blob: 090bcb53077b5bf79a2b576686aa382e0e9da103 [file] [log] [blame]
#define _GNU_SOURCE /* for sighandler_t */
#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 199309L /* for clock_gettime */
#define _BSD_SOURCE /* for strsep */
#include <features.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/select.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/uio.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stacktrace.h>
#include "fileops.h"
#include "gfiber-lt.h"
#include "pin.h"
#define UNUSED __attribute((unused))
#define WRITE(s) write(2, s, strlen(s))
#ifndef ARRAY_SIZE
#define ARRAY_SIZE(a) (sizeof (a) / sizeof ((a)[0]))
* We're polling at a very high frequency, which is a pain. This would be
* slightly less gross inside the kernel (for less context switching and
* because it could more easily use the tick interrupt instead of polling).
* This setting isn't as bad as it sounds, though, because we don't poll
* 100% of the time; we only do it for a fraction of a second every now
* and then.
#define POLL_HZ 2000 // polls per sec
#define USEC_PER_TICK (1000000 / POLL_HZ)
* At this temp, if sysmgr isn't setting fan, jump to 100% as a failsafe.
* sysmgr has a per-platform setting, but we don't share code with that here.
* Setting to MAX(temp_max) from in sysmgr, which is 100 now.
#define HIGH_TEMP_OVERRIDE 100.0
#define CHECK(x) do { \
int rv = (x); \
if (rv) { \
fprintf(stderr, "CHECK: %s returned %d\n", #x, rv); \
_exit(99); \
} \
} while (0)
static int is_limited_leds;
static int platform_b0;
static PinHandle handle;
// Turn the leds on or off depending on the bits in fields. Currently
// the bits are:
// 1: red
// 2: blue (green on B0)
// 4: activity (blue)
// 8: standby (bright white)
static void set_leds_from_bitfields(int fields, int brightness) {
// allow a way to disable led control
if (access("disable", R_OK) == 0) {
if (is_limited_leds) {
// GFMS100 only has red and activity lights. Substitute activity for blue
// (they're both blue anyhow) and red+activity (purple) for standby.
if (fields & 0x02) fields |= 0x04;
if (fields & 0x08) fields |= 0x05;
} else if (platform_b0) {
// B0 fat devices are as above (limited_leds).
// B0 fat devices had the leds switched around, and the polarities
// inverted.
fields = ( (fields & 0x8) |
((fields & 0x4) >> 1) |
((fields & 0x2) >> 1) |
((fields & 0x1) << 2));
fields ^= 0x0f;
if (PinIsPresent(handle, PIN_LED_RED))
PinSetValue(handle, PIN_LED_RED, (fields & 0x01) ? brightness : 0);
if (PinIsPresent(handle, PIN_LED_BLUE))
PinSetValue(handle, PIN_LED_BLUE, (fields & 0x02) ? brightness : 0);
if (PinIsPresent(handle, PIN_LED_ACTIVITY))
PinSetValue(handle, PIN_LED_ACTIVITY, (fields & 0x04) ? brightness : 0);
if (PinIsPresent(handle, PIN_LED_STANDBY))
PinSetValue(handle, PIN_LED_STANDBY, (fields & 0x08) ? brightness : 0);
// read a file containing a single short string.
// Returns a static buffer. Be careful!
static char *read_file(const char *filename) {
static char buf[1024];
int fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY);
if (fd >= 0) {
size_t got = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1);
buf[got] = '\0';
return buf;
buf[0] = '\0';
return buf;
// create the given (empty) file.
static void create_file(const char *filename) {
// use O_EXCL here to save a close() syscall when it already exists
int fd = open(filename, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_EXCL, 0666);
if (fd >= 0) close(fd);
// read led_sequence from the given file. For example, if a file contains
// x5 0 1 0 2 0 0x0f
// that means 5/6 of a second off, then red, then off, then blue, then off,
// then all the lights on at once, for a total of 5 seconds.
