blob: d39b6e431c43c719f6315f76cd34f2932b53f30e [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
"""This class defines the test case "image download" from ACS.
This class extends the TestCase Class.
This file includes the following test cases:
- testID: 11843140 7.6.11 Verify firmware upgrade/downgrade by ACS
- testID: 14165036 7.6.18 Negative test: Bruno Image download interruption
- testID: 14334001 File Transfer (File upload is optional, this is
then basically the same test case as download.)
__author__ = 'Lehan Meng ('
import os
import re
import time
import acs
import ssh
import testCase
class DownloadTest(testCase.TestCase):
"""Verify Bruno image download from ACS (TestID: 11843140).
Configuration Parameters:
testID: 11843140
user = root
addr =
pwd = google
bruno_prompt = (none)#
title =Image_Download
acs_url =
def Init(self):
"""Initialte the DownloadTest instance."""
if not self.p_ssh:
self.p_ssh = ssh.SSH(user=self.params['user'],
self.__debug = False
self.__short_delay = 5 #short delay: 5 seconds
self.__delay = 180 #medium delay: 180 seconds
self.__long_delay = 600 #long delay: 600 seconds
def CheckACSUrl(self):
"""Check current ACS URL of the device.
Set it to a default URL if the current URL is not recognized
self.p_ssh.SendCmd('cat /tmp/cwmp/acs_url')
line = self.p_ssh.GetCmdOutput()[1]
m_1 = re.match(self.params['acs_url'], line)
if m_1 is None:
info = self.log.CreateErrorInfo(
'ACS URL unknown! Update ACS URL manually')
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
self.p_ssh.SendCmd('echo ' + self.params['acs_url']
+ ' > /tmp/cwmp/acs_url')
self.AddConfigParams('current_ACS_url', self.params['acs_url'])
self.AddConfigParams('current_ACS_url', self.params['acs_url'])
def SetACSUrl(self, url=''):
"""Set ACS URL on the device."""
self.p_ssh.SendCmd('echo ' + url + ' > /tmp/cwmp/acs_url')
self.p_ssh.SendCmd('cat /tmp/cwmp/acs_url')
info = self.log.CreateProgressInfo('---', 'Set ACS url to: ' + url)
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
def CheckVersion(self):
"""Check current software version."""
self.p_ssh.SendCmd('more /etc/version')
current_version = self.p_ssh.GetCmdOutput(2)[1].strip()
self.params['current_version'] = current_version
def GetVersion(self):
"""Get current software version."""
self.p_ssh.SendCmd('more /etc/version')
return self.p_ssh.GetCmdOutput(2)[1].strip()
def GetTimeStamp(self, line=None):
"""Extract the time information of most current event from Device log.
i.e., the time that the last event happens since reboot (in seconds)
line: a line of device log which contains event time information.
If it has value of 'None', then retrieve the last a few lines from
device log to extract time information.
return the time stamp string if succeed, return -1 otherwise.
if line is None:
# get time stamp from Device log file
self.p_ssh.SendCmd('dmesg | grep cwmpd:')
# search the last 30 lines in Device log for time information
log_list = self.p_ssh.GetCmdOutput()
for line in log_list:
m = re.match('\\[[\s]*(\d*\\.\d{3})\\]', line)
if m is not None:
# Match, return the time stamp
# get time stamp from a Device log line
m = re.match('\\[[\s]*(\d*\\.\d{3})\\]', line)
if m is not None:
# Match, return the time stamp
# No time stamp found
info = self.log.createErrorInfo(
'Critical', 'Exit! Can not find time information from '
'device log ...')
self.log.sendLine(self.test_info, info)
return os.sys.exit(1)
def ConfigACS(self, version_id):
"""Setup the ACS device profile with expected image.
Then restart the cwmpd process on device to
initiate the inform/download process
version_id: the expected version id that needs to be configured
return the time stamp string if succeed, return -1 otherwise.
#configure ACS:
acs_instance = acs.ACS(acs_path=self.params['acs_path'])
self.params['profile_id'], version_id, self.params['acs_app_id'],
time_stamp = self.GetTimeStamp()
return time_stamp
def GetRemoteConnectionURL(self):
"""Get remote connection URL from the cwmp log of the device."""
self.p_ssh.SendCmd('dmesg | grep cwmpd:')
log_list = self.p_ssh.GetCmdOutput()
for line in log_list:
if 'InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.ConnectionRequestURL' in line:
index = log_list.index(line)
index -= 1
if index < 0:
# End of long while download not started, wait 281
info = self.log.createErrorInfo(
'low', 'Can not find ConnectionRequestURL from device log ...')
self.log.sendLine(self.test_info, info)
return None
log_str = log_list[index]
m ='(http://[\d\l:]+)</Value>', log_str)
if m is not None:
# match successful:
# No ConnectionRequestURL find:
info = self.log.createErrorInfo(
'low', 'Can not find ConnectionRequestURL from device log ...')
self.log.sendLine(self.test_info, info)
return None
def CheckDownloadFileExists(self):
"""check if a downloaded file is still in the folder.
