blob: 7431e2da6202422f47039bb9963ea3c1d6c2f67e [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
. ./wvtest/
WVSTART "dir-monitor test"
# Fails if no arguments are provided.
# Run dir-monitor in parallel with some operations on the directory.
rm -rf "$TEST_DIR"
mkdir "$TEST_DIR"
touch "$TEST_DIR/file"
# Run without arguments, modifications of existing files won't be noticed.
WVPASSEQ "$((($DM $TEST_DIR) & (sleep 0.05; echo blabla > $TEST_DIR/file; \
sleep 0.05; killall $DM)) | wc -l)" "2"
# with -m, modification events should be printed
WVPASSEQ "$((($DM -m $TEST_DIR) & (sleep 0.05; echo blabla > $TEST_DIR/file; \
sleep 0.05; killall $DM)) | wc -l)" "6"
rm -rf "$TEST_DIR"