// Enhanced in prism, if the pin is followed by "@<number>[x<number>]", then
// the number after the @ indicates brightness, and the number after x means
// the repetition. For example, 1@50x3 means turn red LED with brightness 50
// for 3 times of period (compared with w/o this param, wich is equivalent as
// x1).
static char led_sequence[16];
static int led_sequence_for_brightness[16];
static unsigned led_sequence_len = 1;
static unsigned led_total_time = 1000;
static void read_led_sequence_file(const char *filename) {
char *buf = read_file(filename), *p;
led_sequence_len = 0;
led_total_time = 1000;
while ((p = strsep(&buf, " \t\n\r")) != NULL &&
led_sequence_len <= sizeof(led_sequence)/sizeof(led_sequence[0])) {
if (!*p) continue;
if (p[0] == 'x') {
led_total_time = strtoul(p+1, NULL, 0) * 1000;
if (led_total_time > 10000) led_total_time = 10000;
if (led_total_time < 1000) led_total_time = 1000;
} else {
char *separator;
int brightness = 100, repetition = 1, rep_idx;
int leds = strtoul(p, &separator, 0);
if (*separator == '@') {
brightness = strtoul(separator + 1, &separator, 0);
if (*separator == 'x') {
repetition = strtoul(separator + 1, NULL, 0);
for (rep_idx = 0; rep_idx < repetition; rep_idx++) {
if (led_sequence_len >= ARRAY_SIZE(led_sequence)) {
fprintf(stderr, "LED pattern is too large.\n");
led_sequence[led_sequence_len] = leds;
led_sequence_for_brightness[led_sequence_len] = brightness;
if (!led_sequence_len) {
led_sequence[0] = 1; // red = error
led_sequence_len = 1;
// switch to the next led combination in led_sequence.
static void led_sequence_update(long long frac) {
int i = led_sequence_len * frac / led_total_time;
if (i >= (int)led_sequence_len)
i = led_sequence_len;
if (i < 0)
i = 0;
// if the 'activity' file exists, unlink() will succeed, giving us exactly
// one inversion of the activity light. That causes exactly one delightful
// blink.
int activity_toggle = (unlink("activity") == 0) ? 0x04 : 0;
set_leds_from_bitfields(led_sequence[i] ^ activity_toggle,
// Same as time(), but in monotonic clock milliseconds instead.
static long long msec_now(void) {
struct timespec ts;
CHECK(clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts));
return ((long long)ts.tv_sec) * 1000 + (ts.tv_nsec / 1000000);
// Same as time(), but in realtime milliseconds instead.
// Avoid using this when possible, as ntpd can make it jump around.
static long long msec_realtime_now(void) {
struct timeval tv;
gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
return ((long long)tv.tv_sec) * 1000 + (tv.tv_usec / 1000);
// The offset of msec_now() vs. wall clock time.
// Don't use this for anything important, since you can't trust wall clock
// time on our devices. But it's useful for syncing LED blinking between
// devices. Because it's prettier.
static long long msec_offset(void) {
long long mono = msec_now(), real = msec_realtime_now();
// The math here is slightly silly because C doesn't guarantee what happens
// with % of a negative number, and we want the offset to always come out
// positive, so that nothing weird will happen when mono < led_total_time
// (which is true right after boot).
return (((mono % led_total_time) - (real % led_total_time))
+ led_total_time) % led_total_time;
// like signal(), but always creates a one-shot signal handler
static void _signal(int sig, sighandler_t handler) {
struct sigaction act;
memset(&act, 0, sizeof(act));
act.sa_handler = handler;
act.sa_flags = SA_NODEFER | SA_RESETHAND;
sigaction(sig, &act, NULL);
static volatile int shutdown_sig = 0;
static void sig_handler(int sig) {
shutdown_sig = sig;
// even in case of a segfault, we still want to try to shut down
// politely so we can fix the fan speed etc. writev() is a syscall
// so this sequence should be safe since it has no outside dependencies.
