fmt, ##args)
#define netif_info(priv, type, dev, fmt, args...) \
netif_printk(priv, type, KERN_INFO, (dev), fmt, ##args)
/* mask netif_dbg as RHEL6 backports this */
#if !defined(netif_dbg)
#if defined(DEBUG)
#define netif_dbg(priv, type, dev, format, args...) \
netif_printk(priv, type, KERN_DEBUG, dev, format, ##args)
#define netif_dbg(priv, type, netdev, format, args...) \
do { \
if (netif_msg_##type(priv)) \
dynamic_dev_dbg((netdev)->dev.parent, \
"%s: " format, \
netdev_name(netdev), ##args); \
} while (0)
#define netif_dbg(priv, type, dev, format, args...) \
({ \
if (0) \
netif_printk(priv, type, KERN_DEBUG, dev, format, ##args); \
0; \
/* mask netif_vdbg as RHEL6 backports this */
#if !defined(netif_vdbg)
#if defined(VERBOSE_DEBUG)
#define netif_vdbg netdev_dbg
#define netif_vdbg(priv, type, dev, format, args...) \
({ \
if (0) \
netif_printk(KERN_DEBUG, dev, format, ##args); \
0; \
#endif /* < 2.6.34 */
/* mask NETDEV_POST_INIT as RHEL6 backports this */
/* this will never happen on older kernels */
#define NETDEV_POST_INIT 0xffff
#define NETDEV_PRE_UP 0x000D
* On older kernels we do not have net_device Multi Queue support, but
* since we no longer use MQ on mac80211 we can simply use the 0 queue.
* Note that if other fullmac drivers make use of this they then need
* to be backported somehow or deal with just 1 queue from MQ.
static inline void netif_tx_wake_all_queues(struct net_device *dev)
static inline void netif_tx_start_all_queues(struct net_device *dev)
static inline void netif_tx_stop_all_queues(struct net_device *dev)
* The net_device has a spin_lock on newer kernels, on older kernels we're out of luck
#define netif_addr_lock_bh(dev)
#define netif_addr_unlock_bh(dev)
#define netif_wake_subqueue netif_start_subqueue
#endif /* < 2.6.27 */
static inline
struct net *dev_net(const struct net_device *dev)
* compat-wirelss backport note:
* For older kernels we may just need to always return init_net,
* not sure when we added dev->nd_net.
return dev->nd_net;
return &init_net;