A file in the folder '/rw/tr69/dnld/' indicates either of the
1. download is in progress
2. download completed, installation is in progress
3. download completed, installation completed, waiting for reboot
the upgrade is not considered as complete until a reboot is done
return True if file exists, return False otherwise.
self.p_ssh.SendCmd('ls -l /rw/tr69/dnld/')
latest_log_entry = 4
log_list = self.p_ssh.GetCmdOutput(latest_log_entry)
for line in log_list:
m ='[\s]+([\w,\d]{9})', line)
if m is not None:
# download file found
return True
return False
def IsRebooted(self, time_stamp):
"""check if the device rebooted after the software installation.
This method checks device log file, if any event found with smaller time
stamp value than the last known device event, it indicates that the device
has been rebooted since then
time_stamp: time stamp that the last event recorded on device log
return True if rebooted
return False otherwise
s = self.GetTimeStamp()
print 'previous time stamp: ' + time_stamp
print 'current time stamp: ' + s
if float(s) < float(time_stamp) and s is not -1:
return True
return False
def CheckImageInstallation(self, time_stamp, version):
"""Check if the Image installation and Device reboot is successful.
An upgrade is considered complete only after the device is rebooted
after image installation
time_stamp: check if a reboot is done after this time
version: the image version that needs to be installed
return True if installation succeeded
return False otherwise
count = 0
ts = time_stamp
while not self.IsRebooted(ts):
count +=1
if count*self.__short_delay*6 > self.__long_delay:
info = self.log.CreateErrorInfo(
'Error! File download longer than ' + str(self.__long_delay)
+ ' seconds, check network. Exit!')
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
t = self.GetTimeStamp()
if float(t) > float(ts):
ts = t
info = self.log.CreateProgressInfo(
'---', 'Wait ' + str(6*self.__short_delay)
+ ' seconds for image installation and device reboot...')
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
self.p_ssh.SendCmd('more /etc/version')
line = self.p_ssh.GetCmdOutput()[1]
crt_version = line.strip()
print crt_version + '########' + version
if crt_version == version:
return True
return False
def VerifyImageDownload(self):
"""Verify image download and upgrade.
This test checks the following:
- check current image version
- if current_version is not expected_version as defined in config file:
- Upgrade to expected_version (verify expected version can boot up)
- Downgrade from expected_version to downgrade_version
(verify downgrade handling capability of expected_version image)
- Finally upgrade to expected_version, and keep device in this state.
- if the current version is already the expected_version,
- Downgrade from expected_version to downgrade_version
(verify downgrade handling capability of expected_version image)
- Finally upgrade to expected_version, and keep device in this state.
At the same time, it also verifies:
- configure ACS with these software versions
max_test_idx = 3
current_test_idx = 1
upgrade = True
while current_test_idx <= max_test_idx:
info = self.log.CreateResultInfo(
'---', 'Test Sequence Number: ' + str(current_test_idx))
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
info = self.log.CreateProgressInfo('20%', 'Current ACS url: '
+ self.params['acs_url'])
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
info = self.log.CreateProgressInfo('30%', 'Current Version: '
+ self.params['current_version'])
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
if self.params['current_version'] == self.params['expected_version']:
if current_test_idx == 1:
current_test_idx += 1
upgrade = False
version = None
if upgrade:
self.time_stamp = self.ConfigACS(self.params['expected_version_id'])
info = self.log.CreateProgressInfo('40%', 'Expected Version: '
+ self.params['expected_version'])
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
version = self.params['expected_version']
self.time_stamp = self.ConfigACS(self.params['downgrade_version_id'])
info = self.log.CreateProgressInfo('40%', 'Downgrade Version: '
+ self.params['downgrade_version'])
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
version = self.params['downgrade_version']
info = self.log.CreateProgressInfo(
'50%', 'Successfully configured ACS for image version: ' + version)
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
time.sleep(self.__short_delay) # time delay for log update
self.time_stamp = self.GetTimeStamp()
if self.CheckImageInstallation(self.time_stamp, version):
info = self.log.CreateProgressInfo(
'100%', 'Image successfully upgraded to expected version: '
'from: ' + self.params['current_version']
+ ' to: ' + version)
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
info = self.log.CreateResultInfo(
'Pass', 'Image successfully upgraded to expected version: '
'from: ' + self.params['current_version']
+ ' to: ' + version)
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
info = self.log.CreateErrorInfo(
'Error! Image version does not match expected version!')