// fprintf() is not 100% safe in a signal handler.
char buf[] = {
'0' + (sig / 100 % 10),
'0' + (sig / 10 % 10),
'0' + (sig % 10),
struct iovec iov[] = {
{ "exiting on signal ", 18 },
{ buf, sizeof(buf)/sizeof(buf[0]) },
{ "\n", 1 },
writev(2, iov, sizeof(iov)/sizeof(iov[0]));
if (sig != SIGINT && sig != SIGTERM) stacktrace();
static void alarm_handler(UNUSED int sig) {
WRITE("\nexiting on SIGALRM\n");
void run_gpio_mailbox(void) {
_signal(SIGALRM, alarm_handler);
alarm(30); // die loudly if we freeze for any reason (probably libnexus)
platform_b0 = (NULL != strstr(read_file("/proc/cpuinfo"), "BCM7425B0"));
int has_fan = PinIsPresent(handle, PIN_FAN_CHASSIS);
int has_reset_button = PinIsPresent(handle, PIN_BUTTON_RESET);
int has_cpu_temp = PinIsPresent(handle, PIN_TEMP_CPU);
int has_cpu_voltage = PinIsPresent(handle, PIN_MVOLTS_CPU);
is_limited_leds = !PinIsPresent(handle, PIN_LED_BLUE) || !PinIsPresent(handle, PIN_LED_STANDBY);
#if 0
// check if cpu has been locked
if (PinIsSecureBoot(handle)) {
fprintf(stderr, "gpio mailbox running.\n");
write_file_longlong_atomic("/var/run/gpio-mailbox", NULL, getpid());
_signal(SIGINT, sig_handler);
_signal(SIGTERM, sig_handler);
_signal(SIGSEGV, sig_handler);
_signal(SIGBUS, sig_handler);
_signal(SIGFPE, sig_handler);
int inner_loop_ticks = 0, msec_per_led = 0;
int fan_loop_count = 0;
long long last_time = 0, last_print_time = msec_now(),
last_led = 0, reset_start = 0, offset = msec_offset();
long long fanspeed = -42, reset_amt = -42, readyval = -42;
double cpu_temp = -42.0, cpu_volts = -42.0;
int wantspeed_warned = -42, wantspeed = 0;
int fan_detected_speed = 0;
while (!shutdown_sig) {
long long now = msec_now();
alarm(30); // die loudly if we freeze for 30 seconds or more
// blink the leds
if (now - last_led >= msec_per_led) {
assert(led_sequence_len > 0);
inner_loop_ticks = POLL_HZ / led_sequence_len + 1;
while (inner_loop_ticks > POLL_HZ / 16) {
// make sure we poll at least every 1/8 of a second, or else the
// activity light won't blink impressively enough.
inner_loop_ticks /= 2;
msec_per_led = led_total_time / led_sequence_len + 1;
last_led = now;
offset = msec_offset();
led_sequence_update((now + led_total_time - offset) % led_total_time);
if (now - last_time > 2000) {
if (has_fan) {
// set the fan speed control
char *wantspeed_str = read_file("fanpercent");
if (wantspeed_str[0]) {
wantspeed = strtol(wantspeed_str, NULL, 0);
if (wantspeed < 0 || wantspeed > 100) {
if (wantspeed_warned != wantspeed) {
"gpio/fanpercent (%d) is invalid: must be 0-100\n",
wantspeed_warned = wantspeed;
wantspeed = 100;
} else if (wantspeed < 100 && cpu_temp >= HIGH_TEMP_OVERRIDE) {
if (wantspeed_warned != wantspeed) {
"DANGER: fanpercent (%d) is too low for CPU temp %.2f; "
"using 100%%.\n", wantspeed, cpu_temp);
wantspeed_warned = wantspeed;
wantspeed = 100;
} else {
wantspeed_warned = -42;
} else {
if (wantspeed_warned != 1)
"gpio/fanpercent is empty: using default value\n");
wantspeed_warned = 1;
wantspeed = 100;
(void) PinSetValue(handle, PIN_FAN_CHASSIS, wantspeed);
// capture the fan cycle counter
write_file_longlong_atomic("fanspeed", &fanspeed, fan_detected_speed);
// capture the CPU temperature and voltage
