| #!/bin/bash |
| |
| SEG_DURATION_OUTPUT_FILE=seg_duration_output.csv |
| TRANS_FRAME_OUTPUT_FILE=trans_frame_output.csv |
| SEG_FRAME_OUTPUT_FILE=seg_frame_output.csv |
| TRANS_GOP_OUTPUT_FILE=trans_gop_output.csv |
| SEG_GOP_OUTPUT_FILE=seg_gop_output.csv |
| TRANS_PTS_OUTPUT_FILE=trans_pts_output.csv |
| SEG_PTS_OUTPUT_FILE=seg_pts_output.csv |
| |
| ################################### |
| |
| function printUsage() { |
| echo |
| echo "Usage:" |
| echo " analyze [path/to/transcoded/file]" |
| echo |
| echo "This tool analyzes all *.ts_* HLS segments in the local directory for " |
| echo "issues. If you pass the path to the transcoded original file as a " |
| echo "parameter it will analyze that as well for comparison. Issues that " |
| echo "appear in just the HLS analysis point to a miniclient problem. Issues " |
| echo "that appear in the latter analysis (or both analyses) point to a " |
| echo "BroadCom issue." |
| echo |
| echo "This tool requires dvbsnoop and ffmpeg! It also needs gnuplot to " |
| echo "print pretty graphs, but it's optional." |
| echo |
| echo " 'apt-get install dvbsnoop ffmpeg gnuplot'" |
| echo |
| } |
| |
| |
| ## Parse args and check dependencies |
| FILE="" |
| if [ $# -eq 1 ] |
| then |
| FILE=$1 |
| fi |
| |
| RAN_A_TEST=0 |
| |
| ## Return true if depedant app (1) exists |
| dependency_exists() { |
| command -v $1 >/dev/null 2>&1 |
| } |
| |
| ## Check for deps without killing terminal (as exit does, hence the goto) |
| dependency_exists ffmpeg || { echo; echo >&2 "This script requires ffmpeg but it's not installed!"; printUsage; exit; } |
| dependency_exists dvbsnoop || { echo; echo >&2 "This script requires dvbsnoop but it's not installed!"; printUsage; exit; } |
| |
| |
| ## Gnuplot the results given by the parameters |
| function plotResult() { |
| if dependency_exists gnuplot |
| then |
| TITLE=$2 |
| XLABEL=$3 |
| XRANGE=$4 |
| YLABEL=$5 |
| YRANGE=$6 |
| TYPE=$7 |
| |
| gnuplot -persist <<HERE |
| set title "${TITLE}" |
| set xlabel '${XLABEL}' |
| set xrange[${XRANGE}] |
| set ylabel '${YLABEL}' |
| set yrange[${YRANGE}] |
| unset key |
| plot "${PLOTFILE}" using 1:3 with ${TYPE} |
| HERE |
| else |
| echo " 'gnuplot' is not installed, so no pretty graphs for you today :(" |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| |
| ## Calculate the GOP between each keyframe given an input file (1) to the given output file (2) |
| function calculateGOP() { |
| |
| ## GOP - Algorithm stolen Shamelessly From Zeev Leiber |
| PID=$(ffprobe -i $1 2>&1 | grep "Video:" | sed 's/[][]/ /g' | awk '{print "echo $((" $3 "))"}' | bash) |
| echo " Processing $1 (Video PID $PID)..." |
| |
| ## Searching for random_access of 0 could cause invalid results because of padding adaptation fields |
| linecount=0 |
| random_access=0 |
| ## 14 (1 for match, 12 after, 1 separator) lines per packet to decide if it is a new GOP |
| GOPs=$( |
| dvbsnoop -s ts -if $1 $PID | grep -A 12 'Packet data starts' | while read -r h |
| do |
