Reduce 5G WLAN TX power for selected channels and datarates on GFRG210/200

This patch provides the mechanism to patch the QCA8990 transmit power rates.
If it detects a mis-calibrated system, it will write a calibration patch out
to /tmp, which will be read when the driver is reloaded.

See b/30893979 for details.

Change-Id: If6f3065d6f0608d90c51b11f3e4150ff0efdc7d3
diff --git a/wifi/ b/wifi/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4e5cc0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wifi/
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+#!/usr/bin/python -S
+"""Check and fix mis-calibrated QCA9880 modules on gfrg200/gfrg210.
+   Some modules were delivered to customers mis-calibrated. This script will
+   check if the module is affected, and if so, generate a patch that will be
+   used after driver reload.
+import glob
+import os
+import os.path
+import experiment
+import utils
+NO_CAL_EXPERIMENT = 'WifiNoCalibrationPatch'
+PLATFORM_FILE = '/etc/platform'
+CALIBRATION_DIR = '/tmp/ath10k_cal'
+CAL_PATCH_FILE = 'cal_data_patch.bin'
+ATH10K_CAL_DATA = '/sys/kernel/debug/ieee80211/phy[0-9]*/ath10k/cal_data'
+OUI_LEN = 3
+SUSPECT_OUIS = ((0x28, 0x24, 0xff), (0x48, 0xa9, 0xd2), (0x60, 0x02, 0xb4),
+                (0xbc, 0x30, 0x7d), (0xbc, 0x30, 0x7e))
+MODULE_PATH = '/sys/class/net/{}/device/driver/module'
+def _log(msg):
+  utils.log('ath10k calibration: {}'.format(msg))
+def _is_ath10k(interface):
+  """Check if interface is driven by the ath10k driver.
+  Args:
+    interface: The interface to be checked. eg wlan1
+  Returns:
+    True if ath10k, otherwise False.
+  """
+  try:
+    return os.readlink(MODULE_PATH.format(interface)).find('ath10k')
+  except OSError:
+    return False
+def _oui_string(oui):
+  """Convert OUI from bytes to a string.
+  Args:
+    oui: OUI in byte format.
+  Returns:
+    OUI is string format separated by ':'. Eg. 88:dc:96.
+  """
+  return ':'.join('{:02x}'.format(ord(b)) for b in oui)
+def _version_string(version):
+  """Convert version from bytes to a string.
+  Args:
+    version: version in byte format.
+  Returns:
+    Three byte version string in hex format: 0x00 0x00 0x00
+  """
+  return ' '.join('0x{:02x}'.format(ord(b)) for b in version)
+def _is_module_miscalibrated():
+  """Check the QCA8990 module to see if it is improperly calibrated.
+  There are two manufacturers of the modules, Senao and Wistron of which only
+  Wistron modules are suspect. Wistron provided a list of OUIs manufactured
+  which are listed in SUSPECT_OUIS. Modules manufactured by Winstron containing
+  V02 at offset VERSION_OFFSET have been corrected, while those containing 3
+  zero's at this offset are still suspect and will be considered mis-calibrated.
+  Returns:
+    True if module is mis-calibrated, None if it can't be determined, and False
+    otherwise.
+  """
+  try:
+    cal_data_path = _ath10k_cal_data_path()
+    if cal_data_path is None:
+      return None
+    with open(cal_data_path, mode='rb') as f:
+      oui =
+      version =
+  except IOError as e:
+    _log('unable to open cal_data {}: {}'.format(cal_data_path, e.strerror))
+    return None
+  if oui not in (bytearray(s) for s in SUSPECT_OUIS):
+    _log('OUI {} is properly calibrated.'.format(_oui_string(oui)))
+    return False
+  if version != (bytearray(MISCALIBRATED_VERSION_FIELD)):
+    _log('version field {} signals proper calibration.'.
+         format(_version_string(version)))
+    return False
+  _log('May be mis-calibrated. OUI: {} version: {}'.
+       format(_oui_string(oui), _version_string(version)))
+  return True
+def _is_previously_calibrated():
+  """Check if this calibration script already ran since the last boot.
+  Returns:
+    True if calibration checks already ran, False otherwise.
+  """
+  return os.path.exists(CALIBRATION_DIR)
+def _create_calibration_dir():
+  """Create calibration directory.
+  Calibration directory contains the calibration patch file.
+  If the directory is empty it signals that calibration checks have already
+  run.
+  Returns:
+    True if directory exists or is created, false if any error.
+  """
+  try:
+    if not os.path.isdir(CALIBRATION_DIR):
+      os.makedirs(CALIBRATION_DIR)
+      return True
+  except OSError as e:
+    _log('unable to create calibration dir {}: {}.'.
+         format(CALIBRATION_DIR, e.strerror))
+    return False
+  return True
+def _ath10k_cal_data_path():
+  """Find the current path to cal data.
+  This path encodes the phy number, which is usually phy1, but if the
+  driver load order changed or if this runs after a reload, the phy
+  number will change.
+  Returns:
+    Path to cal_data in debugfs.
+  """
+  return glob.glob(ATH10K_CAL_DATA)[0]
+def _generate_calibration_patch():
+  """Create calibration patch and write to storage.
+  Returns:
+    True for success or False for failure.
+  """
+  try:
+    with open(_ath10k_cal_data_path(), mode='rb') as f:
+      cal_data = bytearray(
+  except IOError as e:
+    _log('cal patch: unable to open for read {}: {}.'.
+         format(_ath10k_cal_data_path(), e.strerror))
+    return False
+  # Patch cal_data here once we get the actual calibration data.
+  # For now just return False until we get the data.
+  _log('patch not generated as data not supplied yet.')
+  # pylint: disable=unreachable
+  return False
+  if not _create_calibration_dir():
+    return False
+  try:
+    patched_file = os.path.join(CALIBRATION_DIR, CAL_PATCH_FILE)
+    open(patched_file, 'wb').write(cal_data)
+  except IOError as e:
+    _log('unable to open for writing {}: {}.'.format(patched_file, e.strerror))
+    return False
+  return True
+def _reload_driver():
+  """Reload the ath10k driver so it picks up modified calibration file."""
+  ret = utils.subprocess_quiet(('rmmod', 'ath10k_pci'))
+  if ret != 0:
+    _log('rmmod ath10k_pci failed: {}.'.format(ret))
+    return
+  ret = utils.subprocess_quiet(('modprobe', 'ath10k_pci'))
+  if ret != 0:
+    _log('modprobe ath10k_pci failed: {}.'.format(ret))
+    return
+  _log('reload ath10k driver complete')
+def qca8990_calibration():
+  """Main QCA8990 calibration check."""
+  if experiment.enabled(NO_CAL_EXPERIMENT):
+    _log('experiment {} on. Skip calibration check.'.format(NO_CAL_EXPERIMENT))
+    return
+  if _is_previously_calibrated():
+    _log('calibration check completed earlier.')
+    return
+  if not _is_ath10k('wlan1'):
+    _log('this platform does not use ath10k.')
+    return
+  cal_result = _is_module_miscalibrated()
+  if cal_result is None:
+    _log('unknown if miscalibrated.')
+  elif not cal_result:
+    _log('module is NOT miscalibrated.')
+    # Creating an empty directory signals that this script has already run.
+    _create_calibration_dir()
+  else:
+    if _generate_calibration_patch():
+      _log('generated new patch.')
+      _reload_driver()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  qca8990_calibration()
diff --git a/wifi/ b/wifi/
index 4204791..34bb5e8 100755
--- a/wifi/
+++ b/wifi/
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 import iw
 import options
 import persist
+import qca9880_cal
 import quantenna
 import utils
@@ -254,6 +255,9 @@
         'no wifi interface found for band=%s channel=%s suffix=%s',
         band, channel, opt.interface_suffix)
+  # Check for calibration errors on ath10k.
+  qca9880_cal.qca8990_calibration()
   found_active_config = False
   for other_interface in (set(iw.find_all_interfaces_from_phy(phy)) -