int cpu_temp_millidegrees;
if (PinValue(handle, PIN_TEMP_CPU, &cpu_temp_millidegrees) == 0) {
write_file_double_atomic("cpu_temperature", &cpu_temp, cpu_temp_millidegrees / 1000.0);
int cpu_millivolts;
if (!has_cpu_voltage) {
write_file_double_atomic("cpu_voltage", &cpu_volts, 0.0);
} else if (PinValue(handle, PIN_MVOLTS_CPU, &cpu_millivolts) == 0) {
write_file_double_atomic("cpu_voltage", &cpu_volts, cpu_millivolts / 1000.0);
last_time = now;
int reset_button = 0;
(void) PinValue(handle, PIN_BUTTON_RESET, &reset_button);
if (now - last_print_time >= 6000) {
if (has_fan) {
fprintf(stderr, "fan:%lld/sec:%d%% reads:%d ", fanspeed, wantspeed, 0);
if (has_reset_button) {
fprintf(stderr, "button:%d ", reset_button);
if (has_cpu_temp) {
fprintf(stderr, "temp:%.2f ", cpu_temp);
if (has_cpu_voltage) {
fprintf(stderr, "volts:%.2f", cpu_volts);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
last_print_time = now;
// handle the reset button
if (reset_button) {
if (!reset_start) reset_start = now - 1;
write_file_longlong_atomic("reset_button_msecs", &reset_amt, now - reset_start);
} else {
if (reset_amt) unlink("reset_button_msecs");
reset_amt = reset_start = 0;
// this is last. it indicates we've made it once through the loop,
// so all the files in /tmp/gpio have been written at least once.
write_file_longlong_atomic("ready", &readyval, 1);
if (has_fan) {
// poll for fan ticks. This is a bit complicated since we want to be
// sure to count the exact time for an integer number of ticks.
fan_loop_count = (fan_loop_count + 1) % 16;
if (!fan_loop_count) {
PinValue(handle, PIN_FAN_CHASSIS, &fan_detected_speed);
} else {
// no need to poll *every* time.
// For the last tick of each second, adjust it slightly so our LED
// blinks can be aligned on the led_total_time boundary.
long long time_to_boundary =
(led_total_time - (now - offset) % led_total_time) * 1000;
long long delay = USEC_PER_TICK * inner_loop_ticks;
if (delay > time_to_boundary) delay = time_to_boundary;
} else {
// platform has no fan
usleep(USEC_PER_TICK * inner_loop_ticks);
// shut down cleanly
#ifndef GFIBER_LT
set_leds_from_bitfields(1, 1); // red light to indicate a problem
set_leds_from_bitfields(1, GFLT_DEFAULT_BRIGHTNESS);
if (has_fan) (void) PinSetValue(handle, PIN_FAN_CHASSIS, 100); // for safety
static void parent_died(void) {
// normally the child process does this step.
// do it again here just in case the child process dies early; the boot
// process will wait on this file, and we don't want it to get jammed
// forever.
int fd = open("/var/run/gpio-mailbox", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, 0666);
if (fd >= 0) close(fd);
static void parent_sighandler(int sig) {
kill(getpid(), sig);
// should never get here, but just in case
int main(void) {
int status = 98;
fprintf(stderr, "starting gpio mailbox in /tmp/gpio.\n");
_signal(SIGSEGV, parent_sighandler);
_signal(SIGBUS, parent_sighandler);
_signal(SIGFPE, parent_sighandler);
mkdir("/tmp/gpio", 0775);
if (chdir("/tmp/gpio") != 0) {
perror("chdir /tmp/gpio");
return 1;
mkdir("/tmp/leds", 0775);
handle = PinCreate();
if (handle == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "PinCreate() failed\n");