| if echo $h | grep 'random_access_indicator: 1' > /dev/null |
| then |
| random_access=1 |
| fi |
| linecount=`expr $linecount + 1` |
| if [[ $linecount -ge 14 ]] |
| then |
| echo $random_access |
| random_access=0 |
| linecount=0 |
| fi |
| done |
| echo $random_access |
| ) |
| |
| for g in $GOPs |
| do |
| if [[ $g -eq 1 ]] |
| then |
| if [[ $FRAME_COUNT -gt 0 ]] |
| then |
| fi |
| NUM_GOP=`expr $NUM_GOP + 1` |
| else |
| fi |
| done |
| } |
| |
| |
| ## Calculate the PTS delta between each frame given an input file (1) adding results into a single file (2) |
| function calculatePtsDelta() { |
| PID=$(ffprobe -i $1 2>&1 | grep "Video:" | sed 's/[][]/ /g' | awk '{print "echo $((" $3 "))"}' | bash) |
| echo " Processing $1 (Video PID $PID)..." |
| |
| ## Algorithm stolen Shamelessly From Jean-Francois Thibert |
| DELTAs=$(dvbsnoop -s ts -if $1 -tssubdecode $PID | grep PTS | grep Timestamp | awk '{print $3-prev; prev=$3 }') |
| for d in $DELTAs |
| do |
| if [[ $d -lt 10000 ]] |
| then |
| echo $NUM_FRAMES $1 $d >> $OUTPUT_FILE |
| NUM_FRAMES=`expr $NUM_FRAMES + 1` |
| else |
| echo " ... Removing bad value $d" |
| fi |
| done |
| } |
| |
| |
| ## Calculate the size of each frame given an input file (1) adding results into a single file (2) |
| function calculateFrameSize() { |
| echo " Processing $1..." |
| |
| FRAMEs=$(ffprobe -v quiet -show_frames -select_streams v -i $1 | awk '/pkt_size=/ {sub(/pkt_size=/, "", $1); print $1;}') |
| for g in $FRAMEs |
| do |
| echo $NUM_FRAMES $1 $g >> $OUTPUT_FILE |
| NUM_FRAMES=`expr $NUM_FRAMES + 1` |
| done |
| } |
| |
| ## Calculate duration of each HLS segment in the current folder |
| function calculateDurations() { |
| echo "# NUM File Duration" > $SEG_DURATION_OUTPUT_FILE |
| FILES=$(ls -v *.ts_*) |
| NUM=1 |
| for f in $FILES |
| do |
| echo " Processing $f..." |
| ffprobe -v quiet -show_packets -select_streams v -i $f > ./temp |
| |
| duration=$(cat ./temp | awk '/duration_time=0/ {sub(/duration_time=/, "", $1); total = total + $1;}END {print total;}') |
| echo $NUM $f $duration >> $SEG_DURATION_OUTPUT_FILE |
| NUM=`expr $NUM + 1` |
| done |
| |
| echo |
| echo "Result written to $SEG_DURATION_OUTPUT_FILE" |
| |
| plotResult $SEG_DURATION_OUTPUT_FILE "HLS Segment Duration" "Segment" "1:${NUM}-1" "Duration (s)" "0:*" "lines" |
| } |
| |
| |
| ########## |
| ## Work around fact that you can't pass multi-line input to a function... |
| |
| ## Calculate GOP for each segment adding results into a single file (1) |
| function calculateSegmentGOPs() { |
| FILES=$(ls -v *.ts_*) |
| |
| echo "# NUM File GOP" > $1 |
| NUM_GOP=1 |
| for f in $FILES |
| do |
| calculateGOP $f $1 |
| done |
| |
| echo |
| echo "Result written to $1" |
| |
| plotResult $1 "HLS GOP Analysis" "Group" "1:$NUM_GOP-1" "GOP" "0:35" "lines" |
| } |
| |
| ## Calculate GOP for transcoded file (1) adding results into a single file (2) |
| function calculateTranscodedGOP() { |
| echo "# NUM File GOP" > $2 |
| |
| NUM_GOP=1 |
| calculateGOP $1 $2 |
| |
| echo |
| echo "Result written to $2" |