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
info = self.log.CreateResultInfo(
'Failed', 'Image failed to upgraded to expected version: '
'from: ' + self.params['current_version']
+ ' to: ' + version)
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
current_test_idx += 1
if upgrade:
upgrade = False
upgrade = True
def ImageUpgrade(self, expected_version, expected_version_id):
"""This function upgrade device image to expected version.
expected_version: the version to be upgraded to
expected_version_id: the id of the expected version
True if upgrade succeeds
False if upgrade fails
version = self.GetVersion()
if version == expected_version:
info = self.log.CreateProgressInfo(
'---', 'Image is already expected versioin: '
+ expected_version)
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
return True
self.time_stamp = self.ConfigACS(expected_version_id)
info = self.log.CreateProgressInfo(
'---', 'Successfully configured ACS for image version: '
+ expected_version)
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
time.sleep(self.__short_delay) # time delay for log update
self.time_stamp = self.GetTimeStamp()
if self.CheckImageInstallation(self.time_stamp, expected_version):
info = self.log.CreateProgressInfo(
'---', 'Image successfully upgraded to expected version: '
'from: ' + version + ' to: ' + expected_version)
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
return True
info = self.log.CreateErrorInfo(
'Error! Image version does not match expected version!')
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
return False
def VerifyDownloadInterrupt(self):
"""Negative test case: verify image download interruption.
This case tests device's capability of image upgrade in case of
power loss, power cycle, or multiple download requests from ACS.
The device should finally be able to complete the download and
image upgrade process from expected_version to downgrade_version.
return: False if the verification fails
return: True otherwise
if self.params['current_version'] != self.params['expected_version']:
info = self.log.CreateProgressInfo(
'5%', 'Current version is not expected version to test, upgrade to: '
+ self.params['expected_version'])
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
if not self.ImageUpgrade(self.params['expected_version'],
info = self.log.CreateErrorInfo(
'Failed to upgrade version to: '
+ self.params['expected_version'])
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
return False
info = self.log.CreateProgressInfo(
'10%', 'Successfully configured ACS for image version: '
+ self.params['downgrade_version'])
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
info = self.log.CreateProgressInfo(
'40%', 'Download started, reboot the device.')
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
time_stamp = self.GetTimeStamp()
while not self.IsRebooted(time_stamp):
info = self.log.CreateProgressInfo(
'60%', 'Downloading interrupted, waiting for device boot up.')
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
time_stamp = self.GetTimeStamp()
version = self.GetVersion()
if version != self.params['downgrade_version']:
count = 0
while not self.IsRebooted(time_stamp):
count += 1
if count*self.__short_delay > self.__long_delay:
info = self.log.CreateErrorInfo(
'Error! Image downloading is not successful after interruption!')
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
info = self.log.CreateResultInfo(
'Image failed to upgraded to version: '
+ self.params['downgrade_version'] + ' ('
+ self.__long_delay + ' seconds) after interrupted.')
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
return False
time_stamp = self.GetTimeStamp()
info = self.log.CreateProgressInfo(
'80%', 'Waiting for downloading complete after interruption.')
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
info = self.log.CreateProgressInfo(
'100%', 'Image successfully upgraded to version: '
+ self.params['downgrade_version'] + ' after interrupted.')
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
info = self.log.CreateResultInfo(
'Pass', 'Image successfully upgraded to version: '
+ self.params['downgrade_version'] + ' after interrupted.')
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
return True
def Run(self):
"""Run the test case."""
####### Add your code here -- BEGIN #######
print 'Test Started...'
info = self.log.CreateProgressInfo(
'5%', 'SSH session to device successfully established!')
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
if self.test_info['testID'] == '11843140':
info = self.log.CreateResultInfo(
'----', 'For file transfer test, refer to image download test result:'
' testID: 11843140.')
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
elif self.test_info['testID'] == '14165036':
print 'Test Completed...'
####### Add your code here -- END #######
def Destructor(self):
"""This is the Destructor function to call for the user extened class."""
# exit the ssh tunnel
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Test cases defined in this file:
test_defined = ['11843140', '14165036', '14334001']
# To execute test cases that defined in config file:
test_to_execute = testCase.TestCase.FindTestCaseToExecute('config.cfg')
for test_id in test_to_execute:
if test_id in test_defined:
test = DownloadTest(testID=test_id)