| |
| plotResult $2 "Transcoded GOP Analysis" "Group" "1:$NUM_GOP-1" "GOP" "0:35" "lines" |
| } |
| |
| ## Calculate the PTS delta between each frame in each segment adding results into a single file (1) |
| function calculateSegmentPTS() { |
| FILES=$(ls -v *.ts_*) |
| |
| echo "# NUM File Frame_Size" > $1 |
| for f in $FILES |
| do |
| calculatePtsDelta $f $1 |
| done |
| |
| echo |
| echo "Result written to $1" |
| |
| plotResult $1 "HLS PTS Delta Analysis" "Frame" "1:${NUM_FRAMES}-1" "Delta (ms)" "0:*" "lines" |
| } |
| |
| ## Calculate the PTS delta between each frame given an input file (1) adding results into a single file (2) |
| function calculateTranscodedPTS() { |
| echo "# NUM File Frame_Size" > $2 |
| |
| calculatePtsDelta $1 $2 |
| |
| echo |
| echo "Result written to $2" |
| |
| plotResult $2 "Transcoded PTS Delta Analysis" "Frame" "1:${NUM_FRAMES}-1" "Delta (ms)" "0:*" "lines" |
| } |
| |
| ## Calculate the size of each frame in each segment adding results into a single file (1) |
| function calculateSegmentFS() { |
| FILES=$(ls -v *.ts_*) |
| |
| echo "# NUM File Frame_Size" > $1 |
| for f in $FILES |
| do |
| calculateFrameSize $f $1 |
| done |
| |
| echo |
| echo "Result written to $1" |
| |
| plotResult $1 "HLS Frame Size Analysis" "Frame" "1:${NUM_FRAMES}-2" "Size (b)" "0:*" "lines" |
| } |
| |
| ## Calculate the size of each frame given an input file (1) adding results into a single file (2) |
| function calculateTranscodedFS() { |
| echo "# NUM File Frame_Size" > $2 |
| |
| calculateFrameSize $1 $2 |
| |
| echo |
| echo "Result written to $2" |
| |
| plotResult $2 "Transcoded Frame Size Analysis" "Frame" "1:${NUM_FRAMES}-2" "Size (b)" "0:*" "lines" |
| } |
| ########## |
| |
| |
| ## Script flow ## |
| |
| |
| ## Segments |
| echo |
| echo "Starting segment analysis (.ts_* files)" |
| ls -v *.ts_* 2>./temp 1>/dev/null |
| if [[ $? == 0 ]] |
| then |
| echo |
| echo "Analyzing Duration" |
| calculateDurations $FILES |
| echo |
| echo "Analyszing GOP" |
| calculateSegmentGOPs $SEG_GOP_OUTPUT_FILE |
| echo |
| echo "Analyszing PTS" |
| calculateSegmentPTS $SEG_PTS_OUTPUT_FILE |
| echo |
| echo "Analyzing Frame Size" |
| calculateSegmentFS $SEG_FRAME_OUTPUT_FILE |
| |
| RAN_A_TEST=1 |
| else |
| echo " No segments found, skipping these tests." |
| fi |
| echo |
| |
| ## Transcoded |
| echo "Starting transcoded file analysis" |
| if [[ "$FILE" != "" ]] |
| then |
| echo |
| echo "Analyzing GOP" |
| calculateTranscodedGOP $FILE $TRANS_GOP_OUTPUT_FILE |
| echo |
| echo "Analyzing PTS" |
| calculateTranscodedPTS $FILE $TRANS_PTS_OUTPUT_FILE |
| echo |
| echo "Analyzing Frame Size" |
| calculateTranscodedFS $FILE $TRANS_FRAME_OUTPUT_FILE |
| |
| RAN_A_TEST=1 |
| else |
| echo " No File specified as a parameter, skipping these tests." |
| fi |
| |
| ## If we didn't test anything, print usage in case the user is new... |
| if [ $RAN_A_TEST == 0 ] |
| then |
| printUsage |
| fi |
| |
| if [ -e "./temp" ] |
| then |
| rm ./temp |
| fi |
| |
| echo |
| |